934 resultados para Single-commodity capacitated network design problem
The Three-Dimensional Single-Bin-Size Bin Packing Problem is one of the most studied problem in the Cutting & Packing category. From a strictly mathematical point of view, it consists of packing a finite set of strongly heterogeneous “small” boxes, called items, into a finite set of identical “large” rectangles, called bins, minimizing the unused volume and requiring that the items are packed without overlapping. The great interest is mainly due to the number of real-world applications in which it arises, such as pallet and container loading, cutting objects out of a piece of material and packaging design. Depending on these real-world applications, more objective functions and more practical constraints could be needed. After a brief discussion about the real-world applications of the problem and a exhaustive literature review, the design of a two-stage algorithm to solve the aforementioned problem is presented. The algorithm must be able to provide the spatial coordinates of the placed boxes vertices and also the optimal boxes input sequence, while guaranteeing geometric, stability, fragility constraints and a reduced computational time. Due to NP-hard complexity of this type of combinatorial problems, a fusion of metaheuristic and machine learning techniques is adopted. In particular, a hybrid genetic algorithm coupled with a feedforward neural network is used. In the first stage, a rich dataset is created starting from a set of real input instances provided by an industrial company and the feedforward neural network is trained on it. After its training, given a new input instance, the hybrid genetic algorithm is able to run using the neural network output as input parameter vector, providing as output the optimal solution. The effectiveness of the proposed works is confirmed via several experimental tests.
This paper addresses the capacitated lot sizing problem (CLSP) with a single stage composed of multiple plants, items and periods with setup carry-over among the periods. The CLSP is well studied and many heuristics have been proposed to solve it. Nevertheless, few researches explored the multi-plant capacitated lot sizing problem (MPCLSP), which means that few solution methods were proposed to solve it. Furthermore, to our knowledge, no study of the MPCLSP with setup carry-over was found in the literature. This paper presents a mathematical model and a GRASP (Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure) with path relinking to the MPCLSP with setup carry-over. This solution method is an extension and adaptation of a previously adopted methodology without the setup carry-over. Computational tests showed that the improvement of the setup carry-over is significant in terms of the solution value with a low increase in computational time.
In the recent years, the unpredictable growth of the Internet has moreover pointed out the congestion problem, one of the problems that historicallyha ve affected the network. This paper deals with the design and the evaluation of a congestion control algorithm which adopts a FuzzyCon troller. The analogyb etween Proportional Integral (PI) regulators and Fuzzycon trollers is discussed and a method to determine the scaling factors of the Fuzzycon troller is presented. It is shown that the Fuzzycon troller outperforms the PI under traffic conditions which are different from those related to the operating point considered in the design.
The Capacitated Centered Clustering Problem (CCCP) consists of defining a set of p groups with minimum dissimilarity on a network with n points. Demand values are associated with each point and each group has a demand capacity. The problem is well known to be NP-hard and has many practical applications. In this paper, the hybrid method Clustering Search (CS) is implemented to solve the CCCP. This method identifies promising regions of the search space by generating solutions with a metaheuristic, such as Genetic Algorithm, and clustering them into clusters that are then explored further with local search heuristics. Computational results considering instances available in the literature are presented to demonstrate the efficacy of CS. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Multicommodity flow (MF) problems have a wide variety of applications in areas such as VLSI circuit design, network design, etc., and are therefore very well studied. The fractional MF problems are polynomial time solvable while integer versions are NP-complete. However, exact algorithms to solve the fractional MF problems have high computational complexity. Therefore approximation algorithms to solve the fractional MF problems have been explored in the literature to reduce their computational complexity. Using these approximation algorithms and the randomized rounding technique, polynomial time approximation algorithms have been explored in the literature. In the design of high-speed networks, such as optical wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) networks, providing survivability carries great significance. Survivability is the ability of the network to recover from failures. It further increases the complexity of network design and presents network designers with more formidable challenges. In this work we formulate the survivable versions of the MF problems. We build approximation algorithms for the survivable multicommodity flow (SMF) problems based on the framework of the approximation algorithms for the MF problems presented in [1] and [2]. We discuss applications of the SMF problems to solve survivable routing in capacitated networks.
The design of a network is a solution to several engineering and science problems. Several network design problems are known to be NP-hard, and population-based metaheuristics like evolutionary algorithms (EAs) have been largely investigated for such problems. Such optimization methods simultaneously generate a large number of potential solutions to investigate the search space in breadth and, consequently, to avoid local optima. Obtaining a potential solution usually involves the construction and maintenance of several spanning trees, or more generally, spanning forests. To efficiently explore the search space, special data structures have been developed to provide operations that manipulate a set of spanning trees (population). For a tree with n nodes, the most efficient data structures available in the literature require time O(n) to generate a new spanning tree that modifies an existing one and to store the new solution. We propose a new data structure, called node-depth-degree representation (NDDR), and we demonstrate that using this encoding, generating a new spanning forest requires average time O(root n). Experiments with an EA based on NDDR applied to large-scale instances of the degree-constrained minimum spanning tree problem have shown that the implementation adds small constants and lower order terms to the theoretical bound.
A central design challenge facing network planners is how to select a cost-effective network configuration that can provide uninterrupted service despite edge failures. In this paper, we study the Survivable Network Design (SND) problem, a core model underlying the design of such resilient networks that incorporates complex cost and connectivity trade-offs. Given an undirected graph with specified edge costs and (integer) connectivity requirements between pairs of nodes, the SND problem seeks the minimum cost set of edges that interconnects each node pair with at least as many edge-disjoint paths as the connectivity requirement of the nodes. We develop a hierarchical approach for solving the problem that integrates ideas from decomposition, tabu search, randomization, and optimization. The approach decomposes the SND problem into two subproblems, Backbone design and Access design, and uses an iterative multi-stage method for solving the SND problem in a hierarchical fashion. Since both subproblems are NP-hard, we develop effective optimization-based tabu search strategies that balance intensification and diversification to identify near-optimal solutions. To initiate this method, we develop two heuristic procedures that can yield good starting points. We test the combined approach on large-scale SND instances, and empirically assess the quality of the solutions vis-à-vis optimal values or lower bounds. On average, our hierarchical solution approach generates solutions within 2.7% of optimality even for very large problems (that cannot be solved using exact methods), and our results demonstrate that the performance of the method is robust for a variety of problems with different size and connectivity characteristics.
The span of control is the most discussed single concept in classical and modern management theory. In specifying conditions for organizational effectiveness, the span of control has generally been regarded as a critical factor. Existing research work has focused mainly on qualitative methods to analyze this concept, for example heuristic rules based on experiences and/or intuition. This research takes a quantitative approach to this problem and formulates it as a binary integer model, which is used as a tool to study the organizational design issue. This model considers a range of requirements affecting management and supervision of a given set of jobs in a company. These decision variables include allocation of jobs to workers, considering complexity and compatibility of each job with respect to workers, and the requirement of management for planning, execution, training, and control activities in a hierarchical organization. The objective of the model is minimal operations cost, which is the sum of supervision costs at each level of the hierarchy, and the costs of workers assigned to jobs. The model is intended for application in the make-to-order industries as a design tool. It could also be applied to make-to-stock companies as an evaluation tool, to assess the optimality of their current organizational structure. Extensive experiments were conducted to validate the model, to study its behavior, and to evaluate the impact of changing parameters with practical problems. This research proposes a meta-heuristic approach to solving large-size problems, based on the concept of greedy algorithms and the Meta-RaPS algorithm. The proposed heuristic was evaluated with two measures of performance: solution quality and computational speed. The quality is assessed by comparing the obtained objective function value to the one achieved by the optimal solution. The computational efficiency is assessed by comparing the computer time used by the proposed heuristic to the time taken by a commercial software system. Test results show the proposed heuristic procedure generates good solutions in a time-efficient manner.
One of the most difficult problems that face researchers experimenting with complex systems in real world applications is the Facility Layout Design Problem. It relies with the design and location of production lines, machinery and equipment, inventory storage and shipping facilities. In this work it is intended to address this problem through the use of Constraint Logic Programming (CLP) technology. The use of Genetic Algorithms (GA) as optimisation technique in CLP environment is also an issue addressed. The approach aims the implementation of genetic algorithm operators following the CLP paradigm.
The objective of this thesis is to examine distribution network designs and modeling practices and create a framework to identify best possible distribution network structure for the case company. The main research question therefore is: How to optimize case company’s distribution network in terms of customer needs and costs? Theory chapters introduce the basic building blocks of the distribution network design and needed calculation methods and models. Framework for the distribution network projects was created based on the theory and the case study was carried out by following the defined framework. Distribution network calculations were based on the company’s sales plan for the years 2014 - 2020. Main conclusions and recommendations were that the new Asian business strategy requires high investments in logistics and the first step is to open new satellite DC in China as soon as possible to support sales and second possible step is to open regional DC in Asia within 2 - 4 years.
Dans des contextes de post-urgence tels que le vit la partie occidentale de la République Démocratique du Congo (RDC), l’un des défis cruciaux auxquels font face les hôpitaux ruraux est de maintenir un niveau de médicaments essentiels dans la pharmacie. Sans ces médicaments pour traiter les maladies graves, l’impact sur la santé de la population est significatif. Les hôpitaux encourent également des pertes financières dues à la péremption lorsque trop de médicaments sont commandés. De plus, les coûts du transport des médicaments ainsi que du superviseur sont très élevés pour les hôpitaux isolés ; les coûts du transport peuvent à eux seuls dépasser ceux des médicaments. En utilisant la province du Bandundu, RDC pour une étude de cas, notre recherche tente de déterminer la faisabilité (en termes et de la complexité du problème et des économies potentielles) d’un problème de routage synchronisé pour la livraison de médicaments et pour les visites de supervision. Nous proposons une formulation du problème de tournées de véhicules avec capacité limitée qui gère plusieurs exigences nouvelles, soit la synchronisation des activités, la préséance et deux fréquences d’activités. Nous mettons en œuvre une heuristique « cluster first, route second » avec une base de données géospatiales qui permet de résoudre le problème. Nous présentons également un outil Internet qui permet de visualiser les solutions sur des cartes. Les résultats préliminaires de notre étude suggèrent qu’une solution synchronisée pourrait offrir la possibilité aux hôpitaux ruraux d’augmenter l’accessibilité des services médicaux aux populations rurales avec une augmentation modique du coût de transport actuel.
Most logistics network design models assume exogenous customer demand that is independent of the service time or level. This paper examines the benefits of segmenting demand according to lead-time sensitivity of customers. To capture lead-time sensitivity in the network design model, we use a facility grouping method to ensure that the different demand classes are satisfied on time. In addition, we perform a series of computational experiments to develop a set of managerial insights for the network design decision making process.
The next couple of years will see the need for replacement of a large amount of life-expired switchgear on the UK 11 kV distribution system. Latest technology and alternative equipment have made the choice of replacement a complex task. The authors present an expert system as an aid to the decision process for the design of the 11 kV power distribution network.
The authors compare the performance of two types of controllers one based on the multilayered network and the other based on the single layered CMAC network (cerebellar model articulator controller). The neurons (information processing units) in the multi-layered network use Gaussian activation functions. The control scheme which is considered is a predictive control algorithm, along the lines used by Willis et al. (1991), Kambhampati and Warwick (1991). The process selected as a test bed is a continuous stirred tank reactor. The reaction taking place is an irreversible exothermic reaction in a constant volume reactor cooled by a single coolant stream. This reactor is a simplified version of the first tank in the two tank system given by Henson and Seborg (1989).