536 resultados para Silk fibroin


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While fibroin isolated from the cocoons of domesticated silkworm Bombyx mori supports growth of human corneal limbal epithelial (HLE) cells, the mechanism of cell attachment remains unclear. In the present study we sought to enhance the attachment of HLE cells to membranes of Bombyx mori silk fibroin (BMSF) through surface functionalization with an arginine-glycine-aspartic acid (RGD)-containing peptide. Moreover, we have examined the response of HLE cells to BMSF when blended with the fibroin produced by a wild silkworm, Antheraea pernyi, which is known to contain RGD sequences within its primary structure. A procedure to isolate A. pernyi silk fibroin (APSF) from the cocoons was established, and blends of the two fibroins were prepared at five different BMSF/APSF ratios. In another experiment, BMSF surface was modified by binding chemically the GRGDSPC peptide using a water-soluble carbodiimide. Primary HLE were grown in the absence of serum on membranes made of BMSF, APSF, and their blends, as well as on RGD-modified BMSF. There was no statistically significant enhancing effect on the cell attachment due to the RGD presence. This suggests that the adhesion through RGD ligands may have a complex mechanism, and the investigated strategies are of limited value unless the factors contributing to this mechanism become better known.


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Freestanding membranes created from Bombyx mori silk fibroin (BMSF) offer a potential vehicle for corneal cell transplantation since they are transparent and support the growth of human corneal epithelial cells (HCE). Fibroin derived from the wild silkworm Antheraea pernyi (APSF) might provide a superior material by virtue of containing putative cell- attachment sites that are absent from BMSF. Thus we have investigated the feasibility of producing transparent, freestanding membranes from APSF and have analysed the behaviour of HCE cells on this material. No significant differences in cell numbers or phenotype were observed in short term HCE cell cultures established on either fibroin. Production of transparent freestanding APSF membranes, however, proved to be problematic as cast solutions of APSF were more prone to becoming opaque, displayed significantly lower permeability and were more brittle than BMSF-membranes. Cultures of HCE cells established on either membrane developed a normal stratified morphology with cytokeratin pair 3/12 being immuno-localized to the superficial layers. We conclude that while it is feasible to produce transparent freestanding membranes from APSF, the technical difficulties associated with this biomaterial, along with an absence of enhanced cell growth, currently favours the continued development of BMSF as a preferred vehicle for corneal cell transplantation. Nevertheless, it remains possible that refinement of techniques for processing APSF might yet lead to improvements in the handling properties and performance of this material.


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A silk protein, fibroin, was isolated from the cocoons of the domesticated silkworm (Bombyx mori) and cast into membranes to serve as freestanding templates for tissue-engineered corneal cell constructs to be used in ocular surface reconstruction. In this study, we sought to enhance the attachment and proliferation of corneal epithelial cells by increasing the permeability of the fibroin membranes and the topographic roughness of their surface. By mixing the fibroin solution with poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) of molecular weight 300 Da, membranes were produced with increased permeability and with topographic patterns generated on their surface. In order to enhance their mechanical stability, some PEG-treated membranes were also crosslinked with genipin. The resulting membranes were thoroughly characterized and compared to the non-treated membranes. The PEG-treated membranes were similar in tensile strength to the non-treated ones, but their elastic modulus was higher and elongation lower, indicating enhanced rigidity. The crosslinking with genipin did not induce a significant improvement in mechanical properties. In cultures of a human-derived corneal epithelial cell line (HCE-T), the PEG treatment of the substratum did not improve the attachment of cells and it enhanced only slightly the cell proliferation in the longer term. Likewise, primary cultures of human limbal epithelial cells grew equally well on both non-treated and PEG-treated membranes, and the stratification of cultures was consistently improved in the presence of an underlying culture of irradiated 3T3 feeder cells, irrespectively of PEG-treatment. Nevertheless, the cultures grown on the PEG-treated membranes in the presence of feeder cells did display a higher nuclear-to-cytoplasmic ratio suggesting a more proliferative phenotype. We concluded that while the treatment with PEG had a significant effect on some structural properties of the B. mori silk fibroin (BMSF) membranes, there were minimal gains in the performance of these materials as a substratum for corneal epithelial cell growth. The reduced mechanical stability of freestanding PEG-treated membranes makes them a less viable choice than the non-treated membranes.


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Silk fibroin provides a promising biomaterial for ocular tissue reconstruction including the damaged outer blood-retinal barrier of patients afflicted with age-related macular degeneration (AMD). The aim of the present study was to evaluate the function of retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells in vitro, when grown on fibroin membranes manufactured to a similar thickness as Bruch’s membrane (3 μm). Confluent cultures of RPE cells (ARPE-19) were established on fibroin membranes and maintained under conditions designed to promote maturation over 4 months. Control cultures were grown on polyester cell culture well inserts (Transwell). Cultures established on either material developed a cobblestoned morphology with partial pigmentation within 12 weeks. Immunocytochemistry at 16 weeks revealed a similar distribution pattern between cultures for F-actin, ZO-1, ezrin, cytokeratin pair 8/18, RPE-65 and Na+/K+-ATPase. Electron microscopy revealed that cultures grown on fibroin displayed a rounder apical surface with a more dense distribution of microvilli. Both cultures avidly ingested fluorescent microspheres coated with vitronectin and bovine serum albumin (BSA), but not controls coated with BSA alone. VEGF and PEDF were detected in the conditioned medium collected from above and below both membrane types. Levels of PEDF were significantly higher than for VEGF on both membranes and a trend was observed towards larger amounts of PEDF in apical compartments. These findings demonstrate that RPE cell functions on fibroin membranes are equivalent to those observed for standard test materials (polyester membranes). As such, these studies support advancement to studies of RPE cell implantation on fibroin membranes in a preclinical model.


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Bombyx mori silk fibroin membranes provide a potential delivery vehicle for both cells and extracellular matrix (ECM) components into diseased or injured tissues. We have previously demonstrated the feasibility of growing retinal pigment epithelial cells (RPE) on fibroin membranes with the view to repairing the retina of patients afflicted with age-related macular degeneration (AMD). The goal of the present study was to investigate the feasibility of incorporating the ECM component elastin, in the form of human recombinant tropoelastin, into these same membranes. Two basic strategies were explored: (1) membranes prepared from blended solutions of fibroin and tropoelastin; and (2) layered constructs prepared from sequentially cast solutions of fibroin, tropoelastin, and fibroin. Optimal conditions for RPE attachment were achieved using a tropoelastin-fibroin blend ratio of 10 to 90 parts by weight. Retention of tropoelastin within the blend and layered constructs was confirmed by immunolabelling and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). In the layered constructs, the bulk of tropoelastin was apparently absorbed into the initially cast fibroin layer. Blend membranes displayed higher elastic modulus, percentage elongation, and tensile strength (p < 0.01) when compared to the layered constructs. RPE cell response to fibroin membranes was not affected by the presence of tropoelastin. These findings support the potential use of fibroin membranes for the co-delivery of RPE cells and tropoelastin.


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How fibroin molecules fold themselves and further self-assemble into aggregations with specific structures when the solution concentration increases is the key to understanding the natural silk-forming process of the silkworm. A regenerated Bombyx mori silk fibroin solution was prepared, and serially diluted solutions were coated on aminated coverslips. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) observations of the topography of fibroin molecules revealed a transformation from rodlike aggregations 100-200 nm long to small globules 50 mn in diameter with decreasing concentrations. When the incubation duration increased, the aggregations of fibroin molecules showed a self-assembling process, which was measured with AFM. In particular, after the molecules were incubated for more than 20 min, rodlike micelles formed and were distributed evenly on the surface of the aminated slides. Flow chamber technology was used to study the effect of the shear loading on the topography of the fibroin molecular aggregations. After a shear loading was applied, larger rodlike particles formed at a higher incubation concentration in comparison with those at a lower concentration and were obviously oriented along the direction of fluid flow.


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To elucidate the physicochemical properties of silk protein, we studied the effects of calcium chloride and ethanol on the gelation of fibroin. Fibroin was treated with 5.0 M calcium chloride in water (Ca/W) or 5.0 M calcium chloride in 20% (v/v) ethanol (Ca/Et) and the rheological properties of colloidal fibroin were investigated. The Ca/W-treatment promoted an increased rate of gelation and gave higher gel strength than the Ca/Et-treatment. The maximum gel strengths of Ca/W- and Ca/Et-treated fibroins were obtained at pH 7.0 and pH 5.5, respectively. Scanning electron micrographs showed that the Ca/W-treated fibroin gel had a more developed three-dimensional molecular network than the Ca/Et-treated gel. Further, FT-IR spectra suggested that Ca/W-treated fibroin has more of a beta-structure than Ca/Et-treated one in colloidal conditions. This study indicated that the use of calcium chloride alone was more beneficial to the gelation of fibroin than combined use with ethanol.


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Chronic perforations of the eardrum or tympanic membrane represent a significant source of morbidity worldwide. Myringoplasty is the operative repair of a perforated tympanic membrane and is a procedure commonly performed by otolaryngologists. Its purpose is to close the tympanic membrane, improve hearing and limit patient susceptibility to middle ear infections. The success rates of the different surgical techniques used to perform a myringoplasty, and the optimal graft materials to achieve complete closure and restore hearing, vary significantly in the literature. A number of autologous tissues, homografts and synthetic materials are described as graft options. With the advent and development of tissue engineering in the last decade, a number of biomaterials have been studied and attempts have been made to mimic biological functions with these materials. Fibroin, a core structural protein in silk from silkworms, has been widely studied with biomedical applications in mind. Several cell types, including keratinocytes, have grown on silk biomaterials, and scaffolds manufactured from silk have successfully been used in wound healing and for tissue engineering purposes. This review focuses on the current available grafts for myringoplasty and their limitations, and examines the biomechanical properties of silk, assessing the potential benefits of a silk fibroin scaffold as a novel device for use as a graft in myringoplasty surgery.


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The surgical treatment to repair chronic tympanic membrane perforations is myringoplasty. Although multiple autologous grafts, allografts, and synthetic graft materials have been used over the years, no single graft material is superior for repairing all perforation types. Recently, the remarkable properties of silk fibroin protein have been studied, with biomedical and tissue engineering applications in mind, across a number of medical and surgical disciplines. The present study examines the use of silk fibroin for its potential suitability as an alternative graft in myringoplasty surgery by investigating the growth and proliferation of human tympanic membrane keratinocytes on a silk fibroin scaffold in vitro. Light microscopy, immunofluorescent staining, and confocal imaging all reveal promising preliminary results. The biocompatibility, transparency, stability, high tensile strength, and biodegradability of fibroin make this biomaterial an attractive option to study for this utility.


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Silk fibroin films are promising materials for a range of biomedical applications. To understand the effects of casting solvents on film properties, we used water (W), formic acid (FA), and trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) as solvents. We characterized molecular weight, secondary structure, mechanical properties, and degradation behavior of cast films. Significant degradation of fibroin was observed for TFA-based film compared to W and TA-based films when analyzed by SDS-PAGE. Fibroin degradation resulted in a significant reduction in tensile strength and modulus of TFA-based films. Compared to water, TFA-based films demonstrated lower water solubility (19.6% vs. 62.5% in 12 h) despite having only a marginal increase in their ß-sheet content (26.9% vs. 23.7%). On the other hand, FA-based films with 34.3% ß-sheet were virtually water insoluble. Following solubility treatment, ß-sheet content in FA-based films increased to 50.9%. On exposure to protease XIV, water-annealed FA-based films lost 74% mass in 22 days compared to only 30% mass loss by ethanol annealed FA films. This study demonstrated that a small variation in the ß-sheet percentage and random coil conformations resulted in a significant change in the rates of enzymatic degradation without alteration to their tensile properties. The film surface roughness changed with the extent of enzymatic hydrolysis.


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We have shown that protic ionic liquids, pILs, are effective coagulation solvents for the regenerated of silk fibroin, RSF. We show that the choice of pIL has a dramatic effect on the composition of the RSF. Additionally the use of pILs as the coagulator eliminates the need for volatile organic solvents in silk processing.


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Background: Chronic tympanic membrane perforations can cause significant morbidity. The term myringoplasty describes the operation used to close such perforations. A variety of graft materials are available for use in myringoplasty, but all have limitations and few studies report post-operative hearing outcomes. Recently, the biomedical applications of silk fibroin protein have been studied. This material’s biocompatibility, biodegradability and ability to act as a scaffold to support cell growth prompted an investigation of its interaction with human tympanic membrane keratinocytes. Methods and materials: Silk fibroin membranes were prepared and human tympanic membrane keratinocytes cultured. Keratinocytes were seeded onto the membranes and immunostained for a number of relevant protein markers relating to cell proliferation, adhesion and specific epithelial differentiation. Results: The silk fibroin scaffolds successfully supported the growth and adhesion of keratinocytes, whilst also maintaining their cell lineage. Conclusion: The properties of silk fibroin make it an attractive option for further research, as a potential alternative graft in myringoplasty.


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Silkworm cocoons are biological composite structures protecting the silkworms against environmental damage and physical attack by natural predators. In particular, some outdoor reared silk cocoons exhibit outstanding mechanical properties that are relevant to the higher level protection required to enhance the survival chance of silkworms while supporting their metabolic activity. The performance of composite materials strongly depends on the adhesion between the fiber reinforcement and matrix, with the surface properties of the fibers playing a key role in determining the level of adhesion achieved. For this reason it is important to study the surface properties of silk fibroin to further understand the composite properties of the cocoons. In this work, both the mechanical properties of the silk cocoons and silk fibroin were studied. The surface topography was examined using scanning probe microscopy (SPM), which revealed distinct longitudinal ridges and striations along the fiber axis of the four silk fiber types. The fibers were found to exhibit heterogeneity in surface energy as evidenced from inverse gas chromatography (IGC) measurements. The combination of excellent mechanical properties and the more energetically heterogeneous surface nature of the wild A. pernyi silk fibroin fibers correlates well with the excellent mechanical properties of the A. pernyi cocoons. This journal is


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We report on the dissolution of semi-domestic silk type Antheraea assamensis using ionic liquids. We investigated the impact of different coagulating solvents, including isopropanol and water on the structure and the morphology of the regenerated silk. We found that the water regenerated silk film showed a high β-sheet content and a native silk-like XRD pattern.