32 resultados para Shady


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The fungus Paracoccidioides brasiliensis has been isolated from nine-banded armadillos (Dasypus novemcinctus) in different regions where paracoccidiodomycosis (PCM) is endemic. The link between PCM and these animals has provided the first valuable clue in the effort to elucidate the ecological niche of P. brasiliensis. The present study was aimed at correlating P. brasiliensis infection in armadillos with local ecological features and, if possible, the presence of the fungus in the soil in the Botucatu hyperendemic area of PCM. In this region the mean temperature ranges from 14.8 to 25.8degreesC and the annual average precipitation is 1520 mm. The sites where 10 infected animals (positive group) were collected were studied and compared with the sites where five uninfected animals were found. The occurrence of the fungus in soil samples collected from the positive armadillos' burrows and foraging sites was investigated by the indirect method of animal inoculation. Environmental data from the sites of animal capture, such as temperature, rainfall, altitude, vegetation, soil composition, presence of water and proximity of urban areas, were recorded. All 37 soil samples collected from the sites had negative fungal cultures. Positive animals were found much more frequently in sites with disturbed vegetation, such as riparian forests and artificial Eucalyptus Or Pinus forests, in altitudes below 800 m, near water sources. The soil type of the sites of positive animals was mainly sandy, with medium to low concentrations of organic matter. The pH was mainly acidic at all the sites, although the concentrations of aluminum cations (H+Al) were lower at the sites where positive animals were found. Positive armadillos were also captured in sites very close to urban areas. Our data and previous studies indicate that P. brasiliensis occurs preferentially in humid and shady disturbed forests in a strong association with armadillos.


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The decomposition of small carcasses in the open is frequently neglected although it may provide information of forensic importance. This paper describes an experimental study of arthropod species associated with carcasses of mouse, Mus musculus (Linnaeus, 1758) and rat, Rattus norvegicus (Berkenhout, 1769) (Rodentia: Muridae). Four carcasses were left inside iron cages in sunlit and shady areas in a secondary forest in Southeastern Brazil twice a season for four seasons (n = 16 carcasses of each rodent). The carcasses were removed when arthropods ceased to visit them. The visiting and colonizing invertebrates were collected daily and identified. Immatures were also collected and reared in a laboratory for identification. We collected 6,514 arthropods (820 adults and 5,694 juvenile forms) belonging to 53 species from the families Sarcophagidae, Calliphoridae, Muscidae, Fanniidae, Syrphidae, Richardiidae, Sepsidae, Micropezidae, Otitidae, Drosophilidae, Phoridae, Dolichopodidae, Anthomyiidae, Asilidae and Lauxaniidae (Diptera), Formicidae, Ichneumonidae, Encyrtidae and Apidae (Hymenoptera), Staphylinidae (Coleoptera) and Gonyleptidae (Opiliones). Lucilia eximia (Wiedemann, 1819) (Diptera: Calliphoridae) and Peckia (Pattonella) intermutans (Walker, 1861) (Diptera: Sarcophagidae) deserve special attention because both adult and immature forms were collected in all seasons and in both areas. Our results indicate that the frequency of occurrence of these arthropods was positively associated with carcass size (mouse or rat); no marked insect succession on the carcasses occurred; and the diversity of Calliphoridae and Sarcophagidae was high, irrespective of season.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Estudou-se a morfo-anatomia das raízes, caules, escapos e folhas de Blastocaulon albidum, B. prostratum e B. scirpeum, que ocorrem nos campos rupestres de Minas Gerais, Brasil. Verificou-se que as espécies apresentam raízes muito finas com epiderme unisseriada, duas-três camadas de células do parênquima cortical e tecidos vasculares com poucos elementos. Os caules em B. albidum e B. prostratum são aéreos, prostrados, ramificados, enquanto em B. scirpeum alguns indivíduos apresentam rizoma ou caules muito curtos. Constituem-se de epiderme, córtex e cilindro vascular. As folhas são delicadas, com células da epiderme com paredes finas, parênquima clorofiliano frouxo e reduzido número de feixes vasculares colaterais. Os escapos são cilíndricos, finos, não formam costelas e possuem apenas quatro feixes vasculares colaterais. As características observadas nessas espécies estudadas são típicas de plantas que ocorrem em locais úmidos e sombreados, ambientes onde é encontrada a maioria das espécies de Blastocaulon e ainda caracterizam anatomicamente o gênero, que se diferencia de Paepalanthus.


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Trichilia pallida Swartz is an Atlantic Forest shady climax tree of Meliaceae family that presents insecticide properties against chewing insects like as some family trees, making it interesting for forestry uses. Forty plants of Oito Pontas Farm population were collected in Bofete County, Santa Genebra Ecological Station in Campinas County, and Caetetus Ecological Station in Gélia County, all in the Sao Paulo State, Brazil. Leaf DNA analysis was used by RAPD method, that showed 10 highly polymorphic primers, with 72 dominant markers, used to estimate genetic diversity within and among populations. The polymorphism within populations varied from 90.3 to 97.2%, and the effective allele number varied from 1.46 ± 0.33 to 1.57 ± 0.33, while the average of genetic differentiation of populations varied from 0.27 ± 0.18 to 0, 33 ± 0.15. The gene diversity in the total population (H T) was 0.334 ± 0.02, while the average gene diversity within populations (H s) was 0.292 ± 0.017, and the coefficient of gene differentiation (G ST) was 0.125, Bofete and Campinas populations had the smallest Nei's genetic distance (0.049) and the distances of both with Gália were 0.117 and 0.107, respectively.


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Aiming to describe seedlings' morphology and cotyledons and eophylls anatomy of Gomphrena elegans Mart., 100 seeds were put into plastic bags, with sand and fertilized soil (1:3), kept in the greenhouse under room conditions, with 50% shady and watered daily. Cotyledonous petiole and limb and seedlings eophylls were sectioned in median and border. They were then analyzed in transversal and paradermic sections. Seedlings initial morphology is epigeal-foliar, the root is axial, and hypocotyls and epicotyl are reddish. Venation is of pinnate type, camptodrome and brochidrodome in cotyledons and eophylls. Petiole and leaf show uniseriated epidermis with cells of varied sizes and anomocytic stomata. Druses of calcium oxalate occurred in leaves and petiole. Dorsiventral mesophyll shows one palisade parenchyma layer and several lacunary ones.


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In order to evaluate the flying capacity and nest site selection of Angiopolybia pallens (Lepeletier, 1836), we made 17 incursions (136 hours of sample efforts) in Atlantic Rain Forest environments in Bahia state. Our data show this wasp prefers to nest on wide leaves of bushes and short trees (nests between 0.30 and 3m from the ground) placed in half-shady environments (clearings and shadowed cultivations). The logistic regression model using Quasi-Newton method provided a good description of the flying capacity observed in A. pallens (x 2 = 91.52; p≪0.001). According to the logistic regression model, the A. pallens flight autonomy is low, flying for short distances and with an effective radius of action of about 24m measured from their nests, which means a foraging area of nearly 1,800 m 2.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The dragon fruit (Hylocereus undatus) is recent crop cultivation in Brazil and there is still lack of studies to support the farmers. So, this research aimed to characterize the reproductive phenology of the crop in the region of Jaboticabal, Sao Paulo State, Brazil. It was evaluated red dragon fruit clones over two environmental conditions - under plastic screen black and white, with 50% of shady level, from March 2009 to December 2010. It was observed that the issuance of floral buds and the flowering on dragon fruit culture occurs with a combination of high temperatures and rainfall, with constant emission of floral buds from November to March while the flowering on dragon fruit culture occurs until mid-April. The color of plastic screen had influenced on amount of flowers. The time elapsed since the issuance of flower buds to anthesis is from 18 to 23 days, while the harvest occurs from 34 to 43 days after flower opening. At Jaboticabal, the time of appearance of flower bud to fruit harvest is from 52 to 66 days.


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Los bosques de Maytenus boaria Mol. (maitén) se distribuyen en Mendoza en el borde oriental de la Cordillera Frontal en el Dpto. de San Carlos y constituyen valiosos relictos. El objetivo del trabajo fue estudiar el estado de conservación de estos bosques en umbría y solana entre 1500 y 1640 m s.n.m. en quebradas de esta cordillera. Para ello se relevó el número de individuos por clase diamétrica (adultos, jóvenes y renovales) y sus características de vitalidad-deterioro. Los bosques relevados se presentan esquemáticamente mediante perfiles que sintetizan su fisonomía, principales características ambientales y la presencia de disturbios. Si se considera la totalidad de los adultos de las poblaciones inventariadas (100 maitenes) sólo 19% están sanos, 50% débiles, 17% decrépitos y 14% muertos en pie; esto reflejaría algún tipo de estrés que reduce su vitalidad o que estarían alcanzando la vejez. La causa del deterioro en jóvenes y renovales se debe al ataque por insectos y/o por ramoneo del ganado; debido al alto deterioro medio de los renovales (65%) y jóvenes (88%) la renovación del bosque es incierta. Se concluye que es necesario iniciar la conservación de estos bosques y profundizar en su conocimiento. Se trata del primer estudio de bosques de maitén en las quebradas de la Cordillera Frontal de Mendoza.


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Los rodales de Maytenus boaria en la cordillera de Mendoza constituyen relictos arbóreos en riesgo. Se realizaron relevamientos fitosociológicos de estos en quebradas de la Cordillera Frontal. Se observaron bosques puros en laderas y mixtos en terrazas. Los rodales puros se localizaron por encima de 1500 m s. n. m. en: 1) quebradas cerradas en umbrías y solanas en ambientes fríos, que corresponden al piso de Mulguraea scoparia y Colliguaja integerrima; las condiciones más frías de umbría son evidenciadas por Junellia juniperina, Bowlesia tropaeolifolia, Gutierrezia gilliesii, Mutisia subspinosa, Ephedra breana, Geranium berteroanum y Calceolaria pinifolia; las condiciones más cálidas de solana por Schinus fasciculatus, Lycium chilense y Buddleja mendozensis; 2) valles abiertos en umbrías en ambientes frescos donde crecen las especies del Monte: L. chilense, Baccharis salicifolia, Larrea nitida y Proustia cuneifolia; estas tres últimas junto con Eupatorium buniifolium indican mayor disponibilidad de agua en laderas y terrazas. En los ambientes frescos se relevaron también los bosques mixtos de M. boaria y Ochetophila trinervis con Rosa rubiginosa, P. cuneifolia, E. buniifolium en terrazas por debajo de 1500 m s. n. m. Son bosques azonales que constituyen rodales aislados de escasa extensión en sitios con alta disponibilidad de agua.


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El suelo salino impone un estrés abiótico importante que causa graves problemas en la agricultura ya que la mayoría de los cultivos se ven afectados por la salinidad debido a efectos osmóticos y tóxicos. Por ello, la contaminación y la escasez de agua dulce, la salinización progresiva de tierras y el aumento exponencial de la población humana representan un grave problema que amenaza la seguridad alimentaria mundial para las generaciones futuras. Por lo tanto, aumentar la tolerancia a la salinidad de los cultivos es un objetivo estratégico e ineludible para garantizar el suministro de alimentos en el futuro. Mantener una óptima homeostasis de K+ en plantas que sufren estrés salino es un objetivo importante en el proceso de obtención de plantas tolerantes a la salinidad. Aunque el modelo de la homeostasis de K+ en las plantas está razonablemente bien descrito en términos de entrada de K+, muy poco se sabe acerca de los genes implicados en la salida de K+ o de su liberación desde la vacuola. En este trabajo se pretende aclarar algunos de los mecanismos implicados en la homeostasis de K+ en plantas. Para ello se eligió la briofita Physcomitrella patens, una planta no vascular de estructura simple y de fase haploide dominante que, entre muchas otras cualidades, hacen que sea un modelo ideal. Lo más importante es que no sólo P. patens es muy tolerante a altas concentraciones de Na+, sino que también su posición filogenética en la evolución de las plantas abre la posibilidad de estudiar los cambios claves que, durante el curso de la evolución, se produjeron en las diversas familias de los transportadores de K+. Se han propuesto varios transportadores de cationes como candidatos que podrían tener un papel en la salida de K+ o su liberación desde la vacuola, especialmente miembros de la familia CPA2 que contienen las familias de transportadores KEA y CHX. En este estudio se intenta aumentar nuestra comprensión de las funciones de los transportadores de CHX en las células de las plantas usando P. patens, como ya se ha dicho. En esta especie, se han identificado cuatro genes CHX, PpCHX1-4. Dos de estos genes, PpCHX1 y PpCHX2, se expresan aproximadamente al mismo nivel que el gen PpACT5, y los otros dos genes muestran una expresión muy baja. La expresión de PpCHX1 y PpCHX2 en mutantes de Escherichia coli defectivos en el transporte de K+ restauraron el crecimiento de esta cepa en medios con bajo contenido de K+, lo que viii sugiere que la entrada de K+ es energizada por un mecanismo de simporte con H+. Por otra parte, estos transportadores suprimieron el defecto asociado a la mutación kha1 en Saccharomyces cerevisiae, lo que sugiere que podrían mediar un antiporte en K+/H+. La proteína PpCHX1-GFP expresada transitoriamente en protoplastos de P. patens co-localizó con un marcador de Golgi. En experimentos similares, la proteína PpCHX2-GFP localizó aparentemente en la membrana plasmática y tonoplasto. Se construyeron las líneas mutantes simples de P. patens ΔPpchx1 y ΔPpchx2, y también el mutante doble ΔPpchx2 ΔPphak1. Los mutantes simples crecieron normalmente en todas las condiciones ensayadas y mostraron flujos de entrada normales de K+ y Rb+; la mutación ΔPpchx2 no aumentó el defecto de las plantas ΔPphak1. En experimentos a largo plazo, las plantas ΔPpchx2 mostraron una retención de Rb+ ligeramente superior que las plantas silvestres, lo que sugiere que PpCHX2 promueve la transferencia de Rb+ desde la vacuola al citosol o desde el citosol al medio externo, actuando en paralelo con otros transportadores. Sugerimos que transportadores de K+ de varias familias están involucrados en la homeostasis de pH de orgánulos ya sea mediante antiporte K+/H+ o simporte K+-H+.ix ABSTRACT Soil salinity is a major abiotic stress causing serious problems in agriculture as most crops are affected by it. Moreover, the contamination and shortage of freshwater, progressive land salinization and exponential increase of human population aggravates the problem implying that world food security may not be ensured for the next generations. Thus, a strategic and an unavoidable goal would be increasing salinity tolerance of plant crops to secure future food supply. Maintaining an optimum K+ homeostasis in plants under salinity stress is an important trait to pursue in the process of engineering salt tolerant plants. Although the model of K+ homeostasis in plants is reasonably well described in terms of K+ influx, very little is known about the genes implicated in K+ efflux or release from the vacuole. In this work, we aim to clarify some of the mechanisms involved in K+ homeostasis in plants. For this purpose, we chose the bryophyte plant Physcomitrella patens, a nonvascular plant of simple structure and dominant haploid phase that, among many other characteristics, makes it an ideal model. Most importantly, not only P. patens is very tolerant to high concentrations of Na+, but also its phylogenetic position in land plant evolution opens the possibility to study the key changes that occurred in K+ transporter families during the course of evolution. Several cation transporter candidates have been proposed to have a role in K+ efflux or release from the vacuole especially members of the CPA2 family which contains the KEA and CHX transporter families. We intended in this study to increase our understanding of the functions of CHX transporters in plant cells using P. patens, in which four CHX genes have been identified, PpCHX1-4. Two of these genes, PpCHX1 and PpCHX2, are expressed at approximately the same level as the PpACT5 gene, but the other two genes show an extremely low expression. PpCHX1 and PpCHX2 restored growth of Escherichia coli mutants on low K+-containing media, suggesting they mediated K+ uptake that may be energized by symport with H+. In contrast, these genes suppressed the defect associated to the kha1 mutation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which suggest that they might mediate K+/H+ antiport. PpCHX1-GFP protein transiently expressed in P. patens protoplasts co-localized with a Golgi marker. In similar experiments, the PpCHX2-GFP protein appeared to localize to tonoplast and plasma x membrane. We constructed the ΔPpchx1 and ΔPpchx2 single mutant lines, and the ΔPpchx2 ΔPphak1 double mutant. Single mutant plants grew normally under all the conditions tested and exhibited normal K+ and Rb+ influxes; the ΔPpchx2 mutation did not increase the defect of ΔPphak1 plants. In long-term experiments, ΔPpchx2 plants showed a slightly higher Rb+ retention than wild type plants, which suggests that PpCHX2 mediates the transfer of Rb+ from either the vacuole to the cytosol or from the cytosol to the external medium in parallel with other transporters. We suggest that K+ transporters of several families are involved in the pH homeostasis of organelles by mediating either K+/H+ antiport or K+-H+ symport.


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Ernest Everett Just -- Paul Robeson -- Richard Wright -- Charles Richard Drew -- Mordecai W. Johnson -- Emma Clarissa Clement.