958 resultados para Social engineering


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As we enter the second phase of creative industries there is a shift away from the early 1990s ideology of the arts as a creative content provider for the wealth generating ‘knowledge’ economy to an expanded rhetoric encompassing ‘cultural capital’ and its symbolic value. A renewed focus on culture is examined through a regional scan of creative industries in which social engineering of the arts occurs through policy imperatives driven by ‘profit oriented conceptualisations of culture’ (Hornidge 2011, p. 263) In the push for artists to become ‘culturpreneurs’ a trend has emerged where demand for ‘embedded creatives’ (Cunningham 2013) sees an exodus from arts-based employment through use of transferable skills into areas outside the arts. For those that stay, within the performing arts in particular, employment remains project-based, sporadic, underpaid, self-initiated and often self-financed, requiring adaptive career paths. Artist entrepreneurs must balance creation and performance of their art with increasing amounts of time spent on branding, compliance, fundraising and the logistical and commercial requirements of operating in a CI paradigm. The artists’ key challenge thus becomes one of aligning core creative and aesthetic values with market and business considerations. There is also the perceived threat posed by the ‘prosumer’ phenomenon (Bruns 2008), in which digital on-line products are created and produced by those formerly seen as consumers of art or audiences for art. Despite negative aspects to this scenario, a recent study (Steiner & Schneider 2013) reveals that artists are happier and more satisfied than other workers within and outside the creative industries. A lively hybridisation of creative practice is occurring through mobile and interactive technologies with dynamic connections to social media. Continued growth in arts festivals attracts participation in international and transdisciplinary collaborations, whilst cross-sectoral partnerships provide artists with opportunities beyond a socio-cultural setting into business, health, science and education. This is occurring alongside a renewed engagement with place through the rise of cultural precincts in ‘creative cities’ (Florida 2008, Landry 2000), providing revitalised spaces for artists to gather and work. Finally, a reconsideration of the specialist attributes and transferable skills that artists bring to the creative industries suggests ways to dance through both the challenges and opportunities occasioned by the current complexities of arts’ practices.


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In this paper, we assess realistic evaluation’s articulation with evidence-based practice (EBP) from the perspective of critical realism. We argue that the adoption by realistic evaluation of a realist causal ontology means that it is better placed to explain complex healthcare interventions than the traditional method used by EBP, the randomized controlled trial (RCT). However, we do not conclude from this that the use of RCTs is without merit, arguing that it is possible to use both methods in combination under the rubric of realist theory. More negatively, we contend that the rejection of critical theory and utopianism by realistic evaluation in favour of the pragmatism of piecemeal social engineering means that it is vulnerable to accusations that it promotes technocratic interpretations of human problems. We conclude that, insofar as realistic evaluation adheres to the ontology of critical realism, it provides a sound contribution to EBP, but insofar as it rejects the critical turn of Bhaskar’s realism, it replicates the technocratic tendencies inherent in EBP.


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This paper presents the findings of research conducted by Scope in 2007-2009. It proposes a way of categorising the dominant modes or orientations to inclusion work in the disability sector in Australia and identifies the barriers and enablers to it. The research engaged with seventeen ‘inclusion workers’ or managers in Victoria and Perth, Western Australia and sought examples of successful practice along with the ingredients of success, and outcomes of the work. Coincidently, the majority of examples provided related to inclusion work with people with intellectual disability, and a minority of these relating to people with severe intellectual disability. This data was analysed to identify key organisational factors required for successful inclusion work. Most importantly, respondents were also asked to identify the outcomes of inclusion work for individuals with a disability and their families, as well as for services, and for the communities with whom they engaged. The paper offers a way of conceptualising the breadth of inclusion work, including work focused on presence and participation, as well as the larger scale activities of social engineering or social change. The paper presents key ingredients for successful organisational approaches to such work.


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Operating systems and programmes are more protected these days and attackers have shifted their attention to human elements to break into the organisation's information systems. As the number and frequency of cyber-attacks designed to take advantage of unsuspecting personnel are increasing, the significance of the human factor in information security management cannot be understated. In order to counter cyber-attacks designed to exploit human factors in information security chain, information security awareness with an objective to reduce information security risks that occur due to human related vulnerabilities is paramount. This paper discusses and evaluates the effects of various information security awareness delivery methods used in improving end-users’ information security awareness and behaviour. There are a wide range of information security awareness delivery methods such as web-based training materials, contextual training and embedded training. In spite of efforts to increase information security awareness, research is scant regarding effective information security awareness delivery methods. To this end, this study focuses on determining the security awareness delivery method that is most successful in providing information security awareness and which delivery method is preferred by users. We conducted information security awareness using text-based, game-based and video-based delivery methods with the aim of determining user preferences. Our study suggests that a combined delivery methods are better than individual security awareness delivery method.


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As noted in Universities Australia’s (2011a, 2011b) investigations into Indigenous Cultural Competency, most universities have struggled with successfully devising and achieving a translation of Indigenous protocols into their curricula. Walliss & Grant (2000: 65) have also concluded that, given the nature of the built environment disciplines, including planning, and their professional practice activities, there is a “need for specific cultural awareness education” to service these disciplines and not just attempts to insert Indigenous perspectives into their curricula. Bradley’s policy initiative at the University of South Australia (1997-2007), “has not achieved its goal of incorporation of Indigenous perspectives into all its undergraduate programs by 2010, it has achieved an incorporation rate of 61%” (Universities Australia 2011a: 9; http://www.unisa.edu.au/ducier/icup/default.asp).

Contextually, Bradley’s strategic educational aim at University of South Australia led a social reformist agenda, which has been continued in Universities Australia’s release of Indigenous Cultural Competency (2011a; 2011b) reports that has attracted mixed media criticism (Trounson 2012a: 5, 2012b: 5) and concerns that it represents “social engineering” rather than enhancing “criticism as a pedagogical tool ... as a means of advancing knowledge” (Melleuish 2012: 10). While the Planning Institute of Australia’s (PIA) Indigenous Planning Policy Working Party has observed that fundamental changes are needed to the way Australian planning education addresses Indigenous perspectives and interests, it has concluded that planners “! perceptual limitations of their own discipline and the particular discourse of our own craft” were hindering enhanced learning outcomes (Wensing 2007: 2). Gurran (PIA 2007) has noted that the core curriculum in planning includes an expectation of “knowledge of ! Indigenous Australian cultures, including relationships between their physical environment and associated social and economic systems” but that it has not been addressed. This paper critiques these discourses and offers an Indigenous perspective of the debate.


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National identity for the Tajiks, the Uzbeks and the Turkmens is a construct derived from the Soviet period. Over seventy years of Soviet social engineering and efforts at creating a Soviet community have led to the unintended emergence of aspiring "national" elite and intelligentsia groups, trained and educated in their "national" languages and identifying Soviet-defined administrative territories as their "national" motherlands. The Soviet trained elite and intelligentsia groups in Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan were responsible for the smooth transition to the post-Soviet era, and thus performed a major role in ensuring political continuity. These two states seek to legitimise themselves by claiming to defend and represent the interests of their "national" communities. The Soviet initiated process of social engineering is now being modified to serve these states. National intelligentsia groups, through their scientific, historical and creative writings, are pivotal for the dissemination of the national ideal.


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Il Cryptolocker è un malware diffuso su scala globale appartenente alla categoria ransomware. La mia analisi consiste nel ripercorrere le origini dei software maligni alla ricerca di rappresentanti del genere con caratteristiche simili al virus che senza tregua persevera a partire dal 2013: il Cryptolocker. Per imparare di più sul comportamento di questa minaccia vengono esposte delle analisi del malware, quella statica e quella dinamica, eseguite sul Cryptolocker (2013), CryptoWall (2014) e TeslaCrypt (2015). In breve viene descritta la parte operativa per la concezione e la configurazione di un laboratorio virtuale per la successiva raccolta di tracce lasciate dal malware sul sistema e in rete. In seguito all’analisi pratica e alla concentrazione sui punti deboli di queste minacce, oltre che sugli aspetti tecnici alla base del funzionamento dei crypto, vengono presi in considerazione gli aspetti sociali e psicologici che caratterizzano un complesso background da cui il virus prolifica. Vengono confrontate fonti autorevoli e testimonianze per chiarire i dubbi rimasti dopo i test. Saranno questi ultimi a confermare la veridicità dei dati emersi dai miei esperimenti, ma anche a formare un quadro più completo sottolineando quanto la morfologia del malware sia in simbiosi con la tipologia di utente che va a colpire. Capito il funzionamento generale del crypto sono proprio le sue funzionalità e le sue particolarità a permettermi di stilare, anche con l’aiuto di fonti esterne al mio operato, una lista esauriente di mezzi e comportamenti difensivi per contrastarlo ed attenuare il rischio d’infezione. Vengono citati anche le possibili procedure di recupero per i dati compromessi, per i casi “fortunati”, in quanto il recupero non è sempre materialmente possibile. La mia relazione si conclude con una considerazione da parte mia inaspettata: il potenziale dei crypto, in tutte le loro forme, risiede per la maggior parte nel social engineering, senza il quale (se non per certe categorie del ransomware) l’infezione avrebbe percentuali di fallimento decisamente più elevate.


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Als eines der erstaunlichsten Merkmale des algerisch-französischen Unabhängigkeitskriegs 1954-1962 darf die Kombination von militärischer Aufstandsbekämpfung und zivilen Reformprojekten gelten. Diese Verschränkung lässt sich an keinem Aspekt dieses Krieges so deutlich beobachten wie an der französischen Umsiedlungspolitik. Bis zu drei Millionen Menschen wurden während des Krieges von der französischen Armee gewaltsam aus ihren Dörfern vertreiben und in eigens angelegte Sammellager, die «camps de regroupement», umgesiedelt. Was als rein militärische Maßnahme begann, entwickelte sich schnell zu einem gewaltigen ländlichen Entwicklungsprogramm. Durch das Versprechen einer umfassenden Modernisierung aller Lebensbereiche im Schnellverfahren sollten die Insassen der Lager zu loyalen Anhängern des Projekts eines französischen Algeriens gemacht werden. Die «camps de regroupement» lassen sich als Modernisierungslaboratorien beschreiben, in denen sich scheinbar widersprüchliche Elemente wie Entwicklungshilfe mit äußerst rigider Bevölkerungskontrolle und totalitär anmutenden Maßnahmen des social engineering zu einem einzigartigen Ensemble verbanden. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]


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The UK's liberal-cum-democratic welfare regime has led to a more developed state-sponsored youth work than in the majority of continental Europe, where a corporatist welfare regime has held sway (Esping Andersen 1990). To this extent British Youth Work has been more susceptible to governmental intervention. Nevertheless the ascendancy of neo-liberalism across the last three decades has disturbed significantly all models of the Welfare State, expressed in the impact of 'New Managerialism'. Thus we are seeing a convergence towards an imposed, instrumental, output-driven approach to the delivery of both education and welfare. In both the UK and continental Europe youth workers and social workers are confronted with intrusive interventions and demands from governments, which are utterly at odds with their shared desire to start from 'where young people are at'. In this paper we sketch the emergence of a campaign within Youth Work, which seeks to oppose and resist its transformation into an agency of social engineering. In contrast we stand for an emancipatory Youth Work committed to social change. In telling our story thus far we hope to reach out to and make alliances with workers across Europe sympathetic to our cause.


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Texto en que se propone en forma sintética un esquema de trabajo para la investigación de las prácticas deportivas, desde la perspectiva de la Comunicología, como ciencia, y de la Comunicometodología, como Ingeniería social. El texto está construido en dos partes. En la primera se presentan algunos elementos de trabajo sobre el deporte desde la perspectiva de la Comunicología. En la segunda se presentan algunos elementos de trabajo sobre el deporte desde la perspectiva de la Comunicometodología.


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Texto en que se propone en forma sintética un esquema de trabajo para la investigación de las prácticas deportivas, desde la perspectiva de la Comunicología, como ciencia, y de la Comunicometodología, como Ingeniería social. El texto está construido en dos partes. En la primera se presentan algunos elementos de trabajo sobre el deporte desde la perspectiva de la Comunicología. En la segunda se presentan algunos elementos de trabajo sobre el deporte desde la perspectiva de la Comunicometodología.


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Texto en que se propone en forma sintética un esquema de trabajo para la investigación de las prácticas deportivas, desde la perspectiva de la Comunicología, como ciencia, y de la Comunicometodología, como Ingeniería social. El texto está construido en dos partes. En la primera se presentan algunos elementos de trabajo sobre el deporte desde la perspectiva de la Comunicología. En la segunda se presentan algunos elementos de trabajo sobre el deporte desde la perspectiva de la Comunicometodología.


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In 1933 public letter to Wilhelm Furtwängler, Joseph Goebbels synthesized the official understanding of the link between politics, art and society in the early steps of the Third Reich. By assuming the ethos of art, politics acquired a plastic agency to mold its objects —population and the state— as a unified entity in the form of a ‘national-popular community’ (Volksgemeinschaft); in turn, by infusing art with a political valence, it became part of a wider governmental apparatus that reshaped aesthetic discourses and practices. Similar remarks could be made about the ordering of cities and territories in this period. Dictatorial imaginations mobilized urbanism —including urban theory, urban design and planning— as a fundamental tool for social organization. Under their aegis the production of space became a moment in a wider production of society. Many authors suggest that this political-spatial nexus is intrinsic to modernity itself, beyond dictatorial regimes. In this light, I propose to use dictatorial urbanisms as an analytical opportunity to delve into some concealed features of modern urban design and planning. This chapter explores some of these aspects from a theoretical standpoint, focusing on the development of dictatorial planning mentalities and spatial rationalities and drawing links to other historical episodes in order to inscribe the former in a broader genealogy of urbanism. Needless to say, I don’t suggest that we use dictatorships as mere templates to understand modern productions of space. Instead, these cases provide a crude version of some fundamental drives in the operationalization of urbanism as an instrument of social regulation, showing how far the modern imagination of sociospatial orderings can go. Dictatorial urbanisms constituted a set of experiences where many dreams and aspirations of modern planning went to die. But not, as the conventional account would have it, because the former were the antithesis of the latter, but rather because they worked as the excess of a particular orientation of modern spatial governmentalities — namely, their focus on calculation, social engineering and disciplinary spatialities, and their attempt to subsume a wide range of everyday practices under institutional structuration by means of spatial mediations. In my opinion the interest of dictatorial urbanisms lies in their role as key regulatory episodes in a longer history of our urban present. They stand as a threshold between the advent of planning in the late 19th and early 20th century, and its final consolidation as a crucial state instrument after World War II. We need, therefore, to pay attention to these experiences vis-à-vis the alleged ‘normal’ development of the field in contemporary democratic countries in order to develop a full comprehension thereof.