937 resultados para Sheet-metal work


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This is a black and white photograph of a sign for the Sheet Metal Department of the New York Trade School likely created by the department. It contains ornate metal work and displays the year 1938, probably the beginning year of the Sheet Metal Department.


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To quantify the frictional behaviour in sheet forming operations, several laboratory experiments which simulate the real forming conditions are performed. The Bending Under Tension Test is one such experiment which is often used to represent the frictional flow of sheet material around a die or a punch radius. Different mathematical representations are used to determine the coefficient of friction in the Bending Under Tension Test. In general the change in the strip thickness in passing over the die radius is neglected and the radius of curvature to thickness ratio is assumed to be constant in these equations. However, the effect of roller radius, sheet thickness and the surface pressure are also omitted in some of these equations. This work quantitatively determined the effect of roller radius and the tooling pressure on the coefficient of friction. The Bending Under Tension Test was performed using rollers with different radii and also lubricants with different properties. The tool radii were found to have a direct influence in the contact pressure. The effect of roller radius on friction was considerable and it was observed that there is a clear relationship between the contact pressure and the coefficient of friction.


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This work looks at two different “Design of Experiments”(DoE) methods for defining an operating window in the sheet metal stamping process. The first involves the use of replicates at the different experimental points, while the second is a nonreplicated method. The two methods are compared by looking at the relationship results produced and the indication of variation in the process. It is found that the results from both the methods are very similar. However, the replicated method provides a greater level of confidence in the results. In the stamping process, where performing large numbers of replicates is expensive in both time and money, the nonreplicated method provides a cost effective way of understanding the process.


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This work focuses on development of a method to statistically study forming and springback problems of TRansformation Induced Plasticity (TRIP) through an industrial case study. A Design of Experiments (DOE) approach was used to study the sensitivity of predictions to four user input parameters in implicit and explicit sheet metal forming codes. Numerical results were compared to experimental measurements of parts stamped in an industrial production line. The accuracy of forming strain predictions for TRIP steel were comparable with conventional steel, but the springback predictions of TRIP steel were far less accurate. The statistical importance of selected parameters for forming and springback prediction is also discussed. Changes of up to ±10% in Young's modulus and coefficient of friction were found to be insignificant in improving or deteriorating the statistical correlation of springback accuracies.


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The contact conditions at the die radius are of primary importance to the wear response for many sheet metal forming processes. In particular, a detailed understanding of the contact pressure at the wearing interface is essential for the application of representative wear tests, the use of wear resistant materials and coatings, the development of suitable wear models, and for the ultimate goal of predicting tool life. However, there is a lack of information concerning the time-dependant nature of the contact pressure response in sheet metal stamping. This work provides a qualitative description of the evolution and distribution of contact pressure at the die radius for a typical channel forming process. Through an analysis of the deformation conditions, contact phenomena and underlying mechanics, it was identified that three distinct phases exist. Significantly, the initial and intermediate stages resulted in severe and localised contact conditions, with contact pressures significantly greater than the blank material yield strength. The final phase corresponds to a larger contact area, with steady and smaller contact pressures. The proposed contact pressure behaviour was compared to other results available in the literature and also discussed with respect to tool wear.


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Bake hardening steels are being used as body panels in modern cars. These steels are stronger through an ageing process after baking in the paint ovens, which allows the thickness of the steel to be reduced without reducing the denting performance. The current study examined whether the steel ages at room temperature prior to forming which would deteriorate the formability. The work developed a new test and provided insight into acceptable levels of natural ageing which could be tolerated in the manufacturing process.


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Variation in the incoming sheet material and fluctuations in the press setup is unavoidable in many stamping plants. The effect of these variations can have a large influence on the quality of the final stamping, in particular, unpredictable springback of the sheet when the tooling is removed. While stochastic simulation techniques have been developed to simulate this problem, there has been little research that connects the influence of the noise sources to springback. This paper characterises the effect of material and process variation on the robustness of springback for a semi-cylindrical channel forming operation, which shares a similar cross-section profile as many automotive structural components. The study was conducted using the specialised sheet metal forming package AutoFormTM Sigma, for which a series of stochastic simulations were performed with each of the noise sources incrementally introduced. The effective stress and effective strain scatter in a critical location of the part was examined and a response window, which indicates the respective process robustness, was defined. The incremental introduction of the noise sources allows the change in size of the stressstrain response window to be tracked. The results showed that changes to process variation parameters, such as BHP and friction coefficient, directly affect the strain component of the stressstrain response window by altering the magnitude of external work applied to forming system. Material variation, on the other hand, directly affected the stress component of the response window. A relationship between the effective stressstrain response window and the variation in springback was also established.


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In the automotive industry, press production rates often need to be reduced in order to minimize tool wear issues and successfully stamp advanced high strength steels. This indicates that heating affects may be important. This paper examines friction and deformational heating at the die radius during sheet metal stamping, using finite element analysis. The results show that high temperatures, of up to 130°C, can occur at the die radius surface. Such behavior has not been previously reported in the literature, for what is expected to be ‘cold’ sheet metal stamping conditions. It will be shown that the temperature rise is due to the increased contact stresses and increased plastic work, associated with stamping AHSS. Consequently, new insights into the local contact conditions in sheet metal stamping were obtained. The outcomes of this work may impact the wear models and tests employed for future tool wear analyses in sheet metal stamping.


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The objective of this work is to develop a kinematic hardening effect graph (KHEG) which can be used to evaluate the effect of kinematic hardening on the model accuracy of numerical sheet metal forming simulations and this without the need of complex material characterisation. The virtual manufacturing process design and optimisation depends on the accuracy of the constitutive models used to represent material behaviour. Under reverse strain paths the Bauschinger effect phenomenon is modelled using kinematic hardening models. However, due to the complexity of the experimental testing required to characterise this phenomenon in this work the KHEG is presented as an indicator to evaluate the potential benefit of carrying out these tests. The tool is validated with the classic three point bending process and the U-channel width drawbead process. In the same way, the capability of the KHEG to identify effects in forming processes that do not include forming strain reversals is identified.


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A material model for more thorough analysis of plastic deformation of sheet materials is presented in this paper. This model considers the following aspects of plastic deformation behavior of sheet materials: (1) the anisotropy in yield stresses and in work hardening by using Hill's 1948 quadratic yield function and non-constant stress ratios which leads to different flow stress hardening in different directions, (2) the anisotropy in plastic strains by using a quadratic plastic potential function and non-associated flow rule, also based on Hill's 1948 model and r-values, and (3) the cyclic hardening phenomena such as the Bauschinger effect, permanent softening and transient behavior for reverse loading by using a coupled nonlinear kinematic hardening model. Plasticity fundamentals of the model were derived in a general framework and the model calibration procedure was presented for the plasticity formulations. Also, a generic numerical stress integration procedure was developed based on backward-Euler method, so-called multi-stage return mapping algorithm. The model was implemented in the framework of the finite element method to evaluate the simulation results of sheet metal forming processes. Different aspects of the model were verified for two sheet metals, namely DP600 steel and AA6022 aluminum alloy. Results show that the new model is able to accurately predict the sheet material behavior for both anisotropic hardening and cyclic hardening conditions. The drawing of channel sections and the subsequent springback were also simulated with this model for different drawbead configurations. Simulation results show that the current non-associated anisotropic hardening model is able to accurately predict the sidewall curl in the drawn channel sections.


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A wall in the Sheet Metal Department at the New York Trade School shows many examples of duct work, pipe, and decorative metal work that students learn to produce. Black and white photograph that is starting to fade.


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A 1946 graduate of the Sheet Metal Department, Thomas Carlough is pictured at work at the Triangle Sheet Metal Works, Inc. Original caption reads, "Thomas Carlough - Sheet Metal 1946. The Sheet Metal Draftsman lays out the duct work etc, for the ventilation and Air Conditioning of buildings." Black and white photograph with caption adhered to reverse.


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John Loonie, a graduate of the Sheet Metal Department of the New York Trade School, is pictured welding at work in the Triangle Sheet Metal Works Inc. Original caption reads, "John Loonie - Sheet Metal 1955, one of the Sheet Metal workers employed at the Triangle Sheet Metal Works, qualified to weld." Black and white photograph with caption adhered to reverse.


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In the bulge test, a sheet metal specimen is clamped over a circular hole in a die and formed into a bulge by the hydraulic pressure on one side of the specirnen. As the unsupported part of the specimen is deformed in this way, its area is increased, in other words, the material is generally stretched and its thickness generally decreased. The stresses causing this stretching action are the membrane stresses in the shell generated by the hydraulic pressure, in the same way as the rubber in a toy balloon is stretched by the membrane stresses caused by the air inside it. The bulge test is a widely used sheet metal test, to determine the "formability" of sheet materials. Research on this forming process (2)-(15)* has hitherto been almost exclusively confined to predicting the behaviour of the bulged specimen through the constitutive equations (stresses and strains in relation to displacements and shapes) and empirical work hardening characteristics of the material as determined in the tension test. In the present study the approach is reversed; the stresses and strains in the specimen are measured and determined from the geometry of the deformed shell. Thus, the bulge test can be used for determining the stress-strain relationship in the material under actual conditions in sheet metal forming processes. When sheet materials are formed by fluid pressure, the work-piece assumes an approximately spherical shape, The exact nature and magnitude of the deviation from the perfect sphere can be defined and measured by an index called prolateness. The distribution of prolateness throughout the workpiece at any particular stage of the forming process is of fundamental significance, because it determines the variation of the stress ratio on which the mode of deformation depends. It is found. that, before the process becomes unstable in sheet metal, the workpiece is exactly spherical only at the pole and at an annular ring. Between the pole and this annular ring the workpiece is more pointed than a sphere, and outside this ring, it is flatter than a sphere. In the forming of sheet materials, the stresses and hence the incremental strains, are closely related to the curvatures of the workpiece. This relationship between geometry and state of stress can be formulated quantitatively through prolateness. The determination of the magnitudes of prolateness, however, requires special techniques. The success of the experimental work is due to the technique of measuring the profile inclination of the meridional section very accurately. A travelling microscope, workshop protractor and surface plate are used for measurements of circumferential and meridional tangential strains. The curvatures can be calculated from geometry. If, however, the shape of the workpiece is expressed in terms of the current radial (r) and axial ( L) coordinates, it is very difficult to calculate the curvatures within an adequate degree of accuracy, owing to the double differentiation involved. In this project, a first differentiation is, in effect, by-passed by measuring the profile inclination directly and the second differentiation is performed in a round-about way, as explained in later chapters. The variations of the stresses in the workpiece thus observed have not, to the knowledge of the author, been reported experimentally. The static strength of shells to withstand fluid pressure and their buckling strength under concentrated loads, both depend on the distribution of the thickness. Thickness distribution can be controlled to a limited extent by changing the work hardening characteristics of the work material and by imposing constraints. A technique is provided in this thesis for determining accurately the stress distribution, on which the strains associated with thinning depend. Whether a problem of controlled thickness distribution is tackled by theory, or by experiments, or by both combined, the analysis in this thesis supplies the theoretical framework and some useful experimental techniques for the research applied to particular problems. The improvement of formability by allowing draw-in can also be analysed with the same theoretical and experimental techniques. Results on stress-strain relationships are usually represented by single stress-strain curves plotted either between one stress and one strain (as in the tension or compression tests) or between the effective stress and effective strain, as in tests on tubular specimens under combined tension, torsion and internal pressure. In this study, the triaxial stresses and strains are plotted simultaneously in triangular coordinates. Thus, both stress and strain are represented by vectors and the relationship between them by the relationship between two vector functions. From the results so obtained, conclusions are drawn on both the behaviour and the properties of the material in the bulge test. The stress ratios are generally equal to the strain-rate ratios (stress vectors collinear with incremental strain vectors) and the work-hardening characteristics, which apply only to the particular strain paths are deduced. Plastic instability of the material is generally considered to have been reached when the oil pressure has attained its maximum value so that further deformation occurs under a constant or lower pressure. It is found that the instability regime of deformation has already occurred long before the maximum pressure is attained. Thus, a new concept of instability is proposed, and for this criterion, instability can occur for any type of pressure growth curves.