75 resultados para Solanun melongena


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This study was carried out at the Department of Plant Production, Sector Horticulture, São Paulo State University-UNESP, Botucatu Campus, São Paulo State, Brazil in order to evaluate the effect of sources and increasing doses of potassium in roots of eggplant. The experimental design was randomized blocks in factorial scheme 2 x 4 (two sources of potassium: KCl and K(2)SO(4) and four doses of K(2)O, 250, 500, 750 and 1000 kg ha(-1)) and three replications. For the experiment, we used Oxisol medium texture (615 g of sand, 45 g of silt and 340 g of clay per kg soil). The soil passed through sieve of 5 mm and packed in plastic pots with a capacity of 32 liters of soil where plants were grown. The pots were distributed with a spacing of 0,63 m between plants and 1,0 m between rows each pot being grown with a plant. The evaluated characteristics were: root dry mass and volume of the root. It was concluded that sources and excessive doses of mineral K(2)O induces stress in eggplants and affect the roots being less harmful K(2)SO(4) source.


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Thrips palmi Karny (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) is a phytophagous insect associated with the reduction of eggplant productivity. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of calcium silicate and/or an organic mineral fertilizer, together or separately, in increasing the resistance of eggplants to T. palmi. The treatments were calcium silicate, organic mineral fertilizer, calcium silicate associated with this fertilizer and the control. Mortality and number of lesions caused by nymphs of this insect on eggplant leaves were evaluated after 3, 6, 9 and 12 leaf applications of these products. The calcium silicate and the organic mineral fertilizer reduced both the population of T. palmi and the damage caused by its nymphs, suggesting a possible increase in eggplant resistance to this pest as a result of the treatments.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Horticultura) - FCA


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A polinização é um serviço indireto prestado pelos ecossistemas, de valor ambiental e econômico para a sociedade humana. Em função dessa importância, a conservação de espécies de abelhas nativas é fundamental e o conhecimento de aspectos da biologia e ecologia dessas espécies é a base para a proposição de planos de manejo e conservação. Neste trabalho, foram feitas observações focais, avaliando os padrões de atividades diárias e sazonais, com ênfase no comportamento de coletas de recursos de abelhas nativas em flores de Solanum lycocarpum, uma espécie em que é característica a síndrome de polinização vibrátil. Os visitantes observados foram dez espécies de abelhas: Apis mellifera L., Oxaea flavescens K.; Centris sp1, Centris sp2, Exomalopsis sp.., Xylocopa suspecta M., Xylocopa frontalis K., Bombus morio S., Bombus atratus F., Trigona sp., além de espécies de abelhas da família Halictidae. As abelhas maiores, como Xylocopa, Oxaea, Centris e Bombus são certamente os polinizadores mais eficientes de Solanum lycocarpum. Isso se deve ao comportamento dessas abelhas nas flores, particularmente em relação à posição da abelha em relação ao cone de anteras quando forrageia e à seqüência de movimentos que cada uma desenvolve nas flores.


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Gregarine apicomplexans are a diverse group of single-celled parasites that have feeding stages (trophozoites) and gamonts that generally inhabit the extracellular spaces of invertebrate hosts living in marine, freshwater, and terrestrial environments. Inferences about the evolutionary morphology of gregarine apicomplexans are being incrementally refined by molecular phylogenetic data, which suggest that several traits associated with the feeding cells of gregarines arose by convergent evolution. The study reported here supports these inferences by showing how molecular data reveals traits that are phylogenetically misleading within the context of comparative morphology alone. We examined the ultrastructure and molecular phylogenetic positions of two gregarine species isolated from the spaghetti worm Thelepus japonicus: Selenidium terebellae Ray 1930 and S. melongena n. sp. The ultrastructural traits of S. terebellae were very similar to other species of Selenidium sensu stricto, such as having vermiform trophozoites with an apical complex, few epicytic folds, and a dense array of microtubules underlying the trilayered pellicle. By contrast, S. melongena n. sp. lacked a comparably discrete assembly of subpellicular microtubules, instead employing a system of fibrils beneath the cell surface that supported a relatively dense array of helically arranged epicytic folds. Molecular phylogenetic analyses of small subunit rDNA sequences derived from single-cell PCR unexpectedly demonstrated that these two gregarines are close sister species. The ultrastructural differences between these two species were consistent with the fact that S. terebellae infects the inner lining of the host intestines, and S. melongena n. sp. primarily inhabits the coelom, infecting the outside wall of the host intestine. Altogether, these data demonstrate a compelling case of niche partitioning and associated morphological divergence in marine gregarine apicomplexans. (C) 2014 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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Symptoms resembling giant calyx, a graft-transmissible disease, were observed on 1-5% of eggplant (aubergine; Solanum melongena L.) plants in production fields in Sao Paulo state, Brazil. Phytoplasmas were detected in 1 2 of 1 2 samples from symptomatic plants that were analysed by a nested PCR assay employing 16S rRNA gene primers R16mF2/R16mR1 followed by R16F2n/R16R2. RFLP analysis of the resulting rRNA gene products (1.2 kb) indicated that all plants contained similar phytoplasmas, each closely resembling strains previously classified as members of RFLP group 16SrIII (X-disease group). Virtual RFLP and phylogenetic analyses of sequences derived from PCR products identified phytoplasmas infecting eggplant crops grown in Piracicaba as a lineage of the subgroup 16SrIII-J, whereas phytoplasmas detected in plants grown in Braganca Paulista were tentatively classified as members of a novel subgroup 16SrIII-U. These findings confirm eggplant as a new host of group 16SrIII-J phytoplasmas and extend the known diversity of strains belonging to this group in Brazil.


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OBJETIVO: Estudar o efeito do suco da berinjela sobre os lípides plasmáticos, o colesterol tecidual, a peroxidação lipídica das LDL nativas, oxidadas e da parede arterial e o relaxamento dependente do endotélio, em coelhos hipercolesterolêmicos. MÉTODOS: Coelhos foram separados em grupos controle (GC), hipercolesterolêmico (GH) e berinjela (GB), (n=10). Os animais do GC foram alimentados com ração normal, o GH e o GB com ração acrescentada de colesterol (0,5%) e gordura de babaçu (10%) durante 30 dias. Ao GB acrescentou-se suco de berinjela, nos últimos 15 dias do experimento. Os lípides plasmáticos foram medidos através de kits enzimáticos, a peroxidação lipídica pela dosagem do malondialdeído (MDA) e o relaxamento dependente do endotélio, por curvas de concentração efeito pela acetilcolina e nitroprussiato. RESULTADOS: O peso dos animais foi menor no GB em relação ao GC e GH (p<0,05). O colesterol total plasmático, as LDL e os triglicérides que se elevaram no GH, reduziram-se em 19%, 29% e 38%, respectivamente no GB (p<0,05). O colesterol tecidual foi menor no GB (50%) em relação ao GH (p<0,05). Nos animais do GB ocorreu redução significante do teor de MDA nas LDL nativas (56%) e oxidadas (22%), assim como na parede arterial (30%) (p<0,05). O relaxamento máximo dependente do endotélio, , elevou-se significantemente em 28% no GB em relação ao GH (p<0,05). CONCLUSÃO: O suco de berinjela administrado a coelhos hipercolesterolêmicos reduziu significantemente o peso corpóreo, o colesterol total, as LDL plasmáticas, os triglicérides, o colesterol tecidual, a peroxidação lipídica das LDL nativas, oxidadas e da parede arterial, assim como aumentou o relaxamento dependente do endotélio.


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Neste trabalho foi observado o comportamento da fórmula de Penman e da radiação solar como base para estimativa da evapotranspiração de uma cultura de batata (Solanun tuberosum L.) submetida a três regimes de umidade do solo. Concluiu-se que tanto a formula de Penman como os dados de radiação solar mostraram elevada correlação com a evapotranspiração determinada pelo método do balanço de água. No período inicial de crescimento a fórmula de Penman superestimou em 25-30% os valores de evapotranspiração determinados. Porém, no período de maior desenvolvimento vegetativo da cultura, as estimativas aproximaram-se daqueles determinados, exceto para o tratamento onde o potencial matricial da água do solo era perimitido atingir níveis da ordem de -2,0 bares, o que proporcionou uma redução na intensidade de evapotranspiração. As relações entre a evapotranspiração e os dados de radiação solar são apresentados em diferentes períodos do ciclo de crescimento da cultura.


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O controle biológico de Verticillium albo-atrum Reinke & Berth., agente causai da murcha de berinjela (Solanum melongena L.), foi feito em condições de laboratório e em condições de campo. Os melhores isolados de Trichoderma foram aqueles que apresentaram, em placas de Petri, uma zona de inibicão bem evidente. Trichoderma hamatum e o isolado T3 de Trichoderma reduziram sensivelmente a incidência da doença em condições de casa-de-vegetação. No campo, T. lignorum e o isolado T3 propiciaram os melhores resultados. Os mutantes de Trichoderma, obtidos por irradiação ultravioleta, não foram eficientes no biocontrole de Verticillium.


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Potassium participates in the essential processes in plant physiology, however, the effects of K sources on plant metabolism have been little studied. Also, in certain cases, K sources and concentrations may cause undesirable effects, e.g., soil salinization. The objective was to evaluate the effect of K sources and levels on the enzyme activity of the antioxidant system and protein content in eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) leaves and to determine the most suitable K sources for these physiological characteristics. The experiment was conducted in randomized blocks, in a 2 × 4 factorial design, consisting of two K sources (KCl and K2SO4) and rates (250, 500, 750, and 1000 kg ha-1 K2O), with four replications. The following variables were evaluated: plant height, number of leaves per plant, superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), and leaf protein content. There was an increase in CAT activity with increasing K levels until 30 days after transplanting (DAT), when K2SO4 was applied and until 60 DAT, when KCl was used; after this period, the enzyme activity decreased under both sources. The activity of SOD increased in the presence of KCl, but was reduced with the application of K2SO4. For both K sources, increasing rates reduced the protein content and number of leaves per plant, and this reduction was greater under KCl application. Thus it was concluded that KCl tends more strongly to salinize the soil than K2SO4. Both for KCl and for K2SO4, the increasing rates adversely affected the activities of CAT and SOD and the levels of leaf protein in eggplant. The potential of KCl to reduce the enzyme activity of SOD and CAT, leaf protein content and plant growth of eggplant was stronger than that of K2SO4.


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The objective of this study was to determine the effects of weather, predators and parasitoids, canopy height and plant age, leaf chemical composition, levels of leaf N and K and leaf trichomes on the intensity of Bemisia tabaci attack on Solanum melongena. A higher density of nymph and whitefly adults was recorded at the base and medium of the plant compared to the apex. A higher number of eggs was observed on the medium part than on the apical and base part of the plants dossel. An increase in the density of whitefly is associated with an increase in temperature.


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Sob manejo orgânico, foram avaliados, em Seropédica, RJ, os sistemas de plantio direto da berinjela (Solanum melongena) nas palhadas de Crotalaria juncea (crotalária), Pennisetum glaucum (milheto, cv. BRS 1501) e vegetação espontânea (pousio), em comparação com o plantio convencional (aração e gradagem ou enxada rotativa). Simultaneamente, foram avaliados três tipos de cultivo: berinjela em monocultura, em consórcio com crotalária e em consórcio com caupi (Vigna unguiculata, cv. Mauá). Não houve diferença entre os sistemas de plantio direto e convencional quanto à produção comercial da berinjela. A palhada da crotalária foi mais eficiente que a do milheto e do pousio para cobertura morta do solo e conseqüentemente o controle de plantas espontâneas foi maior. O cultivo simultâneo com as leguminosas não acarretou redução da produtividade da berinjela. Em um segundo estudo, foram comparados plantio direto (palhadas de crotalária e da vegetação espontânea) e plantio convencional, combinados com doses crescentes de cama de aviário (0, 100, 200 e 400 kg ha-1 de N) aplicada em cobertura. Em termos de aporte de biomassa, a crotalária foi novamente superior à vegetação espontânea. A berinjela respondeu à adubação orgânica, com produtividade máxima de 50,6 t ha-1 , correspondendo à maior dose empregada, contra 36,9 t ha-1 referentes ao controle.


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The objective of this work was to determine differences in leaf mineral composition between ungrafted and grafted onto (Solanum torvum) eggplant (Solanum melongena), cultivars 'Faselis' and 'Pala', grown in a soil infested with Verticillium dahliae and Meloidogyne incognita, or in a noninfested soil. Grafting increased leaf P and Mn concentrations, and decreased N concentrations, in both soils. Grafting also enhanced leaf Ca concentration of 'Pala', but it did not affect that of 'Faselis' depending on the cropping year. Leaf Mg concentration of grafted plants in infested soil was lower than that of ungrafted ones in noninfested soil. Results showed that, under the same fertilization program, the grafted 'Faselis' plants used the nutrients more efficiently than the 'Pala' ones. Use of S. torvum as a rootstock for 'Faselis' resulted in an effective protection against multiple pathogen infestation. Fertilization may be necessary when grafted 'Faselis' plants are grown in a soil infested with the pathogens, since grafting and infestation generally decrease leaf N, Mg, Ca and Fe concentrations, either by reducing the nutrient concentrations directly or by increasing leaf Mn concentration.