53 resultados para Sidebands


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In this paper, a new type of resonant Brewster filters (RBF) with surface relief structure for the multiple channels is first presented by using the rigorous coupled-wave analysis and the S-matrix method. By tuning the depth of homogeneous layer which is under the surface relief structure, the multiple channels phenomenon is obtained. Long range, extremely low sidebands and multiple channels are found when the RBF with surface relief structure is illuminated with Transverse Magnetic incident polarization light near the Brewster angle calculated with the effective media theory of sub wavelength grating. Moreover, the wavelengths of RBF with surface relief structure can be easily shifted by changing the depth of homogeneous layer while its optical properties such as low sideband reflection and narrow band are not spoiled when the depth is changed. Furthermore, the variation of the grating thickness does not effectively change the resonant wavelength of RBF, but have a remarkable effect on its line width, which is very useful for designing such filters with different line widths at desired wavelength.


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We propose a novel label processor which can recognize multiple spectral-amplitude-code labels using four-wave-mixing sidebands and selective optical filtering. Ten code-labels x 10 Gbps variable-length packets are transmitted over a 200 km single-hop switched network.


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In a wind-turbine gearbox, planet bearings exhibit a high failure rate and are considered as one of the most critical components. Development of efficient vibration based fault detection methods for these bearings requires a thorough understanding of their vibration signature. Much work has been done to study the vibration properties of healthy planetary gear sets and to identify fault frequencies in fixed-axis bearings. However, vibration characteristics of planetary gear sets containing localized planet bearing defects (spalls or pits) have not been studied so far. In this paper, we propose a novel analytical model of a planetary gear set with ring gear flexibility and localized bearing defects as two key features. The model is used to simulate the vibration response of a planetary system in the presence of a defective planet bearing with faults on inner or outer raceway. The characteristic fault signature of a planetary bearing defect is determined and sources of modulation sidebands are identified. The findings from this work will be useful to improve existing sensor placement strategies and to develop more sophisticated fault detection algorithms. Copyright © 2011 by ASME.


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Planet bearings of wind turbine epicyclic gearboxes are considered as one of the most critical components due to their high failure rate. In order to develop effective vibration based detection algorithms for these bearings, a thorough understanding of their vibration signature is required. In this paper, we investigate the vibration behaviour of an epicyclic gearbox in the presence of a defective planet bearing both theoretically and experimentally. We also identify different sources of modulation sidebands using an analytical model which includes ring gear flexibility and planet bearing defects. The findings from this work will help engineers to develop more effective fault detection algorithms.


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Due to their potential for significant fuel consumption savings, Counter-Rotating Open Rotors (CRORs) are currently being considered as an alternative to high-bypass turbofans. When CRORs are mounted on an aircraft, several 'installation effects' arise which are not present when the engine is operated in isolation. This paper investigates how flow features arising from one such effect - The angle-of-attack of the engine centre-line relative to the oncoming flow - can influence the design of CROR engines. Three-dimensional full-annulus unsteady CFD simulations are used to predict the time-varying flow field experienced by each rotor and emphasis is put on the interaction of the frontrotor wake and tip vortex with the rear-rotor. A parametric study is presented that quantifies the rotorrotor interaction as a function of the angle-of-attack. It is shown that angle-of-attack operation significantly changes the flow field and the unsteady lift on both rotors. In particular, a frequency analysis shows that the unsteady lift exhibits sidebands around the rotor-rotor interaction frequencies. Further, a non-linear increase in the total rear-rotor tip unsteadiness is observed for moderate and high angles-of-attack. The results presented in this paper demonstrate that common techniques used to mitigate CROR noise, such as modifying the rotor-rotor axial spacing and rear-rotor crop, can not be applied correctly unless angle-of-attack effects are taken into account. Copyright © 2012 by ASME.


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In this paper, the spectral relation between the master and the frequency-locked slave laser (FLSL) is investigated by the conventional technique of optical intensity modulation and optical heterodyne. Experimentally, we demonstrate that under complete and stable locking condition, the lightwave of the FLSL and the sidebands of the master laser produced by the optical intensity modulation are perfectly coherent (frequency coherence). Referring to our recent studies, the lightwave of the master laser and its corresponding sidebands are also perfectly coherent. Additionally, the spectral structures of two perfectly coherent lightwaves are identical in the level of wave train. Therefore, we indirectly verify that the spectral structures of the FLSL and the master laser are identical in the level of wave train.


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This paper presents a new concept of frequency coherence in the frequency-time domain to describe the field correlations between two lightwaves with different frequencies. The coherence properties of the modulated beams from lightwave sources with different spectral widths and the modes of Fabry-Wrot (FP) laser are investigated. It is shown that the lightwave and its corresponding sidebands produced by the optical intensity modulation are perfectly coherent. The measured linewidth of the beat signal is narrow and almost identical no matter how wide the spectral width of the beam is. The frequency spacing of the adjacent FP modes is beyond the operation frequency range of the measurement instruments. In our experiment, optical heterodyne technique is used to investigate the frequency coherence of the modes of FP laser by means of the frequency shift induced by the optical intensity modulation. Experiments show that the FP modes are partially coherent and the mode spacing is relatively fixed even when the wavelength changes with ambient temperature, bias current and other factors. Therefore, it is possible to generate stable and narrow-linewidth signals at frequencies corresponding to several mode intervals of the laser.


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InGaN/GAN multiple quantum wells grown by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition were irradiated with the electron beam from a low energy accelerator. The electron irradiation induced a redshift by 50 meV in the photoluminescence spectra of the electron-irradiated InGaN/GaN quantum wells, irrespective of the exposure time to the electron beam which ranges from 10 to 1000s. The localization parameter extracted from the temperature-dependent photoluminescence spectra was found to increase in the Irradiated samples. Analysis of the intensity of the longitudinal optical phonon sidebands showed the enhancement of the exciton-phonon coupling, indicating that the excitons are more strongly localized in the irradiated InGaN wells. The change in the pholotuminescence spectra. In the irradiated InGa/GAN quantum wells were explained in terms of the increase of indium concentration in indium rich clusters induced by the electron irradiation (C) 2009 The Japan Society of Applied Physics


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We have studied the Fano resonance in photon-assisted transport through a quantum dot. Both the coherent current and the spectral density of shot noise have been calculated. It is predicted that the shape of the Fano profile will also appear in satellite peaks. It is found that the variations of Fano profiles with the strengths of nonresonant transmissions are not synchronous in absorption and emission sidebands. The effect of interference on photon-assisted pumped current has also been investigated. We further predict the current and spectral density of shot noise as a periodic function of the phase, which exhibits an intrinsic property of resonant and nonresonant channels in the structures.


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The nonlinear optical properties of semiconductor quantum wells driven by intense in-plane terahertz electric fields are investigated theoretically by employing the extended semiconductor Bloch equations. The dynamical Franz-Keldysh effect of the optical absorption near the band edge is analyzed with Coulomb correlation among the carriers included. The in-plane terahertz field induces a variety of behavior in the absorption spectra, including terahertz replicas of the (dark) 2p exciton and terahertz sidebands of the 1s exciton. The dependence of these interesting features on the intensity, frequency, and phase of the terahertz field is explored in detail.


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The magnetoexcitonic optical absorption of a GaAs bulk semiconductor driven by a terahertz (THz) field is investigated numerically. The method of the solution of the initial-value problem, in combination with the perfect matched layer technique, is used to calculate the optical susceptibility, with Coulomb interaction, Landau quantization, and THz fields involved nonperturbatively. It shows that there appear replicas and sidebands of magnetoexciton of different Landau levels, which greatly enrich the magneto-optical spectrum in the presence of a driving THz field. Copyright (C) EPLA, 2008.


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The excitonic optical absorption of GaAs bulk semiconductors under intense terahertz (THz) radiation is investigated numerically. The method of solving initial-value problems, combined with the perfect matched layer technique, is used to calculate the optical susceptibility. In the presence of a driving THz field, in addition to the usual exciton peaks, 2p replica of the dark 2p exciton and even-THz-photon-sidebands of the main exciton resonance emerge in the continuum above the band edge and below the main exciton resonance. Moreover, to understand the shift of the position of the main exciton peak under intense THz radiation, it is necessary to take into consideration both the dynamical Franz-Keldysh effect and ac Stark effect simultaneously. For moderate frequency fields, the main exciton peak decreases and broadens due to the field-induced ionization of the excitons with THz field increasing. However, for high frequency THz fields, the characteristics of the exciton recur even under very strong THz fields, which accords with the recent experimental results qualitatively.


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The nonlinear optical absorption in a three-subband step asymmetric semiconductor quantum well driven by a strong terahertz (THz) field is investigated theoretically by employing the intersubband semiconductor-Bloch equations. We show that the optical absorption spectrum strongly depends on the intensity, frequency, and phase of the pump THz wave. The strong THz field induces THz sidebands and Autler-Townes splitting in the probe absorption spectrum. Varying the pump frequency can bring not only the new absorption peaks but also the changing of the energy separation of the two higher-energy levels. The dependence of the absorption spectrum on the phase of the pump THz wave is also very remarkable.


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This paper presents a detailed PL study of Fe2+ related four zero-phonon(ZP) lines and their related phonon sidebands. Four zero-phonon transitions at approximate to 2800 cm(-1) along with the accompanying phonon sidebands extending down to 2400 cm(-1). There are ta two prominent regions in the phonon sidebands. One is ascribed to coupling to acoustic-type phonons (2700 cm(-1) region), the other is due to coupling to optic-type phonons (2500 cm(-1) region). Beside broad coupling with lattice modes, there are several groups of lines. They are ascribed to resonant modes, impurities induced gap modes and local modes.


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Fe is still the commonly used dopant to fabricate semi-insulating(SI) InP, a key material for high-speed electronic and optoelectronic devices. High resolved absorption spectra of the internal d-d shell transitions at Fe2+ in InP and the related phonon sidebands and a series of iron related absorption Lines are presented. Detailed infrared absorption study of the characteristic spectra of four zero-phonon lines(ZPLs), which are attributed to transitions within the 5D ground state of Fe2+ (3d(6)) on the indium site in a tetrahedral crystal field of phosphorus atoms and their temperature effects are given.