801 resultados para Serviço Social - formação acadêmica


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In the sociability of the capital, the challenges to the consolidation of social security as a public policy become expressive, which has implications for social security services, particularly for Social Works who works for the security and fulfillment of social rights. Therefore, in this context of denial of these rights becomes relevant the work of social worker, as a professional committed to the ethical-political project and the Matrix Theory and Methodology of Social work, which potentiate the action able to establish professional articulated strategies for the strengthening of collective struggles for equality in society. Thus, this study examines the instrumentality of social work in the contemporary world and its contribution to the realization of rights. For this, we conducted a literature review, using authors dealing with the issue, as Behring (2008), Boschetti (2003), Mota (1995), Guerra (2007) among others, as well as documentary research through laws, decrees, instructions Normative, Internal Guidelines, and especially the analysis of the Matrix itself of Social Work in welfare. We use also of paramount importance to our analysis - the field research, using techniques such as semi-structured interview and questionnaire. The research enables the identification of important aspects of the subject studied, as the understanding of professionals about the instrumentality of Social Works in its ethical-political aspects, both theoretical and methodological and technicaloperative. The demands made by the managers for the profession on the sociooccupational have extrapolated the powers and duties of the Law Regulating the Profession and the Matrix of Social Work in welfare. The subjects of this study emphasize the role of social category of the National Institute of Social Security and the Federal Council of Social Service in defense of Social Works. The knowledge of social and institutional framework is critical to building control strategies that strengthen social security and public policy, the guarantor of social rights for workers in Brazil


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Can be declared that throughout the historical trajectory of the Brazilian Social Work, the men in the Social Work profession, women in the Social Work profession in his/her professional activity, present an educational dimension that runs through various social and occupational spaces, particularly in the area of Social Assistance Policy. Based on this premise, this present Dissertation, problematize the educational dimension present on the interventional process, in Social Work on the ambit of the Social Assistance Policy in Natal / RN city Brazil in the contemporary scene. Having thus, specific objectives that orientate the research of the interventional process of Social Work in the social assistance policy, analyzing of the apprehension of Social Work professionals on the educational dimension, in their daily work professional and the verification of the relationship between the educational dimension, to the professional action of both men in the Social Work profession and women in the Social Work profession and the concretization of social rights on the ambit of the social assistance policy. In this sense, the theoretical and methodological procedures used for this research, are substantiated on a critical-dialectical perspective and a qualitative and quantitative approach, from of the application of field research, of the non-participant observation, of the semi-structure, of the review of literature bibliographic and documental. Thus, considering that both women in the social work profession and men in the social work profession are an organic intellectuals who in their daily professional work promotes an intellectual and moral reform of their users, the results of this research, synthesize and show that the educational dimension in both professional work and social assistance, which have partner-historics, whose imbrication allows, contradictorily, by a side, a reaffirmation of the dominant culture, and by other side, a direction linked to the construction of an emancipatory culture in the pursuit of the materializing of social rights and a new sociability


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Health policies in Brazil, the decentralization of SUS management responsibilities for the three spheres of government has driven the creation and regulation of the audits of health services in the National Audit Office, this is a trend of neoliberal policies imposed by international bodies like the World Bank and IMF to peripheral countries characterized by productive restructuring and reforming the state focuses on the presence of two competing projects in the area of health: Health Sector Reform Project which is based on the democratic rule of law with the assumption of health as social right and duty of the State in defending the extension of the conquest of rights and democratization of access to health care guaranteed through the public financing strategies and the effective decentralization of decisions pervaded by social control and privatized Health Project which is based on the state minimum, with a reduction in social spending or in partnerships and privatization, stronger nonprofit sector, subject to capitalist interests, is made effective through strategies targeting health policy and refilantropização actions. In this context, the present study is an analysis on the work of social audits of public health in infants from a qualitative and quantitative approach, embodied by the critical method of dialectical Marxist social theory that enabled us to unveil the characterization, the demands, challenges and outline the profile of Social Work in teams inserted audits of SUS in RN, but also provided evidence to demonstrate the prospects and possibilities of this area of activity of social workers. It was also found that through the audit work that the state fulfill its role as bureaucratic and regulator of health services with efficiency, effectiveness and economy. Yet, paradoxically, the audits of SUS may provide a vehicle for enforcing rights and ensuring the fundamental principles contained in the project of health reform, because it can be configured in a space of political struggle as representing a new field of knowledge production that needs to be appropriate for a theoretical critic able to redirect the social interests in favor of the user. From this perspective, it is concluded that the work of social audits of public health in infants despite the social relevance that prints, as they constitute an activity study of reality and its transformation proposition requires a transformative political action guided the discussion Marxist theory holds that the ethical project professional politician of Social Work


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L´étude du processus de construction / reconstruction des compétences de l´assistant social sous la gestion du SESI (Service Social de l´ Industrie), Natal/RN, dès la moitié des années 90 a réaffirmer la perspective que ce processus est le résultat de déterminations macrosociétaires qui sont présents, particulièrement au Brésil, aussi que, la façon par laquelle l´assistant social, le professionnel inscrit dans la division sociale et technique du travail, fait développer son perfectionement technique et intelectuel dans un milieu de nouvelles structures productives qui éxigent un nouveau profil du professionnel face à la crise du capital et de l´État. Cette recherche, de nature qualitative et quantitative, a eu lieu par de combinaisons de recherche bibliographique et empirique. Les sujets ont été huit assistants sociaux et six travailleurs administratifs du SESI, Natal/RN. Les donnés ont été obtenus par des interviews semi-structrées. On a analisé les changements qui sont arrivés dans les gestions du SESI et les compétences qui sont éxigées de l´assistant social ; l´influence du milieu socio-occupationel sur l´action professionnelle et sur le processus de construction/reconstruction de compétences; l´agrandissement de demandes institutionnelles pour l´assistant social par rapport à la prestation de services ; aussi que la constatation de l´importance de ce professionnel, sa hardiesse, mais aussi quelques limites et défis affrontés face à la qualification stimulé par le SESI, en amenant le professionnel dans un processus contradictoire de qualification et disqualification professionelle


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Unveiling the link between the Social Services and the Judiciary is the object of this work, since the judiciary is constituted as one of the socio-occupational areas of the profession in the sphere of the state, seize the demands placed on professionals which work becomes relevant , considering that these are embody the multiple expressions of social issues, constituting a challenge to social work, while influencing the contributions that the profession has engendered in the defense and expansion rights. It constitutes an analysis from the standpoint of theoretical and methodological basis Qualiquantitative taking for granted the rights violations against children and adolescents in their social, legal and historical guide to the topic. For this we used a theoretical Marxist Behring (2009), Colman (2008), Faleiros (2205), Faria (1999, 2001), Fávaro (2007, 2008), Iamamoto (1985, 1992, 2002, 2006, 2007) Yazbek, Marx (1983), Netto (1994), Nicholas (1984), Pequeno (2009), Rizinni (1997, 2008), Santos (2009), Sales (2006), Telles (1999), Tonet (2009), among others. Besides literature, empirical research conducted through semi-structured interviews using a script and written records and systematic observation / free during interviews. The subjects were 06 social workers from the area of the judiciary to act on Justice for Children and Youth, Family Court and NOADE in Natal / RN. The research aims to analyze the demands and challenges of Social Services and their contribution in ensuring and enforcing rights in courts nowadays. The route established between knowledge and method involves conceptual analysis on the Judiciary, Social Services, and Child and Adolescent Rights. Seize-up in this study the existing contradictions in confronting the multiple expressions of social issues in the context of the judiciary. The research allowed us to identify relevant aspects regarding the challenges and demands placed Social Service; limits on defense and expansion of their rights and contradictions within sociojurídico. For being one of the judiciary institutions that comprise the system warranty rights, social workers also face difficulties in implementing the professional doing since the ills posed by current sociability capital focus in everyday spaces socio-occupational presented here. On the other hand, is commendable acting those protagonists who believe, defend and contribute to the defense and expansion rights


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This research presents the labors developed by the Social Service unto socially excluded HIV/Aids positives at public hospitals in Rio Grande do Norte (RN). It purposes to identify and to analyze the demands brought by the holder onto the Social Service professional as well as the challenges the latter face to minister to the former. It privileges, from the methodological viewpoint, the qualitative and quantitative analysis with the application of questionnaires, direct observation, semi-structured interviews and bibliographic references. Data were collected from 12 (twelve) social assistants who work at Giselda Trigueiro Hospital in Natal (7) and Rafael Fernandes Hospital in Mossoró (5). The central hypothesis that guided this study is that the social inclusion/exclusion process experienced by the HIV/Aids positive on society implies a demand for the Social Service that is inserted in the public health context (specially in HIV-referred public hospitals), whose agents, however, when attempting to answer those demands, meet obstacles due to both the precariousness of public health services and the social complexity that concerns the HIV/Aids epidemic. Results point out that, de facto, the HIV/Aids epidemic, because of the social exclusion/inclusion process to which the holder is subject results a demand for the social agents at hospitals. Demands rise principally from the patient s life condition, considering the increasing pauperization in the epidemic context. As to what it is concerned, social assistants, responding to the needs, come across concrete twofold challenges: the illness in itself, for all social, negative aspects that make part of quotidian life of holders; and the precarious state of the public health service in RN State, since that working conditions are unsatisfactory


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The present study is about the professional exercise of the Social Worker in ONGs associated with the ABONG in Natal city, state of Rio Grande do Norte, referring to the work conditions, claims and professional responses in front of the capital restructuration circumstances. The group of socio-historical transformations, as a result of the after-1970 dynamic capitalism, conducts a process of new configurations in the relationship between State and society that directly affect the social question nowadays, destroying social rights historically conquered for the workers. In this context, the ONGs assume a strategical social function of the social question, contributing with the change of responsibilities with the social from the State to the third sector. This social movement causes changes to the Social Work since this is one of the professions that act on the immediate expressions of the social question. After a qualitative research based on a theoricalmethodological critical and dialectical perspective, it was possible to discover some contradictions, details and tendencies of the professional exercise of the Social Worker in ONGs. Summarizing, the results of the research show that: a) it was detected a tendency of precarization, instability, insecurity, no-articulation, no-profissionalization of the professionals in the work conditions; b) demands are associated with a moment of the capital re-ordering, where new professional exigencies and responsibilities are related with capital necessities in the period of structural crisis; c) limits and contradictions are present in a professional daily work mainly in function of the characteristics of gestation and functioning of the ONGs; d) the professionals that were interviewed show significant difficulties in a articulation between the professional daily work in organizations and the totality of the social processes, limiting the capability of doing critics to the requisitions imposed by the capital


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O presente estudo aborda a Formação Acadêmica e Profissional em Serviço Social tomando como objeto o Corpo Docente das Faculdades Públicas de Serviço Social do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Tomamos como referência o projeto ético político do Serviço Social, especialmente, o projeto de formação da ABEPSS, parte e expressão do primeiro. Observamos que os docentes são sujeitos imprescindíveis no processo de formação dos graduandos e, ainda que não determinem o posicionamento e a direção social escolhidos pelos futuros profissionais, colaboram ou não para um processo de formação crítica que pode contribuir para que o futuro assistente social tenha o perfil profissional explicitado nas Diretrizes Curriculares da ABEPSS: profissional dotado de formação intelectual e cultural, generalista e crítica, competente em sua área de desempenho, com capacidade de inserção criativa e propositiva, no conjunto das relações sociais e no mercado de trabalho (ABEPSS, 2002). Partimos da hipótese de que a disputa por projetos distintos no interior do Serviço Social vem se dando no meio acadêmico de maneira velada no sentido de que tudo o que diz respeito ao Serviço Social pode se articular ao projeto ético-político, como se o mesmo não resultasse de um processo ligado à teoria crítica e de uma mudança ideopolítica no interior da categoria dos assistentes sociais. Consequentemente, a presença nos espaços da academia de tendências conservadoras e neoconservadoras, vem aprofundando o afastamento do debate/problematização de questões essenciais à profissão como, por exemplo, o cotidiano e o exercício profissional. Concluimos que se por um lado, o perfil docente, no que diz respeito à formação dos professores pesquisados, é um perfil que pode responder às necessidades do projeto de formação acadêmica e profissional da ABEPSS, por outro lado, quando abordamos as linhas e projetos de pesquisa que fundamentam a produção dos referidos docentes, observamos um distanciamento do Serviço Social e do projeto ético-político.


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Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS


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Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS


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Este trabalho constitui-se num esforço em contribuir com a produção de conhecimento acerca da trajetória histórica, formação e desenvolvimento do quadro profissional de Serviço Social no Tribunal de Justiça do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, junto à infância juventude (e família) pobre, através do então Juizado de Menores.Para esta finalidade, utilizamos como recurso metodológico, em primeiro lugar, a pesquisa bibliográfica, que nos ofereceu elementos para refletirmos sobre os fundamentos da formação sócio-histórica da realidade brasileira em especial do Poder Judiciário no Brasil. Aliado a isto, a referida pesquisa contribuiu igualmente para refletirmos, sobre a constituição das Políticas Sociais entre nós e a ideologia histórica que permeou esta forma de intervenção sobre a questão social, em especial, sobre a infância e juventude pobre.Por fim, destacamos que o empenho sobre a pesquisa bibliográfica possibilitou, ainda, acúmulo de conhecimento sobre os fundamentos do Serviço Social na realidade brasileira, em especial, quanto a sua trajetória histórica no Tribunal de Justiça do Rio de Janeiro. Em segundo lugar, a partir da pesquisa documental, sobre os documentos históricos relacionados a atuação junto a infância e juventude e atuação profissional do Assistente Social com este público no então Juizado de Menores do Rio de Janeiro buscamos compreender as questões que permearam a trajetória histórica da formação do quadro profissional nesta instituição. Tal esforço foi integrado, por fim, por entrevistas diretivas com as profissionais que compuseram e ainda compõem o quadro profissional na instituição judiciária do Rio de Janeiro, visou, a partir do recurso de história oral, recuperar a experiência vivenciada pelas profissionais na trajetória de inserção e desenvolvimento do Serviço Social neste campo profissional.


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Em meio a toda a turbulência que configura um cenário desastroso para as políticas sociais, a população idosa aumenta; com ela, aumenta a demanda por estudos que avaliem os avanços e os impactos derivados desse processo. Mas como o Serviço Social vem se posicionando perante a esta demanda? O que temos produzido sobre a temática? Poderíamos dizer que, em termo de produções, verificamos mais avanços ou retrocessos? Para analisar a produção acadêmica do Serviço Social, utilizei como referenciais as produções Dissertações e Teses sobre o idoso _ dos programas de pós-graduação em Serviço Social de três das principais Universidades públicas do estado do Rio de Janeiro UFF, UFRJ e UERJ_ devido ao fato de elas possuírem programas consolidados desde 2001, motivo pelo qual analisei as obras no período compreendido entre 2001 e 2009 . Busco evidenciar a importância da categoria neste debate, que pressupõe a capacidade teórico-metodológica para analisar seus determinantes, compreendendo o envelhecimento como um processo que possui um grande potencial a ser explorado em estudos e pesquisas, além de constituir-se num instigante desafio intelectual, social e político.


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A proposta deste estudo inserido na linha de pesquisa Questão Social e Democracia, do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Serviço Social da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), articulada com o Centro de Estudos Octavio Ianni e com o Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisas sobre Espaços Populares da REDES da Maré - realiza uma análise do exercício profissional de 42 assistentes sociais que atuam nas escolas públicas de Ensino Fundamental da rede pública da Prefeitura da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Considerando que escolas das favelas, distintas das demais escolas públicas do asfalto, possuem características que, incorporando os estigmas e estereótipos que marcam esses territórios, demandam novas necessidades, novas formas de compreensão e intervenção dos sujeitos sociais no âmbito da escola pública, o estudo se propõe também a analisar conceitualmente as favelas e a suas representações sociais. Para tanto, são analisados os atuais contornos da Educação Básica, sobretudo o Ensino Fundamental, onde se inserem os assistentes sociais que atuam na Secretaria Municipal de Educação. Ressaltando a construção histórica da inserção profissional dos assistentes sociais brasileiros no universo escolar, é problematizada a expansão desta requisição nos marcos da primeira década do século XXI. As múltiplas contradições que marcam espaços sócio-ocupacionais das escolas impõem ao assistente social sua inserção qualificada, sua legitimidade, o repensar a escola pública e a construção de projetos de intervenção que avancem na realização dos atendimentos individuais aos educandos e suas famílias. Considerando a dimensão pedagógica intrínseca na prática profissional, a construção desses espaços se torna uma atribuição a ser desenvolvida pelo assistente social que requer re-pensar a forma como ocorre o exercício profissional nesses espaços. Para tanto, foi realizado uma coleta de dados com 42 profissionais onde, para atingir os objetivos propostos foi pesquisado o perfil destes profissionais; sua formação acadêmica, local e condições de trabalho, experiência profissional, questões sobre o exercício profissional, sobre as dimensões do trabalho profissional, sobre a escola, sobre a relação com a comunidade e o entorno, e sobre a participação dos assistentes sociais em espaços de organização política.


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O artigo aborda a questão urbana como objeto de pesquisa do Serviço Social. Resulta de pesquisa teórica e de análise das produções sobre esta temática, tendo por base artigos dos anais dos Encontros Nacionais de Pesquisadores em Serviço Social (ENPESS), no período 2000-2010. A ampliação e diversidade de espaços sócio-ocupacionais não correspondem necessariamente ao desenvolvimento de pesquisas, com aprofundamento teórico-metodológico exigido pela complexidade da questão urbana na contemporaneidade. Há crescente interesse pela temática de pesquisadores, profissionais e estudantes e esforços de sistematização e pesquisa evidenciados no número de trabalhos e na busca de qualidade dos mesmos. Mas há também necessidade de aprofundamento teórico-metodológico para uma produção do conhecimento em consonância com o Projeto Ético-Politico, o que supõe construção de vias de superação da sociabilidade capitalista


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Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS