968 resultados para Share knowledge


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Although intranets appear to be ideal environments for employees to share knowledge quickly and efficiently, usage in practice appears limited. We report findings from two case studies that highlight three key issues limiting intranet utilisation for knowledge sharing: organisational structures and strategies, the impact of the receiver on sharer choices, and the availability of alternative channels for knowledge sharing. This study suggests that for companies to obtain more effective intranets, they need to better align organisational structures and strategies with intranet objectives, develop a comprehensive corporate communication plan, and find new ways to better link sharers with receivers’ knowledge needs.


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The Web offers a powerful tool for knowledge-sharing among small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). Such online initiatives have, however, frequently been unsuccessful. This paper examines factors motivating SMEs to share knowledge online. It reports data from a telephone survey of 192 SME members of two successful regional business networks comprising members from diverse industries. Although the majority of SMEs actively used the Web in their daily business operations and most were willing to share knowledge face-to-face, this did not translate into willingness to share online. The most significant factors affecting the willingness to share knowledge online were the how many of networks SMEs were involved in, the number of years an SME had been in business, the geographical scope of their operations, and intensity of their use of the web. These findings challenge the commonly-held view that SMEs will automatically share online if the infrastructure is provided.


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The magazine of the Spanish Nuclear Society (SNE), “Nuclear España” is a scientific-technical publication with almost thirty years of uninterrupted edition and more than 300 numbers published. Their pages approach technical subjects related to the nuclear energy, as well as the activities developed by the SNE, especially in national and international meetings. The main part of the magazine is composed by articles written by known specialist of the energy industry. One of the top goals of the magazine is to help on transferring the knowledge from the generation that built the nuclear power plants in Spain and the new generation of professionals that have started its nuclear career in the last years. Each number is monographic, trying to cover as many aspects on an issue as it is possible, with collaborations from the companies, the research centers and universities that helps to have complementary points of view. On the other hand the articles help to deep in the issue´s topic, broadening the view of the readers about the nuclear field and helping to share knowledge across the industry. The news section of the Magazine picks up the actuality of the sector as a whole. The editorial section reflects the opinion of the SNE Governing Board and the Magazine Committee on the subjects of interest in this field. On the other hand, the monthly interview sets out the professional outstanding opinions. With a total of eleven numbers per year, three of them have a noticeable international character: the one dedicated to the operative experiences on the Spanish and European nuclear power plants, the monographic issue devoted tothe Annual Meeting of the SNE and the international issue, which covers the last activities of the Spanish industry in international projects. Both first are bilingual issues (Spanish-English), whereas the international edition is published completely in English. Besides its diffusion through all the members of the SNE, the Magazine is distributed, in the national scope, to companies and organisms related to the nuclear power, universities, research centers, representatives of the Central, Autonomic and Local Administrations, mass media and communication professionals. It is also sent to the utilities and research centers in Europe, United States, South America and Asia.


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We propose that strategic human resource management (SHRM) practices nurture a context of knowledge sharing where tacit knowledge can be turned into explicit knowledge and that this type of knowledge sharing promotes innovative behaviours. We draw on the fields of knowledge management and international human resource management to show why organisations need to turn tacit knowledge into explicit knowledge to gain most from their workforce skills and creativity. Findings from a couple of cross-national case studies show how SHRM promotes employees to interact and share knowledge so that there is a conversion of tacit knowledge to explicit knowledge that informs innovative behaviour. In Case Study 1, the focus is on a UK local authority that implemented a bundle of SHRM practices through a people management programme, which resulted in a flattened management structure. In Case Study 2, the focus is on a geriatric hospital in Malta that introduced a management presence to an interdisciplinary team working to improve patient care. The analysis also highlights the methodological contribution of qualitative research for enabling inductive enquiry that yields emergent themes - an approach not typically seen in SHRM innovation studies. © 2013 Taylor & Francis.


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During group meetings it is often difficult for participants to effectively: share their knowledge to inform the outcome; acquire new knowledge from others to broaden and/or deepen their understanding; utilise all available knowledge to design an outcome; and record (to retain) the rationale behind the outcome to inform future activities. These are difficult because, for example: only one person can share knowledge at once which challenges effective sharing; information overload makes acquisition problematic and can marginalize important knowledge; and intense dialog of conflicting views makes recording more complex.


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On the back of the growing capacity of networked digital information technologies to process and visualise large amounts of information in a timely, efficient and user-driven manner we have seen an increasing demand for better access to and re-use of public sector information (PSI). The story is not a new one. Share knowledge and together we can do great things; limit access and we reduce the potential for opportunity. The two volumes of this book seek to explain and analyse this global shift in the way we manage public sector information. In doing so they collect and present papers, reports and submissions on the topic by leading authors and institutions from across the world. These in turn provide people tasked with mapping out and implementing information policy with reference material and practical guidance. Volume 1 draws together papers on the topic by policymakers, academics and practitioners while Volume 2 presents a selection of the key reports and submissions that have been published over the last few years.


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The Wikipedia has become the most popular online source of encyclopedic information. The English Wikipedia collection, as well as some other languages collections, is extensively linked. However, as a multilingual collection the Wikipedia is only very weakly linked. There are few cross-language links or cross-dialect links (see, for example, Chinese dialects). In order to link the multilingual-Wikipedia as a single collection, automated cross language link discovery systems are needed – systems that identify anchor-texts in one language and targets in another. The evaluation of Link Discovery approaches within the English version of the Wikipedia has been examined in the INEX Link the-Wiki track since 2007, whilst both CLEF and NTCIR emphasized the investigation and the evaluation of cross-language information retrieval. In this position paper we propose a new virtual evaluation track: Cross Language Link Discovery (CLLD). The track will initially examine cross language linking of Wikipedia articles. This virtual track will not be tied to any one forum; instead we hope it can be connected to each of (at least): CLEF, NTCIR, and INEX as it will cover ground currently studied by each. The aim is to establish a virtual evaluation environment supporting continuous assessment and evaluation, and a forum for the exchange of research ideas. It will be free from the difficulties of scheduling and synchronizing groups of collaborating researchers and alleviate the necessity to travel across the globe in order to share knowledge. We aim to electronically publish peer-reviewed publications arising from CLLD in a similar fashion: online, with open access, and without fixed submission deadlines.


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The World Wide Web has grown into a global information and communication space with more than a billion users and has entered a new, more social and participatory phase where people create and manage online content rather than just viewing it; a place where people can communicate knowledge, share resources and participate in social networks. Online social networks are being used to support professional learning where groups of people are using the Web to communicate and collaborate in order to build and share knowledge and form professional learning networks (PLNs). This session will present the results of research into how microblogging, a form of online social networking, is being employed by educators to support their professional learning. The study examined activities and perceptions of a group of educators in order to provide an insight into how and why they engage in microblogging and the value they place on microblogging as a professional learning tool. The session will outline the advantages of microblogging as a professional learning tool; the range of behaviours and activities that are undertaken to support professional learning; and the implications for practice.


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The article discusses a new decision support process for forestry pest management. Over the past few years, DSS have been introduced for forestry pest management, providing forest growers with advice in areas such as selecting the most suitable pesticide and relevant treatment. Most of the initiatives process knowledge from various domains for providing support for specific decision making problems. However, very few studies have identified the requirements of developing a combined process model in which all relevant practitioners can contribute and share knowledge for effective decision making; such an approach would need to include the decision makers’ perspective along with other relevant attributes such as the problem context and relevant policies. We outline a decision support process for forestry pest management, based on the design science research paradigm, in which a focus group technique has application to acquire both expert and practical knowledge in order to construct the DSS solution.


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This one-day workshop brings together researchers and practitioners to share knowledge and practices on how people can connect and interact with the Internet of Things in a playful way. Open to participants with a diverse range of interests and expertise, and by exploring novel ways to playfully connect people through their everyday objects and activities, the workshop will facilitate discussion across a range of HCI discipline areas. The outcomes from the workshop will include an archive of participants' initial position papers along with the materials created during the workshop. The result will be a road map to support the development of a Model of Playful Connectedness, focusing on how best to design and make playful networks of things, identifying the challenges that need to be addressed in order to do so.


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One of the goals of Knowledge Exchange (www.knowledge-exchange.info) is to help partners to share knowledge and expertise and facilitate the build of expert networks. In the area of digitisation, including non-textual and 3-D-digitisation, a first step is to provide a snapshot of current activities and challenges in the KE partner countries. This paper is a synthesis of the information gathered in a questionnaire that was sent to 15 infrastructure institutions, e.g. libraries and also funders, within the five partner countries of Knowledge Exchange: Denmark (DK), Finland (FIN), Germany (GER), the Netherlands (NL) and the United Kingdom (UK). The paper is based on the answers provided by 6 respondents from four countries:  DK o Danish Agency of Culture (Henrik Jarl Hansen) o State and University Library (Tonny Skovgård Jensen)  GER o German research foundation, DFG (Franziska Regner)  NL o Royal Library (Hildelies Balk) o Leiden University Library (Saskia van Bergen)  UK o Jisc (Paola Marchionni, Peter Findlay) The absence of Finnish responses may be due to Finland participating in the recent Enumerate Core Survey II that also addressed digitisation. We have included some of the outcomes of this survey to present a richer picture.


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Esse trabalho apresenta uma experiência com o Ensino Colaborativo (EC) no Programa de Educação de Jovens e Adultos em uma escola da rede municipal de ensino do Rio de Janeiro. Ele visa dar ferramentas ao docente que possibilitem o uso do Ensino Colaborativo, além de explicar e estruturar o uso dessa prática colaborativa no ensino de matemática. O trabalho mostra também um estudo comparativo entre duas turmas do Ensino de Jovens e Adultos de um colégio do munícipio do Rio de Janeiro, na qual o EC foi utilizado em apenas uma delas, e esse estudo, visa caracterizar as diferenças entre o EC e o ensino tradicional. O fato de ter desenvolvido esse estudo do EC no Ensino de Jovens e Adultos se deu pelo fato de ser uma modalidade de ensino cujo público, historicamente, apresenta algumas dificuldades no processo de aprendizagem e também por se tratar de uma modalidade de ensino na qual a diversidade de experiências se torna um diferencial para o desenvolvimento da prática colaborativa. As atividades propostas visam criar um ambiente propício para que a interação entre os alunos e entre professor e aluno(s) ocorra. Cada estudante deve ser capaz de confrontar ideias, dividir conhecimentos e desenvolver ou adquirir habilidades, ou seja, cada um deve buscar o seu desenvolvimento e também o de todos que estão a sua volta. Ao aliar a prática colaborativa com o ensino de funções, foi possível introduzir o conceito básico de função e mostrar aos discentes as diferentes formas de representar uma função e de que maneira o conceito de função está ligado a diversas áreas do conhecimento. Espera-se que com esse trabalho qualquer pessoa que deseje utilizar o Ensino Colaborativo, sinta-se encorajado e embasado para desenvolver tópicos do programa de Matemática utilizando essa prática pedagógica. É importante destacar que todas as estruturações sugeridas podem e devem ser adaptadas a cada realidade e às suas peculiaridades, pois além de ser uma prática que visa melhorar o processo de ensino aprendizagem, o EC pode ser usado como uma ferramenta de análise que permite a todos os indivíduos participantes ter um melhor entendimento da sociedade na qual estão inseridos


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Paralelamente às mudanças ocasionadas pelas tecnologias da informação e comunicação (TIC), no contexto da sociedade e organizações o treinamento como processo para preparar o trabalhador para atividades imediatas cedeu lugar à educação continuada, que visa a formação do indivíduo numa perspectiva mais abrangente, preparando-o para lidar com as constantes alterações sociais e com o mundo a sua volta. Na sociedade em rede introduz-se um novo conceito de espaço: o ciberespaço. Nesse contexto, não há barreiras físicas à propagação de acontecimentos, notícias, costumes e hábitos. Com o propósito de interconectar pessoas, ideias e experiências, o Sesc implementou o sistema de videoconferência para difundir saberes a seus funcionários, geograficamente dispersos por todo o Brasil. Porém a prática mostrou-nos que a procura por inovações no processo de ensino e aprendizagem deve ser constante. Nessa busca da formação humana mais completa, refletiu-se acerca da potencialidade das TIC para pensar-se em um processo de formação continuada que promova: o fazer junto, a troca de conhecimentos e ideias, reconhecer a riqueza proveniente da diversidade de saberes e práticas, ações que fomentem o diálogo, o pensamento crítico e a vontade em aprender mais. Em suma: valorizar a inteligência coletiva por meio da colaboração. Para chegar-se às respostas percorreu-se um caminho que envolveu estudo de referenciais bibliográficos, a realização de um curso por videoconferência e proposição da experiência no ambiente virtual que serviu como objeto de estudo, definição e aplicação das técnicas de coleta de dados quantitativas e qualitativas cuja averiguação dos resultados permitiu-nos elucidações capazes de responder a hipótese formulada na pesquisa, pois resultados apontaram que criar situações nas quais possam ser compartilhadas as práticas profissionais e experiências de vida são determinantes para a aprendizagem em processos de formação continuada e, no contexto pesquisado, a videoconferência, facilitada por docentes de destaque em suas áreas de atuação, por acontecer de forma síncrona e ser a mídia de EaD que mais se aproxima do ensino presencial, mostrou-se com potencial para compartilhar com os participantes, principalmente, conteúdos oficiais, provenientes de pesquisas e referenciais bibliográficos e o ambiente virtual de aprendizagem, em complementação às sessões de videoconferência, como espaço para viabilizar encontros, compartilhar saberes, experiências e ideias, promovendo um debate acerca da prática cotidiana, tendo como ponto de partida questões norteadoras com os conteúdos apresentados nas aulas proferidas por videoconferência, ou seja, um espaço propício para compartilhar e refletir a práxis a partir da teoria e da prática.


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Small indigenous fish species (SIS) are an important source of essential macro- and micronutrients that can play an important role in the elimination of malnutrition and micronutrient deficiencies in the populations of many South and Southeast Asian countries. Of the 260 freshwater fish species in Bangladesh, more than 140 are classified as SIS and are an integral part of the rural Bangladeshi diet. As many SIS are eaten whole, with organs and bones, they contain high amounts of vitamins and minerals, including calcium, and iron and zinc. Some SIS, such as mola, are also rich in vitamin A. SIS are often cooked with vegetables and a little oil, so they contribute to the food diversity of the rural poor.SIS are recognized as a major animal-source food group, contributing to improved food and nutrition security and livelihoods of the people of South and Southeast Asia. The purpose of this workshop is to bring together policy makers, extension agents, researchers, non-governmental and development organizations to share knowledge about small fish, their contribution to better nutrition, production technologies, and strategies for wider dissemination of pond culture and wetland based-production and conservation technologies. The workshop is expected to generate ideas for further research and development of sustainable technologies for production, management and conservation of SIS for the benefit of the people of Bangladesh as well as the South and Southeast Asian region.


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The recent advances in urban wireless communications and protocols that spurred the development of city-wide wireless infrastructure motivated this research, since in many cases, construction sites are not conveniently located for wired connectivity. Large scale transportation projects for example, such as new highways, railroad tracks and the networks of utilities (power-lines, phone lines, mobile towers, etc) that usually follow them are constructed in areas where wired infrastructure for data exchange is often expensive and time-consuming to deploy. The communication difficulties that can be encountered in such construction sites can be addressed with a wireless communications link between the construction site and the decision-making office. This paper presents a case study on long-range, wireless communications suitable for data exchange between construction sites and engineering headquarters. The purpose of this study was to define the requirements for a reliable wireless communications model where common types of electronic construction data will be exchanged in a fast and efficient manner, and construction site personnel will be able to interact and share knowledge, information and electronic resources with the office staff.