998 resultados para Slip Flow


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Single bubble injection simulations inside a minimally fluidized bed have been studied widely and are often used to validate the accuracy of different numerical models. Bubble shape, size and voidage distribution are the important parameters that are validated from the experiments. In the present work, the most widely used drag model (Gidaspow’s drag model) is compared to a new proposed slip flow drag model which takes into account the presence of the slip flow regime, often encountered in vacuum fluidized beds and characterised by Knudsen no. (Kn). Shape and size prediction of the bubble evolution inside the bed is carried out numerically by using the two fluid model, comparing the results predicted by the drag models. It is seen that the predictions are different for the two drag models only under high vacuum conditions corresponding to Kn in slip/transition flow regime. The predictions are also found sensitive to pressure gradient in the bed and fluid velocity.


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This paper addresses the microscale heat transfer problem from heated lattice to the gas. A micro-device for enhanced heat transfer is presented and numerically investigated. Thermal creep induces 3-D vortex structures in the vicinity of the lattice. The gas flow is in the slip flow regime (Knudsen number Kn⩽0.1Kn⩽0.1). The simulations are performed using slip flow Navier–Stokes equations with boundary condition formulations proposed by Maxwell and Smoluchowski. In this study the wire thicknesses and distances of the heated lattice are varied. The surface geometrical properties alter significantly heat flux through the surface.


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We examine the transport of methane in microporous carbon by performing equilibrium and nonequilibrium molecular dynamics simulations over a range of pore sizes, densities, and temperatures. We interpret these simulation results using two models of the transport process. At low densities, we consider a molecular flow model, in which intermolecular interactions are neglected, and find excellent agreement between transport diffusion coefficients determined from simulation, and those predicted by the model. Simulation results indicate that the model can be applied up to fluid densities of the order to 0.1-1 nm(-3). Above these densities, we consider a slip flow model, combining hydrodynamic theory with a slip condition at the solid-fluid interface. As the diffusion coefficient at low densities can be accurately determined by the molecular flow model, we also consider a model where the slip condition is supplied by the molecular flow model. We find that both density-dependent models provide a useful means of estimating the transport coefficient that compares well with simulation. (C) 2004 American Institute of Physics.


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We present a tractable theory of transport of simple fluids in cylindrical nanopores, considering trajectories of molecules between diffuse wall collisions at low-density, and including viscous flow contributions at higher densities. The model is validated through molecular dynamics simulations of supercritical methane transport, over a wide range of conditions. We find excellent agreement between model and simulation at low to medium densities. However, at high densities the model tends to over-predict the transport behaviour, due to a large decrease in surface slip that is not well represented by the model. It is also seen that the concept of activated diffusion, commonly associated with diffusion in small pores, is fundamentally invalid for smooth pores.


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We examine here the relative importance of different contributions to transport of light gases in single walled carbon nanotubes, using methane and hydrogen as examples. Transport coefficients at 298 K are determined using molecular dynamics simulation with atomistic models of the nanotube wall, from which the diffusive and viscous contributions are resolved using a recent approach that provides an explicit expression for the latter. We also exploit an exact theory for the transport of Lennard-Jones fluids at low density considering diffuse reflection at the tube wall, thereby permitting the estimation of Maxwell coefficients for the wall reflection. It is found that reflection from the carbon nanotube wall is nearly specular, as a result of which slip flow dominates, and the viscous contribution is small in comparison, even for a tube as large as 8.1 nm in diameter. The reflection coefficient for hydrogen is 3-6 times as large as that for methane in tubes of 1.36 nm diameter, indicating less specular reflection for hydrogen and greater sensitivity to atomic detail of the surface. This reconciles results showing that transport coefficients for hydrogen and methane, obtained in simulation, are comparable in tubes of this size. With increase in adsorbate density, the reflection coefficient increases, suggesting that adsorbate interactions near the wall serve to roughen the local potential energy landscape perceived by fluid molecules.


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In this paper we examine the effect of contact angle (or surface wettability) on the convective heat transfer coefficient in microchannels. Slip flow, where the fluid velocity at the wall is non-zero, is most likely to occur in microchannels due to its dependence on shear rate or wall shear stress. We show analytically that for a constant pressure drop, the presence of slip increases the Nusselt number. In a microchannel heat exchanger we modified the surface wettability from a contact angle of 20 degrees-120 degrees using thin film coating technology. Apparent slip flow is implied from pressure and flow rate measurements with a departure from classical laminar friction coefficients above a critical shear rate of approximately 10,000 s(-1). The magnitude of this departure is dependant on the contact angle with higher contact angles surfaces exhibiting larger pressure drop decreases. Similarly, the non-dimensional heat flux is found to decrease relative to laminar non-slip theory, and this decrease is also a function of the contact angle. Depending on the contact angle and the wall shear rate, variations in the heat transfer rate exceeding 10% can be expected. Thus the contact angle is an important consideration in the design of micro, and even more so, nano heat exchangers. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Closed-form solutions are presented for blood flow in the microcirculation by taking into account the influence of slip velocity at the membrane surface. In this study, the convective inertia force is neglected in comparison with that of blood viscosity on the basis of the smallness of the Reynolds number of the flow in microcirculation. The permeability property of the blood vessel is based on the well known Starling's hypothesis [11]. The effects of slip coefficient on the velocity and pressure fields are clearly depicted.


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The influence of the flow rule on the bearing capacity of strip foundations placed on sand was investigated using a new kinematic approach of upper-bound limit analysis. The method of stress characteristics was first used to find the mechanism of the failure and to compute the stress field by using the Mohr-Coulomb yield criterion. Once the failure mechanism had been established, the kinematics of the plastic deformation was established, based on the requirements of the upper-bound limit theorem. Both associated and nonassociated plastic flows were considered, and the bearing capacity was obtained by equating the rate of external plastic work to the rate of the internal energy dissipation for both smooth and rough base foundations. The results obtained from the analysis were compared with those available from the literature. (C) 2014 American Society of Civil Engineers.


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Characteristic burtsing behavior is observed in a driven, two-dimensional viscous flow, confined to a square domain and subject to no-slip boundaries. Passing a critical parameter value, an existing chaotic attractor undergoes a crisis, after which the flow initially enters a transient bursting regime. Bursting is caused by ejections from and return to a limited subdomain of the phase space, whereas the precrisis chaotic set forms the asymptotic attractor of the flow. For increasing values of the control parameter the length of the bursting regime increases progressively. Passing another critical parameter value, a second crisis leads to the appearance of a secondary type of bursting, of very large dynamical range. Within the bursting regime the flow then switches in irregular intervals from the primary to the secondary type of bursting. Peak enstrophy levels for both types of bursting are associated to the collapse of a primary vortex into a quadrupolar state.


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In this paper, we present results on water flow past randomly textured hydrophobic surfaces with relatively large surface features of the order of 50 µm. Direct shear stress measurements are made on these surfaces in a channel configuration. The measurements indicate that the flow rates required to maintain a shear stress value vary substantially with water immersion time. At small times after filling the channel with water, the flow rates are up to 30% higher compared with the reference hydrophilic surface. With time, the flow rate gradually decreases and in a few hours reaches a value that is nearly the same as the hydrophilic case. Calculations of the effective slip lengths indicate that it varies from about 50 µm at small times to nearly zero or “no slip” after a few hours. Large effective slip lengths on such hydrophobic surfaces are known to be caused by trapped air pockets in the crevices of the surface. In order to understand the time dependent effective slip length, direct visualization of trapped air pockets is made in stationary water using the principle of total internal reflection of light at the water-air interface of the air pockets. These visualizations indicate that the number of bright spots corresponding to the air pockets decreases with time. This type of gradual disappearance of the trapped air pockets is possibly the reason for the decrease in effective slip length with time in the flow experiments. From the practical point of usage of such surfaces to reduce pressure drop, say, in microchannels, this time scale of the order of 1 h for the reduction in slip length would be very crucial. It would ultimately decide the time over which the surface can usefully provide pressure drop reductions. ©2009 American Institute of Physics


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This paper deals with the pulsatile blood flow in the lung alveolar sheets by idealizing each of them as a channel covered by porous media. As the blood flow in the lung is of low Reynolds number, a creeping flow is assumed in the channel. The analytical and numerical results for the velocity and pressure distribution in the porous medium are presented. The effect of an imposed slip condition is also studied. Comparisons with the corresponding results for the steady-state case are made at the end.


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A slip line field is proposed for symmetrical single‐cavity closed‐die forging by rough dies. A compatible velocity field is shown to exist. Experiments were conducted using lead workpiece and rough dies. Experimentally observed flow and load were used to validate the proposed slip line field. The slip line field was used to simulate the process in the computer with the objective of studying the influence of flash geometry on cavity filling.


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The main purpose of forging design is to ensure cavity filling with minimum material wastage, minimum die load and minimum deformation energy. Given the desired shape of the component and the material to be forged, this goal is achieved by optimising the initial volume of the billet, the geometrical parameters of the die and the process parameters. It is general industrial practise to fix the initial billet volume and the die parameters using empirical relationships derived from practical experience. In this paper a basis for optimising some of the parameters for simple closed-die forging is proposed. Slip-line field solutions are used to predict the flow, the load and the energy in a simple two-dimensional closed-die forging operation. The influence of the design parameters; flash-land width, excess initial workpiece area and forged cross-sectional size; on complete cavity filling and efficient cavity filling are investigated. Using the latter as necessary requirements for forging, the levels of permissable design parameters are determined, the variation of these levels with the size of the cross-section then being examined.


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Measurements in a mixed flow pump of non-dimensional specific speed k = 1.89[N-S = 100 r/min (metric)] are analysed to give loss distribution and local hydraulic efficiencies at different flowrates and values of tip clearance. Fairly close agreement is obtained between the relative flow angles leaving the blading as predicted by simple deviation and slip models and derived from the measurements. The head developed is broken up into two parts: that contributed by Coriolis action and that associated with blade circulation. It is suggested that lift coefficients based on blade circulation are of limited value in selecting blade profiles. The variation of pump efficiency with tip clearance is greater than that reported for centrifugal pumps.