950 resultados para Social impacts


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The expansion of sugarcane growing in Brazil, spurred particularly by increased demand for ethanol, has triggered the need to evaluate the economic, social, and environmental impacts of this process, both on the country as a whole and on the growing regions. Even though the balance of costs and benefits is positive from an overall standpoint, this may not be so in specific producing regions, due to negative externalities. The objective of this paper is to estimate the effect of growing sugarcane on the human development index (HDI) and its sub-indices in cane producing regions. In the literature on matching effects, this is interpreted as the effect of the treatment on the treated. Location effects are controlled by spatial econometric techniques, giving rise to the spatial propensity score matching model. The authors analyze 424 minimum comparable areas (MCAs) in the treatment group, compared with 907 MCAs in the control group. The results suggest that the presence of sugarcane growing in these areas is not relevant to determine their social conditions, whether for better or worse. It is thus likely that public policies, especially those focused directly on improving education, health, and income generation/distribution, have much more noticeable effects on the municipal HDI.


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This paper presents the results of an ex-post assessment of two important dams in Brazil. The study follows the principles of Social Impact Management, which offer a suitable framework for analyzing the complex social transformations triggered by hydroelectric dams. In the implementation of this approach, participative causal maps were used to identify the ex-post social impacts of the Porto Primavera and Rosana dams on the community of Porto Rico, located along the High Paraná River. We found that in the operation of dams there are intermediate causes of a political nature, stemming from decisions based on values and interests not determined by neutral, exclusively technical reasons; and this insight opens up an area of action for managing the negative impacts of dams.


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Transportation Department, Office of Environment and Safety, Washington, D.C.


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Co-management, or participative management of fisheries, consists of returning or opening to the community the management of fisheries. This work, carried out in northern Mozambique, analyzed the ecological and social impacts of the implementation of co-management of fisheries. Firstly 198 species of fish were found and photographed and a guide to identification of species - essential to who works in the marine environment – was produced. Following, the spill-over effect was identified in a marine sanctuary. It occurred after 6 years and only for herbivore fishes and not to the carnivores. In order to evaluate co–management of fisheries effects, the captures of the entire province were analyzed. No differences were found in the diversity of the species caught, but an increase of the fish size was detected: this size was smaller in the fishing centers with no CCP (Community Fishing Councils), slightly bigger in the fishing centers with CCP and even bigger in the fishing centers with a more efficient management. At the same time it was observed that the size of the fish caught is bigger in the fishing centers further away from the markets. In addition to the ecological effects and the effects on fisheries, it was also analyzed the point of view of those who live the co-management. The socioeconomic factors that have a stronger influence in their perceptions are the age and the wealth. Finally and according to the CCP members, their main achievements are in the fisheries inspection and in the creation of conservation areas. Their main difficulties are the lack of means of transportation and the lack of recognition of the CCP's authority; both among the population and in the coordination with local authorities. This thesis pioneered in Mozambique in assessing the effects of Community sanctuaries and the effects of CCP on fisheries as well as by revealing the profile of the supporters of co-management and marine sanctuaries. Finally, an assessment of the matter of fact problems that the communities have to face when implementing co-management was also made.


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La création cinématographique de l'étudiant qui accompagne ce mémoire sous la forme d'un DVD est disponible à la Médiathèque de la Bibliothèque des lettres et des sciences humaines sous le titre : Le Manifeste : des citoyens d'une planète en péril.(http://atrium.umontreal.ca/notice/UM-ALEPH002327356)


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The present article is based on the MA thesis of Hou Bowen (Ph.D candidate) and on the presentation made at the ISA World Congress of Sociology held in Yokohama (Japan) on July 2014 at the Session on “Assessing Technologies: Global Patterns of Trust and Distrust” of RC23-Sociology of Science and Technology.


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Pest Control is treated as a economic problem. The social and the private perspectives differ due to the consideration of the environmental and social impacts as well as technical aspects such as resistance, resurgence and secondary pests. A mathematical model is developed to determine and compare the social and the private optimum control strategies (which define the Economic Thereshold Levels) for the velvetbean caterpillar on soybeans in Brazil. The crop/pest system incorporates effects of predators and parasites, the soybean natural capacity to compensate for injury and the pesticide effects on both pests and its natural enemies; in the social case, the environmental and social impacts and the effects of pest resistance to the pesticide are incorporated. Consideration of density dependence, weather effects, randomnes of pest attack and risk aversion are discussed. The results can be compared with current control practices and IPM programme recomendations.


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Algunos de los efectos ambientales y sociales que se pueden apreciar luego del cierre de una mina son la desaparición de acuíferos, la existencia de aguas superficiales contaminadas con sustancias químicas y la afectación a la salud de las personas que viven cerca de minas abandonadas. Esta investigación busca analizar los principales aspectos jurídicos relacionados con la terminación y cierre definitivo de la operación minera desde el punto de vista social y ambiental. Para ello, se presentan los principales efectos ambientales y sociales de ésta terminación; se mencionan los aspectos jurídicos más relevantes del contrato de concesión minera y de la licencia ambiental; se exponen las obligaciones jurídicas que están a cargo tanto del concesionario minero como de las autoridades competentes respecto del cierre de la mina y el papel que asumen los entes de control frente a la terminación y cierre de la mina. Así mismo, se hace un breve análisis de derecho comparado de la regulación en España y Estados Unidos sobre éste tema. Finalmente, se presentan los resultados de la revisión de los expedientes administrativos que fueron proporcionados por la Agencia Nacional de Minería, en los cuales se determina la aplicación y cumplimiento en la práctica de estas obligaciones jurídicas del concesionario minero al término del contrato. Con base a los resultados obtenidos, se puede concluir, en primer lugar, que las obligaciones a cargo de los concesionarios mineros no están claras por parte de la regulación minera y ambiental; en segundo lugar, que la regulación en cuanto al cierre de minas en España y Estados Unidos es más ordenada, completa y específica y; en tercer lugar, en relación con los expedientes analizados, se puede observar que los concesionarios y las autoridades competentes no están cumpliendo sus respectivas obligaciones.


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The "Observatório de Inovação Social do Turismo" was created due to the need of studies and researches related to tourism and its social impacts. The Escola Brasileira de Administração Pública e de Empresas, of Fundação Getulio Vargas, in partnership with the Ministry of Tourism and the Childhood Brazil, started in 2007, studies about the sexual exploration of children and adolescents. The present work has the objective to analyze, based on the results of the "Observatório de Inovação Social do Turismo", its contributions to the prevention and repression of sexual exploration of children and adolescents associated to the tourism.


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Em um mundo onde a questão da necessidade de se preservar o meio ambiente e de movimentos socialmente responsáveis em alta, este trabalho surgiu da curiosidade de se buscar entender o binômio do desenvolvimento econômico versus o desenvolvimento sustentável, visando compreender como se deu a evolução desta relação em grandes projetos hidrelétricos brasileiros. Neste contexto, os levantamentos de acontecimentos à época da construção de Itaipu serviram de base comparativa para o que hoje está sendo vivenciado pela hidrelétrica de Santo Antônio. É fato que projetos desse porte vão causar impactos e externalidades, porém como, hoje estão sendo tratadas, é algo que pode nortear o andamento futuro de sua gestão. Por isso, questões como a preservação da fauna e flora, reassentamento e desenvolvimento local, foram colocadas na pauta para verificação de como, ainda hoje, mesmo com o avanço da tecnologia e com pressões externas a respeito da questão sustentável, as externalidades desses projetos são as mesmas. As luzes das teorias apresentadas de Responsabilidade Social Corporativa, desenvolvimento sustentável e econômico, além da estruturação dos movimentos sociais, servirão de base para entender as questões apresentadas. Identificou-se que o sacrifício de poucos para usufruto de muitos continua a ser uma das principais questões a ser resolvida, e neste, inclui-se a questão da terra, assim como a não integração entre stakeholders e shareholders para se conseguir em alinhamento a melhor forma de se aproveitar e interagir com o meio em que será inserido o empreendimento, a exclusão política dos stakeholders do processo decisório sobre os projetos hidrelétricos a serem implementados.


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Este trabalho centra-se na capacidade do investimento em cultura, em contexto de regeneração urbana, em atender a retórica da revitalização social e em que medida oferece soluções socialmente sustentáveis para os moradores. Para o efeito, centra-se sobre os significados e práticas do culture-led urban regeneration (CLUR) na cidade-histórica e é proposta sua medição quanto a impactos sociais subjetivos na comunidade local. Uma das principais preocupações do estudo é o grau em que o CLUR pode realmente cumprir as expectativas que os decisores políticos têm dele como “ferramenta” de abordagem integrada e sustentável na transformação de espaços urbanos degradados. Para dar conta de tais objetivos vai se destacar o caso do bairro lisboeta da Mouraria como estudo de caso e local de teste das hipóteses apresentadas na pesquisa. Medir os impactos sociais subjetivos da intervenção sócio-urbana no bairro, na óptica de seus moradores, formam o eixo central do estudo. E, igualmente relevante, procurou-se avançar na produção de instrumentos de medição capazes de aferir o impacto social subjetivo de intervenções urbanas de base cultural. Com os procedimentos adotados na pesquisa, a dissertação reporta-se à experiência europeia e portuguesa procurando traçar a genealogia destas políticas, discutir as retóricas que as justificam e desvendar como os moradores da zona intervencionada percepcionam tais transformações do seu lugar.


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Includes bibliography


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Public policies encouraging the insertion of large industrial and commercial developments near highways, associated to exclusionary housing policies, have shaped over the past decades a new urbanization phenomenon; the sprawl. This is largely characterized by discontinuous and fragmented occupation, with random population densities. This phenomenon brings environmental and social impacts to the urban and rural population, in addition to a great burden for the Government. In line with this and considering the lack of discussion about the topic, this paper discusses some of those impacts observed in Londrina - PR, Brazil. The influence of urban sprawl in this city has shown to impact traffic, waterproofing rates and green areas, in addition to underutilizing the infrastructure due to large urban voids and vacant lots. With the data presented here, it is hoped that debates emerge on the importance of rethinking the plan, so that everyone can have legal access to the city (endowed with infrastructure), as well as the importance of developing strategies to contain urban sprawl. © 2011 Journal of Urban and Environmental Engineering (JUEE). All rights reserved.