97 resultados para Snare


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The docking and fusion of cargo-containing vesicles with target membranes of eukaryotic cells is mediated by the interaction of SNARE proteins present on both vesicle and target membranes. In many cases, the target membrane SNARE, or t-SNARE, exists as a complex of syntaxin with a member of the SNAP-25 family of palmitoylated proteins. We have identified a novel human kinase SNAK (SNARE kinase) that specifically phosphorylates the nonneuronal t-SNARE SNAP-23 in vivo. Interestingly, only SNAP-23 that is not assembled into t-SNARE complexes is phosphorylated by SNAK, and phosphorylated SNAP-23 resides exclusively in the cytosol. Coexpression with SNAK significantly enhances the stability of unassembled SNAP-23, and as a consequence, the assembly of newly synthesized SNAP-23 with syntaxin is augmented. These data demonstrate that phosphorylation of SNAP-23 by SNAK enhances the kinetics of t-SNARE assembly in vivo.


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A major physiological role of insulin is the regulation of glucose uptake into skeletal and cardiac muscle and adipose tissue, mediated by an insulin-stimulated translocation of GLUT4 glucose transporters from an intracellular vesicular pool to the plasma membrane. This process is similar to the regulated docking and fusion of vesicles in neuroendocrine cells, a process that involves SNARE-complex proteins. Recently, several SNARE proteins were found in adipocytes: vesicle-associated membrane protein (VAMP-2), its related homologue cellubrevin, and syntaxin-4. In this report we show that treatment of permeabilized 3T3-L1 adipocytes with botulinum neurotoxin D, which selectively cleaves VAMP-2 and cellubrevin, inhibited the ability of insulin to stimulate translocation of GLUT4 vesicles to the plasma membrane. Furthermore, treatment of the permeabilized adipocytes with glutathione S-transferase fusion proteins encoding soluble forms of VAMP-2 or syntaxin-4 also effectively blocked insulin-regulated GLUT4 translocation. These results provide evidence of a functional role for SNARE-complex proteins in insulin-stimulated glucose uptake and suggest that adipocytes utilize a mechanism of regulating vesicle docking and fusion analogous to that found in neuroendocrine tissues.


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SNARE [soluble NSF (N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive fusion protein) attachment protein receptor] proteins are essential for membrane fusion and are conserved from yeast to humans. Sequence alignments of the most conserved regions were mapped onto the recently solved crystal structure of the heterotrimeric synaptic fusion complex. The association of the four α-helices in the synaptic fusion complex structure produces highly conserved layers of interacting amino acid side chains in the center of the four-helix bundle. Mutations in these layers reduce complex stability and cause defects in membrane traffic even in distantly related SNAREs. When syntaxin-4 is modeled into the synaptic fusion complex as a replacement of syntaxin-1A, no major steric clashes arise and the most variable amino acids localize to the outer surface of the complex. We conclude that the main structural features of the neuronal complex are highly conserved during evolution. On the basis of these features we have reclassified SNARE proteins into Q-SNAREs and R-SNAREs, and we propose that fusion-competent SNARE complexes generally consist of four-helix bundles composed of three Q-SNAREs and one R-SNARE.


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Sed5p is the only syntaxin family member required for protein transport through the yeast Golgi and it is known to bind up to nine other soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment receptor (SNARE) proteins in vivo. We describe in vitro binding experiments in which we identify ternary and quaternary Sed5p-containing SNARE complexes. The formation of SNARE complexes among these endoplasmic reticulum- and Golgi-localized proteins requires Sed5p and is syntaxin-selective. In addition, Sed5p-containing SNARE complexes form selectively and this selectivity is mediated by Sed5p-containing intermediates that discriminate among subsequent binding partners. Although many of these SNAREs have overlapping distributions in vivo, the SNAREs that form complexes with Sed5p in vitro reflect their functionally distinct locales. Although SNARESNARE interactions are promiscuous and a single SNARE protein is often found in more than one complex, both the biochemical as well as genetic analyses reported here suggest that this is not a result of nonselective direct substitution of one SNARE for another. Rather our data are consistent with the existence of multiple (perhaps parallel) trafficking pathways where Sed5p-containing SNARE complexes play overlapping and/or distinct functional roles.


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Lipid rafts are microdomains present within membranes of most cell types. These membrane microdomains, which are enriched in cholesterol and glycosphingolipids, have been implicated in the regulation of certain signal transduction and membrane traffic pathways. To investigate the possibility that lipid rafts organize exocytotic pathways in neuroendocrine cells, we examined the association of proteins of the exocytotic machinery with rafts purified from PC12 cells. The target soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptor (tSNARE) proteins syntaxin 1A and synaptosomal-associated protein of 25 kDa (SNAP-25) were both found to be highly enriched in lipid rafts (≈25-fold). The vesicle SNARE vesicle-associated membrane protein (VAMP)2 was also present in raft fractions, but the extent of this recovery was variable. However, further analysis revealed that the majority of VAMP2 was associated with a distinct class of raft with different detergent solubility characteristics to the rafts containing syntaxin 1A and SNAP-25. Interestingly, no other studied secretory proteins were significantly associated with lipid rafts, including SNARE effector proteins such as nSec1. Chemical crosslinking experiments showed that syntaxin1A/SNAP-25 heterodimers were equally present in raft and nonraft fractions, whereas syntaxin1A/nSec1 complexes were detected only in nonraft fractions. SDS-resistance assays revealed that raft-associated syntaxin1A/SNAP-25 heterodimers were able to interact with VAMP2. Finally, reduction of cellular cholesterol levels decreased the extent of regulated exocytosis of dopamine from PC12 cells. The results described suggest that the interaction of SNARE proteins with lipid rafts is important for exocytosis and may allow structural and spatial organization of the secretory machinery.


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Soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptor (SNARE) proteins of the syntaxin, SNAP-25, and VAMP families mediate intracellular membrane fusion through the formation of helical bundles that span opposing membranes. Soluble SNARE domains that lack their integral membrane anchors inhibit membrane fusion by forming nonfunctional complexes with endogenous SNARE proteins. In this study we investigate the dependence of membrane fusion on the concentration of a soluble SNARE coil domain derived from VAMP2. The increase in the inhibition of fusion observed with increasing concentration of inhibitor is best fit to a function that suggests three SNARE complexes cooperate to mediate fusion of a single vesicle. These three complexes likely contribute part of a protein and lipidic fusion pore.


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Nerve sprouts emerge from motor nerve terminals following blockade of exo-endocytosis for more than 3 days by botulinum neurotoxin (BoNT), and form functional synapses, albeit temporary. Upon restoration of synaptic activity to the parent terminal 7 and 90 days after exposure to BoNT/F or A respectively, a concomitant retraction of the outgrowths was observed. BoNT/E caused short-term neuroparalysis, and dramatically accelerated the recovery of BoNT/A-paralyzed muscle by further truncation of SNAP-25 and its replenishment with functional full-length SNARE. The removal of 9 C-terminal residues from SNAP-25 by BoNT/A leads to persistence of the inhibitory product due to the formation of a nonproductive SNARE complex(es) at release sites, whereas deletion of a further 17 amino acids permits replenishment and a speedy recovery. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.


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A key function of activated macrophages is to secrete proinflammatory cytokines such as TNF alpha; however, the intracellular pathway and machinery responsible for cytokine trafficking and secretion is largely undefined. Here we show that individual SNARE proteins involved in vesicle docking and fusion are regulated at both gene and protein expression upon stimulation with the bacterial cell wall component lipopolysaccharide. Focusing on two intracellular SNARE proteins, Vti1b and syntaxin 6 (Stx6), we show that they are up-regulated in conjunction with increasing cytokine secretion in activated macrophages and that their levels are selectively titrated to accommodate the volume and timing of post-Golgi cytokine trafficking. In macrophages, Vti1b and syntaxin 6 are localized on intracellular membranes and are present on isolated Golgi membranes and on Golgi-derived TNF alpha vesicles budded in vitro. By immunoprecipitation, we find that Vti1b and syntaxin 6 interact to form a novel intracellular Q-SNARE complex. Functional studies using overexpression of full-length and truncated proteins show that both Vti1b and syntaxin 6 function and have rate-limiting roles in TNF alpha trafficking and secretion. This study shows how macrophages have uniquely adapted a novel Golgi-associated SNARE complex to accommodate their requirement for increased cytokine secretion.


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This is a comprehensive study of protein-mediated membrane fusion through single-molecule fluorescence resonance energy transfer (smFRET). Membrane fusion is one of the important cellular processes by which two initially distinct lipid bilayers merge their hydrophobic cores, resulting in one interconnected structure. For example, exocytosis, fertilization of an egg by a sperm and communication between neurons are a few among many processes that rely on some form of fusion. Proteins called soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptor (SNARE) play a central role in fusion processes which is also regulated by many accessory proteins, such as synaptotagmin, complexin and Munc18. By a new lipid mixing method at the single-vesicle level, we are able to accurately detect different stages of SNARE-mediated membrane fusion including docking, hemi and full fusion via FRET value of single donor/acceptor vesicle pair. Through this single-vesicle lipid mixing assay, we discovered the vesicle aggregation induced by C2AB/Ca2+, the dual function of complexin, and the fusion promotion role of Munc18/SNARE-core binding mode. While this new method provides the information regarding the extent of the ensemble lipid mixing, the fusion pore opening between two vesicular cavities and the interaction between proteins cannot be detected. In order to overcome these limitations, we then developed a single-vesicle content mixing method to reveal the key factor of pore expansion by detecting the FRET change of dual-labeled DNA probes encapsulated in vesicles. Through our single-vesicle content mixing assay, we found the fusion pore expansion role of yeast SNAREs as well as neuronal SNAREs plus synaptotagmin 1.


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This project investigates machine listening and improvisation in interactive music systems with the goal of improvising musically appropriate accompaniment to an audio stream in real-time. The input audio may be from a live musical ensemble, or playback of a recording for use by a DJ. I present a collection of robust techniques for machine listening in the context of Western popular dance music genres, and strategies of improvisation to allow for intuitive and musically salient interaction in live performance. The findings are embodied in a computational agent – the Jambot – capable of real-time musical improvisation in an ensemble setting. Conceptually the agent’s functionality is split into three domains: reception, analysis and generation. The project has resulted in novel techniques for addressing a range of issues in each of these domains. In the reception domain I present a novel suite of onset detection algorithms for real-time detection and classification of percussive onsets. This suite achieves reasonable discrimination between the kick, snare and hi-hat attacks of a standard drum-kit, with sufficiently low-latency to allow perceptually simultaneous triggering of accompaniment notes. The onset detection algorithms are designed to operate in the context of complex polyphonic audio. In the analysis domain I present novel beat-tracking and metre-induction algorithms that operate in real-time and are responsive to change in a live setting. I also present a novel analytic model of rhythm, based on musically salient features. This model informs the generation process, affording intuitive parametric control and allowing for the creation of a broad range of interesting rhythms. In the generation domain I present a novel improvisatory architecture drawing on theories of music perception, which provides a mechanism for the real-time generation of complementary accompaniment in an ensemble setting. All of these innovations have been combined into a computational agent – the Jambot, which is capable of producing improvised percussive musical accompaniment to an audio stream in real-time. I situate the architectural philosophy of the Jambot within contemporary debate regarding the nature of cognition and artificial intelligence, and argue for an approach to algorithmic improvisation that privileges the minimisation of cognitive dissonance in human-computer interaction. This thesis contains extensive written discussions of the Jambot and its component algorithms, along with some comparative analyses of aspects of its operation and aesthetic evaluations of its output. The accompanying CD contains the Jambot software, along with video documentation of experiments and performances conducted during the project.


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The ability of cells to adhere, spread and migrate is essential to many physiological processes, particularly in the immune system where cells must traffic to sites of inflammation and injury. By altering the levels of individual components of the VAMP3/Stx4/SNAP23 complex we show here that this SNARE complex regulates efficient macrophage adhesion, spreading and migration on fibronectin. During cell spreading this complex mediates the polarised exocytosis of VAMP3- positive recycling endosome membrane into areas of membrane expansion, where VAMP3's surface partner Q-SNARE complex Stx4/SNAP23 was found to accumulate. Lowering the levels of VAMP3 in spreading cells resulted in a more rounded cell morphology and most cells were found to be devoid of the typical ring-like podosome superstructures seen normally in spreading cells. In migrating cells lowering VAMP3 levels disrupted the polarised localisation of podosome clusters. The reduced trafficking of recycling endosome membrane to sites of cell spreading and the disorganised podosome localisation in migrating macrophages greatly reduced their ability to persistently migrate on fibronectin. Thus, this important SNARE complex facilitates macrophage adhesion, spreading, and persistent macrophage migration on fibronectin through the delivery of VAMP3-positive membrane with its cargo to expand the plasma membrane and to participate in organising adhesive podosome structures.


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Syntaxin 11 (Stx11) is a SNARE protein enriched in cells of the immune system. Loss or mutation of Stx11 results in familial hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis type-4 (FHL-4), an autosomal recessive disorder of immune dysregulation characterized by high levels of inflammatory cytokines along with defects in T-cell and natural killer cell function. We show here Stx11 is located on endosomalmembranes including late endosomes and lysosomes in macrophages. While Stx11 did not form a typical trans-SNARE complex, it did bind to the Q-SNARE Vti1b and was able to regulate the availability of Vti1b to form the Q-SNARE complexes Stx6/Stx7/Vtib and Stx7/Stx8/Vti1b. The mutant form of Stx11 sequestered Vti1b from forming the Q-SNARE complex that mediates late endosome to lysosome fusion. Depletion of Stx11 in activated macrophages leads to an accumulation of enlarged late endocytic compartments, increased trafficking to the cell surface and inhibition of late endosome to lysosome fusion. These phenotypes arerescued by the expression of an siRNA-resistant Stx11 construct in Stx11-depleted cells. Our results suggest that by regulating the availability of Vti1b, Stx11 regulates trafficking steps between late endosomes, lysosomes and the cell surface in macrophages.


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Cell migration is a highly complex process that requires the extension of cell membrane in the direction of travel. This membrane is continuously remodeled to expand the leading edge and alter its membrane properties. For a long time it has been known that there is a continual flow of polarized membrane traffic towards the leading edge during migration and that this trafficking is essential for cell migration. However, there is little information on how the cell coordinates exocytosis at the leading edge. It is also unclear whether these internal membranes are incorporated into the leading edge or are just delivering the necessary proteins for migration to occur. We have shown that recycling endosome membrane is incorporated into the plasma membrane at the leading edge to expand the membrane and at the same time delivers receptors to the leading edge to mediate migration. In order for this to happen the surface Q-SNARE complex Stx4/SNAP23 translocates to the leading edge where it binds to the R-SNARE VAMP3 on the recycling endosome allowing incorporation into the plasma membrane. Loss of any one of the components of this complex reduces efficient lamellipodia formation and restrains cell migration.


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In comparison to our knowledge of the recycling of adhesion receptors and actin assembly, exactly how the cell controls its surface membrane to form a lamellipodium during migration is poorly understood. Here, we show the recycling endosome membrane is incorporated into the leading edge of a migrating cell to expand lamellipodia membrane. We have identified the SNARE complex that is necessary for fusion of the recycling endosome with the cell surface, as consisting of the R-SNARE VAMP3 on the recycling endosome partnering with the surface Q-SNARE Stx4/SNAP23, which was found to translocate and accumulate on the leading edge of migrating cells. Increasing VAMP3-mediated fusion of the recycling endosome with the surface increased membrane ruffling, while inhibition of VAMP3-mediated fusion showed that incorporation of the recycling endosome is necessary for efficient lamellipodia formation. At the same time, insertion of this recycling endosome membrane also delivers its cargo integrin α5β1 to the cell surface. The loss of this extra membrane for lamellipodia expansion and delivery of cargo in cells resulted in macrophages with a diminished capacity to effectively migrate. Thus, the recycling endosome membrane is incorporated into the leading edge and this aids expansion of the lamellipodia and simultaneously delivers integrins necessary for efficient cell migration.