40 resultados para Slang
Riassunto: L’articolo è suddiviso in tre parti. Nella prima, dall’esame di brani dalla Repubblica e dal Corriere della sera si osserva in che modo i giornali trattano questioni linguistiche. Nella seconda, si esemplifica il fenomeno della discriminazione mediante l’analisi di alcuni etnonimi (siciliano, calabrese, milanese, torinese, ecc.). Nella terza parte, si analizza un interessante strumento lessicografico del settimanale L’Espresso: Slangopedia, sui gerghi giovanili. A tenere insieme questi tre temi è il rapporto tra media e ideologia linguistica, nell’intento di stimolare la ricerca futura a investigare sull’identità linguistica degli italiani, attraverso la stampa periodica, come riflesso dell’identità culturale. Se ne ricava che la società italiana non sembra più in grado di riflettere criticamente sulla propria lingua: in molti articoli, infatti, spicca il tono aggressivo e forse discriminatorio nei confronti di chi si allontana da uno standard spesso male interpretato.
This dissertation examines gendered fictional dialogue in popular works by D.H. Lawrence, Ernest Hemingway and E.M. Forster, including Howards End (1910), The Sun Also Rises (1926) and Lady Chatterley’s Lover (1928). I apply Judith Halberstam’s notion of female masculinity to direct speech, to explore how speech traits inform modernist literary aesthetics. My introduction frames this discussion in sociolinguistics, Judith Butler’s theory of performativity, M.M. Bakhtin’s discourse theory, and gender studies. It provides an opportunity to establish experimental dialogue techniques, and the manipulation of gendered talk, in transgressive texts including James Joyce’s Ulysses (1922), Virginia Woolf’s Orlando (1928) and Radcyffe Hall’s The Well of Loneliness (1928). The first chapter discusses taboos and dialect in D.H. Lawrence’s fictional dialogue. The second chapter establishes gender subversion as a crucial element in Ernest Hemingway’s dialogue style. The third chapter contrasts Forster’s latently gendered speech with his techniques of dialect emphasis and dialect suppression. Finally, my conclusion discusses gender identity in the poetry of Dorothy Parker and Baroness Elsa von Freytag Loringhoven, and the temporality of gender in “Time Passes” from Virginia Woolf’s To the Lighthouse (1927). New Woman characters like Lady Brett Ashley typified a crucial moment in women’s liberation. They not only subverted stereotypes of womanhood through their dress or sexual freedom, they also adopted/adapted masculine idiom to shock, to rebel against and challenge male dominance. Different speech acts incited fashionable slang, became a political protest symbol or inspired psychoanalytic theory. The intriguing functions of women’s masculine speech in early twentieth century fiction establishes the need to examine additional connections between gender and talk in literary studies.
La perdurabilidad empresarial es un tema complejo y de vital importancia para las empresas, dado que todos los esfuerzos administrativos y operativos tienen como fin la trascendencia en el tiempo. En la historia empresarial Colombiana, pocas empresas han logrado superar los cambios del entorno a través del tiempo. El GEA (Grupo Empresarial Antioqueño), es uno de los grupos económicos colombianos que ha logrado sortear los cambios del tiempo con éxito. Con más de treinta años de trayectoria, el grupo económico ha logrado consolidar cada una de sus compañías, tanto en el mercado nacional como internacional. Sin embargo éste ha sido un proceso largo de 30 años, en el cual ha tenido que enfrentar sucesos importantes como crisis económica, conflictos sociales, apertura económica, deterioro de relaciones internacionales, etc. De tal forma resulta interesante conocer la dinámica estratégica llevada a cabo, y que permitió dar forma a lo que hoy se conoce como Grupo empresarial Antioqueño.
The Cypriot Greek variety (CG), spoken in the island of Cyprus, is relatively distinct from Standard Greek (SG) in all linguistic domains and, especially, in the area of pronunciation. Youth language, within the Greek-Cypriot context, is an area of study that has, until recently, received little attention. Tsiplakou (2004) makes reference to the emergence of a new slang among young Greek-Cypriots, influenced by new comedy series, in which the actors make extensive use of ‘exaggeratedly peasant’ CG. As these comedy series become increasingly popular, the use of marked regional features becomes evident in the speech style of young Greek-Cypriots. A preliminary study has also revealed that marked CG linguistic features are equally evident in the online interactions of young internet users (Themistocleous 2005). In this study, I examine the use of CG phonological elements in a corpus of messages collected from channel #Cyprus, of Internet Relay Chat (IRC). It is demonstrated that young Greek-Cypriots use language in creative ways, in order to represent in writing phonological features, typical of their informal speech.
This chapter is an analysis of a 100,000-word corpus consisting of message-board postings on hip-hop websites. A discourse analysis of this corpus reveals three strategies employed by the posters to identify themselves as members of the hip-hop community in the otherwise anonymous setting of the internet: (1) defined openings and closings, (2) repeated use of slang and taboo terms, and (3) performance of verbal art. Each strategy is characterized by the codification of non-standard grammar and pronunciations characteristic of speech, as well as by the use of non-standard orthography. The purpose of the discourse is shown to be a performance of identity, whereby language is used and recognized as the discursive construction of one’s hip-hop identity.
Le but de ce mémoire est d’étudier les origines étymologiques des mots argotiques qui ont commencé à être utilisés pendant le vingtième siècle. 100 mots ont été choisis et présentés selon leurs origines. Les mots ont été choisis dans le Dictionnaire de l’argot et du français populaire. Les langues d’origine les plus représentées parmi ces 100 mots ont été étudiées pour voir s’il y a une raison probable pour laquelle le français a emprunté des mots à ces langues. Nous avons classé la plupart des mots en champs lexicaux pour examiner s’il y a un certain type de mots qui sont empruntés et si les langues différentes contribuent à des champs lexicaux différents. L’étude a montré que le français a emprunté des mots argotiques aux beaucoup de langues différentes pendant le vingtième siècle. L’anglais et l’arabe ont contribué avec le plus grand nombre de mots. Pour ces deux langues et pour la plupart des autres langues de l’étude, nous discutons des raisons possibles pour lesquelles les mots ont été empruntés.
The word zenzen is an adverb that is used frequently in daily conversational Japanese. From the Meiji period (1868-1912) until the early Showa period (1924-1989) the word was used together with both affirmative and negative words to form expressions. In the early Showa period the grammatical rules in education changed so that the only acceptable use was together with a negative word. From the 1990’s onward, the use together with an affirmative word has made a comeback especially among younger Japanese people. However even though the usage together with an affirmative word has made a comeback and was considered normal once in history, in today’s society it is still considered as slang and thus not recommended usage in formal situations. Foreign language learners however, tend not to learn a language only by textbooks but also by imitating the language of native Japanese speakers and Japanese popular culture. This may lead to a confusion regarding what words are acceptable to use in conversations. Therefore in this study, an online survey that examines the usage and attitudes regarding the word zenzen aimed at Japanese language learners at Swedish universities was conducted. The results of the survey showed that although a majority of the learners showed a good understanding of the usage, more than half of the learners displayed a feeling of confusion regarding the usage of the word. The gender comparison regarding the usage showed no major differences. Having lived in Japan, having Japanese friends whom you speak Japanese with regularly and length of Japanese study was associated with an increased understanding of the usage. Regular consumption of Japanese popular culture, however, was not associated with an increased understanding of the usage. A literature analysis was also conducted to examine the attitudes regarding the usage of zenzen in a variety of books with topics including business language and books aimed at Japanese language teachers. The results showed that zenzen used together with a negative word was considered as the norm while zenzen used together with an affirmative word was not recommended to be used in formal situations. When recommending proper usage of the word zenzen together with an affirmative word to foreign learners of Japanese, hijou-ni and totemo was seen as better alternatives to zenzen in a formal situation.
In the current context of lexicographical studies, there have been increasing discussions concerning the issue of the relationship between theoretical knowledge of the lexicon and pedagogical practices involved in its teaching. However, in this context, the special lexicon of Portuguese such as neologisms, foreign words, slang and idioms has received little attention from researchers. There are many theoretical studies on each one of these phenomena, but few studies aim at an organization and inclusion of special units in the teaching of Portuguese. For this reason, this article presents a reflection on the teaching of idioms, and, despite the widely held belief that dictionaries are only needed for the teaching of foreign languages, the article suggests the implementation of special dictionaries for the teaching of Portuguese Language in elementary education.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This study proposes an analysis of slang words which are present in the lyrics of the song Vida Loka I, composed by the group of rap Racionais MC's from São Paulo, from a Sociolinguistic stylistic perspective, in order to understand the transition of some words which are nowadays considered as informal language to became present in dictionaries
This study proposes an analysis of slang words which are present in the lyrics of the song Vida Loka I, composed by the group of rap Racionais MC's from São Paulo, from a Sociolinguistic stylistic perspective, in order to understand the transition of some words which are nowadays considered as informal language to became present in dictionaries
Tansania, Dar es Salaam, Swahili, Videofilme, Populärkultur, Bongo Flava, Hip Hop, Filmanalyse, Sprachanalyse, Swahili Slang, Kiswahili cha Mitaani, Codeswitching
At first, the main author of the book was presented together with the Italian source text: it was pointed out her double role of author and protagonist of the very events narrated in the book, inspired from facts which truly happened and which have to do with the story of her family. Afterwards, the translation part itself follows. Some pages taken from the original Italian book were translated into English; the parts which have been chosen are various extracts which were thought as a leading thread to understand the meaning and the intention of the entire book. After the translation, the analysis part was presented, where idiomatic expressions which can be found in great quantity throughout the book, are explained and commented. Here, clarifications can also be found concerning geographical and historical references, and something about the main characters who stand for people that truly existed. Finally some other little extracts from the book were included: they were translated and some translating choices were explained. These extra parts were integrated in the thesis in order to point out the main difficulty of translating the book La Collina, that is, the presence of a great deal of idiomatic and slang expressions both of everyday colloquial use and concerning the field of drugs. The English translation of these parts had to sound natural and spontaneous to an English-speaking readership, which should not notice they were translated from Italian. A great deal of research on the Internet was carried out in order to make sure those expressions didn’t seem contrived and unnatural in English: this was one of the main concerns of the translation.
La tesi analizza alcuni film slovacchi e cechi, prevalentemente coproduzioni, ambientati in tre contesti storici diversi. Il primo periodo storico esaminato è quello del regime comunista, la seconda metà degli anni Sessanta, il secondo fa riferimento al periodo successivo alla caduta del regime con la Rivoluzione di Velluto, quindi gli anni a partire dal 1989, attraverso i quali saranno analizzati alcuni aspetti politico-sociali della realtà cecoslovacca. Il terzo periodo storico si concentra sull’analisi della modernità, soffermandosi su alcune caratteristiche della società contemporanea, con lungometraggi ambientati al giorno d’oggi per approfondire lo studio della realtà slovacca, che ha subito radicali trasformazioni nel corso dell’ultimo ventennio. A seguito di un’analisi di carattere politico-sociale verrà poi studiato, in chiave sincronica e diacronica, l’aspetto socio-linguistico, prendendo in esame i diversi cambiamenti che la lingua ha subito nel corso degli ultimi venticinque anni e le connotazioni che essa veicola a seconda delle caratteristiche sociali che rappresenta e di cui è il riflesso. L’elaborato analizza inoltre il rapporto fra la lingua slovacca e quella ceca, come queste due lingue vengono percepite in maniera diversa da Cechi e Slovacchi e come vengono trattate diversamente nel contesto cinematografico. Per ogni periodo storico sono stati scelti due film, per presentare uno studio più completo e per poter analizzare nel migliore dei modi periodi storici estremamente diversi tra loro. In particolare, i primi due film permettono di riflettere nel dettaglio sui rapporti di estrema vicinanza fra la lingua slovacca, quella ceca e quella russa; i film riguardanti il periodo di transizione sono maggiormente incentrati sugli aspetti sociali dell’epoca, in particolare a livello famigliare ed economico. In ultimo vengono analizzati film molto moderni, che presentano una lingua particolare, caratterizzata da anglicismi, espressioni colloquiali, slang e volgarismi. Nel complesso, si è cercato di proporre film che rappresentassero al meglio i cambiamenti della società e dai quali si potesse prendere spunto per una successiva riflessione linguistica.