945 resultados para Soil analysis


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The elemental analysis of soil is useful in forensic and environmental sciences. Methods were developed and optimized for two laser-based multi-element analysis techniques: laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) and laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS). This work represents the first use of a 266 nm laser for forensic soil analysis by LIBS. Sample preparation methods were developed and optimized for a variety of sample types, including pellets for large bulk soil specimens (470 mg) and sediment-laden filters (47 mg), and tape-mounting for small transfer evidence specimens (10 mg). Analytical performance for sediment filter pellets and tape-mounted soils was similar to that achieved with bulk pellets. An inter-laboratory comparison exercise was designed to evaluate the performance of the LA-ICP-MS and LIBS methods, as well as for micro X-ray fluorescence (μXRF), across multiple laboratories. Limits of detection (LODs) were 0.01-23 ppm for LA-ICP-MS, 0.25-574 ppm for LIBS, 16-4400 ppm for μXRF, and well below the levels normally seen in soils. Good intra-laboratory precision (≤ 6 % relative standard deviation (RSD) for LA-ICP-MS; ≤ 8 % for μXRF; ≤ 17 % for LIBS) and inter-laboratory precision (≤ 19 % for LA-ICP-MS; ≤ 25 % for μXRF) were achieved for most elements, which is encouraging for a first inter-laboratory exercise. While LIBS generally has higher LODs and RSDs than LA-ICP-MS, both were capable of generating good quality multi-element data sufficient for discrimination purposes. Multivariate methods using principal components analysis (PCA) and linear discriminant analysis (LDA) were developed for discriminations of soils from different sources. Specimens from different sites that were indistinguishable by color alone were discriminated by elemental analysis. Correct classification rates of 94.5 % or better were achieved in a simulated forensic discrimination of three similar sites for both LIBS and LA-ICP-MS. Results for tape-mounted specimens were nearly identical to those achieved with pellets. Methods were tested on soils from USA, Canada and Tanzania. Within-site heterogeneity was site-specific. Elemental differences were greatest for specimens separated by large distances, even within the same lithology. Elemental profiles can be used to discriminate soils from different locations and narrow down locations even when mineralogy is similar.


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The elemental analysis of soil is useful in forensic and environmental sciences. Methods were developed and optimized for two laser-based multi-element analysis techniques: laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) and laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS). This work represents the first use of a 266 nm laser for forensic soil analysis by LIBS. Sample preparation methods were developed and optimized for a variety of sample types, including pellets for large bulk soil specimens (470 mg) and sediment-laden filters (47 mg), and tape-mounting for small transfer evidence specimens (10 mg). Analytical performance for sediment filter pellets and tape-mounted soils was similar to that achieved with bulk pellets. An inter-laboratory comparison exercise was designed to evaluate the performance of the LA-ICP-MS and LIBS methods, as well as for micro X-ray fluorescence (μXRF), across multiple laboratories. Limits of detection (LODs) were 0.01-23 ppm for LA-ICP-MS, 0.25-574 ppm for LIBS, 16-4400 ppm for µXRF, and well below the levels normally seen in soils. Good intra-laboratory precision (≤ 6 % relative standard deviation (RSD) for LA-ICP-MS; ≤ 8 % for µXRF; ≤ 17 % for LIBS) and inter-laboratory precision (≤ 19 % for LA-ICP-MS; ≤ 25 % for µXRF) were achieved for most elements, which is encouraging for a first inter-laboratory exercise. While LIBS generally has higher LODs and RSDs than LA-ICP-MS, both were capable of generating good quality multi-element data sufficient for discrimination purposes. Multivariate methods using principal components analysis (PCA) and linear discriminant analysis (LDA) were developed for discriminations of soils from different sources. Specimens from different sites that were indistinguishable by color alone were discriminated by elemental analysis. Correct classification rates of 94.5 % or better were achieved in a simulated forensic discrimination of three similar sites for both LIBS and LA-ICP-MS. Results for tape-mounted specimens were nearly identical to those achieved with pellets. Methods were tested on soils from USA, Canada and Tanzania. Within-site heterogeneity was site-specific. Elemental differences were greatest for specimens separated by large distances, even within the same lithology. Elemental profiles can be used to discriminate soils from different locations and narrow down locations even when mineralogy is similar.


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Accidental spills and improper disposal of industrial effluent/sludge containing heavy metals onto the open land or into subsurface result in soil and water contamination. Detailed investigations are carried out to identify the source of contamination of heavy metals in an industrial suburb near Bangalore in India. Detailed investigation of ground water and subsurface soil analysis for various heavy metals has been carried out. Ground water samples were collected in the entire area through the cluster of borewells. Subsurface soil samples were collected from near borewells which were found to contain heavy metals. Water samples and soils samples (after acid digestion) were analysed as per APHO-standard method of analysis. While the results of Zn, Ni and Cd showed that they are within allowable limits in the soil, the ground water and soils in the site have concentration of Cr+6 far exceeding the allowable limits (up to 832 mg/kg). Considering the topography of the area, ground water movement and results of chromium concentration in the borewells and subsurface it was possible to identify the origin, zone of contamination and the migration path of Cr+6. The results indicated that the predominant mechanism of migration of Cr+6 is by diffusion.


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No Brasil, se espera ter até 2014, de acordo com o prazo da Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos, todos os lixões erradicados e os resíduos sólidos urbanos gerados depositados em aterros sanitários. Atualmente, os projetos de aterros sanitários dão oportunidade para um nicho de mercado, o da fonte de geração de energia. Um parâmetro de controle da poluição do ar causada pelos aterros sanitários são as chamadas camadas de cobertura. Nesse contexto, é de fundamental importância o estudo de camadas de cobertura de resíduos por ser um importante elemento de projeto para evitar ou minimizar a poluição do ar devido aos gases gerados em aterros sanitários de resíduos sólidos, já que é o elo existente entre o ambiente interno dos resíduos e a atmosfera. A presente pesquisa aborda o comportamento dos gases em relação à camada de cobertura existentes na CTR de Nova Iguaçu e no Lixão remediado de Seropédica. Foram realizados ensaios de Placa de Fluxo, medição de pressão e concentração dos gases no contato solo-resíduo e emissões dos gases pelos drenos, além das análises de solo in situ e em laboratório. Os ensaios foram realizados de outubro a novembro de 2012. Os resultados indicaram uma inexistência de fluxo de gases pela camada de cobertura, que possui 1,10 m de espessura, do lixão de Seropédica, sendo encontrado apenas fluxo nos drenos. Na CTR Nova Iguaçu, foi verificada que praticamente a inexistência de fluxo de gases com o sistema de gás ligado, mesmo possuindo uma camada de cobertura de 0,8 m.


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It was the objective of this study to compare the suitability of different extractants for predicting the availability of sulfur (S) in natural grassland in a sulfur response trial on three different soil types in the Inner Mongolia steppe of China. For soil analysis, seven different extractants have been employed. The inorganic SO4-S concentration was determined by ion chromatography. Additionally, in the Ca(H-2-PO4)(2) extract the total soluble S was determined employing turbidimetry. Weak salt solutions (0.15% CaCl2, Ca(H2PO4)(2), and KH2PO4) extracted similar amounts Of SO4-S. Extraction with 0.025 M KCl provided the lowest SO4-S values. Deionized water dissolved significantly more SO4-S in the control plots than most weak salt extractants. The concentration of soluble organic S decreased in the control plots after 100 days of plant growth, indicating that the organic S pool contributed significantly to the S nutrition of the forage crops. Significant relationships among the SO4-S in the soil determined in different extracts and crop yield, sulfur content in the forage, and total sulfur uptake were only found for the Ca(H2PO4)(2) extract. In general, the correlation coefficients proved to be unsatisfactory for field experimentation.


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The origin of species diversity has challenged biologists for over two centuries. Allopatric speciation, the divergence of species resulting from geographical isolation, is well documented. However, sympatric speciation, divergence without geographical isolation, is highly controversial. Claims of sympatric speciation must demonstrate species sympatry, sister relationships, reproductive isolation, and that an earlier allopatric phase is highly unlikely. Here we provide clear support for sympatric speciation in a case study of two species of palm (Arecaceae) on an oceanic island. A large dated phylogenetic tree shows that the two species of Howea, endemic to the remote Lord Howe Island, are sister taxa and diverged from each other well after the island was formed 6.9 million years ago. During fieldwork, we found a substantial disjunction in flowering time that is correlated with soil preference. In addition, a genome scan indicates that few genetic loci are more divergent between the two species than expected under neutrality, a finding consistent with models of sympatric speciation involving disruptive/divergent selection. This case study of sympatric speciation in plants provides an opportunity for refining theoretical models on the origin of species, and new impetus for exploring putative plant and animal examples on oceanic islands.


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Geophysics has been shown to be effective in identifying areas contaminated by waste disposal, contributing to the greater efficiency of soundings programs and the installation of monitoring wells. In the study area, four trenches were constructed with a total volume of about 25,000 m(3). They were almost totally filled with re-refined lubricating oil waste for approximately 25 years. No protection liners were used in the bottoms and laterals of the disposal trenches. The purpose of this work is to evaluate the potential of the resistivity and ground penetrating radar (GPR) methods in characterizing the contamination of this lubricant oil waste disposal area in Ribeiro Preto, SP, situated on the geological domain of the basalt spills of the Serra Geral Formation and the sandstones of the Botucatu Formation. Geophysical results were shown in 2D profiles. The geophysical methods used enabled the identification of geophysical anomalies, which characterized the contamination produced by the trenches filled with lubricant oil waste. Conductive anomalies (smaller than 185 Omega m) immediately below the trenches suggest the action of bacteria in the hydrocarbons, as has been observed in several sites contaminated by hydrocarbons in previously reported cases in the literature. It was also possible to define the geometry of the trenches, as evidenced by the GPR method. Direct sampling (chemical analysis of the soil and the water in the monitoring well) confirmed the contamination. In the soil analysis, low concentrations of several polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were found, mainly naphthalene and phenanthrene. In the water samples, an analysis verified contamination of the groundwater by lead (Pb). The geophysical methods used in the investigation provided an excellent tool for environmental characterization in this study of a lubricant oil waste disposal area, and could be applied in the study of similar areas.


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Agricultural activity has direct consequences on the soil and water quality. Thus, assessing environmental impacts of this vital economic activity, through soil attribute analysis, is essential to the proposal of alternatives. The aim of this study was to analyze soil quality under different land management practices, conventional and organic. The study was carried out in a watershed of the Ibiuna municipality, SP, Brazil, an important supplier of agricultural products for the São Paulo metropolitan area. A hundred samples were collected, 20 in each type of land use: reforested areas, native vegetation, pasture, conventional cultivation and organic cultivation. The soil resistance to penetration, its pH (in water and KO), electrical conductivity, bulk density, particle density, porosity, soil color, soil texture and the percentages of carbon and nitrogen were analyzed. The data were statistically analyzed, searching for significant differences. The results of soil analysis showed great similarity between the organic and conventional culture, with no statistical differences. However, organic cultivation showed greater similarity to the soil of native vegetation in the percentage of carbon and nitrogen in soils compared to conventional culture. Thus, the discussion begins on a topic very little explored so far, and the results obtained should be further studied.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Realizou-se um experimento em Pindorama (SP), no qual se avaliaram os efeitos da fertirrigação e da adubação convencional com N e K em alguns atributos químicos de solo sob cultivo com bananeira, durante dois ciclos de produção. Avaliaram-se a disponibilidade e a movimentação de nutrientes (P, K, Ca e Mg) no perfil do solo, bem como outros atributos químicos (matéria orgânica, acidez e saturação por bases), por meio de amostragens realizadas na implantação do experimento e ao final do primeiro e segundo ciclos de produção. Os principais efeitos dos tratamentos foram no pH do solo e no teor de K+ trocável. A adubação, tanto aplicada via fertirrigação como na forma convencional, implicou incrementos na acidez do solo, principalmente até 20 cm de profundidade. Observou-se que o impacto da adubação via fertirrigação no pH do solo foi proporcional à dose. A adubação convencional também causou decréscimo no pH, especialmente na região mais próxima das plantas, refletindo o efeito da aplicação localizada dos fertilizantes. A aplicação de adubo sólido na superfície do solo determinou significativo acúmulo de K nas camadas até 20 cm e na região mais próxima ao pseudocaule das plantas. Os efeitos da adubação via fertirrigação foram mais difusos, visto que os adubos são espalhados numa área de solo maior do que a coberta pela adubação convencional.


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As maiores limitações para o uso do lodo de esgoto em áreas agrícolas são os riscos de contaminação do solo com metais pesados e sua possível transferência para a cadeia alimentar. Objetivou-se, com este estudo, avaliar os teores de Cd, Cr, Pb e Zn no solo, utilizando-se dois métodos de extração (HNO3 + H2O2 + HCl e HClO4 + HF), o acúmulo destes elementos em plantas de milho cultivadas em Latossolo Vermelho eutroférrico no nono ano de aplicação de lodo de esgoto, bem como seus efeitos na produção de matéria seca e na produtividade de grãos. O experimento foi instalado em condições de campo em Jaboticabal-SP, no delineamento em blocos casualizados, com quatro tratamentos e cinco repetições. Os tratamentos corresponderam a doses acumuladas por nove anos consecutivos de lodo de esgoto (45,0; 90,0 e 127,5 t ha-1, base seca) e um tratamento testemunha que recebeu fertilização mineral com base na análise de solo. O lodo de esgoto foi aplicado manualmente e incorporado ao solo com grade a 0,1 m de profundidade antes da semeadura do milho. Os teores médios de Cd no solo não variaram em função das doses de lodo e dos métodos de extração. Por outro lado, os teores médios de Cr, Pb e Zn no solo obtidos pela digestão com HClO4 + HF foram de 72,4; 31,8 e 62,3 %, respectivamente, superiores àqueles encontrados pela digestão que empregou HNO3 + H2O2 + HCl. Contudo, quando se avaliou apenas o efeito das doses de lodo no solo, em ambos os métodos de extração, verificou-se diferença entre os tratamentos apenas para a concentração de Zn no solo. Exceto o Cd, que não foi detectado, de modo geral, os teores e os acúmulos de Cr, Pb e Zn nas partes das plantas de milho aumentaram com as aplicações de lodo de esgoto. Os teores de Cr, Pb e Zn nos grãos, quando detectados, permaneceram abaixo dos limites máximos estabelecidos para o consumo humano conforme a legislação brasileira. A adição de lodo de esgoto e a fertilização mineral, por longo período, apresentaram efeitos semelhantes na produção de matéria seca e na produtividade de grãos de milho.


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O experimento foi realizado na Fazenda Três Irmãos, no município de Pratânia, Estado de São Paulo, com o objetivo de estudar o efeito da fertirrigação com diferentes doses de NPK aplicadas por meio de um sistema de irrigação por microaspersão na cultura da laranja em comparação com a adubação convencional irrigada e não irrigada. A avaliação dos efeitos da irrigação e da fertirrigação na cultura foi feita com base na produção e qualidade dos frutos colhidos, na análise de solo da camada de 0-20 cm e na análise de folhas. Os tratamentos não influenciaram significativamente a produtividade de acordo com a análise estatística realizada, embora se tenha observado uma tendência de maior produtividade nos tratamentos de fertirrigação para uma mesma dose. A análise de qualidade dos frutos não mostrou diferenças significativas entre os tratamentos. Os teores de alguns dos elementos obtidos na análise de solo apresentaram diferenças significativas proporcionadas pela irrigação e/ou modo de aplicação dos fertilizantes à cultura. A análise de folhas diferiu quanto aos teores de Ca, Mg e K.


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In Brazil, plant-available micronutrients in the soil can be determined by several chemical extractants, the most common of which are dilute acid and chelating solutions. The purpose of this study was to assess the extractants 0.1 mol L-1 HCl, Mehlich-1, Mehlich-3 and DTPA for analysis of the micronutrients Cu, Zn, Fe, and Mn in soils from the state of Parana. In samples from 12 soils (0-20 cm layer), wheat was planted (Triticum aestivum), grown for 42 days after emergence, and then bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) for 38 days. At the end of each planting period, the soil was sampled again. All extractants tested to assess the availability of Cu, Zn, Fe, and Mn correlated with each other. The efficiency of the extractants HCl, Mehlich-3 and DTPA in assessing plant-available Cu was similar, unlike Mehlich-1, which proved less efficient. The extractants HCl, Mehlich-1 and Mehlich-3 were less efficient in estimating plant-available Zn and Fe, and the most indicated extractant is DTPA. The efficiency of the extractants HCl, Mehlich-1, Mehlich-3 and DTPA in assessing plant-available Mn in soils from Parana was similar.