916 resultados para Single-page applications


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Com o objetivo de estudar o parcelamento e a largura da faixa de aplicação como meios para aumentar a recuperação pelo milho do nitrogênio da uréia aplicada em superfície, foi conduzido no ano agrícola 93/94, em um Latossolo Vermelho Escuro, em condições de campo, um experimento delineado em blocos ao acaso, com cinco repetições. Sete tratamentos foram utilizados: testemunha (sem N em cobertura); aplicação de N parcelada (50 kg ha-1 de N aos 38 dias após semeadura - d.a.s e 50 kg ha-1 de N aos 60 d.a.s.) para faixas de 10, 20 e 40 cm; aplicação de N (100 kg ha-1 de N aos 38 d.a.s.) para faixas de 10 e 40 cm e, aplicação de N parcelada (50 kg de N/ha aos 38 d.a.s. e 50 kg ha-1 de N aos 60 d.a.s.) para faixa de 20 cm de largura, neste caso, uréia granulada. A aplicação de uréia parcelada em cobertura, em faixas de 10, 20 e 40 cm de largura, não afetaram a massa de matéria seca, o conteúdo, a quantidade e a recuperação do N pela planta de milho. A recuperação de N pela planta de milho foi maior para a aplicação de 220 kg ha-1 de uréia em uma única aplicação em faixas de 10cm de largura em relação a de 40 cm. O parcelamento da uréia aumentou os valores de massa seca, conteúdo, quantidade e recuperação do N na planta de milho em relação a aplicação em uma única vez.


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A Summary of different topological arrangements concerning a ZCS-PWM cell is presented, based on the analysis of its application in boost rectifying preregulators, controlled by the technique of instantaneous average values of input current, with the purpose of obtaining high-input-power-factor rectifier and high efficiency in single-phase applications in telecommunication systems. The main characteristics of each switching cell are described, providing conditions to establish a qualitative comparison among the structures. In addition, experimental results are presented for a prototype of the latest version of the ZCS-PWM boost rectifier, implemented for processing normal values of 1200 W output power and 400 V output average voltage, at 220 V Input RMS voltage and 50 kHz switching frequency.


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Nel primo capitolo si analizzeranno alcune basi del software testing e delle applicazioni web che ci permetteranno di introdurre l'end-to-end testing nel secondo capitolo dove se ne analizzeranno il funzionamento tecnico e le sue prospettive. Successivamente, nel terzo capitolo, verrà presentato l'uso dell'end-to-end testing applicandolo ad un caso concreto, il gestionale Buudis, per poi dimostrarne la sua efficacia ed efficienza nell'ultimo capitolo.


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A graphing method was developed and tested to estimate gestational ages pre-and postnatally in a consistent manner for epidemiological research and clinical purposes on feti/infants of women with few consistent prenatal estimators of gestational age. Each patient's available data was plotted on a single page graph to give a comprehensive overview of that patient. A hierarchical classification of gestational age determination was then applied in a systematic manner, and reasonable gestational age estimates were produced. The method was tested for validity and reliability on 50 women who had known dates for their last menstrual period or dates of conception, and multiple ultrasound examinations and other gestational age estimating measures. The feasibility of the procedure was then tested on 1223 low income women with few gestational age estimators. The graphing method proved to have high inter- and intrarater reliability. It was quick, easy to use, inexpensive, and did not require special equipment. The graphing method estimate of gestational age for each infant was tested against the last menstrual period gestational age estimate using paired t-Tests, F tests and the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test of similar populations, producing a 98 percent probability or better that the means and data populations were the same. Less than 5 percent of the infants' gestational ages were misclassified using the graphing method, much lower than the amount of misclassification produced by ultrasound or neonatal examination estimates. ^


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El software se ha convertido en el eje central del mundo actual, una compleja creación humana que influye en la vida, negocios y comunicación de todas las personas pertenecientes a la Sociedad de la Información. El rápido crecimiento experimentado en el ámbito del desarrollo software ha permitido la creación de avanzadas estructuras tecnológicas, denominadas “Sistemas Intensivos Software”, capaces de comunicarse con otros sistemas, dispositivos, sensores y personas. A lo largo de los próximos años los sistemas se enfrentarán a una mayor complejidad, surgida de la necesidad de operar en entornos de grandes dimensiones y de comportamientos no deterministas. Los métodos y herramientas actuales no son lo suficientemente potentes para diseñar, construir,implementar y mantener sistemas intensivos software con estas características, y detener la construcción de sistemas intensivos software o construir sistemas poco flexibles o fiables no es una alternativa real. En el desarrollo de “Sistemas Intensivos Software” pueden llegar a intervenir distintas entidades o compañías software que suelen estar en ubicaciones geográficas distintas y constituidas por grandes equipos de desarrollo, multidisciplinares e incluso multilingües. Debido a la criticidad del resultado de las actividades realizadas de forma independiente en el sistema resultante, éstas se han de controlar y monitorizar para asegurar la correcta integración de todos los elementos del sistema completo. El objetivo de este proyecto es la creación de una herramienta software para dar soporte a la gestión y monitorización de la construcción e integración de sistemas intensivos software, siendo extensible también a proyectos de otra índole. La herramienta resultante se denomina Positioning System, una aplicación web del tipo SPA (Single Page Application) creada con tecnología de última generación como el framework JavaScript AngularJS y tecnología de back-end como SlimPHP. Positioning System provee la funcionalidad necesaria para la creación de proyectos, familias y subfamilias de productos que constituyen los productos software de los proyectos creados, así como la gestión de socios comerciales y gestión de contactos de dichos proyectos. Todas estas funcionalidades son fácilmente monitorizadas y controladas por gráficos estadísticos generados para cada proyecto. ABSTRACT Software has become the backbone of today’s world, a complex human creation that has an important impact in the life, business and communication of all people involved with the Information Society. The quick growth that software development has undergone for last years has enabled the creation of advanced technological structures called “Software Intensive Systems”. They are able to communicate with other systems, devices, sensors and people. Next years, systems will face more complexity. It arises from the need of operating systems of large dimensions with non-deterministic behaviors. Current methods and tools are not powerful enough to design, build, implement and maintain software intensive systems; however stopping the development or developing unreliable and non-flexible systems is not a real alternative. Software Intensive Systems” development may involve different entities or software companies which may be in different geographical locations and may be constituted by large, multidisciplinary and even multilingual development teams. Due to the criticality of the result of each conducted activity, independently in the resulting system, these activities must be controlled and monitored to ensure the proper integration of all the elements within the complete system. The goal of this project is the creation of a software tool to support the management and monitoring of the construction and integration of software intensive systems, being possible to be extended to other kind of projects. The resultant tool is called Positioning System, a web application that follows the SPA (Single Page Application) style. It was created with the latest technologies, such as, the AngularJS framework and SlimPHP. The Positioning System provides the necessary features for the creation of projects, families and subfamilies of products that constitute the software products of the created projects, as well as the management of business partners and contacts of these projects. All these features are easily monitored and controlled by statistical graphs generated for each project.


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Objective: The aim of this study was to gain a better understanding of the needs of male and female oncology patients within a community cancer setting to inform the provision of psychosocial services. Data obtained from 835 single-page measures of oncology patient distress were collected and analyzed to examine the relationship between gender and reported level of distress, the source of this distress, and requests for follow-up from psychosocial service providers.Method: Patients in medical and radiation oncology were given a distress screener tool that included a distress thermometer, a problem checklist, and a list of psychosocial service providers with whom the patient could request to speak.Results: Women reported higher levels of distress than men (p=.003). Women were also more likely than men to endorse practical problems as the cause of their distress (p=.003). A marginally significant relationship between gender and requesting the cancer resource navigator was also found (p=. 059)Conclusion: Gender is a salient factor in reported distress among cancer patients. Although no single variable can entirely explain an individual's response to cancer, male and female patients do appear to have distinctive, gender-specific needs. Psychosocial interventions that account for differences related to gender-role may be particularly beneficial. These results also illustrate the utility of consistent screening practices to better understand and meet the psychosocial needs of oncology


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These minutes, recorded on the recto and verso of a single page, are incomplete excerpts.


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This single page handwritten letter was sent from Lemuel Shaw to his mother, Susanna, during his freshman year at Harvard. In the letter, he requested that his mother wash and return his dirty laundry and send him clothes, including a pair of overalls, some neck-handkerchiefs, and a new hat. Shaw also asked for money to be sent to pay off his debt of $21.25 to Mr. Richard Hunnewell for board and rent, $18.93 for the previous quarter’s bill, and $1.15 for Mr. Timothy Alden, the College Butler.


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Single page notification addressed to the selectmen of Cambridge, Massachusetts, dated 25 April 1758, in which William Cutler writes that he took into his father’s Cambridge house as tenants Dr. George Philip Brukowitz and his wife, from Woburn, Massachusetts. After the Boston smallpox epidemic of 1721, the town of Cambridge enacted a requirement in 1723 that no resident would receive or admit any non-resident family into their homes for the space of a month without informing the town selectmen. The penalty for failing to do so was twenty shillings.


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Pt. 1 comprises added engraved title leaf, letterpress pages [1]-11, [12] (the last blank), 75 single-page engraved plates. The engraver was probably Melchior Tavernier, printer of the 1st ed.; see Mauban. Pt. 2 comprises etched title leaf, 9 single-page plates (numbered 1-8, 25), 22 double-page plates (numbered 9-24, 26-31). The etched title leaf is signed Le Pautre (i.e. Jean Le Pautre), and the 31 plates are by Jean Marot, whose signature appear on the 25th; see Mauban.


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Appears to be the same as the original 1973 edition except for the larger size and the addition of the U.S. Fire Administration's single-page "Information Update" dated September 1989 and inserted between pages [viii] and ix. The information update presents corrections to certain statistical data.


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Large numbers of colonially nesting herons, egrets, ibises, storks and spoonbills were one of the defining natural phenomena of the historical Everglades. Reproduction of these species has been tracked over at least a century, and some clear responses to dramatic anthropogenic hydrological alterations have been established. These include a marked decline in nesting populations of several species, and a movement of colonies away from the over-drained estuarine region. Ponding in a large portion of the freshwater marsh has favored species that hunt by sight in deep water (egrets, cf. 25–45 cm), while tactile feeders (ibises and storks) that depend on concentrated prey in shallow water (5–25 cm) have become proportionately much less common. There has been a marked increase in the interval between exceptionally large breeding aggregations of White Ibises (Eudocimus albus). Loss of short hydroperiod wetlands on the margins of the Everglades have delayed nest initiations 1–2 months by Wood Storks (Mycteria americana) resulting in poor nesting success. These responses are consistent with mechanisms that involve foraging, and the availability and production of prey animals, and each of the relationships is highly dependent on hydrology. Here, we define a group of characteristics about wading bird dynamics (= indicators) that collectively track the specific ecological relationships that supported ibises and storks in the past. We suggest four metrics as indicators of restoration success: timing of nesting by storks, the ratio of nesting ibises + storks to Great Egrets, the proportion of all nests located in the estuarine/freshwater ecotone, and the interval between years with exceptionally large ibis nestings. Each of these metrics has historical (e.g., predrainage) data upon which to base expectations for restoration, and the metrics have little measurement error relative to the large annual variation in numbers of nests. In addition to the strong scientific basis for the use of these indicators, wading birds are also a powerful tool for public communication because they have strong aesthetic appeal, and their ecological relationships with water are intuitively understandable. In the interests of communicating with the public and decision-makers, we integrate these metrics into a single-page annual “traffic-light” report card for wading bird responses. Collectively, we believe these metrics offer an excellent chance of detecting restoration of the ecosystem functions that supported historical wading bird nesting patterns.


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Der Zugang zu Datenbanken über die universelle Abfragesprache SQL stellt für Nicht-Spezialisten eine große Herausforderung dar. Als eine benutzerfreundliche Alternative wurden daher seit den 1970er-Jahren unterschiedliche visuelle Abfragesprachen (Visual Query Languages, kurz VQLs) für klassische PCs erforscht. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist es, eine generische VQL zu entwickeln und zu erproben, die eine gestenbasierte Exploration von Datenbanken auf Schema- und Instanzdatenebene für mobile Endgeräte, insbesondere Tablets, ermöglicht. Dafür werden verschiedene Darstellungsformen, Abfragestrategien und visuelle Hints für Fremdschlüsselbeziehungen untersucht, die den Benutzer bei der Navigation durch die Daten unterstützen. Im Rahmen einer Anforderungsanalyse erwies sich die Visualisierung der Daten und Beziehungen mittels einer platzsparenden geschachtelten NF2-Darstellung als besonders vorteilhaft. Zur Steuerung der Datenbankexploration wird eine geeignete Gestensprache, bestehend aus Stroke-, Multitouch- und Mid-Air-Gesten, vorgestellt. Das Gesamtkonzept aus Darstellung und Gestensteuerung wurde anhand des im Rahmen dieser Arbeit entwickelten GBXT-Prototyps auf seine reale Umsetzbarkeit hin, als plattformunabhängige Single-Page-Application für verschiedene mobile Endgeräte mittels JavaScript und HTML5/CSS3 untersucht.


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A switching control strategy is proposed for single inductor current-fed push-pull converter with a secondary side active voltage doubler rectifier or a voltage rectifier used in photovoltaic (PV) grid interfacing. The proposed switching control strategy helps to turn-on and turn-off the primary side power switches with zero-voltage and zero-current switching. The operation of the push-pull converter is analyzed for two modes of operation. The feasibility of the proposed switching control strategy is validated using simulation and experimental results.


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One of the least known compounds among transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs) is the layered triclinic technetium dichalcogenides (TcX2, X = S, Se). In this work, we systematically study the structural, mechanical, electronic, and optical properties of TcS2 and TcSe2 monolayers based on density functional theory (DFT). We find that TcS2 and TcSe2 can be easily exfoliated in a monolayer form because their formation and cleavage energy are analogous to those of other experimentally realized TMDCs monolayer. By using a hybrid DFT functional, the TcS2 and TcSe2 monolayers are calculated to be indirect semiconductors with band gaps of 1.91 and 1.69 eV, respectively. However, bilayer TcS2 exhibits direct-bandgap character, and both TcS2 and TcSe2 monolayers can be tuned from semiconductor to metal under effective tensile/compressive strains. Calculations of visible light absorption indicate that 2D TcS2 and TcSe2 generally possess better capability of harvesting sunlight compared to single-layer MoS2 and ReSe2, implying their potential as excellent light-absorbers. Most interestingly, we have discovered that the TcSe2 monolayer is an excellent photocatalyst for splitting water into hydrogen due to the perfect fit of band edge positions with respect to the water reduction and oxidation potentials. Our predictions expand the two-dimensional (2D) family of TMDCs, and the remarkable electronic/optical properties of monolayer TcS2 and TcSe2 will place them among the most promising 2D TMDCs for renewable energy application in the future.