968 resultados para Site visits
Pacific Journalism Review has consistently, at a good standard, honoured its 1994 founding goal: to be a credible peer-reviewed journal in the Asia-Pacific region, probing developments in journalism and media, and supporting journalism education. Global, it considers new media and social movements; ‘regional’, it promotes vernacular media, human freedoms and sustainable development. Asking how it developed, the method for this article was to research the archive, noting authors, subject matter, themes. The article concludes that one answer is the journal’s collegiate approach; hundreds of academics, journalists and others, have been invited to contribute. Second has been the dedication of its one principal editor, Professor David Robie, always somehow providing resources—at Port Moresby, Suva, and now Auckland—with a consistent editorial stance. Eclectic, not partisan, it has nevertheless been vigilant over rights, such as monitoring the Fiji coups d’etat. Watching through a media lens, it follows a ‘Pacific way’, handling hard information through understanding and consensus. It has 237 subscriptions indexed to seven databases. Open source, it receives more than 1000 site visits weekly. With ‘clientele’ mostly in Australia, New Zealand and ‘Oceania’, it extends much further afield. From 1994 to 2014, 701 articles and reviews were published, now more than 24 scholarly articles each year.
This report owes its genesis to the foresight and enthusiam of Dr. Kazuhiro Mizue. By happy circumstance, Professor Mizue contacted me in 1983 with his visionary ideas on cooperative programs. He noted that the time was right because the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science and the National Science Foundation had mutually given priority to cooperative programs in marine biology. I therefore agreed to act as the U.S. coordinator and proposed to NSF, a short trip to Japan to negotiate site visits and timing with ten previously appointed Japanese scientists and, if that trip were successful, to negotiate a joint research project, possibly followed by a joint seminar. (PDF file contains 528 pages.)
The purpose of this report is to record key events and achievements of the NRA Central Area Fisheries Function in 1995. Rivers include the Ribble, Hodder and Lune. The report looks at Hydrological and meteorological data, site visits made during the year, communications and reports, Capital works and purchases, Stock assessment, monitoring and specific investigations, Fisheries Management advice, Fish kills and rescues, Fish rearing and stocking. It also looks at rod and net catches for salmon and sea trout, micro-tag returns, the drought, the results of the 1995 objectives set the year before and the key objectives for 1996.
The purpose of this report is to record key events and achievements of the NRA Central Area Fisheries Function in 1996. Rivers are Ribble, Hodder and Lune. The report looks at Hydrological and meteorological data, site visits made during the year, promotional events that it was involved with; communications and reports, Capital works and purchases, Stock assessment, monitoring and specific investigations, Fisheries Management advice, Fish kills and rescues, Fish rearing and stocking. It also includes catch data for net and rod catches for Salmon and Sea trout; the results of the objectives made last year and key objectives for next year.
Os SIG Sistemas de Informação Geográfica vêm sendo cada vez mais estudados como ferramentas facilitadoras de análises territoriais com o objetivo de subsidiar a gestão ambiental. A Ilha Grande, que pertence ao município de Angra dos Reis, localiza-se na baía de Ilha Grande no sul do estado do Rio de Janeiro e constitui-se no recorte espacial de análise. Apresenta uma dinâmica ambiental complexa que se sobrepõem principalmente aos usos de proteção ambiental e de atividade turística em uma porção do território em que as normatizações legais são difíceis de serem aplicadas, pois são reflexos de interesses que se manifestam em três esferas do poder a municipal, a estadual e a federal. O objetivo principal desta pesquisa é a realização do processamento digital de imagem para auxiliar a gestão territorial da Ilha Grande. Em foco, a estrada Abraão - Dois Rios, que liga Abraão (local de desembarque dos turistas, principal núcleo da Ilha) a Dois Rios (local de visitação por estudantes e pesquisadores, núcleo que abrigava o presídio, atualmente abriga sede do centro de pesquisa e museu da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro), ambos protegidos por diferentes categorias de unidades de conservação. A metodologia fundamenta-se no processamento digital de imagem através da segmentação e da classificação supervisionada por pixel e por região. O processamento deu-se a partir da segmentação (divisão de uma imagem digital em múltiplas regiões ou objetos, para simplificar e/ou mudar a representação de uma imagem) e dos processos de classificações de imagem, com a utilização de classificação por pixel e classificação por regiões (com a utilização do algoritmo Bhattacharya). As segmentações e classificações foram processadas no sistema computacional SPRING versão 5.1.7 e têm como objetivo auxiliar na análise de uso da Terra e projetar cenários a partir da identificação dos pontos focais de fragilidade encontrados ao longo da estrada Abraão-Dois Rios, propensos a ocorrências de movimentos de massa e que potencializam o efeito de borda da floresta e os impactos ambientais. A metodologia utilizada baseou-se em análise de campo e comparações de tecnologias de classificação de imagens. Essa estrada eixo de ligação entre os dois núcleos tem significativa importância na história da Ilha, nela circulam veículos, pesados e leves, de serviço, pedestres e turistas. Como resultados da presente foram gerados os mapas de classificação por pixel, os mapas de classificação por região, o mapa fuzzy com a intersecção dos mapas de classificação supervisionada por região e os mapas com os locais coletados em campo onde são verificadas ocorrências de movimentos de massa nas imagens ALOS, 2000, IKONOS, 2003 e ortofotografias, 2006. Esses mapas buscam servir de apoio à tomada de decisões por parte dos órgãos locais responsáveis.
This article presents a UK-based research that has studied the existing sheltered or assisted living housing population and its future housing options and preferences. This meets an identified need to know and understand users' needs and requirements in much more detail that outlines what is liked and disliked by older people about sheltered housing, so that those who plan and design such housing can be aware of their views. The study also sought to understand the architects' challenges in designing and adapting this type of housing. The sheltered housing managed by housing associations in Belfast, Northern Ireland, was assessed through a series of site visits, structured interviews, and a focus group with stakeholders. Findings revealed older users' keen interest in participating in their housing needs assessment, identified building design concerns and provided recommendations for potential design guidelines. The findings of this research have provided important policy and design guidance to NI housing providers, and also allowed various stakeholders to participate in the debate about the quality of housing provided for the older people. This is a significant research study that generated considerable interest from various housing providers. This is an international peer reviewed journal.
A National Frog Survey of Ireland is planned for spring 2011. We conducted a pilot survey of 25 water bodies in ten 0.25 km2 survey squares in Co. Mayo during spring 2010. Drainage ditches were the most commonly available site for breeding and, generally, two 100 m stretches of ditch were surveyed in each square. The restricted period for peak spawning activity renders any methodology utilizing only one site visit inherently risky. Consequently, each site was visited three times from late March to early April. Occurrence of spawn declined significantly from 72 % to 44 % between the first and third visit whilst the overall occurrence of spawn at all sites was 76 %. As the breeding season advanced, spawn either hatched or was predated and, therefore, disappeared. In those water bodies where spawning was late, however, greater densities of spawn were deposited than in those sites where breeding was early. Consequently, spawn density and estimated frog density did not differ significantly between site visits. Future surveys should nevertheless include multiple site visits to avoid biased estimation of species occurrence and distribution. Ecological succession was identified as the main threat present at 44 % of sites.
A short series of articles in Nursing Older People, starting in September, presents case study examples of the positive work achieved by trusts that participated in the RCN’s development programme to improve dementia care in acute hospitals. This introductory article reports on the independent evaluation of the programme. The programme included a launch event, development days, site visits, ongoing support by the RCN lead and carer representatives and a conference to showcase service improvements. The evaluation drew on data from a survey, the site visits, trust action plans and a range of self-assessment tools for dementia care. The findings highlight substantial progress towards programme objectives and learning outcomes and suggest that the programme provided the focus, impetus and structure for trusts to make sustainable changes. It also equipped participants with the strategies and confidence to change practice. Recommendations are made for taking the programme forward.
Les systèmes de gestion intégrée en environnement et en santé et sécurité du travail (SGI) sont un nouveau paradigme de gestion dans les organisations modernes. Ces systèmes sont construits à partir des normes ISO 14001 et d’OHSAS 18001, basées sur la prévention des risques et le principe de précaution. La littérature sur les SGI témoigne d’un marasme conceptuel prédominant depuis plus de 10 ans; elle insiste sur l’urgence d’un consensus taxinomique et conceptuel afin de définir les systèmes de gestion intégrée et de différencier le mécanisme d’intégration de celui de l’implantation. Cette lacune conceptuelle enlise les connaissances dans un fossé épistémologique, retardant ainsi le débat dans ce nouveau champ d’études. Les rares connaissances dont nous disposons dans ce domaine proviennent de quelques études théoriques et de six études empiriques, toutes préoccupées par la compatibilité des multiples systèmes et des avantages économiques de leur intégration. Les évidences engendrées par ces études sont insuffisantes pour appréhender la dynamique du nouveau paradigme dont les effets demeurent peu connus. Cette situation révèle l’urgence d’agir dans un contexte où l’utilisation des SGI se multiplie, et où leur tendance à minimiser l’importance des risques devient de plus en plus préoccupante. Aucune étude ne s’est encore penchée sur l’implantation d’un SGI en environnement et en santé et sécurité du travail construit uniquement à partir des normes ISO 14001 et d’OHSAS 18001. Cette connaissance est importante pour expliquer les effets de tels systèmes. C’est dans cette perspective que nous avons réalisé cette première étude empirique d’un SGI selon les normes ISO 14001 et d’OHSAS 18001. Nos questions de recherche portent sur le mode, le degré d’implantation, les effets du SGI, ainsi que sur les facteurs contextuels qui interviennent pour expliquer les variations dans le degré d’implantation et les effets du SGI. Il s’agit d’une recherche à prélèvement qualitatif qui repose sur un devis d’étude de cas, avec des niveaux d’analyse imbriqués, et comportant une double visée descriptive et explicative. Notre échantillon, de type raisonné, regroupait trente-cinq intervenants provenant de différentes instances hiérarchiques ; il incluait également des représentants syndicaux. Notre échantillon était composé de 7 usines, accréditées aux normes ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, et dispersées dans différentes villes du Québec. Ces usines différaient tant par leur technologie, leur âge, leur taille, et leurs types de production. Nos données ont été recueillies en 2004; elles sont basées sur des entrevues semi dirigées, sur des observations directes lors de la visite des lieux; elles s’appuient aussi sur des consultations de documents internes et sur des outils électroniques implantés. La transcription des entrevues effectuée, le contenu des discours a été catégorisé selon les cinq dimensions du SGI: engagement, planification, mise en opération, contrôle et revue de la direction. Une condensation horizontale avait précédé l’analyse de chaque cas et l’analyse transversale des cas selon une approche à la fois inductive et déductive. Les résultats de notre recherche ont révélé deux modes d’implantation : le mode d’enrichissement et le mode de fusion. Ces modes dépendaient de la nature des structures fonctionnelles en place. La visée d’amélioration continue à la base du SGI n’avait pas réussi à concilier les approches traditionnelles bottom up et top down qui ont dominé cette implantation; son mécanisme était guidé par 4 types de stratégies : l’économie des ressources, le contrôle des forces d’influences, la stratégie des fruits faciles à cueillir et la stratégie à petits pas. Pour analyser le degré d’implantation, nous avons tenu compte de l’effort de structuration du SGI et de la force d’utilisation des processus implantés à chacune des cinq dimensions du SGI. Les résultats de notre recherche révèlent une variabilité certaine du degré d’implantation entre les usines d’une part, et entre les processus associés aux cinq dimensions du SGI d’autre part. L’analyse des discours a permis de produire cinq hypothèses qui soutiennent l’effort de structuration et la force d’utilisation du SGI: (i) l’hypothèse de la force de cohésion, (ii) l’hypothèse de la spécificité du processus, (iii) l’hypothèse de la portée du processus, (iv) l’hypothèse de la capacité organisationnelle, (v) l’hypothèse de l’acceptation du changement. L’implantation du SGI était soumise à l’influence de multiples facteurs; ils étaient de nature politique, structurelle et organisationnelle. Ces facteurs avaient agi sur le processus d’implantation en amorçant une cascade d’interactions au cours desquelles leurs forces d’influences se renforçaient, se neutralisaient ou s’additionnaient pour affecter le degré d’implantation. Les facteurs facilitant touchaient surtout l’effort de structuration ; ils incluaient : l’expérience des systèmes de gestion, l’implication de la direction, celle du syndicat ou du CSS, la structure organisationnelle, le niveau d’éducation, l’âge et la taille de l’usine. Quant aux facteurs contraignants, ils agissaient sur la force d’utilisation ; ils incluaient : la lourdeur procédurale, le manque de temps, le manque de formation, le manque de ressources, la culture organisationnelle, la structure organisationnelle, le fossé intergénérationnel, l’absence du syndicat et l’âge de l’usine. Trois effets proximaux escomptés par l’entreprise ont été observés. (i) La rigueur de la gestion était associée à l’application des exigences du SGI; elle touchait la gouvernance en environnement et en santé et sécurité du travail, les mécanismes de gestion et les procédés de production. (ii) La standardisation était reliée au mode d’implantation du SGI; elle concernait les pratiques, les outils, les méthodes de travail et l’organisation des ressources. (iii) La rupture des silos est un effet relié au mode d’implantation du SGI; elle touchait les structures départementales, les frontières professionnelles, les relations et climat de travail. Ces effets proximaux avaient provoqué plusieurs effets émergents, plus distaux: une augmentation du pouvoir de contrôle syndical, un renforcement de la légitimité des recommandations soumises par les spécialistes professionnels, la création de réseaux inter organisationnels et le transfert du savoir. L’implantation du SGI avait transformé la gouvernance et les pratiques en environnement et en santé et sécurité du travail dans les sept usines. Toutefois, elle ne semblait pas garantir l’immunité du processus de gestion des risques à l’environnement ni à la santé et sécurité du travail. Sa capacité à diluer les risques devait retenir l’attention des politiques de santé publiques et des programmes de prévention des risques à l’environnement et à la santé et sécurité du travail. L’amélioration de la gestion des risques demeurait un effet attendu non observé et soumis à des facteurs contextuels qui pourraient l’empêcher de se concrétiser. À cet égard, le transfert du savoir, renforcé par l’émergence des réseaux inter organisationnels, semblait offrir une avenue beaucoup plus prometteuse et accessible. C’est l’une des contributions de cette recherche. Elle a aussi (i) proposé une typologie des modes d’implantation et des effets du SGI (ii) préconisé une méthode détaillée d’une meilleure appréciation du degré d’implantation (iii) précisé le rôle des facteurs contextuels dans l’explication des variations du degré d’implantation et dans la production des effets, (iv) proposé des hypothèses sur la structuration et l’utilisation du SGI (v) offert une perspective plurielle et approfondie de la dynamique de l’implantation du SGI grâce à la variété de l’échantillon des répondants et des usines. Il s’agit de la première étude de terrain dans le domaine. À notre connaissance, aucune autre étude n’a eu de tels résultats. Mots Clés : ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, gestion intégrée, environnement, santé et sécurité du travail, risques environnementaux, risques en santé et sécurité du travail, analyse d’implantation, degré d’implantation, SGI, transfert du savoir.
Internationalization of higher education has become one of the most important policies for institutions of higher education worldwide. Though universities are international by nature, the need for intensified quality activities of international nature has promoted internationalization to be under spotlight of researchers, administrators and policy makers and to be an area for research. Each institution follows its certain way to govern its international affairs. Most Universities, especially in the 'Developed World' started to plan it strategically. This study explores the meanings and importance of internationalization especially that it means different things to different people. It also studies the rationales behind internationalizing higher education. It focuses on the four main prevailing rationales; political, cultural/social, economic/financial, and academic on both national and institutional levels. With the increasing need to strategically plan, the study explores internationalization strategies in terms of how to develop them, what are their approaches and types, and their components and dimensions. Damascus University has witnessed an overwhelming development of its international relations and activities. Therefore, it started to face a problem of how to deal with this increasing load especially that its International Office is the only unit that deals with the international issues. In order to study the internationalization phenomenon at Damascus University, the 2WH approach, which asks the what, why, and how questions, is used and in order to define the International Office's role in the internationalization process of the University, it studies it and the international offices of Kassel University, and Humboldt University in Germany, The University of Jordan, and Al Baath University in Syria using the 'SOCIAL' approach that studies and analyses the situation, organization, challenges, involvement, ambitions, and limitations of these offices. The internationalization process at the above-mentioned Universities is studied and compared in terms of its meaning, rationales for both the institution and its academic staff, challenges and strategic planning. Then a comparison is made among the international offices of the Universities to identify their approaches, what led to their success and what led to their failure in their practices. The aim is to provide Damascus University and its International Office with some good practices and, depending on the experiences of the professionals of the case-studies, a suggested guidance to the work of this Office and the University in general is given. The study uses the interviews with the different officials and stakeholders of the case-studies as the main method of collecting the information in addition to site visits, studying their official documents and their websites. The study belongs to qualitative research that has an action dimension in it since the recommendations will be applied in the International Office. The study concludes with few learned lessons for Damascus University and its International Office depending on the comparison that was done according to a set of dimensions. Finally a reflection on the relationship between internationalization of higher education and politics, the impact of politics on Middle Eastern Universities, and institutional internationalization strategies are presented.
This paper explores the concept of Value Stream Analysis and Mapping (VSA/M) as applied to Product Development (PD) efforts. Value Stream Analysis and Mapping is a method of business process improvement. The application of VSA/M began in the manufacturing community. PD efforts provide a different setting for the use of VSA/M. Site visits were made to nine major U.S. aerospace organizations. Interviews, discussions, and participatory events were used to gather data on (1) the sophistication of the tools used in PD process improvement efforts, (2) the lean context of the use of the tools, and (3) success of the efforts. It was found that all three factors were strongly correlated, suggesting success depends on both good tools and lean context. Finally, a general VSA/M method for PD activities is proposed. The method uses modified process mapping tools to analyze and improve process.
This paper explores the concept of Value Stream Analysis and Mapping (VSA/M) as applied to Product Development (PD) efforts. Value Stream Analysis and Mapping is a method of business process improvement. The application of VSA/M began in the manufacturing community. PD efforts provide a different setting for the use of VSA/M. Site visits were made to nine major U.S. aerospace organizations. Interviews, discussions, and participatory events were used to gather data on (1) the sophistication of the tools used in PD process improvement efforts, (2) the lean context of the use of the tools, and (3) success of the efforts. It was found that all three factors were strongly correlated, suggesting success depends on both good tools and lean context. Finally, a general VSA/M method for PD activities is proposed. The method uses modified process mapping tools to analyze and improve process.
Hunting foxes with hounds has been a countryside pursuit in Britain since the 17th Century, but its effect nationally on habitat management is little understood by the general public. A survey questionnaire was distributed to 163 mounted fox hunts of England and Wales to quantify their management practices in woodland and other habitat. Ninety-two hunts (56%), covering 75,514 km(2), returned details on woodland management motivated by the improvement of their sport. The management details were verified via on-site visits for a sample of 200 woodlands. Following verification, the area of woodlands containing the management was conservatively estimated at 24,053 (+/- 2241) ha, comprising 5.9% of woodland area within the whole of the area hunted by the 92 hunts. Management techniques included: tree planting, coppicing, felling, ride and perimeter management. A case study in five hunt countries in southern England examined, through the use of botanical survey and butterfly counts, the consequences of the hunt management on woodland ground flora and butterflies. Managed areas had, within the last 5 years, been coppiced and rides had been cleared. Vegetation cover in managed and unmanaged sites averaged 86% and 64%, respectively, and managed areas held on average 4 more plant species and a higher plant diversity than unmanaged areas (Shannon index of diversity: 2.25 vs. 1.95). Both the average number of butterfly species (2.2 vs. 0.3) and individuals counted (4.6 vs. 0.3) were higher in the managed than unmanaged sites.
Department of Health staff wished to use systems modelling to discuss acute patient flows with groups of NHS staff. The aim was to assess the usefulness of system dynamics (SD) in a healthcare context and to elicit proposals concerning ways of improving patient experience. Since time restrictions excluded simulation modelling, a hybrid approach using stock/flow symbols from SD was created. Initial interviews and hospital site visits generated a series of stock/flow maps. A ‘Conceptual Framework’ was then created to introduce the mapping symbols and to generate a series of questions about different patient paths and what might speed or slow patient flows. These materials formed the centre of three workshops for NHS staff. The participants were able to propose ideas for improving patient flows and the elicited data was subsequently employed to create a finalized suite of maps of a general acute hospital. The maps and ideas were communicated back to the Department of Health and subsequently assisted the work of the Modernization Agency.
Although ensemble prediction systems (EPS) are increasingly promoted as the scientific state-of-the-art for operational flood forecasting, the communication, perception, and use of the resulting alerts have received much less attention. Using a variety of qualitative research methods, including direct user feedback at training workshops, participant observation during site visits to 25 forecasting centres across Europe, and in-depth interviews with 69 forecasters, civil protection officials, and policy makers involved in operational flood risk management in 17 European countries, this article discusses the perception, communication, and use of European Flood Alert System (EFAS) alerts in operational flood management. In particular, this article describes how the design of EFAS alerts has evolved in response to user feedback and desires for a hydrographic-like way of visualizing EFAS outputs. It also documents a variety of forecaster perceptions about the value and skill of EFAS forecasts and the best way of using them to inform operational decision making. EFAS flood alerts were generally welcomed by flood forecasters as a sort of ‘pre-alert’ to spur greater internal vigilance. In most cases, however, they did not lead, by themselves, to further preparatory action or to earlier warnings to the public or emergency services. Their hesitancy to act in response to medium-term, probabilistic alerts highlights some wider institutional obstacles to the hopes in the research community that EPS will be readily embraced by operational forecasters and lead to immediate improvements in flood incident management. The EFAS experience offers lessons for other hydrological services seeking to implement EPS operationally for flood forecasting and warning. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.