202 resultados para Smell
BACKGROUND General practitioners (GPs) are in best position to suspect dementia. Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) and Clock Drawing Test (CDT) are widely used. Additional neurological tests may increase the accuracy of diagnosis. We aimed to evaluate diagnostic ability to detect dementia with a Short Smell Test (SST) and Palmo-Mental Reflex (PMR) in patients whose MMSE and CDT are normal, but who show signs of cognitive dysfunction. METHODS This was a 3.5-year cross-sectional observational study in the Memory Clinic of the University Department of Geriatrics in Bern, Switzerland. Participating patients with normal MMSE (>26 points) and CDT (>5 points) were referred by GPs because they suspected dementia. All were examined according to a standardized protocol. Diagnosis of dementia was based on DSM-IV TR criteria. We used SST and PMR to determine if they accurately detected dementia. RESULTS In our cohort, 154 patients suspected of dementia had normal MMSE and CDT test results. Of these, 17 (11 %) were demented. If SST or PMR were abnormal, sensitivity was 71 % (95 % CI 44-90 %), and specificity 64 % (95 % CI 55-72 %) for detecting dementia. If both tests were abnormal, sensitivity was 24 % (95 % CI 7-50 %), but specificity increased to 93 % (95 % CI 88-97 %). CONCLUSION Patients suspected of dementia, but with normal MMSE and CDT results, may benefit if SST and PMR are added as diagnostic tools. If both SST and PMR are abnormal, this is a red flag to investigate these patients further, even though their negative neuropsychological screening results.
Reports about fluctuating olfactory deficits are rare, as are reports of unilateral olfactory loss. We present a case of unilateral anosmia with contralateral normosmia, presenting as rapidly fluctuating anosmia. The olfactory fluctuation occurred in sync with the average nasal cycle duration. Examination after nasal decongestion, formal smell testing, and imaging revealed unilateral, left-sided anosmia of sinonasal cause, with right-sided normosmia. We hypothesize that the nasal cycle induced transient anosmia when blocking the normosmic side. Fluctuating olfactory deficits might hide a unilateral olfactory loss and require additional unilateral testing and thorough workup. Laryngoscope, 126:E57-E59, 2016.
Brueghel the Elder, Jan and Peter Paul Rubens; 2 ft. 1 19/32 in.x 3 ft. 7 45/64 in.; oil on panel
International audience
The main objective of the research is to demonstrate new physiological characteristics receptors in the presence of mosquito larvae. 100 larvae of different species were collected and studied for a week in periods of 8-24 hrs. Larvae stages I, II, III and IV have photo-thermo receptors of light and heat housed in the body is divided into head, thorax and abdomen, perceive hot or cold environments, and have fibers in chest or hairs lining your body or abdomen, and a pair of antennae on the head. Stages II and III are more developed than the initial stages. They are attracted by the dark green at the bottom, a pair of eyes that perceive light and color. Have receptors proteins (RP55) that capture motion at a speed the slightest movement of waves in the water. Its nose is not well developed but have chemoreceptors. They adapt to changes in pH in alkaline media, are sensitive to chemical, thermal and mechanical changes nociceptors have electroreceptors or galvanoreceptores sensitive to electrical stimuli, have mechanoreceptors that are sensitive to touch, pain, pressure, gravity, sound. They have a GPS position that seems the guides. It is precisely in the fibers, mushrooms or bristles are recipients along with the micro villi in head, thorax and abdomen.
El objetivo principal de la investigación es demostrar nuevas características fisiológicas como la presencia de receptores en las larvas de mosquitos. Se recolectaron 100 larvas de diferentes especies y se estudiaron por una semana en periodos de 8 a 24 hrs. Las larvas de los estadios I,II,III y IV tienen foto-termo receptores de luz y calor alojados en el cuerpo que se divide en cabeza, tórax y abdomen, perciben ambientes fríos o calientes, así como tienen fibras en tórax o pelos que recubren su cuerpo, y un par de antenas en la cabeza. Los estadios II y III son más desarrollados que las etapas iniciales. Tienen receptores proteicos RP55. Les atrae el color verde oscuro en el fondo, un par de ojos que perciben la luz y color con fotoreceptores. Tienen receptores RP55 de movimiento que captan a una velocidad el más mínimo movimiento de ondas en el agua. Su olfato no está muy desarrollado pero tienen quimioreceptores. Se adaptan a cambios de pH en medios alcalinos, tienen nociceptores sensibles a cambios químicos, térmicos y mecánicos, tienen galvanoreceptores o electroreceptores sensibles a estímulos eléctricos, tienen mecanoreceptores que son sensibles al tacto, dolor, presión gravedad, sonido. Tienen un GPS de posición que pareciera las orienta.
The aim of the study was to develop a culturally adapted translation of the 12-item smell identification test from Sniffin' Sticks (SS-12) for the Estonian population in order to help diagnose Parkinson's disease (PD). A standard translation of the SS-12 was created and 150 healthy Estonians were questioned about the smells used as response options in the test. Unfamiliar smells were replaced by culturally familiar options. The adapted SS-12 was applied to 70 controls in all age groups, and thereafter to 50 PD patients and 50 age- and sex-matched controls. 14 response options from 48 used in the SS-12 were replaced with familiar smells in an adapted version, in which the mean rate of correct response was 87% (range 73-99) compared to 83% with the literal translation (range 50-98). In PD patients, the average adapted SS-12 score (5.4/12) was significantly lower than in controls (average score 8.9/12), p < 0.0001. A multiple linear regression using the score in the SS-12 as the outcome measure showed that diagnosis and age independently influenced the result of the SS-12. A logistic regression using the SS-12 and age as covariates showed that the SS-12 (but not age) correctly classified 79.0% of subjects into the PD and control category, using a cut-off of <7 gave a sensitivity of 76% and specificity of 86% for the diagnosis of PD. The developed SS-12 cultural adaption is appropriate for testing olfaction in Estonia for the purpose of PD diagnosis.
Dried mate leaves or aqueous extract of dried mate leaves added to chicken meat balls prior to cooking for antioxidant protection was found not to affect taste or smell of the product significantly for addition corresponding to 0.050% of dried mate leaves, while 0.10% changed the smell but not the taste and more significantly for dried leaves. Addition of aqueous mate extract corresponding to 0.050% of mate is recommended as an alternative to more strongly flavoured herbs for oxidative protection of meat products.
LRRK2 mutations can cause familial and sporadic Parkinson`s disease (PD) with Lewy-body pathology at post-mortem. Studies of olfaction in LRRK2 are sparse and incongruent. We applied a previously validated translation of the 16 item smell identification test from Sniffin` Sticks (SS-16) to 14 parkinsonian carriers of heterozygous G2019S LRRK2 mutation and compared with 106 PD patients and 118 healthy controls. The mean SS-16 score in LRRK2 was higher than in PD (p < 0.001, 95% CI for beta = -4.7 to -1.7) and lower than in controls (p = 0.007, 95% CI for beta = +0.6 to +3.6). In the LRRK2 group, subjects with low scores had significantly more dyskinesia. They also had younger age of onset, longer disease duration, and reported less frequently a family history of PD, but none of these other differences reached significance. Odor identification is diminished in LRRK2 parkinsonism but not to the same extent as in idiopathic PD. (C) 2010 Movement Disorder Society
The large number of wetlands treating mining wastewaters around the world have mostly been constructed in temperate environments. Wetlands have yet to be proven in low rainfall, high evaporation environments and such conditions are common in many parts of Australia. BHP Australia Coal is researching whether wetlands have potential in central Queensland to treat coal mining wastewaters. In this region, mean annual rainfall is < 650 mm and evaporation > 2 000 mm. A pilot-scale wetland system has been constructed at an open-cut coal mine. The system comprises six treatment cells, each 125 m long and 10 m wide. The system is described in the paper and some initial results presented. Results over the first fourteen months of operation have shown that although pH has not increased enough to enable reuse or release of the water, sulfate reduction has been observed in parts of the system, as shown by the characteristic black precipitate and smell of hydrogen sulfide emanating from the wetlands. These encouraging signs have led to experiments aimed at identifying the factors limiting sulfate reduction. The first experiment, described herein, included four treatments where straw was overlain by soil and the water level varied, being either at the top of the straw, at the top of the soil, or about 5 cm above the soil. The effect of inoculating with sulfate-reducing bacteria was investigated. Two controls were included, one covered and one open, to enable the effect of evaporation to be determined. The final treatment consisted of combined straw/cattle manure overlain with soil. Results showed that sulfate reduction did occur, as demonstrated by pH increases and lowering of sulfate levels. Mean pH of the water was significantly higher after 19 days; in the controls, pH was < 3.3, whereas in the treatments, pH ranged from 5.4 to 6.7. The best improvement in sulfate levels occurred in the straw/cattle manure treatment. (C) 1997 IAWQ. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.
P>Objective Congenital hypogonadotropic hypogonadism with anosmia (Kallmann syndrome) or with normal sense of smell is a heterogeneous genetic disorder caused by defects in the synthesis, secretion and action of gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH). Mutations involving autosomal genes have been identified in approximately 30% of all cases of hypogonadotropic hypogonadism. However, most studies that screened patients with hypogonadotropic hypogonadism for gene mutations did not include gene dosage methodologies. Therefore, it remains to be determined whether patients without detected point mutation carried a heterozygous deletion of one or more exons. Measurements We used the multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA) assay to evaluate the potential contribution of heterozygous deletions of FGFR1, GnRH1, GnRHR, GPR54 and NELF genes in the aetiology of GnRH deficiency. Patients We studied a mutation-negative cohort of 135 patients, 80 with Kallmann syndrome and 55 with normosmic hypogonadotropic hypogonadism. Results One large heterozygous deletion involving all FGFR1 exons was identified in a female patient with sporadic normosmic hypogonadotropic hypogonadism and mild dimorphisms as ogival palate and cavus foot. FGFR1 hemizygosity was confirmed by gene dosage with comparative multiplex and real-time PCRs. Conclusions FGFR1 or other autosomal gene deletion is a possible but very rare event and does not account for a significant number of sporadic or inherited cases of isolated GnRH deficiency.
Investiga o processo de transição da Escola Normal para outro espaço físico sob a forma de Instituto de Educação e os desdobramentos dessa mudança na formação de professores no Espírito Santo, segundo as diretrizes instituídas pela Lei nº. 5.692/71, durante o Regime Ditatorial Brasileiro (1964-1985). O recorte temporal inicia-se em 1971, quando ocorreu a transição, e encerra-se no ano 2000, momento em que o Instituto passa a denominar-se Escola Estadual de 2º grau Professor Fernando Duarte Rabelo. Privilegia, como interlocutores teóricos, os historiadores Carlo Ginzburg (1986, 2006), Marc Bloch (2001) e Michel de Certeau (2004) e toma, como corpus documental, propostas curriculares do Estado, portarias, matérias de jornais, fotografias de eventos realizados pela instituição e entrevistas com sujeitos que atuaram naquele espaço como professoras, diretora e aluna. As fontes foram interrogadas a partir das seguintes questões: como se deu a transição da Escola Normal D. Pedro II para o Instituto de Educação de Vitória? Que motivos levaram a essa transição? Como se configurou a formação de professores no Instituto de Educação? Quais os desdobramentos das mudanças ocorridas, em se tratando da formação de professores capixabas? Pareceram intrigantes silêncios e lacunas observados em relação à transição da Escola Normal para o Instituto de Educação e aos motivos que desencadearam essa mudança. Das falas das professoras, depreende-se que decisões sobre a transferência do espaço físico e as modificações no currículo vieram prontas, de cima para baixo. O discurso da modernização alardeia a técnica e o tecnicismo e anuncia novidades. A Escola Normal e as suas tradições passam a habitar o passado como algo que se apaga em nome do avanço técnico. Ainda que sutilmente, o cheiro do cafezinho gratuito e do mingau fizessem espargir o aroma da saudade de um outro tempo em que o lanche dos professores da Escola Normal era um encontro “solene”. Conclui-se que a abrupta descontinuidade da Escola Normal, cujo prédio passou a abrigar a atual Escola Estadual Maria Ortiz, possivelmente não se esgota nas questões de ordem técnico-pedagógica que os documentos deixam explícitas. Entretanto, tendo em vista o cronograma limitado desta pesquisa e a lacuna das fontes, não foi possível explorar outras possibilidades de resposta.