991 resultados para Solvents.


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A method for the delipidation of egg yolk plasma using phospholipase-C, n-heptane, and 1-butanol has been described. An aggregating protein fraction and a soluble protein fraction were separated by the action of phospholipase-C. The aggregating protein fraction freed of most of the lipids by treatment with n-heptane and 1-butanol was shown to be the apolipoproteins of yolk plasma, whereas the soluble proteins were identified as the livetins. Carbohydrate and the N-terminal amino acid analysis of these protein fractions are reported. A comparison of these protein fractions with the corresponding fractions obtained by formic acid delipidation of yolk plasma has been made. The gelation of yolk plasma by the action of phospholipase-C has been interpreted as an aggregation of lipoproteins caused by ionic interactions. The role of lecithin in maintaining the structural integrity of lipoproteins has been discussed.


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The objective of the study was to investigate the effects of the nature of solvent and polymer concentration on the mass-transfer coefficients in desorption of solvents and to develop a correlation to predict them. Desorption was experimentally studied in a Lewis cell with concentrated binary solutions of polymer in good and poor solvents. The range of parameters covered are polymer weight fraction between 0.25 and 0.6, Reynolds number between 3 and 100; Schmidt number between 1.4 X lo6 and 2.5 X lo8, and Sherwood number between 3.5 X lo2 and 1.2 X lo4. Desorption from moderately concentrated solutions (polymer weight fraction -0.25) is gas-phase controlled. Studies with more concentrated solutions showed that the effects of solvent and concentration were such that corrections due to concentration-dependent diffusivity and viscosity as well as high flux had to be applied to the mass-transfer coefficients before they could be correlated.


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Second-order nonlinearities (beta) of five weak organic acids in protic solvents have been measured by the double-quantum Rayleigh scattering (DRS) technique. beta is found to bear a linear relationship to the pK(a) of these compounds in those solvents. A direct implication of this observation is that the DRS technique can be used to determine the pK(a) of weak organic acids in any solvent.


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The first hyperpolarizabilities (beta) of some weak aromatic organic acids have been measured in protic solvents by the hyper-Rayleigh scattering (HRS) technique at low concentrations. The measured hyperpolarizability (beta(m)) varies between the two extreme limits: the hyperpolarizability of the acid form (beta(HA)) at the lower side and that of the basic form (beta(A-)) at the higher side. The degree of dissociation (alpha) of the acid in a solvent is related to the measured hyperpolarizability, beta(m), by the following relationship: beta(m)(2)=(1-alpha)beta(HA)(2)+alpha beta(A-)(2). The calculated beta's including solvent effects in terms of an Onsager field do not reproduce the experimentally measured hyperpolarizabilities. Other solvent-induced effects like hydrogen bonding and van der Waals interactions seem to influence the first hyperpolarizability and, thus, indirectly the extent of dissociation of these weak acids in these protic solvents.


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We show analytically that in dilute solutions of high molecular weight polymers, a collapse transition of the chain can be induced by proximity to the critical point of the solvent. The transition is driven by the fluctuations in the medium, which lead to an effective attractive interaction of long range between different parts of the polymer. At the critical point itself, however, the chain adopts the same average conformations that characterize its size in the off-critical limit. In other words, on approach to the critical point, the polymer is found first to contract and collapse, and then subsequently to return to its original dimensions. This behavior has recently been observed in simulations of polymer-solvent mixtures near the lower critical solution temperature of the system, and it is also known to be characteristic of solutions of polymers in bicomponent solvent mixtures near the critical consolute point of the two solvents. (C) 1999 American Institute of Physics. [S0021-9606(99)50431-5].


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Ultrafast solvation dynamics in three nonassociated polar solvents, namely, acetonitrile, dimethyl sulfoxide, and acetone, have been studied by using the molecular hydrodynamic theory. For solvation in acetonitrile, the solvent memory function required for this study has been obtained from recent dielectric relaxation measurements of Venabales and Schuttenmaer; earlier theoretical studies used only the Kerr relaxation data. As the latter provides only an indirect information regarding the polar dynamical response of the dipolar liquid, it fails to provide a fully quantitative description of the solvation time correlation function, S(t). The present study with full dielectric data, on the other hand, gives excellent agreement with the experimental results. The theory shows that the ultrafast part of the solvation dynamics originates almost entirely from the high-frequency component of dielectric relaxation (with time constant 0.177 ps), although the latter represents only a small part of the latter. For DMSO and acetone, however, the present theory predicts a decay slower than the experimental observation. It is proposed that for these two solvents specific chromophore-solvent interactions might be responsible for the-large discrepancy. On the basis of the theory, two experimental studies have also been proposed.


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Fluorescence quenching of biologically active carboxamide namely (E)-2-(4-chlorobenzylideneamino)-N-(2-chlorophenyl)-4,5,6,7-tetrahydrobe nzo[b]thiophene-3-carboxamide [ECNCTTC] by aniline and carbon tetrachloride (CCl(4)) quenchers in different solvents using steady state method and time resolved method using only one solvent has been carried out at room temperature to understand the role of quenching mechanisms. The Stern-Volmer plot has been found to be linear for all the solvents studied. The probability of quenching per encounter p (p') was determined in all the solvents and was found to be less than unity. Further, from the studies of rate parameters and life time measurements in n-heptane and cyclohexane with aniline and carbon tetrachloride as quenchers have been shown that, the phenomenon of quenching is generally governed by the well-known Stern-Volmer (S-V) plot. The activation energy E(a) (or E(a)') of quenching was determined using the literature values of activation energy of diffusion E(d) and the experimentally determined values of p (or p'). It has been found that, the activation energy E(a) (E(a)') is greater than the activation energy for diffusion E(d) in all solvents. Hence, from the magnitudes of E(a) (or E(a)') as well as p (or p') infer that, the quenching mechanism is not solely due to the material diffusion, but there is also contribution from the activation energy. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Condensation of water droplets during rapid evaporation of a polymer solution, under humid conditions, has been known to generate uniformly porous polymer films. Similar porous films are also formed when a solution of the polymer in THF containing small amounts of water, is allowed to evaporate rapidly under air flow; this suggests that water droplets may be formed during the final stages of film formation. In the presence of added surfactants, the interface of water droplets could become lined with the surfactants and consequently the internal walls of the pores generated, upon removal of the water, could become decorated with the hydrophilic head groups of the surfactant molecules. In a series of carefully designed experiments, we have examined the effect of added surfactants, both anionic and cationic, on the formation of porous PMMA films; the films were prepared by evaporating a solution of the polymer in THF containing controlled amounts of aqueous surfactant solutions. We observed that the average size of the pores decreases with increasing surfactant concentration, while it increases with increasing amounts of added water. The size of the pores and their distribution were examined using AFM and IR imaging methods. Although IR imaging possessed inadequate resolution to confirm the presence of surfactants at the pore surface, exchange of the inorganic counterion, such as the sodium-ion of SDS, with suitable ionic organic dyes permitted the unequivocal demonstration of the presence of the surfactants at the interface by the use of confocal fluorescence microscopy.


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The fluorescence quenching studies of carboxamide namely (E)-N-(3-Chlorophenyl)-2-(3,4,5-trimethoxybenzylideneamino)-4,5,6,7 tetrahydrobenzob]thiophene-3-carboxamide ENCTTTC] by aniline and carbon tetrachloride in six different solvents namely toluene, cyclohexane, n-hexane, n-heptane, n-decane and n-pentane have been carried out at room temperature with a view to understand the quenching mechanisms. The Stern-Volmer (S-V) plots have been found to be nonlinear with a positive deviation for all the solvents studied. In order to interpret these results we have invoked the ground state complex formation and sphere of action static quenching models. Using these models various quenching rate parameters have been determined. The magnitudes of these parameters suggest that sphere of action static quenching model agrees well with the experimental results. Hence the positive deviation is attributed to the static and dynamic quenching. Further, with the use of Finite Sink approximation model, it was possible to check these bimolecular reactions as diffusion-limited and to estimate independently distance parameter R' and mutual diffusion coefficient D. Finally an effort has been made to correlate the values of R' and D with the values of the encounter distance R and the mutual coefficient D determined using the Edward's empirical relation and Stokes Einstein relation. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The efficient deprotection of several acetals, dithioacetals, and tetrahydropyranyl (THP) ethers under ambient conditions, using chloral hydrate in hexane, is described. Excellent yields were realized for a wide range of both aliphatic and aromatic substrates. The method is characterized by mild conditions (room temperatures or below), simple workup, and the ready availability of chloral hydrate. High chemoselectivity was also observed in the deprotection, acetonides, esters, and amides being unaffected under the reaction conditions. Products were generally purified chromatographically and identified spectrally. These results constitute a novel addition to current methodology involving a widely employed deprotection tactic in organic synthesis. It seems likely that the mechanism of the reaction involves adsorption of the substrate on the surface of the sparingly soluble chloral hydrate.


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We report an unusual, isomer-selective gelation of aromatic solvents by a polymorph of a urea-linked bile acid-amino acid conjugate. The gelator showed selectivity towards gelation of 1,2-disubstituted aromatic solvents.


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The exceptional solution processing potential of graphene oxide (GO) is always one of its main advantages over graphene in terms of its industrial relevance in coatings, electronics, and energy storage. However, the presence of a variety of functional groups on the basal plane and edges of GO makes understanding suspension behavior in aqueous and organic solvents, a major challenge. Acoustic spectroscopy can also measure zeta potential to provide unique insight into flocculating, meta-stable, and stable suspensions of GO in deionized water and a variety of organic solvents (including ethanol, ethylene glycol, and mineral oil). As expected, a match between solvent polarity and the polar functional groups on the GO surface favors stable colloidal suspensions accompanied by a smaller aggregate size tending toward disperse individual flakes of GO. This work is significant since it describes the characteristics of GO in solution and its ability to act as a precursor for graphene-based materials.