994 resultados para Solar sensor


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There has recently been a rapidly increasing interest in solar powered UAVs. With the emergence of high power density batteries, long range and low-power micro radio devices, airframes, and powerful micro-processors and motors, small/micro UAVs have become applicable in civilian applications such as remote sensing, mapping, traffic monitoring, search and rescue. The Green Falcon UAV is an innovative project from Queensland University of Technology and has been developed and tested during these past years. It comprises a wide range of subsystems to be analyses and studied such as Solar Panel Cells, Gas sensor, Aerodynamics of the wing and others. Previous test however, resulted in damage to the solar cells and some of the subsystems including motor and ESC. This report describes the repair and verification process followed to improve the efficiency of the Green Falcon UAV. The report shows some of the results obtained in previous static and flight tests as well as some of recommendations.


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This paper presents the development and testing of an integrated low-power and low-cost dual-probe heat-pulse (DPHP) soil-moisture sensor in view of the electrical power consumed and affordability in developing countries. A DPHP sensor has two probes: a heater and a temperature sensor probe spaced 3 mm apart from the heater probe. Supply voltage of 3.3V is given to the heater-coil having resistance of 33 Omega power consumption of 330 mW, which is among the lowest in this category of sensors. The heater probe is 40 mm long with 2 mm diameter and hence is stiff enough to be inserted into the soil. The parametric finite element simulation study was performed to ensure that the maximum temperature rise is between 1 degrees C and 5 degrees C for wet and dry soils, respectively. The discrepancy between the simulation and experiment is less than 3.2%. The sensor was validated with white clay and tested with red soil samples to detect volumetric water-content ranging from 0% to 30%. The sensor element is integrated with low-power electronics for amplifying the output from thermocouple sensor and TelosB mote for wireless communication. A 3.7V lithium ion battery with capacity of 1150 mAh is used to power the system. The battery is charged by a 6V and 300 mA solar cell array. Readings were taken in 30 min intervals. The life-time of DPHP sensor node is around 3.6 days. The sensor, encased in 30 mm x 20 mm x 10 mm sized box, and integrated with electronics was tested independently in two separate laboratories for validating as well as investigating the dependence of the measurement of soil-moisture on the density of the soil. The difference in the readings while repeating the experiments was found out to be less than 0.01%. Furthermore, the effect of ambient temperature on the measurement of soil-moisture is studied experimentally and computationally. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A voltage sensing buck converter-based technique for maximum solar power delivery to a load is presented. While retaining the features and advantages of the incremental conductance algorithm, this technique is more desirable because of single sensor use. The technique operates by maximising power at the buck converter output instead of the input.


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A series of hydrogenated amorphous silicon carbide (a-Si1-xCx:H) films were prepared by plasma-enhanced chemical vapour deposition (PECVD) using a gas mixture of silane, methane, and hydrogen as the reactive source. The previous results show that a high excitation frequency, together with a high hydrogen dilution ratio of the reactive gases, allow an easier incorporation of the carbon atoms into the silicon-rich a-Si1-xCx:H film, widen the valence controllability. The data show that films with optical gaps ranging from about 1.9 to 3.6 eV could be produced. In this work the influence of the hydrogen dilution ratio of the reactive gases on the a-Si1-xCx:H film properties was investigated. The microstuctural and photoelectronic properties of the silicon carbide films were characterized by Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (RBS), elastic recoil detection analysis (ERDA), and FT-IR spectrometry. The results show that a higher hydrogen dilution ratio enhances the incorporation of silicon atoms in the amorphous carbon matrix for carbon-rich a-Si1-xCx:H films. One pin structure was prepared by using the a-Si1-xCx:H film as the intrinsic layer. The light spectral response shows that this structure fits the requirement for the top junction of colour sensor. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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For many wireless sensor networks applications, indoor light energy is the only ambient energy source commonly available. Many advantages and constraints co-exist in this technology. However, relatively few indoor light powered harvesters have been presented and much research remains to be carried out on a variety of related design considerations and trade-offs. This work presents a solution using the Tyndall mote and an indoor light powered wireless sensor node. It analyses design considerations on several issues such as indoor light characteristics, solar panel component choice, maximum power point tracking, energy storage elements and the trade-offs and choices between them.


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Wireless sensor networks (WSN) are becoming widely adopted for many applications including complicated tasks like building energy management. However, one major concern for WSN technologies is the short lifetime and high maintenance cost due to the limited battery energy. One of the solutions is to scavenge ambient energy, which is then rectified to power the WSN. The objective of this thesis was to investigate the feasibility of an ultra-low energy consumption power management system suitable for harvesting sub-mW photovoltaic and thermoelectric energy to power WSNs. To achieve this goal, energy harvesting system architectures have been analyzed. Detailed analysis of energy storage units (ESU) have led to an innovative ESU solution for the target applications. Battery-less, long-lifetime ESU and its associated power management circuitry, including fast-charge circuit, self-start circuit, output voltage regulation circuit and hybrid ESU, using a combination of super-capacitor and thin film battery, were developed to achieve continuous operation of energy harvester. Low start-up voltage DC/DC converters have been developed for 1mW level thermoelectric energy harvesting. The novel method of altering thermoelectric generator (TEG) configuration in order to match impedance has been verified in this work. Novel maximum power point tracking (MPPT) circuits, exploring the fractional open circuit voltage method, were particularly developed to suit the sub-1mW photovoltaic energy harvesting applications. The MPPT energy model has been developed and verified against both SPICE simulation and implemented prototypes. Both indoor light and thermoelectric energy harvesting methods proposed in this thesis have been implemented into prototype devices. The improved indoor light energy harvester prototype demonstrates 81% MPPT conversion efficiency with 0.5mW input power. This important improvement makes light energy harvesting from small energy sources (i.e. credit card size solar panel in 500lux indoor lighting conditions) a feasible approach. The 50mm × 54mm thermoelectric energy harvester prototype generates 0.95mW when placed on a 60oC heat source with 28% conversion efficiency. Both prototypes can be used to continuously power WSN for building energy management applications in typical office building environment. In addition to the hardware development, a comprehensive system energy model has been developed. This system energy model not only can be used to predict the available and consumed energy based on real-world ambient conditions, but also can be employed to optimize the system design and configuration. This energy model has been verified by indoor photovoltaic energy harvesting system prototypes in long-term deployed experiments.


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Solar array rotation mechanism provides a hinged joint between the solar panel and satellite body, smooth rotation of the solar array into deployed position and its fixation in this position. After unlocking of solar panel (while in orbit), rotation bracket turns towards ready-to-work position under the action of driving spring. During deployment, once reached the required operating angle (defined by power subsystem engineer), the rotation bracket collides with the fixed bracket that is mounted on body of the satellite, to stop rotation. Due to the effect of collision force that may alter the rotation mechanism function, design of centrifugal brake is essential. At stoppage moment micro-switches activate final position sensor and a stopper locks the rotation bracket. Design of spring and centrifugal brake components, static finite element stress analysis of primary structure body of rotation mechanism at stoppage moment have been obtained. Last, reliability analysis of rotation mechanism is evaluated. The benefit of this study is to aid in the design of rotation mechanism that can be used in micro-satellite applications.


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Solar wind/magnetosheath plasma in the magnetosphere can be identified using a component that has a higher charge state, lower density and, at least soon after their entry into the magnetosphere, lower energy than plasma from a terrestrial source. We survey here observations taken over 3 years of He2+ ions made by the Magnetospheric Ion Composition Sensor (MICS) of the Charge and Mass Mgnetospheric Ion Composition Experiment (CAMMICE) instrument aboard POLAR. The occurrence probability of these solar wind ions is then plotted as a function of Magnetic Local Time (MLT) and invariant latitude (3) for various energy ranges. For all energies observed by MICS (1.8–21.4 keV) and all solar wind conditions, the occurrence probabilities peaked around the cusp region and along the dawn flank. The solar wind conditions were filtered to see if this dawnward asymmetry is controlled by the Svalgaard-Mansurov effect (and so depends on the BY component of the interplanetary magnetic field, IMF) or by Fermi acceleration of He2+ at the bow shock (and so depends on the IMF ratio BX/BY ). It is shown that the asymmetry remained persistently on the dawn flank, suggesting it was not due to effects associated with direct entry into the magnetosphere. This asymmetry, with enhanced fluxes on the dawn flank, persisted for lower energy ions (below a “cross-over” energy of about 23 keV) but reversed sense to give higher fluxes on the dusk flank at higher energies. This can be explained by the competing effects of gradient/curvature drifts and the convection electric field on ions that are convecting sunward on re-closed field lines. The lower-energy He2+ ions E × B drift dawnwards as they move earthward, whereas the higher energy ions curvature/gradient drift towards dusk. The convection electric field in the tail is weaker for northward IMF. Ions then need less energy to drift to the dusk flank, so that the cross-over energy, at which the asymmetry changes sense, is reduced.


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Solar eclipses provide a rapidly changing solar radiation environment. These changes can be studied using simple photodiode sensors, if the radiation reaching the sensors is unaffected by cloud.Transporting the sensors aloft using standard meteorological instrument packages modified to carry extra sensors, provides one promising but hitherto unexploited possibility for making solar eclipse radiation measurements. For the 20th March 2015 solar eclipse, a coordinated campaign of balloon-carried solar radiation measurements was undertaken from Reading (51.44N, 0.94W), Lerwick (60.15N, 1.13W) and Reykjavik (64.13N, 21.90W), straddling the path of the eclipse.The balloons reached sufficient altitude at the eclipse time for eclipse-induced variations in solar radiation and solar limb darkening to be measured above cloud. Because the sensor platforms were free to swing, techniques have been evaluated to correct the measurements for their changing orientation. In the swing-averaged technique, the mean value across a set of swings was used to approximate the radiation falling on a horizontal surface; in the swing-maximum technique, the direct beam was estimated by assuming the sensing surface becomes normal to the solar beam direction at a maximum swing. Both approaches, essentially independent,give values that agree with theoretical expectations for the eclipse-induced radiation changes.


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This paper studies the influence of hydraulics and control of thermal storage in systems combined with solar thermal and heat pump for the production of warm water and space heating in dwellings. A reference air source heat pump system with flat plate collectors connected to a combistore was defined and modeled together with the IEA SHC Task 44 / HPP Annex 38 (T44A38) “Solar and Heat Pump Systems” boundary conditions of Strasbourg climate and SFH45 building. Three and four pipe connections as well as use of internal and external heat exchangers for DHW preparation were investigated as well as sensor height for charging of the DHW zone in the store. The temperature in this zone was varied to ensure the same DHW comfort was achieved in all cases. The results show that the four pipe connection results in 9% improvement in SPF compared to three pipe and that the external heat exchanger for DHW preparation leads to a 2% improvement compared to the reference case. Additionally the sensor height for charging the DHW zone of the store should not be too low, otherwise system performance is adversely affected


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Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar modelo matemático para estimar a radiação solar global diária sobre superfícies com diferentes exposições e declividades, no período de março de 2002 a março de 2003. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida em uma estrutura denominada Bacia Hidrográfica Experimental do Departamento de Engenharia Rural da UNESP, Câmpus de Jaboticabal - SP. Nessa estrutura, foram utilizadas superfícies caracterizadas como H, 10N, 10S, 20N, 20S, 10E, 10W, 20E e 20W. O sensor utilizado para medir a radiação solar global incidente nas superfícies estudadas foi um piranômetro da marca Kipp & Zonnen, modelo CM3. Para calcular a radiação solar incidente nas superfícies estudadas, foi utilizado o modelo de Kondratyev. As análises dos resultados foram feitas para o período diário, utilizando-se de análise de regressão e considerando o modelo linear (y = ax + b), na qual a variável dependente foi a radiação global medida (K¯M) e a radiação global calculada (K¯C) foi a variável independente. Os resultados deste estudo mostram que o modelo apresentou bons resultados para estimar a radiação nas superfícies H, 10N, 10S, 10E, 10W, 20E e 20W. Utilizando-se de dados de dias com céu límpido, foram obtidos os seguintes resultados: no inverno, o modelo foi preciso para estimar a radiação solar na superfície 20N, e apresentou resultados aceitáveis para estimar a radiação solar na superfície 20S.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Due to concerns about rational use of energy, several alternative technologies of power generation appeared, including the conversion of solar energy into electrical energy by photovoltaic panels. In low-income households, the refrigerator represents considerable impact on the electric bill, since it requires constant power given its use in food preservation. It is possible to reduce this share, with the use of an alternative energy source. This work presents a timed switching electronic system, which allows commercial equipment that is not affected by short interruptions in the power supply to use a photovoltaic panel as a source of alternative energy, which usually do not provide energy continuously. Switching is made automatically in case of low incidence of sunlight, and without any form of energy storage. Between each switching, there is a dead time without power supply, therefore preventing the use of synchronizers circuits between the photovoltaic panel and the public power grid. A circuit containing a 80C31 microcontroller is used to control the system’s switching. The photovoltaic panel’s voltage inverter is in H bridge configuration, and is also controlled by the microcontroller through Pulse Width Modulation, which makes use of preprogrammed tables to generate the control signals of the power transistors. Through the use of software simulations, the proposed system was tested, which is capable of supplying intermittent single-phase loads. The simulations indicates that the project developed in this paper can be assembled into a prototype and be tested under real operating conditions, as long as the scaling of components, the characteristics of the photovoltaic panel to be used, and the project involved load are taken into account


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We study the spatial and temporal distribution of hydrogen energetic neutral atoms (ENAs) from the heliosheath observed with the IBEX-Lo sensor of the Interstellar Boundary EXplorer (IBEX) from solar wind energies down to the lowest available energy (15 eV). All available IBEX-Lo data from 2009 January until 2013 June were included. The sky regions imaged when the spacecraft was outside of Earth's magnetosphere and when the Earth was moving toward the direction of observation offer a sufficient signal-to-noise ratio even at very low energies. We find that the ENA ribbon—a 20° wide region of high ENA intensities—is most prominent at solar wind energies whereas it fades at lower energies. The maximum emission in the ribbon is located near the poles for 2 keV and closer to the ecliptic plane for energies below 1 keV. This shift is an evidence that the ENA ribbon originates from the solar wind. Below 0.1 keV, the ribbon can no longer be identified against the globally distributed ENA signal. The ENA measurements in the downwind direction are affected by magnetospheric contamination below 0.5 keV, but a region of very low ENA intensities can be identified from 0.1 keV to 2 keV. The energy spectra of heliospheric ENAs follow a uniform power law down to 0.1 keV. Below this energy, they seem to become flatter, which is consistent with predictions. Due to the subtraction of local background, the ENA intensities measured with IBEX agree with the upper limit derived from Lyα observations.