969 resultados para Socorro


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Este trabalho apresenta os resultados da aplicação de métodos geofísicos na eleição de áreas potenciais para salvamento arqueológico no Sítio Nossa Senhora do Perpétuo Socorro no estado do Pará. O Sítio possui urnas funerárias indígenas aflorantes e sub-aflorantes de bastante interesse arqueológico. Os métodos utilizados foram Magnetometria e Radar de Penetração no Solo (GPR). As medidas magnéticas foram utilizadas para indicar os locais mais apropriados para escavação reduzindo bastante as áreas potenciais. O GPR foi usado para confirmar as anomalias detectadas pelas medidas magnéticas e proporcionar uma melhor avaliação espacial tanto horizontal quanto verticalmente, diminuindo os erros cometidos quando se identificam anomalias magnéticas que não são causadas por feições arqueológicas. A metodologia de estudo baseou-se na comparação de anomalias obtidas em terrenos desconhecidos com terrenos onde comprovadamente havia a existência de elementos mapeáveis como urnas aflorantes e raízes, caracterizando e agrupando essas anomalias.


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A presente pesquisa propôs-se investigar a efetividade dos acordos de pesca na Amazônia enquanto instrumento de gestão participativa através das populações residentes nas comunidades do Pixuna e Jarí do Socorro no município de Santarém-Pa. Para tanto, analisou-se como as referidas comunidades veem os acordos de pesca vigente, já que as mesmas são consideradas agroextrativistas e que possui na atividade pesqueira sua fonte de renda, proteína e ao longo dos anos vem praticando o mecanismo do acordo de pesca como forma de gestão desta atividade. Também buscou-se entrevistar representantes de ONGs como o IPAM enquanto organização responsável em divulgar de uma maneira mais simples para os pescadores o que vem a ser na forma da Lei e na prática a Instrução Normativa do IBAMA Nº 29/2002 que trata da criação dos acordos de pesca; a Colônia de Pescadores Z-20 representante legal e responsável em defender os interesses e direitos dos trabalhadores do setor artesanal da pesca local perante os órgãos públicos e a sociedade e o IBAMA representante oficial do poder publico, gestor e fiscalizador de quaisquer ações de pesca predatória e de degradação do meio ambiente evidenciados nos acordos implantados nas comunidades. A pesquisa descreve o ambiente de várzea como cenário para essas relações que se estabelecem a partir do uso de um recurso de acesso livre a todos como é o caso do pescado. No que diz respeito à metodologia as técnicas utilizadas se constituíram em: observação direta, aplicação de entrevistas semi-estruturadas e questionários. Foram apresentadas as características da pesquisa, os seus sujeitos e as informações relativas à coleta e à análise dos dados. Assim, o estudo caracterizou-se como qualitativo. Os dados foram analisados através de procedimentos estatísticos básicos com a utilização do software SPSS a partir de frequências e estimativas de parâmetros descritivos, com representação de tendências através de tabelas e gráficos, que tem como finalidade uma melhor visualização destas análises e observações para o contexto da pesquisa. Por fim, foram feitas as considerações finais do estudo, onde foi identificado que a falta de articulação entre os comunitários residentes nas localidades, e das comunidades com o poder publico podem, ser apontados como importantes fatores na decadência observada nos acordos de pesca vigente; outro ponto interessante e de importância considerável é a ausência do órgão responsável pela fiscalização das regras encontradas nos acordos de pesca, o IBAMA. Diante disso, foram sugeridas algumas recomendações aos membros das organizações analisadas.


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the accidents with biological material among medical students interning in a trauma emergency room and identify key related situations, attributed causes and prevention. METHODS: we conducted a study with a quantitative approach. Data were collected through a questionnaire applied via internet, with closed, multiple-choice questions regarding accidents with biological material. The sample comprised 100 students. RESULTS: thirty-two had accidents with biological material. Higher-risk activities were local anesthesia (39.47%), suture (18.42%) and needle recapping (15.79%). The main routes of exposure to biological material were the eyes or mucosa, with 34%, and syringe needle puncture, with 45%. After contamination, only 52% reported the accident to the responsible department. CONCLUSION: The main causes of accidents and routes of exposure found may be attributed to several factors, such as lack of training and failure to use personal protective equipment. Educational and preventive actions are extremely important to reduce the incidence of accidents with biological materials and improve the conduct of post-exposure. It is important to understand the main causes attributed and situations related, so as general and effective measures can be applied.


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OBJECTIVE: To determine whether the addition of discharge standard illustrated cards improves understanding of patients in the emergency room. METHODS: We conducted a prospective, randomized, interventional study with 228 patients discharged from the emergency department. All patients were interviewed and tested for the level of understanding of discharge instructions. Some of them received the intervention, with the standard cards, and another did not, constituting the control group. RESULTS: The average of followed discharge guidelines of the group that received the cards was higher than the control group, with statistical significance (p=0.009). When segregated by age, the group between 16 and 35 years of both sexes had the best average of followed guidelines, statistically, than the average of the control group (p=0.01). The difference between the mean orientations between the control group and the card for patients undergoing procedures was statistically significant (p=0.02); as for the stratification according to the number of procedures, the significance increases when that is equal to 1 (p=0.001) and decreased the more procedures were carried out. CONCLUSION: The introduction of discharge standard orientation cards was associated with improvement in the understanding of patients. Without replacing the verbal directions, which establishes dialogue and doctor-patient bonding, cards appear as auxiliary elements, facilitating understanding and care guidelines.


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Health care waste (HCW) is the type of waste that results from activities performed in health care services during care provision to humans or animals. Presently, according to RDC 306/04, issued in 2004 by Anvisa, and Resolution no. 358/05, by CONAMA, waste groups have the following classification: Group A (biological waste), Group B (chemical waste), Group C (waste containing radionucleotides), Group D (common waste) and Group E (piercing and cutting waste). In Brazil, 149 tons of wastes are collected every day, and HCW corresponds to approximately 1% to 3 % of that total. An efficient way to adequately manage HCW is through the Health Care Waste Management Plan (HCWMP), and it is possible to reduce the risk posed by certain materials in addition to ensuring disposal in an ecologically correct and economical fashion. According to the Pan-American Health Organization (PAHO), the management process enables health care establishments to adequately manage waste. Hence, there is greater control and reduction in the health risks caused by infectious or special waste, in addition to facilitated recycling, treatment, storage, transport and final disposal of solid hospital waste in an environmentally safe fashion. To evaluate the management of HCW of Groups A and D from the Intensive Care Unit of the University Emergency Hospital - FMB - UNESP in the city of Botucatu according to the guidelines presently in force. The waste flow was followed up, and during four random days in the month of September 2011, waste was quantified by estimating daily and monthly values, according to its classification. : In 2011, the University hospital has produced an average of 57,676.8 kg/month of biological and common waste. By adding Groups A and D, during the four days, approximately 209.8 Kg of waste (202.2 Kg of Group A and 7.6 Kg of Group D) were produced in the establishment under study, which... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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The demand for health services can be understood as an application needs the user has. The inability to use the outpatient services and limited supply of these make it possible for users to browse sites that focus attention on a greater possibility of entry doors, in which first-aid centers and hospital emergency match this profile, distorting the flow of patients in the network through an inverse demand of the movement hierarchy. Added to this, the burden of care in these services results in overcrowding and poor quality of care. Evaluate the demand of the visits occurred in the Emergency Room of the Hospital of the Medical School of Botucatu / UNESP (PS - HC - FMB / UNESP) during June-July 2010. A transversal, descriptive and retrospective. For data collection sheet was used in the proposed Service unit and the data it was filled out the form with the necessary items for the search. Made an exploratory analysis and frequency distributions for categorical variables of the form. Females predominated (56%) and aged 61 years or older with 30%. 96.5% were owned by DRS VI, and 62.5% of Botucatu. The attendance by the physician on duty and corresponded to 57.7% among the 23 medical specialties, Gastric (7.0%), Cardiology (4.5%), Medical (4.4%), urology (4.2%) and Pulmonology (4.1%) were the ones that stood out. The medical procedures performed that stood out were X-ray (46.4%) and electrocardiogram (ECG) (42.3%) and in most specialty care occurred, only the daily consultation with the patient. It was possible to characterize, so the demand for PS - HC - FMB / UNESP for the period June- July 2010, The predominance of the elderly shows that come along with aging diseases and addictions, causing a greater need for health services. Moreover, this study showed that the high number of visits is related to both the daily demands that the tertiary hospital has the same transformation... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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Health Care Waste (HCW) represents 1%, and it has presently gained a lot of importance. Adequate management is one of the great challenges to be faced by health care centers. It has gained distinction and been widely discussed by members of the sectors involved with sanitation, public health and environmental issues due to waste physical, chemical biological characteristics, which pose potential risk to the environment and public health. The present study aims at evaluating HCW internal management by following all its phases, determining indicators, classifying and quantifying, establishing production rates (kg /patient/day) for the sector and designing materials to disseminate appropriate HCW disposal in the Emergency Room of the UNESP University Hospital in the city of Botucatu according to the guidelines presently in force. : From June to October 2011, the waste flow was observed from its production to final disposal. Four weight measurements were performed on four consecutive days in the month of August by using a properly calibrated (in grams) digital scale at the times scheduled for collection of the produced waste. Hence, the daily and monthly amounts were estimated according to their classification. All the waste packaged in the bags in garbage cans in the Emergency Room for a 24-hour period was considered to be a sample. Separation was not adequately performed in that sector, and waste from Group A was mixed with that from Group D. The amount of infectious waste produced in the sector corresponded to 87.80 %, common waste to 10.93 % and recyclable waste to 1.27%. The mean daily HCW production was of 123.300 kg/day, and the total monthly production was of 3,822 kg/month, which was distributed as follows: Group A 3,355,750 kg/month; Group D 417,570 kg/month and recyclables 48,670 kg/month. The production rate corresponded to 0.47 kg/patient/day, thus showing... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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Accidents represent a major public health problem as they are frequent, preventable, and account for high morbidity and mortality rates. Children are the most vulnerable to accidents due to their inherent characteristics, and as a result of their physical, sensorial, psychomotor and cognitive limitations, which will only develop with time. Watchfulness and careful attention are of paramount importance, especially as children develop locomotor skills that are accompanied by curiosity about their surroundings. Child accidents, particularly those that could have been avoided, are the accidents most commonly seen in emergency and urgency departments. Urgency and emergency departments are the greatest allies in the attention to pediatric accidents as they offer adequate, immediate and specific high complexity care to patients at risk, viewing their vital stabilization. Investigating the causes and consequences of this insult is essential to establish a diagnosis and to contribute for the adoption of measures of prevention, control, and assistance. To identify the epidemiologic characteristics of the accidents involving children that received care at the pediatric emergency department of Botucatu Medical School Hospital and required hospitalization. This quantitative, retrospective, descriptiveanalytic epidemiologic study included all children aged 0-14 years who had had an accident and were seen at the Pediatric Emergency Department of Botucatu Medical School Hospital of São Paulo State University/UNESP between January 1/2008 and December 31/2009. A total of 227 medical charts were reviewed and 178 (78.4%) patients were included in this study. Of these, 116 (65.1%) were males and 62 (34.8%) were females. Children aged 5 - 9 years (38.9%) were the most affected, followed by those aged 10 - 14 years (37.5%). Fractures occurred in 138 (77.5%) of the cases, followed by foreign bodies... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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O artigo visa problematizar as cartas escritas para a Campanha Cultural daAssessoria de Cultura para Gêneros e Etnias da Secretaria de Estado da Culturaque teve como tema o racismo na sociedade paulista. Estas cartas escritas pormilhares de pessoas residentes no Estado de São Paulo, sobretudo de pessoascomuns, estudantes do ensino médio e universitário, além de internos daFundação Casa nos possibilitaram analisar e interpretar as diversas facetas doracismo em nossa sociedade, particularmente aquele que está presente nocotidiano das corporações, famílias, relações amorosas e nas ruas.


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The aim was to describe the positive and negative aspects in a family communication at an emergency care unit. This is a descriptive research with a qualitative approach. The sample consisted of 20 family members / caregivers of patients admitted to the emergency room of a university hospital. Data collection was carried out through semi-structured interviews applied during the period of May-June 2011. Data analysis was performed using the methodological framework of the Collective Subject Discourse which resulted in four themes: Lack of information compromising the family/health professional ties; The ideal model of information provided by the professional regarding the condition of the hospitalized relative; Assessment of information provided about hospital routines; and The role of the relative/companion. Therefore, for the patient and his family, communication is presented as a tool on the care given with the function of transmitting safety, respect and guidance. However when it is incomplete, it becomes a potential form of stress and dissatisfaction.