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The bulk rock geochemistry and inoceramid isotopic composition from Cenomanian to Santonian, finely laminated, organic-rich black shales, recovered during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 207 on Demerara Rise (western tropical North Atlantic), suggest persistent anoxic (free H2S) conditions within the sediments and short-term variations within a narrow range of anoxic to episodically dysoxic bottom waters over a ~15 Ma time interval. In addition to being organic-rich, the 50-90 m thick sections examined exhibit substantial bulk rock enrichments of Si, P, Ba, Cu, Mo, Ni, and Zn relative to World Average Shale. These observations point to high organic burial fluxes, likely driven by high primary production rates, which led to the establishment of intensely sulfidic pore waters and possibly bottom waters, as well as to the enrichments of Cr, Mo, U, and V in the sediments. At the same time, the irregular presence of benthic inoceramids and foraminifera in this facies demonstrates that the benthic environment could not have been continuously anoxic. The d13C and d15N values of the inoceramid shell organics provide no evidence of chemosymbiosis and are consistent with pelagic rain as being a significant food source. Demerara Rise inoceramids also exhibit well-defined, regularly spaced growth lines that are tracked by d13C and d18O variations in shell carbonate that cannot be simply explained by diagenesis. Instead, productivity variations in surface waters may have paced the growth of the shells during brief oxygenation events suitable for benthic inoceramid settlement. These inferences imply tight benthopelagic coupling and more dynamic benthic conditions than generally portrayed during black shale deposition. By invoking different temporal scales for geochemical and paleontological data, this study resolves recent contradictory conclusions (e.g., sulfidic sedimentary conditions versus dysoxic to suboxic benthic waters) drawn from studies of either sediment geochemistry or fossil distributions alone on Demerara Rise. This variability may be relevant for discussions of black shales in general.


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We present new Holocene century to millennial-scale proxies for the well-dated piston core MD99-2269 from Húnaflóadjúp on the North Iceland Shelf. The core is located in 365 mwd and lies close to the fluctuating boundary between Atlantic and Arctic/Polar waters. The proxies are: alkenone-based SST°C, and Mg/Ca SST°C estimates and stable d13C and d18O values on planktonic and benthic foraminifera. The data were converted to 60 yr equi-spaced time-series. Significant trends in the data were extracted using Singular Spectrum Analysis and these accounted for between 50% and 70% of the variance. A comparison between these data with previously published climate proxies from MD99-2269 was carried out on a data set which consisted of 14-variable data set covering the interval 400-9200 cal yr BP at 100 yr time steps. This analysis indicated that the 1st two PC axes accounted for 57% of the variability with high loadings clustering primarily into "nutrient" and "temperature" proxies. Clustering on the 100 yr time-series indicated major changes in environment at ~6350 and ~3450 cal yr BP, which define early, mid- and late Holocene climatic intervals. We argue that a pervasive freshwater cap during the early Holocene resulted in warm SST°s, a stratified water column, and a depleted nutrient supply. The loss of the freshwater layer in the mid-Holocene resulted in high carbonate production, and the late Holocene/neoglacial interval was marked by significantly more variable sea surface conditions.


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This study explores the giant oyster Hyotissa hyotis as a novel environmental archive in tropical reef environments of the Indo-Pacific. The species is a typical accessory component in coral reefs, can reach sizes of tens of centimetres, and dates back to the Late Pleistocene. Here, a 70.2-mm-long oxygen and carbon isotope transect through the shell of a specimen collected at Safaga Bay, northern Red Sea, in May 1996, is presented. The transect runs perpendicularly to the foliate and vesicular layers of the inner ostracum near the ligament area of the oyster. The measured d18O and d13C records show sinusoidal fluctuations, which are independent of shell microstructure. The d13C fluctuations exhibit the same wavelength as the d18O fluctuations but are phase shifted. The d18O record reflects the sea surface temperature variations from 1957 until 1996, possibly additionally influenced by the local evaporation. Due to locally enhanced evaporation in the semi-enclosed Safaga Bay, the d18Oseawater value is estimated at 2.17 per mil, i.e., 0.3-0.8 per mil higher than published open surface water d18O values (1.36-1.85 per mil) from the region. The mean water temperature deviates by only 0.4°C from the expected value, and the minimum and maximum values are 0.5°C lower and 2.9°C higher, respectively. When comparing the mean monthly values, however, the sea surface temperature discrepancy between reconstructed and global grid datasets is always <1.0°C. The d13C signal is weakly negatively correlated with regional chlorophyll a concentration and with the sunshine duration, which may reflect changes in the bivalve's respiration. The study emphasises the palaeogeographic context in isotope studies based on fossils, because coastal embayments might not reflect open-water oceanographic conditions.


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To study the effects of temperature, salinity, and life processes (growth rates, size, metabolic effects, and physiological/genetic effects) on newly precipitated bivalve carbonate, we quantified shell isotopic chemistry of adult and juvenile animals of the intertidal bivalve Mytilus edulis (Blue mussel) collected alive from western Greenland and the central Gulf of Maine and cultured them under controlled conditions. Data for juvenile and adult M. edulis bivalves cultured in this study, and previously by Wanamaker et al. (2006, doi:10.1029/2005GC001189), yielded statistically identical paleotemperature relationships. On the basis of these experiments we have developed a species-specific paleotemperature equation for the bivalve M. edulis [T °C = 16.28 (±0.10) - 4.57 (±0.15) {d18Oc VPBD - d18Ow VSMOW} + 0.06 (±0.06) {d18Oc VPBD - d18Ow VSMOW}**2; r**2 = 0.99; N = 323; p < 0.0001]. Compared to the Kim and O'Neil (1997) inorganic calcite equation, M. edulis deposits its shell in isotope equilibrium (d18Ocalcite) with ambient water. Carbon isotopes (d13Ccalcite) from sampled shells were substantially more negative than predicted values, indicating an uptake of metabolic carbon into shell carbonate, and d13Ccalcite disequilibrium increased with increasing salinity. Sampled shells of M. edulis showed no significant trends in d18Ocalcite based on size, cultured growth rates, or geographic collection location, suggesting that vital effects do not affect d18Ocalcite in M. edulis. The broad modern and paleogeographic distribution of this bivalve, its abundance during the Holocene, and the lack of an intraspecies physiologic isotope effect demonstrated here make it an ideal nearshore paleoceanographic proxy throughout much of the North Atlantic Ocean.


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Evolution of the planktic foraminiferal lineage Globorotalia (Fohsella) occurred during the Miocene between 23.7 and 11.8 Ma and forms the basis for stratigraphic subdivision of the early middle Miocene (Zones N 10 through N 12). Important morphologic changes within the G. (Fohsella) lineage included a marked increase in test size, a transition from a rounded to an acute periphery, and the development of a keel in later forms. We found that the most rapid changes in morphology of G. (Fohsella) occurred between 13 and 12.7 Ma and coincided with an abrupt increase in the delta18O ratios of shell calcite. Comparison of isotopic results of G. (Fohsella) with other planktic foraminifers indicate that delta18O values of the lineage diverge from surface-dwelling species and approach deep-dwelling species after 13.0 Ma, indicating a change in depth habitat from the surface mixed layer to intermediate depth near the thermocline. Isotopic and faunal evidence suggests that this change in depth stratification was associated with an expansion of the thermocline in the western equatorial Pacific. After adapting to a deeper water habitat at 13.0 Ma, the G. (Fohsella) lineage became extinct abruptly at 11.8 Ma during a period when isotopic and faunal evidence suggest a shoaling of the thermocline. Following the extinction of G. (Fohsella), the ecologic niche of the lineage was filled by the Globorotalia (Menardella) group, which began as a deep-water form and later evolved to an intermediate-water habitat. We suggest that the evolution of G. (Fohsella) and G. (Menardella) were tightly linked to changes in the structure of the thermocline in the western equatorial Pacific.


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The use of stable isotope ratios δ18O and δ2H are well established in assessment of groundwater systems and their hydrology. The conventional approach is based on x/y plots and relation to various MWL’s, and plots of either ratio against parameters such as Clor EC. An extension of interpretation is the use of 2D maps and contour plots, and 2D hydrogeological vertical sections. An enhancement of presentation and interpretation is the production of “isoscapes”, usually as 2.5D surface projections. We have applied groundwater isotopic data to a 3D visualisation, using the alluvial aquifer system of the Lockyer Valley. The 3D framework is produced in GVS (Groundwater Visualisation System). This format enables enhanced presentation by displaying the spatial relationships and allowing interpolation between “data points” i.e. borehole screened zones where groundwater enters. The relative variations in the δ18O and δ2H values are similar in these ambient temperature systems. However, δ2H better reflects hydrological processes, whereas δ18O also reflects aquifer/groundwater exchange reactions. The 3D model has the advantage that it displays borehole relations to spatial features, enabling isotopic ratios and their values to be associated with, for example, bedrock groundwater mixing, interaction between aquifers, relation to stream recharge, and to near-surface and return irrigation water evaporation. Some specific features are also shown, such as zones of leakage of deeper groundwater (in this case with a GAB signature). Variations in source of recharging water at a catchment scale can be displayed. Interpolation between bores is not always possible depending on numbers and spacing, and by elongate configuration of the alluvium. In these cases, the visualisation uses discs around the screens that can be manually expanded to test extent or intersections. Separate displays are used for each of δ18O and δ2H and colour coding for isotope values.


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Forty-four study sites were established in remnant woodland in the Burdekin River catchment in tropical north-east Queensland, Australia, to assess recent (decadal) vegetation change. The aim of this study was further to evaluate whether wide-scale vegetation 'thickening' (proliferation of woody plants in formerly more open woodlands) had occurred during the last century, coinciding with significant changes in land management. Soil samples from several depth intervals were size separated into different soil organic carbon (SOC) fractions, which differed from one another by chemical composition and turnover times. Tropical (C4) grasses dominate in the Burdekin catchment, and thus δ13C analyses of SOC fractions with different turnover times can be used to assess whether the relative proportion of trees (C3) and grasses (C4) had changed over time. However, a method was required to permit standardized assessment of the δ13C data for the individual sites within the 13 Mha catchment, which varied in soil and vegetation characteristics. Thus, an index was developed using data from three detailed study sites and global literature to standardize individual isotopic data from different soil depths and SOC fractions to reflect only the changed proportion of trees (C3) to grasses (C3) over decadal timescales. When applied to the 44 individual sites distributed throughout the Burdekin catchment, 64% of the sites were shown to have experienced decadal vegetation thickening, while 29% had remained stable and the remaining 7% had thinned. Thus, the development of this index enabled regional scale assessment and comparison of decadal vegetation patterns without having to rely on prior knowledge of vegetation changes or aerial photography.


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An analytical method for the measurement of five naturally occurring bromophenols of sensory relevance in seafood (barramundi and prawns) is presented. The method combines simultaneous distillation−extraction followed by alkaline back extraction of a hexane extract and subsequent acetylation of the bromophenols. Analysis of the bromophenol acetates was accomplished by headspace solid phase microextraction and gas chromatography−mass spectrometry using selected ion monitoring. The addition of 13C6 bromophenol stable isotope internal standards for each of the five congeners studied permitted the accurate quantitation of 2-bromophenol, 4-bromophenol, 2,6-dibromophenol, 2,4-dibromophenol, and 2,4,6-tribromophenol down to a limit of quantification of 0.05 ng/g of fish flesh. The method indicated acceptable precision and repeatability and excellent linearity over the typical concentration range of these compounds in seafood (0.5−50 ng/g). The analytical method was applied to determine the concentration of bromophenols in a range of farmed and wild barramundi and prawns and was also used to monitor bromophenol uptake in a pilot feeding trial.


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The significance of cannibalism in the diet of juvenile pond-cultured blue swimmer crabs (Portunus pelagicus (L.)) was investigated using dual stable isotope analysis of carbon and nitrogen. In a laboratory feeding experiment, δ15N demonstrated a constant trophic shift (Δδ15N ≈+ 1.6‰), and therefore seemed to be a reliable indicator for assessing trophic position for P. pelagicus. This agrees with previously reported trends. Difference in growth rate did not seem to influence δ15N values. In contrast, δ13C did not display consistent shifts between trophic levels (range of Δδ13C: + 1 to + 1.7‰). The results from the pond experiment showed that larger individuals had a more enriched δ15N than smaller individuals, which, when compared to the results from the laboratory experiment, indicates that larger individuals were at a higher trophic level. This is most likely due to cannibalism prevailing in the pond rather than a direct result of faster growth rate. Cannibalistic behaviour might further increase growth, resulting in the observed positive correlation between size and δ15N.


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The stable isotopes of delta O-18 and delta C-13 in sagittal otolith carbonates were used to determine the stock structure of Grey Mackerel, Scomberomorus semifasciatus. Otoliths were collected from Grey Mackerel at ten locations representing much of their distributional and fisheries range across northern Australia from 2005 to 2007. Across this broad range (similar to 6500 km), fish from four broad locations-Western Australia (S1), Northern Territory and Gulf of Carpentaria (S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, S7), Queensland east coast mid and north sites (S8, S9) and Queensland east coast south site (S10)-had stable isotope values that were significantly different indicating stock separation. Otolith stable isotopes differed more between locations than among years within a location, indicating temporal stability across years. The spatial separation of these populations indicates a complex stock structure across northern Australia. Stocks of S. semifasciatus appear to be associated with large coastal embayments. These results indicate that optimal fisheries management may require a review of the current spatial arrangements, particularly in relation to the evidence of shared stocks in the Gulf of Carpentaria. Furthermore, as the population of S. semifasciatus in Western Australia exhibited high spatial separation from those at all the other locations examined, further research activities should focus on investigating additional locations within Western Australia for an enhanced determination of stock delineation. From the issue entitled "Proceedings of the 4th International Otolith Symposium, 24-28 August 2009, Monterey, California"


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Kangaroos ferment forage material in an enlarged forestomach analogous to the rumen, but in contrast to ruminants, they produce little or no methane. The objective of this study was to identify the dominant organisms and pathways involved in hydrogenotrophy in the kangaroo forestomach, with the broader aim of understanding how these processes are able to predominate over methanogenesis. Stable isotope analysis of fermentation end products and RNA stable isotope probing (RNA-SIP) were used to investigate the organisms and biochemical pathways involved in the metabolism of hydrogen and carbon dioxide in the kangaroo forestomach. Our results clearly demonstrate that the activity of bacterial reductive acetogens is a key factor in the reduced methane output of kangaroos. In in vitro fermentations, the microbial community of the kangaroo foregut produced very little methane, but produced a significantly greater proportion of acetate derived from carbon dioxide than the microbial community of the bovine rumen. A bacterial operational taxonomic unit closely related to the known reductive acetogen Blautia coccoides was found to be associated with carbon dioxide and hydrogen metabolism in the kangaroo foregut. Other bacterial taxa including members of the genera Prevotella, Oscillibacter and Streptococcus that have not previously been reported as containing hydrogenotrophic organisms were also significantly associated with metabolism of hydrogen and carbon dioxide in the kangaroo forestomach.The ISME Journal advance online publication, 13 March 2014; doi:10.1038/ismej.2014.25.


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The driving force behind this study has been the need to develop and apply methods for investigating the hydrogeochemical processes of significance to water management and artificial groundwater recharge. Isotope partitioning of elements in the course of physicochemical processes produces isotopic variations to their natural reservoirs. Tracer property of the stable isotope abundances of oxygen, hydrogen and carbon has been applied to investigate hydrogeological processes in Finland. The work described here has initiated the use of stable isotope methods to achieve a better understanding of these processes in the shallow glacigenic formations of Finland. In addition, the regional precipitation and groundwater records will supplement the data of global precipitation, but as importantly, provide primary background data for hydrological studies. The isotopic composition of oxygen and hydrogen in Finnish groundwaters and atmospheric precipitation was determined in water samples collected during 1995 2005. Prior to this study, no detailed records existed on the spatial or annual variability of the isotopic composition of precipitation or groundwaters in Finland. Groundwaters and precipitation in Finland display a distinct spatial distribution of the isotopic ratios of oxygen and hydrogen. The depletion of the heavier isotopes as a function of increasing latitude is closely related to the local mean surface temperature. No significant differences were observed between the mean annual isotope ratios of oxygen and hydrogen in precipitation and those in local groundwaters. These results suggest that the link between the spatial variability in the isotopic composition of precipitation and local temperature is preserved in groundwaters. Artificial groundwater recharge to glaciogenic sedimentary formations offers many possibilities to apply the isotopic ratios of oxygen, hydrogen and carbon as natural isotopic tracers. In this study the systematics of dissolved carbon have been investigated in two geochemically different glacigenic groundwater formations: a typical esker aquifer at Tuusula, in southern Finland and a carbonate-bearing aquifer with a complex internal structure at Virttaankangas, in southwest Finland. Reducing the concentration of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in water is a primary challenge in the process of artificial groundwater recharge. The carbon isotope method was used to as a tool to trace the role of redox processes in the decomposition of DOC. At the Tuusula site, artificial recharge leads to a significant decrease in the organic matter content of the infiltrated water. In total, 81% of the initial DOC present in the infiltrated water was removed in three successive stages of subsurface processes. Three distinct processes in the reduction of the DOC content were traced: The decomposition of dissolved organic carbon in the first stage of subsurface flow appeared to be the most significant part in DOC removal, whereas further decrease in DOC has been attributed to adsorption and finally to dilution with local groundwater. Here, isotope methods were used for the first time to quantify the processes of DOC removal in an artificial groundwater recharge. Groundwaters in the Virttaankangas aquifer are characterized by high pH values exceeding 9, which are exceptional for shallow aquifers on glaciated crystalline bedrock. The Virttaankangas sediments were discovered to contain trace amounts of fine grained, dispersed calcite, which has a high tendency to increase the pH of local groundwaters. Understanding the origin of the unusual geochemistry of the Virttaankangas groundwaters is an important issue for constraining the operation of the future artificial groundwater plant. The isotope ratios of oxygen and carbon in sedimentary carbonate minerals have been successfully applied to constrain the origin of the dispersed calcite in the Virttaankangas sediments. The isotopic and chemical characteristics of the groundwater in the distinct units of aquifer were observed to vary depending on the aquifer mineralogy, groundwater residence time and the openness of the system to soil CO2. The high pH values of > 9 have been related to dissolution of calcite into groundwater under closed or nearly closed system conditions relative to soil CO2, at a low partial pressure of CO2.


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This work examines stable isotope ratios of carbon, oxygen and hydrogen in annual growth rings of trees. Isotopic composition in wood cellulose is used as a tool to study past climate. The method benefits from the accurate and precise dating provided by dendrochronology. In this study the origin, nature and the strength of climatic correlations are studied on different temporal scales and at different sites in Finland. The origin of carbon isotopic signal is in photosynthetic fractionation. The basic physical and chemical fractionations involved are reasonably well understood. This was confirmed by measuring instantaneous photosynthetic discrimination on Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.). The internal conductance of CO2 was recognized to have a significant impact on the observed fractionation, and further investigations are suggested to quantify its role in controlling the isotopic signal of photosynthates. Isotopic composition of the produced biomass can potentially be affected by variety of external factors that induce physiological changes in trees. Response of carbon isotopic signal in tree ring cellulose to changes in resource availability was assessed in a manipulation experiment. It showed that the signal was relatively stable despite of changes in water and nitrogen availability to the tree. Palaeoclimatic reconstructions are typically based on functions describing empirical relationship between isotopic and climatic parameters. These empirical relationships may change depending on the site conditions, species and timeframe studied. Annual variation in Scots pine tree ring carbon and oxygen isotopic composition was studied in northern and in central eastern Finland and annual variation in tree ring latewood carbon, oxygen and hydrogen isotopic ratio in Oak (Quercus robur L.) was studied in southern Finland. In all of the studied sites at least one of the studied isotope ratios was shown to record climate strongly enough to be used in climatic reconstructions. Using the observed relationships, four-century-long climate reconstructions from living Scots pine were created for northern and central eastern Finland. Also temporal stability of the relationships between three proxy indicators, tree ring growth and carbon and oxygen isotopic composition was studied during the four-hundred-year period. Isotope ratios measured from tree rings in Finland were shown to be sensitive indicators of climate. Increasing understanding of environmental controls and physiological mechanisms affecting tree ring isotopic composition will make possible more accurate interpretation of isotope data. This study also demonstrated that by measuring multiple isotopes and physical proxies from the same tree rings, additional information on tree physiology can be obtained. Thus isotopic ratios measured from tree ring cellulose provide means to improve the reliability of climate reconstructions.


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The Indian Summer Monsoon (ISM) precipitation recharges ground water aquifers in a large portion of the Indian subcontinent. Monsoonal precipitation over the Indian region brings moisture from the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal (BoB). A large difference in the salinity of these two reservoirs, owing to the large amount of freshwater discharge from the continental rivers in the case of the BoB and dominating evaporation processes over the Arabian Sea region, allows us to distinguish the isotopic signatures in water originating in these two water bodies. Most bottled water manufacturers exploit the natural resources of groundwater, replenished by the monsoonal precipitation, for bottling purposes. The work presented here relates the isotopic ratios of bottled water to latitude, moisture source and seasonality in precipitation isotope ratios. We investigated the impact of the above factors on the isotopic composition of bottled water. The result shows a strong relationship between isotope ratios in precipitation (obtained from the GNIP data base)/bottled water with latitude. The approach can be used to predict the latitude at which the bottled water was manufactured. The paper provides two alternative approaches to address the site prediction. The limitations of this approach in identifying source locations and the uncertainty in latitude estimations are discussed. Furthermore, the method provided here can also be used as an important forensic tool for exploring the source location of bottled water from other regions. Copyright (C) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Carbon isotope compositions of carbonate rocks from similar to 2.7-Ga-old Neoarchean Vanivilas Formation of the Dharwar Supergroup presented earlier by us are re-evaluated in this study, besides oxygen isotope compositions of a few silica dolomite pairs. The purpose of such a revisit assumes significance in view of recent field evidences that suggest a glaciomarine origin for the matrix-supported conglomerate member, the Talya conglomerate, which underlies the carbonate rocks of the Vanivilas Formation. An in-depth analysis of carbon isotope data reveals preservation of their pristine character despite the rocks having been subjected to metamorphism to different degrees (from lower greenschist to lower amphibolite facies). The dolomitic member of Vanivilas Formation of Marikanive area is characterized by highly depleted delta C-13 value (up to -5 parts per thousand VPDB) and merits as the Indian example of ca. 2.7-Ga-old cap carbonate. This inference is further supported by estimated low temperature of equilibration documented by a few silica dolomite pairs from the Vanivilas Formation collected near Kalche area. These pairs show evidence for oxygen isotopic equilibrium at low temperatures (similar to 0-20 degrees C) with depleted water (delta O-18 = -21 parts per thousand to -15 parts per thousand VSMOW) of glacial origin. We propose that the mineral pairs were deposited during the deglaciation period when the ocean temperature was in its gradual restoration phase. The dolomite of Marikanive area is the first record of cap carbonates from the Indian subcontinent with Neoarchean antiquity.