919 resultados para Solubility parameters
The use of conjugated polymers in the gas and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) detections represents an advance in the development of the electronic noses. Polythiophenes show good thermal and environmental stability, are easily synthesized and they have been studied as gas and VOCs sensors using different principles or transduction techniques. Among these techniques, optical sensing has been attracted attention, mainly due to its versatility. However, conjugated polymer-based optical sensors are still less studied. This paper describes the use of two poly(3-alkylthiophenes) for VOCs optical detection. The sensing measurements were carried out using visible spectroscopy. Both polymers showed good sensitivity to the VOCs, showing fast and reversible responses with some hysteresis, and were unable to detect hydroxylated samples. Furthermore, it was demonstrated that the thickness of polymer films influences the intensity of the optical response. Although there is similarity in the superficial composition of the polymers films, demonstrated by their surface energies, they showed significant differences in their optical properties upon exposure to the VOCs. (c) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A polyfluorene derivative of the PPV, poly(9,9`-n-dihexyl-2,7-fluorenedilvinylene-alt-1,4-phenylenevinylene), with a strong tendency to aggregation was blended with several members of a series composed by poly(alkyl methacrylate)s with the following substituents in the ester position: methyl, ethyl, isopropyl, isobutyl, n-butyl, and cyclohexyl. The de-aggregation effect in blends was studied by steady-state photoluminescence spectroscopy using several blend compositions. The efficiency of each dispersing phase was discussed in terms of the polymer miscibility, controlled by interaction parameters between the polyfluorene and every poly(alkyl methacrylate)s, here described using Hilde-brand solubility parameters. (c) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The swelling of microcrystalline, native and mercerized cotton and eucalyptus celluloses by 16 aprotic solvents was investigated. The number of moles of solvent/anhydroglucose unit, nSw, correlates well with solvent molar volume, basicity and dipolarity/polarizability. Swelling is sensitive to cellulose crystallite size, surface area and the presence of its chains in parallel or anti-parallel arrangements. Use of solvatochromic parameters is a superior alternative to the use of other descriptors, such as Hildebrand`s solubility parameters and Gutmann`s donor numbers. The calculated nSw for 28 protic and aprotic solvents correlated well with their experimental counterparts, although hydrogen bond donation by the solvent was not included.
The question posed in the title has been addressed by studying the swelling of celluloses at 20 C by twenty protic solvents, including water; linear- and branched-chain aliphatic alcohols; unsaturated aliphatic alcohols, and alkoxyalcohols. The biopolymers investigated included microcrystalline cellulose, MC, native and never-dried mercerized cotton cellulose, cotton and M-cotton, and native and never-dried mercerized eucalyptus cellulose, eucalyptus and M-eucalyptus, respectively. In most cases, better correlations with the physico-chemical properties of the solvents were obtained when the swelling was expressed as number of moles of solvent/anhydroglucose unit, nSw, rather than as % increase in sample weight. The descriptors employed in these correlations included, where available, Hildebrand`s solubility parameters, Gutmann`s acceptor and donor numbers, solvent molar volume, V(S), as well as solvatochromic parameters. The latter, employed for the first time for correlating the swelling of biopolymers, included empirical solvent polarity, E(T)(30), solvent ""acidity"", alpha(S), ""basicity"", beta(S), and dipolarity/polarizability, pi(S)*, respectively. Small regression coefficients and large sums of the squares of the residues were obtained when values of nSw were correlated with two solvent parameters. Much better correlations were obtained with three solvent parameters. The most statistically significant descriptor in the correlation equation depends on the cellulose, being pi(S)* for MC, cotton, and eucalyptus, and V(S) for M-cotton and M-eucalyptus. The best correlations were obtained with the same set of four parameters for all celluloses, namely, solvent pKa (or alpha(S)) beta(S), pi(S)*, and V(S), respectively. These results indicate that the supra-molecular structure of the biopolymer, in particular the average sizes of crystallites and micro-pores, and the presence of its chains in parallel (cellulose I) or anti-parallel (cellulose II) arrangements control its swelling. At least for the present biopolymer/solvent systems, use of solvatochromic parameters is a superior alternative to Hildebrand`s solubility parameters and/or Gutmann`s acceptor and donor numbers. The relevance of these results to the accessibility of the hydroxyl groups of cellulose, hence to its reactivity, is briefly discussed.
This work evaluated the use of the Hildebrand/Hansen solubility parameters for selection of solvents for extraction of the organochlorine pesticides pp' DDT, pp' DDE, Aldrin and a-Endossulfan from soil using columns packed with Al2O3. The mixtures hexane:dichloromethane (7:3; v/v), hexane:acetonitrile (1:1; v/v), hexane:acetone (1:1; v/v) and pure hexane were chosen as extracting solutions. In the addition and recovery tests, different extraction solutions provided high recoveries percentages (>75%) with coefficients of variation below 15%. The recoveries are in agreement with the Hildebrand/Hansen parameters, demonstrating its applicability in the selection of extracting solution and in the replacement of toxic solvents, as dichloromethane
Purpose: To assess the microshear bond strength of 3 experimental adhesives with different degrees of hydrophilicity after 1, 7 and 90 days of storage. Materials and Methods: The bonding effectiveness of three experimental two-step etch-and-rinse adhesives (bis-GMA, bis-EMA/bis-GMA, polybutadiene [C6H12]) and one commercial adhesive (Single Bond) to sound hydrated dentin was determined using the nnicroshear test with delimitation of the adhesive area after 1, 7, and 90 days of storage in water at 37 degrees C. Two-way ANOVA was performed at the 0.05 probability level. The fractures were classified as adhesive, cohesive in dentin, cohesive in resin, and mixed. Results: The experimental adhesives showed values in the range of 11.31 to 12.96 MPa, with polybutadiene (PBH) showing the lowest bond strengths, bis-GMA the highest, and bis-EMA/bis-GMA intermediary values. Single Bond yielded bond strengths of approximately 24 MPa. Water storage decreased the bond strength in all adhesives. Adhesive fractures were predominant in experimental adhesives, while mixed fractures were the most frequent type in the Single Bond group. Conclusion: The experimental dentin adhesives of this study were able to form resin tags, but they could not penetrate into the collagen fibers and form hybrid layers. The resulting low bond strength decreased with increasing length of storage.
In this work poly(hydroxybutyrate/poly(vinyl butyral)- co-(vinyl alcohol)-co(vinyl acetate) (or ethylene propylene diene monomer rubber) blends were prepared by conventional processing techniques (extrusion and injection moulding). A droplet type morphology was obtained for P(3HB)/PVB blends whereas P(3HB)/EPDM blends presented some extent of co-continuous morphology. In addition, rubbery domains were much smaller in the case of PVB. These differences in morphology are discussed taking into account solubility parameters and rheological behaviours of each component. For both blends, the increase of elastomer ratio led to a decrease of Young's modulus but an increase in elongation at break and impact strength. The latter increased more in the case of P(3HB)/EPDM blends although the rubbery domains were larger. These results are explained in the light of the glass transition of the rubber and the presence of plasticizer in the case of PVB. The addition of elastomer also resulted in an increase of P(3HB) biodegradation rate, especially in the case of EPDM. It is assumed that, in this case, the size and morphology of the rubbery domains induce a geometrical modification of the erosion front which leads to an increase of the interface between P(3HB) phase and the degradation medium and consequently to an apparently faster biodegradation kinetics of PHB/rubber blends. Copyright (C) 2011 Society of Chemical Industry
Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde am System Polyethylenoxid / Polypropylenoxid (PEO / PPO) der Einfluß von Copolymeren auf die Grenzflächenspannung Sigma von Homopolymerblends untersucht. Als Additive dienten Triblockcopolymere EO-block-PO-block-EO bzw. PO-block-EO-block-PO, Diblockcopolymere S-block-EO sowie statistische Copolymere EO-ran-PO. Die Additive wurden so ausgewählt, daß sich Paare von Additiven jeweils in genau einer Eigenschaft (Zusammensetzung, Kettenlänge, Blockanordnung) unterscheiden, in allen anderen Parametern jedoch vergleichbar sind. Die Grenzflächenspannung wurde experimentell mit Hilfe der Pendant-Drop-Methode in Abhängigkeit von der Temperatur ermittelt, wobei das Polymer mit der höheren Dichte, PEO, die Tropfenphase und PPO die Matrixphase bildet. Das Additiv wurde bei Messung der Grenzflächenspannung der ternären Systeme in unterschiedlichen Konzentrationen entweder einer oder beiden Homopolymerphasen zugegeben. Die Konzentrationsabhängigkeit von Sigma lässt sich sowohl mit dem Modell von Tang und Huang als auch mit einem Langmuir-analogen Ansatz gut beschreiben.Um den Zusammenhang zwischen sigma und dem Phasenverhalten zu untersuchen, wurden für einige der ternären Systeme Trübungskurven bei 100°C aufgenommen. Der Vergleich zwischen den Phasendiagrammen und den korrespondierenden Werten von sigma weist darauf hin, dass ein Additiv sigma gerade dann wirksam reduziert, wenn es einem Homopolymer zugefügt wird, mit dem es nur begrenzt verträglich ist, da dann die Triebkraft zur Anlagerung an der Grenzfläche besonders ausgeprägt ist. Das bereits bekannte Phänomen, wonach der Wert der Grenzflächenspannung davon abhängig sein kann, in welcher der Phasen das Additiv zu Beginn der Messung vorliegt, wurde ausführlich untersucht. Es wird angenommen, dass das System nicht in jedem Fall das thermodynamische Gleichgewicht erlangt und der beobachtete Effekt auf das Erreichen stationärer Zustände zurückzuführen ist. Dieses Verhalten kann mit einem Modell beschrieben werden, in welches das Viskositätsverhältnis der Homopolymere sowie der Verteilungskoeffizient des Copolymers zwischen den Homopolymerphasen eingehen. Aus Löslichkeitsparametern wurde der binäre Wechselwirkungsparameter Chi PEO/PPO = 0.18 abgeschätzt und mit diesem die theoretischen Werte für sigma zwischen PEO und PPO nach den Modellen von Roe bzw. Helfand und Tagami berechnet. Der Vergleich mit den experimentellen Daten des binären Systems zeigt, dass beide Ansätze sigma-Werte liefern, die in der Größenordnung der experimentellen Daten liegen, hierbei erweist sich der Ansatz von Roe als besonders geeignet. Die Temperaturabhängigkeit der Grenzflächenspannung wird jedoch durch beide Ansätze unzutreffend wiedergegeben. Mit dem Modell von Helfand und Tagami wurden eine Grenzflächendicke von 7.9 à und das Dichteprofil der Grenzfläche berechnet. Für die Copolymere EO92PO56EO92 und S9EO22 (die Indices geben die Zahl der Monomereinheiten an) können die Grenzflächenüberschusskonzentrationen, die kritische Mizellenkonzentration sowie der einem Additivmolekül an der Grenzschicht zur Verfügung stehende Platz bestimmt werden.Der Vergleich unterschiedlicher Copolymere hinsichtlich ihrer Fähigkeit, sigma wirkungsvoll herabzusetzen, zeigt, dass im Fall von Triblockcopolymeren die Anordnung der Blöcke gegenüber der Zusammensetzung eine untergeordnete Rolle spielt. Mit zunehmender Kettenlänge nimmt die Effektivität als Compatibilizer sowohl bei Blockcopolymeren als auch bei statistischen Copolymeren zu.
The objective of this research is to develop sustainable wood-blend bioasphalt and characterize the atomic, molecular and bulk-scale behavior necessary to produce advanced asphalt paving mixtures. Bioasphalt was manufactured from Aspen, Basswood, Red Maple, Balsam, Maple, Pine, Beech and Magnolia wood via a 25 KWt fast-pyrolysis plant at 500 °C and refined into two distinct end forms - non-treated (5.54% moisture) and treated bioasphalt (1% moisture). Michigan petroleum-based asphalt, Performance Grade (PG) 58-28 was modified with 2, 5 and 10% of the bioasphalt by weight of base asphalt and characterized with the gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy (GC-MS), Fourier Transform Infra-red (FTIR) spectroscopy and the automated flocculation titrimetry techniques. The GC-MS method was used to characterize the Carbon-Hydrogen-Nitrogen (CHN) elemental ratio whiles the FTIR and the AFT were used to characterize the oxidative aging performance and the solubility parameters, respectively. For rheological characterization, the rotational viscosity, dynamic shear modulus and flexural bending methods are used in evaluating the low, intermediate and high temperature performance of the bio-modified asphalt materials. 54 5E3 (maximum of 3 million expected equivalent standard axle traffic loads) asphalt paving mixes were then prepared and characterized to investigate their laboratory permanent deformation, dynamic mix stiffness, moisture susceptibility, workability and constructability performance. From the research investigations, it was concluded that: 1) levo, 2, 6 dimethoxyphenol, 2 methoxy 4 vinylphenol, 2 methyl 1-2 cyclopentandione and 4-allyl-2, 6 dimetoxyphenol are the dominant chemical functional groups; 2) bioasphalt increases the viscosity and dynamic shear modulus of traditional asphalt binders; 3) Bio-modified petroleum asphalt can provide low-temperature cracking resistance benefits at -18 °C but is susceptible to cracking at -24 °C; 3) Carbonyl and sulphoxide oxidation in petroleum-based asphalt increases with increasing bioasphalt modifiers; 4) bioasphalt causes the asphaltene fractions in petroleum-based asphalt to precipitate out of the solvent maltene fractions; 5) there is no definite improvement or decline in the dynamic mix behavior of bio-modified mixes at low temperatures; 6) bio-modified asphalt mixes exhibit better rutting performance than traditional asphalt mixes; 7) bio-modified asphalt mixes have lower susceptibility to moisture damage; 8) more field compaction energy is needed to compact bio-modified mixes.
El objetivo principal de la presente investigación ha sido desarrollar una nueva clase de materiales nanocompuestos orgánicos-inorgánicos basados en la capacidad de los copolímeros de bloque de auto-organizarse promoviendo la dispersión de nanopartículas, así como relacionar las diferentes morfologías obtenidas con las propiedades finales de los nanocompuestos. Para generar la nanoestructuración de estos nanocompuestos basados en copolímeros de bloque, como el poli(estireno-b-isopreno-b-estireno) (SIS) y el poli(estireno-b-butadieno-b-estireno) (SBS) en nanopartículas de plata, se han utilizado los conceptos de compatibilización y confinamiento. Es decir, las nanopartículas inorgánicas se confinaron en una sola fase del copolímero de bloque mediante tratamientos superficiales y su funcionalización física. En particular, se utilizaron surfactantes (el cloruro de tetrametilamonio, TMAC, y el dodecanotiol, DT) para favorecer la interacción entre las nanopartículas inorgánicas y la matriz polimérica. Teniendo en cuenta los cálculos teóricos de los parámetros de solubilidad obtenidos mediante la teoría de Hoftizer-Van Krevelen, y la electronegatividad propia de los diferentes elementos, los dos surfactantes elegidos tienen una muy buena compatibilidad con el bloque de estireno favoreciendo la localización de las nanopartículas de plata en este bloque.
Poly(lactic acid) PLA, and poly(hydroxybutyrate) PHB, blends were processed as films and characterized for their use in food packaging. PLA was blended with PHB to enhance the crystallinity. Therefore, PHB addition strongly increased oxygen barrier while decreased the wettability. Two different environmentally-friendly plasticizers, poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) and acetyl(tributyl citrate) (ATBC), were added to these blends to increase their processing performance, while improving their ductile properties. ATBC showed higher plasticizer efficiency than PEG directly related to the similarity solubility parameters between ATBC and both biopolymers. Moreover, ATBC was more efficiently retained to the polymer matrix during processing than PEG. PLA–PHB–ATBC blends were homogeneous and transparent blends that showed promising performance for the preparation of films by a ready industrial process technology for food packaging applications, showing slightly amber color, improved elongation at break, enhanced oxygen barrier and decreased wettability.
An initial aim of this project was to evaluate the conventional techniques used in the analysis of newly prepared environmentally friendly water-borne automotive coatings and compare them with solvent-borne coatings having comparable formulations. The investigation was carried out on microtuned layers as well as on complete automotive multi-layer paint systems. Methods used included the very traditional methods of gloss and hardness and the commonly used photo-oxidation index (from FTIR spectral analysis). All methods enabled the durability to weathering of the automotive coatings to be initially investigated. However, a primary aim of this work was to develop methods for analysing the early stages of chemical and property changes in both the solvent-borne and water-borne coating systems that take place during outdoor natural weathering exposures and under accelerated artificial exposures. This was achieved by using dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA), in both tension mode on the microtomed films (on all depths of the coating systems from the uppermost clear-coat right down to the electron-coat) and bending mode of the full (unmicrotomed) systems, as well as MALDI-Tof analysis on the movement of the stabilisers in the full systems. Changes in glass transition temperature and relative cross-link density were determined after weathering and these were related to changes in the chemistries of the binder systems of the coatings after weathering. Concentration profiles of the UV-stabilisers (UVA and HALS) in the coating systems were analysed as a consequence of migration in the coating systems in separate microtomed layers of the paint samples (depth profiling) after weathering and diffusion co-efficient and solubility parameters were determined for the UV stabilisers in the coating systems. The methods developed were used to determine the various physical and chemical changes that take place during weathering of the different (water-borne and solvent-borne) systems (photoxidation). The solvent-borne formulations showed less changes after weathering (both natural and accelerated) than the corresponding water-borne formulations due to the lower level of cross-links in the binders of the water-borne systems. The silver systems examined were more durable than the blue systems due to the reflecting power of the aluminium and the lower temperature of the silver coatings.
The objective of this study was to assess worker exposure to mineral dust particles and a metabolic model, based on the model adopted by ICRP, was applied to assess human exposure to Ta, and predicted values of Ta concentrations in excreta. The occupational exposure to Th, U, Nb, and Ta bearing particles during routine tasks to obtain Fe-Nb alloys was estimated using air samplers and excreta samples. Ta concentrations in food samples and in drinking water were also determined. The results support that workers were occupationally exposed to Ta bearing particles, and also indicate that a source of Ta exposure for both workers and the control group was the ingestion of drinking water containing soluble compounds of Ta. Therefore, some Ta compounds should be considered soluble compounds in gastrointestinal tract. Consequently the metabolic model based on ICRP metabolic model and/or the transfer factor f1 for Ta should be reviewed and the solubility of Ta compounds in gastrointestinal should be determined.
In this work, ionic liquids are evaluated for the first time as solvents for extraction and entrainers in separation processes involving terpenes and terpenoids. For that purpose, activity coefficients at infinite dilution, γ13 ∞, of terpenes and terpenoids, in the ionic liquids [C4mim]Cl, [C4mim][CH3SO3], [C4mim][(CH3)2PO4] and [C4mim][CF3SO3] were determined by gas−liquid chromatography at six temperatures in the range 398.15 to 448.15 K. On the basis of the experimental values, a correlation of γ13 ∞ with an increase of the solubility parameters is proposed. The infinite dilution thermodynamic functions were calculated showing the entropic effect is dominant over the enthalpic. Gas−liquid partition coefficients give indications about the recovery and purification of terpenes and terpenoids from ionic liquid solutions. Presenting a strong innovative character, COSMO-RS was evaluated for the description of the selectivities and capacities, showing to be a useful tool for the screening of ionic liquids in order to find suitable candidates for terpenes and terpenoids extraction, and separation. COSMO-RS predictions show that in order to achieve the maximum separation efficiency, polar anions should be used such as bis(2,4,4-trimethylpentyl)phosphinate or acetate, whereas high capacities require nonpolar cations such as phosphonium.
The caffeine solubility in supercritical CO2 was studied by assessing the effects of pressure and temperature on the extraction of green coffee oil (GCO). The Peng-Robinson¹ equation of state was used to correlate the solubility of caffeine with a thermodynamic model and two mixing rules were evaluated: the classical mixing rule of van der Waals with two adjustable parameters (PR-VDW) and a density dependent one, proposed by Mohamed and Holder² with two (PR-MH, two parameters adjusted to the attractive term) and three (PR-MH3 two parameters adjusted to the attractive and one to the repulsive term) adjustable parameters. The best results were obtained with the mixing rule of Mohamed and Holder² with three parameters.