981 resultados para Social Business


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The plethora, and mass take up, of digital communication tech- nologies has resulted in a wealth of interest in social network data collection and analysis in recent years. Within many such networks the interactions are transient: thus those networks evolve over time. In this paper we introduce a class of models for such networks using evolving graphs with memory dependent edges, which may appear and disappear according to their recent history. We consider time discrete and time continuous variants of the model. We consider the long term asymptotic behaviour as a function of parameters controlling the memory dependence. In particular we show that such networks may continue evolving forever, or else may quench and become static (containing immortal and/or extinct edges). This depends on the ex- istence or otherwise of certain infinite products and series involving age dependent model parameters. To test these ideas we show how model parameters may be calibrated based on limited samples of time dependent data, and we apply these concepts to three real networks: summary data on mobile phone use from a developing region; online social-business network data from China; and disaggregated mobile phone communications data from a reality mining experiment in the US. In each case we show that there is evidence for memory dependent dynamics, such as that embodied within the class of models proposed here.


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O ambiente econômico global tem registrado um conjunto de mutações poderosos durante a última década. A liderança dos países ocidentais tem sido contestada pelo crescimento de novos atores no interior da arena global, determinando uma mudança dos interesses das nações bem estabelecidas, para realidades que antes eram considerados subdesenvolvidos ou incapaz de desempenhar um papel de liderança dentro do contexto da economia global. Assim, os países emergentes ganharam a atenção dos teóricos e gerentes internacionais, que começaram a olhar para estes assuntos, não só pelo seu potencial econômico, mas também para a identificação de novas soluções para a criação de um mundo mais sustentável. A tese em questão, estruturada como um case study, precisamente tenta compreender e retratar os dois temas mencionados acima. Por um lado, a pesquisa irá investigar as dimensões do mercado da BoP, com um foco no mercado brasileiro, pelo outro lado, o trabalho irá descrever uma soluções possíveis para explorar os mercados em desenvolvimento por grandes empresas privadas: o modelo de negócio social. Este novo paradigma, que combina o desempenho financeiro com a realização de impactos sociais entre a comunidade selecionada, será aprofundar através de um caso concreto implementado pela Coca-Cola Company no Brasil, o Projeto Coletivo. De acordo com as observações preliminares, o estudo de caso terá como objetivo compreender os desafios, as oportunidades, os obstáculos organizacionais e os métodos que podem subir a partir da implementação de um negócio social em um país em desenvolvimento seguindo a perspectiva anteriormente. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que, embora o paradigma pode representam uma solução viável, muitas questões organizacionais e culturais precisam ser levados em consideração para a sua implementação bem sucedida.


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Five years ago, Coca-Cola Brasil launched a program named “Coletivo Project”, with the purpose to enjoy an opportunity of increase on the potential consumption power of the low-income pyramid population that lived on the “favelas”. At the same time, it had the objective to offer to them a social and financial impact, which is a trust on the future, the first job for the young adults’ participant of this program and an increase on their family source of revenues, through salaries. This was possible because through Coletivo Project, Coca-Cola identified the assets they have through its value chain, focusing on its competencies, such as retail, merchandising and logistics to apply them on courses to teach the young people of the communities and, as a result, form them to be able to find their new jobs. Internal indicators followed in a monthly basis by Coca-Cola demonstrated that the communities that had the presence of Coletivos, in comparison to those without Coletivos, had social and financial impacts. The social was the fact that the young formed started to have more confidence on their future and felt with a higher self-stem to apply for and obtain their first job. On the financial aspect, they were benefit through the increasing of their revenues and also their families and Coca-Cola had an increase on sales, when compared to a community without a Coletivo Project installed. This dissertation seeks to identify the current relationship between Coca-Cola and the communities, through the Coletivo Project classes performed on the NGOs located at this places, in order to identify opportunities for improvement the benefits and the impacts (financial and social) on the NGOs, communities and all stakeholders of this project. This dissertation examines this relationship, through presence interviews performed on four NGOs selected, and located on four of the twenty communities, that are participants of the Coletivo Project on Rio de Janeiro city. These interviews performed with the students, representatives and educators of these NGOs. The covered period of the interviews ranges from April 2014 to August 2014. This dissertation draws on first-hand qualitative empirical evidence gathered through extensive fieldwork. The main findings among possibilities for improvement by Coca-Cola are: • Implement new courses, beyond those existent at Coca-Cola (Retail, Logistics, etc.). • Increase the content of the employment module of Coletivo classes, focusing on improving educational, cultural, economic, political, social and professional life. • Increase the scale, through the quantity of positions on the Retail Coletivo classes. • Develop cultural and sports events with the communities. • Support the points of sales, participant of the practical classes of the Coletivo Retail, with refrigerators and furniture with the Coca-Cola logo. • Provide coffee breaks and meals during the Coletivo classes, using Coca-Cola beverages and partners for food items, developing the nutrition platform of the company and filling a need of the students. • Perform a research with all stakeholders related to this Project, including those students and mothers that are not participant of the Coletivo, in order to listen to them, understand their needs, and offer solutions to fulfill these gaps. and on the side of the • Perform partnerships with educational institutions to make viable other type of courses, more technical, but that have a relation with the core business of Coca-Cola Brasil, such as marketing. • Implement the Coca-Cola University, already existed at the Company. • Create courses or activities focused on the children. Regarding the impossibilities, the findings are: • Improve the basic sanitation of the communities. • Improve the safety on the communities. • Provide a home to those do not have. • Implement courses that have no relationship with Coca-Cola business and expertise, such as gastronomy. However, Coca-Cola can influence stakeholders on that. The results suggest to executives of Coca-Cola that a deep and a qualitative research on the communities of Brazil, in order to listen young people, educators, mothers, partners that offer jobs, from Coletivo and out of the project, is mandatory, to understand their needs, dreams, complains and offer valuable solutions to all.


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This dissertation is a literature review with exploratory and descriptive purposes, which aims to compile the different perceptions of the term Social Entrepreneurship, but not propon-being of an epistemological analysis on the topic. The main objectives of this research were: 1) to identify the convergences and divergences in the various perceptions of the Social Entrepre-neurship, from the perspectives: American, European and Brazilian; 2) identify whether Social Entrepreneurship can be considered as a new theoretical trend, or can be understood as a sub-category of an existing theory; 3) identify whether Social Entrepreneurship can be considered as practice of Social Management; 4) identify whether the "Social Business", proposed by Yunus (2010), can be considered as a completely new type of organization, as the author says. For this research were studied literary works available in the physical environment and elec-tronic database. The main concepts studied in this research were: Entrepreneurship; Social Management; Third Sector; Business Management and Social Entrepreneurship. The conclu-sions reached by this study were: 1-a) the main theoretical convergence is the Social Entrepre-neur ability to apply methods and process typically used in for-profit companies, in business that aimed social value creation; 1-b) the main difference is the different perceptions that the United States, Europe and Brazil have about what is Social Entrepreneurship. In the American perspective, these are private sector organizations operating according to market logic and that somehow generates social value. In the European perspective, closer to the social economy, emphasizes the activities of civil society organizations with public functions. In Brazil empha-sizes market initiatives aimed at reducing poverty and transform the social conditions of mar-ginalized or excluded individuals; 2) Social Entrepreneurship is an activity that incorporates much all the practices, methods and processes of commercial entrepreneurship and, as such, should not be considered as a new theoretical trend, but a subcategory of Entrepreneurship theory. 3) Social Entrepreneurship cannot be considered as a practice of Social Management, being much closer to the commercial entrepreneurship practices; 4) the "Social Business" pro-posed by Yunus (2010), closely resembled in its modus operandi with the Social Enterprises in Western Europe, thus, not supporting the author's claim.


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The convergence of corporate social responsibility and corporate governance has changed the mechanism of corporate accountability, which has developed "corporate self-regulation...


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Dissertação apresentada ao Instituto Politécnico do Porto para a obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Gestão das Organizações, Ramo Gestão de Empresas Orientada por: Professor Doutor Eduardo Manuel Lopes de Sá Silva Mestre Maria de Fátima Mendes Monteiro


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Esta investigación se propuso definir y reflexionar acerca de las concepciones de conflicto, reportadas por un grupo de jóvenes de la Universidad del Rosario, identificando si se consideraba el vínculo y las categorías simbólicas del Modelo Relacional Simbólico: confianza, justicia y esperanza. Se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas, que se analizaron en su contenido. Se logró establecer que la concepción predominante acerca del conflicto fue la de algo que no debe suceder o debe evitarse, entendido en general como una confrontación o un choque. Ninguno consideró el vínculo como un elemento fundamental o vital del conflicto. Se pudo deducir que el conflicto se da en las relaciones entre personas, pero la importancia del vínculo en términos de encuentro de generaciones, estirpes y géneros, como un espacio de confianza, esperanza y justicia en las que se entregan dones y se tienen deudas; no está presente de ninguna forma en las definiciones de conflicto. Estos aspectos muestran la necesidad de acoger los fundamentos vinculares y simbólicos del modelo, como riquezas y fortalezas que necesitan ser introducidas en la cotidianidad de la población Colombiana, en la construcción de una cultura de la paz. Esto, a través de la educación a todo nivel y en particular a corto plazo; con los estudiantes de primeros semestres universitarios, por el papel que como profesionales tendrán de líderes sociales, empresariales, espirituales, políticos y laborales; y porque aún se encuentran en una etapa propicia para la formación integral que estimule el fortalecimiento del vínculo como un eje vital de las relaciones y en el que sus categorías simbólicas (esperanza, justicia y confianza) se vuelvan parte conciente en las relaciones personales, familiares y sociales. Igualmente se hace indispensable transformar la visión de conflicto; de forma que deje de ser negativo, no deseable y se convierta en parte de la vida y en una oportunidad para crecer, conocer, generar y regenerar vínculos. Finalmente se propone la creación de una línea de investigación que extienda el estudio a otras poblaciones de jóvenes de distinto nivel socioeconómico y cultural, incluidos los afectados directa e indirectamente por la violencia en Colombia.


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David Tittensor offers a groundbreaking new perspective on the Gülen movement, a Turkish Muslim educational activist network that emerged in the 1960s and has grown into a global empire with an estimated worth of $25 billion. Named after its leader Fethullah Gülen, the movement has established more than 1,000 secular educational institutions in over 140 countries, aiming to provide holistic education that incorporates both spirituality and the secular sciences.

Despite the movement's success, little is known about how its schools are run, or how Islam is operationalized. Drawing on thirteen months of ethnographic fieldwork in Turkey, Tittensor explores the movement's ideo-theology and how it is practiced in the schools. His interviews with both teachers and graduates from Africa, Indonesia, Central Asia, and Turkey show that the movement is a missionary organization, but of a singular kind: its goal is not simply widespread religious conversion, but a quest to recoup those Muslims who have apparently lost their way and to show non-Muslims that Muslims can embrace modernity and integrate into the wider community. Tittensor also examines the movement's operational side and shows how the schools represent an example of Mohammad Yunus's social business model: a business with a social cause at its heart.

The House of Service is an insightful exploration of one of the world's largest transnational Muslim associations, and will be invaluable for those seeking to understand how Islam will be perceived and practiced in the future.


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L'interrogativo da cui nasce la ricerca riguarda la possibilità di individuare, in controtendenza con la logica neoliberista, strategie per l'affermarsi di una cultura dello sviluppo che sia sostenibile per l'ambiente e rispettosa della dignità delle persone, in grado di valorizzarne le differenze e di farsi carico delle difficoltà che ognuno può incontrare nel corso della propria esistenza. Centrale è il tema del lavoro, aspetto decisivo delle condizioni di appartenenza sociale e di valorizzazione delle risorse umane. Vengono richiamati studi sulla realtà in cui siamo immersi, caratterizzata dal pensiero liberista diventato negli ultimi decenni dominante su scala globale e che ha comportato una concezione delle relazioni sociali basata su di una competitività esasperata e sull’esclusione di chi non sta al passo con le leggi di mercato: le conseguenze drammatiche dell'imbroglio liberista; la riduzione delle persone a consumatori; la fuga dalla comunità ed il rifugio in identità separate; il tempo del rischio, della paura e della separazione fra etica e affari. E gli studi che, in controtendenza, introducono a prospettive di ricerca di uno sviluppo inclusivo e umanizzante: le prospettive della decrescita, del business sociale, di una via cristiana verso un'economia giusta, della valorizzazione delle capacità delle risorse umane. Vengono poi indagati i collegamenti con le esperienze attive nel territorio della città di Bologna che promuovono, attraverso la collaborazione fra istituzioni, organizzazioni intermedie e cittadini, occasioni di un welfare comunitario che sviluppa competenze e diritti insieme a responsabilità: l'introduzione delle clausole sociali negli appalti pubblici per la realizzazione professionale delle persone svantaggiate; la promozione della responsabilità sociale d'impresa per l'inclusione socio-lavorativa; la valorizzazione delle risorse delle persone che vivono un’esperienza carceraria. Si tratta di esperienze ancora limitate, ma possono costituire un riferimento culturale e operativo di un modello di sviluppo possibile, che convenga a tutti, compatibile con i limiti ambientali e umanizzante.


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Nas últimas décadas, a Base da Pirâmide tem sido cada vez mais debatida entre líderes ocidentais como a nova terra das oportunidades. Com o advento do neoliberalismo no campo do desenvolvimento na década de 1990, o papel da sociedade civil e, em particular, o de Organizações Não-Governamentais, passou a ser enfatizado como sendo central nas estratégias ocidentais no "Sul" do mundo. Os atores do desenvolvimento, no entanto, muitas vezes abordaram essas questões utilizando perspectivas tradicionais, que estavam geralmente fora de contexto. A tese foca na controvérsia em torno do uso de técnicas de gestão em cenários que diferem daqueles nos quais estas ferramentas têm sido desenvolvidas. Em particular, ela procura compreender em que medida o gerencialismo - a ideologia da gestão - está a influenciando as atividades de uma Organização Não-Governamental brasileira, a Galpão Aplauso. O estudo, usando uma estrutura teórica, analisa o relacionamento entre a ONG e seus parceiros, sublinhando os resultados de conflitos ideológicos. No geral, descobriu-se como o encontro das perspectivas do Norte e do Sul originou alguns debates que levaram, em parte, à aceitação de ideias gerencialistas, tais como a replicabilidade e sistematização de processos, enquanto que em alguns casos, eles intensificaram a resistência da ONG sobre conceitos como sustentabilidade financeira e transformação em um negócio social.


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This dissertation addresses how the cultural dimensions of individualism and collectivism affect the attributions people make for unethical behavior at work. The moderating effect of ethnicity is also examined by considering two culturally diverse groups: Hispanics and Anglos. The sample for this study is a group of business graduate students from two universities in the Southeast. A 20-minute survey was distributed to master's degree students at their classroom and later on returned to the researcher. Individualism and collectivism were operationalized as by a set of attitude items, while unethical work behavior was introduced in the form of hypothetical descriptions or scenarios. Data analysis employed multiple group confirmatory factor analysis for both independent and dependent variables, and subsequently multiple group LISREL models, in order to test predictions. Results confirmed the expected link between cultural variables and attribution responses, although the role of independent variables shifted, due to the moderating effect of ethnicity, and to the nuances of each particular situation. ^


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A model was tested to examine relationships among leadership behaviors, team diversity, and team process measures with team performance and satisfaction at both the team and leader-member levels of analysis. Relationships between leadership behavior and team demographic and cognitive diversity were hypothesized to have both direct effects on organizational outcomes as well as indirect effects through team processes. Leader member differences were investigated to determine the effects of leader-member diversity leader-member exchange quality, individual effectiveness and satisfaction.^ Leadership had little direct effect on team performance, but several strong positive indirect effects through team processes. Demographic Diversity had no impact on team processes, directly impacted only one performance measure, and moderated the leadership to team process relationship.^ Cognitive Diversity had a number of direct and indirect effects on team performance, the net effects uniformly positive, and did not moderate the leadership to team process relationship.^ In sum, the team model suggests a complex combination of leadership behaviors positively impacting team processes, demographic diversity having little impact on team process or performance, cognitive diversity having a positive net impact impact, and team processes having mixed effects on team outcomes.^ At the leader-member level, leadership behaviors were a strong predictor of Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) quality. Leader-member demographic and cognitive dissimilarity were each predictors of LMX quality, but failed to moderate the leader behavior to LMX quality relationship. LMX quality was strongly and positively related to self reported effectiveness and satisfaction.^ The study makes several contributions to the literature. First, it explicitly links leadership and team diversity. Second, demographic and cognitive diversity are conceptualized as distinct and multi-faceted constructs. Third, a methodology for creating an index of categorical demographic and interval cognitive measures is provided so that diversity can be measured in a holistic conjoint fashion. Fourth, the study simultaneously investigates the impact of diversity at the team and leader-member levels of analyses. Fifth, insights into the moderating impact of different forms of team diversity on the leadership to team process relationship are provided. Sixth, this study incorporates a wide range of objective and independent measures to provide a 360$\sp\circ$ assessment of team performance. ^