944 resultados para Socio-pedagogical mediation


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC


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Studies show the psychological contribution of fairy tales regarding the child's development as one of the best plumbers of existential problems, appeasing it by acting as an outlet for their anguish, anxieties, and fears, engendering greater emotional balance. Thus, through researches in the literature, it was established as objective to seek information about the functionality of the fairy tales in the educational process of students with intellectual disabilities who presents challenging behaviors. Among the tales, the Brothers Grimm are suggested to be used as an educational resource. It was possible to say that, through the symbolic mediation in the imaginary of children with intellectual disabilities, educational work with fairy tales evokes significant benefits.


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FCT


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This article presents research that examined work of a teacher trainer for professional education, which aimed to study the work of these professional instruments , the design of pedagogical mediation underlying the prescriptive texts of the work and the theoretical-methodological arrays deployed in labor activity . The theoretical framework was Clinical Activity , strand of Work Psychology . We adopt a simple self-confrontation for data collection , combining interviews , document analysis, and video recording of the work . Were the volunteer coordinator and three trainers course in São Paulo educational institution. The results showed that the work of trainers activity is directed to others , using concrete and intangible instruments . Prescriptive texts suggest the use of cognitive education approach , but in the effective action of the trainers was adopted cultural-historical perspective of human development . At the end there are the limitations of this research and indicates the need for further scientific research on the subject.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This work originated as a tool for validation of an illustrated alphabet designed for youth, adults and seniors, developed by Profª Maria Aparecida Couto em seu Mestrado Profissionalizante da UNESP de Bauru - Faculdade de Ciências, Pedagogical mediation with didactic material support for education of youth and adults. With this guiding goal first we chose a brief theoretical introduction in order to identify and differentiate the students of the EJA and then the selected images were taken to the field for validation and adaptation through the contribution of the students of the EJA


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This work originated as a tool for validation of an illustrated alphabet designed for youth, adults and seniors, developed by Profª Maria Aparecida Couto em seu Mestrado Profissionalizante da UNESP de Bauru - Faculdade de Ciências, Pedagogical mediation with didactic material support for education of youth and adults. With this guiding goal first we chose a brief theoretical introduction in order to identify and differentiate the students of the EJA and then the selected images were taken to the field for validation and adaptation through the contribution of the students of the EJA


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The Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisas de Tecnologia da Informacao nos Processos de Trabalho em Enfermagem (Study and Research Group for Information Technology in the Nursing Working Processes, GEPETE) has the purpose of producing and socializing knowledge in information technology and health and nursing communication, making associations with research groups in this field and promoting student participation. This study was performed by the group tutors with the objective to report on the development of the virtual learning environment (VLE) and the tutors' experience as mediators of a research group using the Moodle platform. To do this, a VLE was developed and pedagogical mediation was performed following the theme of mentoring. An initial diagnosis was made of the difficulties in using this technology in interaction and communication, which permitted the proposal of continuing to use the platform as a resource to support research activities, offer lead researchers the mechanisms to socialize projects and offer the possibility of giving advice at a distance.


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La Tesis intenta presentar un estado de la cuestión en las temáticas de comprensión lectora y pensamiento crítico, dos dimensiones centrales de la educación media y universitaria. En la primera, se halla implicada toda una gama de operaciones y habilidades cognoscitivas que confluyen para producir un logro intelectual básico, la captación de los significados de un texto escrito, vehículo privilegiado para la adquisición del conocimiento en la educación formal. Pero, puesto que a la compresión ha de seguir el discernimiento, tanto de la validez formal cuanto del contenido de verdad, se ha de procurar también el desarrollo de habilidades y competencias que van más allá de las básicas y que parcialmente son las que la investigación actual aborda bajo el título de pensamiento crítico. Sin embargo, dados algunos límites que a nuestro juicio muestran los enfoques contemporáneos (que hemos sintetizado como formalismo-funcionalismo), en la segunda instancia de la tesis pretendemos, por una parte, mostrar nuestros propios modos e instrumentos para evaluar ambas competencias y, por otra, plasmar una propuesta de intervención pedagógica en la cual se contribuya a promover objetivos integrales de la educación intelectual, tratando de superar las limitaciones anotadas.


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Der in letzter Zeit zelebrierte Erfolg der Sozialpädagogik ist der kritischen Reflexion aus rephilosophierter Perspektive bedürftig. Sie hat hinzuweisen auf das Erkenntnisinteresse, dem Wissenschaften, wenn sie denn Wissenschaften sein wollen, allererst nachzufolgen haben: nämlich der von staatlichen Gratifikationen absehenden Wahrheitssuche. Hier nun kann eine Rückbesinnung gerade auf den nützlich sein, der Sozialpädagogen, insoweit er sich der Rechtfertigung helfenden Handelns nicht zur Verfügung stellen läßt, von jeher unbequem war: nämlich auf Nietzsche. Dieser ist für die Sozialpädagogik aber nicht nur von Belang, weil er ihr altruistisches Selbstmißverständnis zu kritisieren erlaubt, sondern auch, weil er diese Disziplin auf eine Gegenstandskonzeption hinzuweisen hilft, die der Verkürzung des sozialpädagogischen Geschäfts auf bloße Problemlösungstechnologien entgegenwirken kann. (DIPF/Orig.)


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A educação a distância apoiada pelos meios de comunicação digital ampliou as possibilidades de interação, flexibilizando o processo de mediação pedagógica no tempo e no espaço. Nessa perspectiva, a educação profissional democratizou seu acesso, na qual os conhecimentos de nível técnico são customizados em um Ambiente Virtual de Aprendizagem (AVA) para serem mediados a distância. Esta tese, apresentada na forma de artigos, problematiza o processo de mediação pedagógica realizado pelo professor tutor virtual na Rede e-Tec Brasil do Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia Sul-rio-grandense (IFSul) Campus Visconde da Graça (CAVG). Nesse modelo de ensino, o professor tutor virtual é contratado para atuar, pelo período de dois anos, em todas as disciplinas curriculares de um curso técnico. Se, por um lado, isso permite-lhe conhecer a realidade de seus alunos; por outro, exige-lhe um esforço pedagógico de apropriação e mediação dos conteúdos específicos nas diversas disciplinas que integram os currículos de cada curso. A pesquisa buscou conhecer como o professor tutor virtual apropria-se dos conhecimentos específicos nos cursos técnicos para mediá-los pedagogicamente com os alunos. Apresentamos, como hipótese explicativa neste estudo, que é na convivência com o professor pesquisador que o professor tutor virtual encontra a possibilidade de se apropriar dos conhecimentos curriculares para poder mediá-los pedagogicamente com os alunos. Para sustentar teoricamente nossas proposições na experiência vivida, estabelecemos uma rede de conversação com os autores Humberto Maturana, Pierre Lévy, Lee Shulman e Maurice Tardif, por meio dos conceitos: cultura em redes de conversação; inteligência coletiva; conhecimento pedagógico do conteúdo; e formação profissional docente. Como procedimento metodológico, encontramos na técnica do Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo (DSC), de Lefèvre e Lefèvre, uma estratégia de abordagem qualitativa para analisar as recorrências encontradas nos discursos dos professores tutores virtuais. O estudo aponta que uma rede de conversação recursiva entre o professor pesquisador e o professor tutor virtual possibilita a apropriação de conhecimentos técnicos e específicos necessários ao processo de mediação pedagógica com os estudantes. Essa convivência, no caminho da constituição de um coletivo inteligente, favorece o trabalho colaborativo no ambiente da tutoria, contribuindo para profissionalizar o processo de mediação pedagógica na educação profissional a distância do IFSul CAVG. Supported by digital media, distance learning has increased the possibilities of interaction, easing the process of pedagogical mediation in time and space. From this perspective, the access to professional education has been democratized: technical knowledge is customized in a Learning Managing System and later delivered by means of mediated distance education courses. Structured in a sequence of articles, this dissertation addresses the problem of the pedagogical mediation process performed by on-line tutor teachers at Rede e-Tec Brasil of the Instituto Federal Sul- rio-grandense (IF-Sul), Campus Visconde da Graça (CAVG). This model of education establishes that on-line tutor teachers are hired to work with all the curriculum courses of a technical program for two years. If, on the hand, it allows these teachers to know the reality of their students well, on the other hand it demands them a pedagogical effort of appropriation and mediation of the specific contents guiding the various courses that comprise the curriculum of each program. This research aimed to find out how on-line tutor teachers appropriate expertise from technical programs to mediate it with their students in a pedagogical way. The explanatory hypothesis given is that by working together and sharing experience with the teacher/researcher, on-line tutor teachers will be able to appropriate of curricular knowledge and pedagogically mediate it with their students afterwards. To support our theoretical propositions, a network of conversation was established with authors like Humberto Maturana, Pierre Lévy, Lee Shulman, and Maurice Tardif through the concepts of culture in networks of conversation, collective intelligence, pedagogical content knowledge, and teacher training. As a methodological procedure, the technique of the Collective Subject Discourse (CSD), by Lefèvre and Lefèvre, was found to offer a strategy of qualitative approach to analyze the recurrences seen in the speech of on-line tutor teachers. The study shows that a recursive network of conversation between the teacher/researcher and the on-line tutor teacher enables the appropriation of specific and technical knowledge required for the process of pedagogical mediation with students. The experience of sharing a consensual professional relationship, in which one respects and accepts the other as a way of establishing a collective intelligence, encourages collaborative work in the tutoring environment, helping professionalize the process of pedagogical mediation in distance professional education at IFSul CAVG.


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Recibido 10 de noviembre de 2010 • Aceptado 09 de marzo de 2011 • Corregido 04 de mayo de 2011    En este artículo hago hincapié en la importancia de la mediación pedagógica en el proceso educativo y paso a señalar cómo la mediación se enriquece si se toman en cuenta consideraciones de tipo ético como la legitimidad del otro; de tipo psicológico, rescatando del valor de la empatía, y de tipo ecologizante, resaltando la importancia de la contextualización como medio pedagógico.


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This paper analyzes the impact of change processes experienced by many student populations when completing primary education (1st-6th grade) and starting secondary education (7th-11th grade). Based on the research conducted, this paper describes situations and aspects that may result in conditional factors for the student’s adjustment at this level: time-space changes, as well as organizational and dynamic changes that would set the new educational environment and social context in which this new stage will be developed. Such conditional factors that affect learning in incoming students: programs, teaching methodology, learning styles and new evaluation methods will be discussed. As a result of this research, a proposal is presented to facilitate transition from primary to the secondary education. This proposal includes guidelines for awareness and strengthening of pedagogical mediation, which would contribute to the permanence of students from all types of institutions in the education system.  (1) [Translator’s note: The Costa Rican education system is composed of primary education (1st-6th grade) and secondary education (7th-11th grade).]


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Recibido 10 de noviembre de 2010 • Aceptado 09 de marzo de 2011 • Corregido 04 de mayo de 2011    Este artículo nace de mi interés por explorar caminos que hagan de la experiencia educativa que se vive diariamente en las aulas, una actividad más interesante y placentera; es por ello que exalto las posibilidades que como medio pedagógico tienen el cine y, en general, los medios audiovisuales, junto con la conveniencia de que los educadores recurran a ellos como alternativas enriquecedora de su desempeño profesional.