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La stimulation du récepteur de la rénine/prorénine [(P) RR], un membre récemment découvert du système rénine-angiotensine (SRA), augmente l'activité du SRA et des voies de signalisation angiotensine II-indépendante. Pour étudier l'impact potentiel du (P)RR dans le développement de l`obésité, nous avons émis l'hypothèse que les souris déficientes en (P)RR uniquement dans le tissus adipeux (KO) auront une diminution du poids corporel en ciblant le métabolisme du tissu adipeux, l'activité locomoteur et/ou la prise alimentaire. Ainsi, des souris KO ont été générées en utilisant la technologie Cre/Lox. Le gain de poids et la prise alimentaire ont été évalués hebdomadairement dans les mâles et femelles KO et de type sauvage (WT) pendant 4 semaines alors qu’ils étaient maintenu sur une diète normal. De plus, un groupe de femelles a été placé pour 6 semaines sur une diète riche en gras et en glucides (HF/HC). La composition corporelle et l'activité ambulatoire ont été évaluées par l’EchoMRI et à l’aide de cages Physioscan, respectivement. Les tissus adipeux ont été prélevés et pesés. De plus, les gras péri-gonadaux ont été utilisés pour le microarray. Finalement, le niveaux d'expression d'ARNm du (P)RR ont été évalués. Comme le gène du (P)RR est situé sur le chromosome X, les mâles étaient des KOs complets et les femelles étaient des KOs partielles. Les souris KO avaient un poids corporel significativement plus petit par rapport à WT, les différences étant plus prononcées chez les mâles. De plus, les femelles KOs étaient résistantes à l'obésité lorsqu'elles ont été placées sur la diète HF/HC et donc elles avaient significativement moins de masse grasse par rapport aux WTs. L’analyse histologique des gras péri-gonadaux des KOs nous ont dévoilés qu’il avait une réduction du nombre d'adipocytes mais de plus grande taille. Bien qu'il n'y ait eu aucun changement dans la consommation alimentaire, une augmentation de près de 3 fois de l'activité ambulatoire a été détectée chez les mâles. De plus, nous avons observé que leurs tibias étaient de longueur réduite ce qui suggère fortement l'affection de leur développement. Les gras péri-gonadaux des souris KO avaient une expression réduite de l`ABLIM2 (Actin binding LIM protein family, member 2) qui est associé avec le diabète de type II chez l'humain. Ainsi, les données recueillies suggèrent fortement que le (P)RR est impliquée dans la régulation du poids corporelle.
Adaptive behaviour of plants, including rapid changes in physiology, gene regulation and defence response, can be altered when linked to neighbouring plants by a mycorrhizal network (MN). Mechanisms underlying the behavioural changes include mycorrhizal fungal colonization by the MN or interplant communication via transfer of nutrients, defence signals or allelochemicals. We focus this review on our new findings in ectomycorrhizal ecosystems, and also review recent advances in arbuscular mycorrhizal systems. We have found that the behavioural changes in ectomycorrhizal plants depend on environmental cues, the identity of the plant neighbour and the characteristics of the MN. The hierarchical integration of this phenomenon with other biological networks at broader scales in forest ecosystems, and the consequences we have observed when it is interrupted, indicate that underground ‘tree talk’ is a foundational process in the complex adaptive nature of forest ecosystems.
The effect of competition is an important source of variation in breeding experiments. This study aimed to compare the selection of plants of open-pollinated families of Eucalyptus with and without the use of competition covariables. Genetic values were determined for each family and tree and for the traits height, diameter at breast height and timber volume in a randomized block design, resulting in the variance components, genetic parameters, selection gains, effective size and selection coincidence, with and without the use of covariables. Intergenotypic competition is an important factor of environmental variation. The use of competition covariables generally reduces the estimates of variance components and influences genetic gains in the studied traits. Intergenotypic competition biases the selection of open-pollinated eucalypt progenies, and can result in an erroneous choice of superior genotypes; the inclusion of covariables in the model reduces this influence.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Visceral leishmaniasis is a multisystemic zoonotic disease that can manifest with several symptoms, including neurological disorders. To investigate the pathogenesis of brain alterations occurring during visceral leishmaniasis infection, the expression of the cytokines IL-1β, IL-6, IL-10, IL-12p40, IFN-γ, TGF-β and TNF-α and their correlations with peripheral parasite load were evaluated in the brains of dogs naturally infected with Leishmania infantum. IL-1β, IFN-γ and TNF-α were noticeably up-regulated, and IL-10, TGF-β and IL-12p40 were down-regulated in the brains of infected dogs. Expression levels did not correlate with parasite load suggestive that the brain alterations are due to the host's immune response regardless of the phase of the disease. These data indicate the presence of a pro-inflammatory status in the nervous milieu of dogs with visceral leishmaniasis especially because IL-1β and TNF-α are considered key factors for the initiation, maintenance and persistence of inflammation. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.
Objective: We evaluated whether chronic exposure to immunosuppression in transplant recipients modulate the placental inflammatory cytokine levels associated to gestational tolerance mechanisms. Methods: Serum samples were collected from 12 renal transplanted pregnant under immunosuppressive regimen treatment and 10 healthy women in second/third trimester of gestation. Term placental tissues (decidua and chorionic villi) were also obtained after elective caesarean. Serum IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, IL-12p70 and TNF-α were measured, as also in placental homogenates, by Cytometric Bead Array (CBA) combined with flow cytometry and, TGF-β and IL-18 were measured by ELISA. Results: Serum levels of IL-6 (p=0.0001) and TNF-α (0.0112) were higher in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters and in decidua the spectrum of increased pro inflammatory cytokines was wider: IL-1β (p=0.0001), IL-6 (p=0.0001), IL-8 (p=0.0001), IL-12p70 (p=0.0001), TGF-β (p=0.0089) and TNF-α (p=0.0002). TGF-β1 was particularly increased in decidual compartment (p=0.001). In the chorionic villous, pro inflammatory profile also were maintained. High IL-1β (p=0.0001), IL-6 (p=0.0001), IL-8 (p=0.0001) and TNF-α (p=0.0001) levels establish a similar pattern to that seem in decidua. Conclusion: Immunosuppressors may impair the immune response, but when associated with pregnancy the cytokine levels seems to shift a proinflammatory profile in placental compartments, which might also impact on the gestational outcomes in transplanted mothers. © 2013 Informa UK Ltd. All rights reserved: reproduction in whole or part not permitted.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
in the context of predominantly white institutions. In this paper concepts such as projection, projective identification, splitting, scapegoating, superiority and denial will be employed to illustrate why racial prejudice is a deeply-rooted collective psychological disorder that affects even educated mental health practitioners. Clinicians have an ethical responsibility to demonstrate cultural sensitivity and empathy when working with minority clients, colleagues, staff and students, to examine and root out their own prejudices, and to encourage others to do the same.
Type 1 diabetes (T1D) is a chronic autoimmune disease characterized by T cell-mediated destruction of pancreatic beta cells, resulting in insulin deficiency and hyperglycaemia. Recent studies have described that apoptosis impairment during central and peripheral tolerance is involved in T1D pathogenesis. In this study, the apoptosis-related gene expression in T1D patients was evaluated before and after treatment with high-dose immunosuppression followed by autologous haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HDI-AHSCT). We also correlated gene expression results with clinical response to HDI-AHSCT. We observed a decreased expression of bad, bax and fasL pro-apoptotic genes and an increased expression of a1, bcl-xL and cIAP-2 anti-apoptotic genes in patients' peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) compared to controls. After HDI-AHSCT, we found an up-regulation of fas and fasL and a down-regulation of anti-apoptotic bcl-xL genes expression in post-HDI-AHSCT periods compared to pre-transplantation. Additionally, the levels of bad, bax, bok, fasL, bcl-xL and cIAP-1 genes expression were found similar to controls 2 years after HDI-AHSCT. Furthermore, over-expression of pro-apoptotic noxa at 540 days post-HDI-AHSCT correlated positively with insulin-free patients and conversely with glutamic acid decarboxylase autoantibodies (GAD65) autoantibody levels. Taken together, the results suggest that apoptosis-related genes deregulation in patients' PBMCs might be involved in breakdown of immune tolerance and consequently contribute to T1D pathogenesis. Furthermore, HDI-AHSCT modulated the expression of some apoptotic genes towards the levels similar to controls. Possibly, the expression of these apoptotic molecules could be applied as biomarkers of clinical remission of T1D patients treated with HDI-AHSCT therapy.
The Clusterin (CLU) gene produces different forms of protein products which vary in their biological properties and distribution within the cell. Both the extra- and intracellular CLU forms regulate cell proliferation and apoptosis. Dis-regulation of CLU expression occurs in many cancer types, including prostate cancer. The role that CLU plays in tumorigenesis is still unclear. We found that CLU over-expression inhibited cell proliferation and induced apoptosis in prostate cancer cells. Here we show that depletion of CLU affects the growth of PC-3 prostate cancer cells. Following siRNA, all protein products quickly disappeared, inducing cell cycle progression and higher expression of specific proliferation markers (i.e. H3 mRNA, PCNA and cyclins A, B1 and D) as detected by RT-qPCR and Western blot. Quite surprisingly, we also found that the turnover of CLU protein is very rapid and tightly regulated by ubiquitin–proteasome mediated degradation. Inhibition of protein synthesis by cycloheximide showed that CLU half-life is less than 2 hours. All CLU protein products were found poly-ubiquitinated by co-immuniprecipitation. Proteasome inhibition by MG132 caused stabilization and accumulation of all CLU protein products, strongly inducing the nuclear form of CLU (nCLU) and committing cells to caspase-dependent death. In conclusion, proteasome inhibition may induce prostate cancer cell death through accumulation of nCLU, a potential tumour suppressor factor.