996 resultados para Sequential distribution


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We consider the classical problem of sequential detection of change in a distribution (from hypothesis 0 to hypothesis 1), where the fusion centre receives vectors of periodic measurements, with the measurements being i.i.d. over time and across the vector components, under each of the two hypotheses. In our problem, the sensor devices ("motes") that generate the measurements constitute an ad hoc wireless network. The motes contend using a random access protocol (such as CSMA/CA) to transmit their measurement packets to the fusion centre. The fusion centre waits for vectors of measurements to accumulate before taking decisions. We formulate the optimal detection problem, taking into account the network delay experienced by the vectors of measurements, and find that, under periodic sampling, the detection delay decouples into network delay and decision delay. We obtain a lower bound on the network delay, and propose a censoring scheme, where lagging sensors drop their delayed observations in order to mitigate network delay. We show that this scheme can achieve the lower bound. This approach is explored via simulation. We also use numerical evaluation and simulation to study issues such as: the optimal sampling rate for a given number of sensors, and the optimal number of sensors for a given measurement rate


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We consider cooperative spectrum sensing for cognitive radios. We develop an energy efficient detector with low detection delay using sequential hypothesis testing. Sequential Probability Ratio Test (SPRT) is used at both the local nodes and the fusion center. We also analyse the performance of this algorithm and compare with the simulations. Modelling uncertainties in the distribution parameters are considered. Slow fading with and without perfect channel state information at the cognitive radios is taken into account.


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We consider cooperative spectrum sensing for cognitive radios. We develop an energy efficient detector with low detection delay using sequential hypothesis testing. Sequential Probability Ratio Test (SPRT) is used at both the local nodes and the fusion center. We also analyse the performance of this algorithm and compare with the simulations. Modelling uncertainties in the distribution parameters are considered. Slow fading with and without perfect channel state information at the cognitive radios is taken into account.


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A sequence of moments obtained from statistical trials encodes a classical probability distribution. However, it is well known that an incompatible set of moments arises in the quantum scenario, when correlation outcomes associated with measurements on spatially separated entangled states are considered. This feature, viz., the incompatibility of moments with a joint probability distribution, is reflected in the violation of Bell inequalities. Here, we focus on sequential measurements on a single quantum system and investigate if moments and joint probabilities are compatible with each other. By considering sequential measurement of a dichotomic dynamical observable at three different time intervals, we explicitly demonstrate that the moments and the probabilities are inconsistent with each other. Experimental results using a nuclear magnetic resonance system are reported here to corroborate these theoretical observations, viz., the incompatibility of the three-time joint probabilities with those extracted from the moment sequence when sequential measurements on a single-qubit system are considered.


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We consider nonparametric or universal sequential hypothesis testing when the distribution under the null hypothesis is fully known but the alternate hypothesis corresponds to some other unknown distribution. These algorithms are primarily motivated from spectrum sensing in Cognitive Radios and intruder detection in wireless sensor networks. We use easily implementable universal lossless source codes to propose simple algorithms for such a setup. The algorithms are first proposed for discrete alphabet. Their performance and asymptotic properties are studied theoretically. Later these are extended to continuous alphabets. Their performance with two well known universal source codes, Lempel-Ziv code and KT-estimator with Arithmetic Encoder are compared. These algorithms are also compared with the tests using various other nonparametric estimators. Finally a decentralized version utilizing spatial diversity is also proposed and analysed.


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We consider nonparametric sequential hypothesis testing problem when the distribution under the null hypothesis is fully known but the alternate hypothesis corresponds to a general family of distributions. We propose a simple algorithm to address the problem. Its performance is analysed and asymptotic properties are proved. The simulated and analysed performance of the algorithm is compared with an earlier algorithm addressing the same problem with similar assumptions. Finally, we provide a justification for our model motivated by a Cognitive Radio scenario and modify the algorithm for optimizing performance when information about the prior probabilities of occurrence of the two hypotheses is available.


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Fish sausages are finely ground fish flesh, either of a single species or mixed, homogenised with starch, sugar, fat, spices and preservatives, generally filled in cylindrical synthetic or natural casings and pasteurised. Similar products containing small pieces of quality fish and lard are termed "fish ham". They are highly relished products in Japan, annual consumption exceeding 2 lakh tones. Preliminary studies have shown that they can catch a lucrative market in our country. However, being a pasteurised product which is often consumed as such without any further cooking, strict quality control measures have to be enforced so as to avoid food poisoning hazards. Besides physical characteristics like absence of damages, pin-holes, curliness and air pockets as well as jelly strength, texture and flavour, chemical characteristics like pH and acid values, moisture, carbohydrate and fat contents and volatile bases have to be assessed. A very important test that has to be carried out along with the above, before passing a lot for free distribution is the bacteriological examination to avoid the presence of pathogenic organisms.


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The labilities of thorium fractions including mobility and bioavailability vary significantly with soil properties. The effects of soil pH and soil organic matter on the distribution and transfer of thorium fractions defined by a sequential extraction procedure were investigated. Decrease of soil pH could enhance the phytoavailability and the potential availability of thorium in soil. Increase of organic matter reduced the phytoavailability of thorium, but enhanced the potential availability of it.


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Sequential extraction procedures were widely applied for speciation of radioactive elements. In this study, the sequential extraction procedure developed by Martinez-Aguirre was employed for quantification of different chemical forms of thorium in the soil. The total amount of thorium in contaminated soil was much higher by four-fold than the local background value. The soil properties affect the amount of thoriurn and distribution of fractions in contaminated soil. Results showed that the proportion of thorium in soils from Baotou was found as the residual fraction (F5 + F6) > absorbed fraction (F3), coprecipitated fraction (F4) > carbonates fraction (172) and exchangeable fraction (F1) that could be available to plants. The recovery, calculated by ratio of the sum of the six fractions to the pseudo-total content of thorium, was in the range from 96% to 110%. A comparison was carried out between the sequential extraction and the single extraction to evaluate the selectivity of the extractants. It was found that the amount of thorium of absorbed fraction (H) was higher in the single extraction than that estimated in the sequential extraction, possibly duo to transform of the labile form. While for non-residual fraction analysis, the single extraction scheme was a desirable alternative to the sequential extraction procedure.


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Bacterial surface colonization is a universal adaptation strategy in aquatic environments. However, neither the identities of early colonizers nor the temporal changes in surface assemblages are well understood. To determine the identities of the most common bacterial primary colonizers and to assess the succession process, if any, of the bacterial assemblages during early stages of surface colonization in coastal water of the West Pacific Ocean, nonnutritive inert materials (glass, Plexiglas, and polyvinyl chloride) were employed as test surfaces and incubated in seawater off the Qingdao coast in the spring of 2005 for 24 and 72 h. Phylogenetic analysis of the 16S rRNA gene sequences amplified from the recovered surface-colonizing microbiota indicated that diverse bacteria colonized the submerged surfaces. Multivariate statistical cluster analyses indicated that the succession of early surface-colonizing bacterial assemblages followed sequential steps on all types of test surfaces. The Rhodobacterales, especially the marine Roseobacter clade members, formed the most common and dominant primary surface-colonizing bacterial group. Our current data, along with previous studies of the Atlantic coast, indicate that the Rhodobacterales bacteria are the dominant and ubiquitous primary surface colonizers in temperate coastal waters of the world and that microbial surface colonization follows a succession sequence. A conceptual model is proposed based on these findings, which may have important implications for understanding the structure, dynamics, and function of marine biofilms and for developing strategies to harness or control surface-associated microbial communities.


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A geochemical study of Bohai Bay surface sediments was carried out to analyze the potential harmful element (PHE: Ge, Mo, In, Sn, Sb,Te, Tl, Bi and V) concentrations, transportation and deposition, enrichment factors and sources. Germanium, Mo, In, Sn, Sb, Te, Tl, Bi and V concentrations in the surface sediments were: 1.43-1.71, 0.52-1.43, 0.04-0.12, 2.77-4.14, 1.14-2.29, 0.027-0.085, 0.506-0.770, 0.27-0.63 and 70.35-115.90 mu g/g, respectively. The distributions of total PHE concentrations, together with sequential extraction analyses, showed that the PHEs were mainly due to natural inputs from the continental weathering delivered to the bay by rivers and atmospheric transportation and deposition. However, high Mo, Sb, Te, Bi and V occurred in non-residual fractions, suggesting some anthropogenic inputs in addition to the natural inputs. Besides sources, the distributions of PHEs were influenced by the coupling of physical, chemical and biological processes. Enrichment factor (EF) was computed for each site for each element in order to assess the polluting elements and the degree of pollution at each site. Results revealed that the EFs were generally lower than 1.0, particularly for Ge, Mo, In, Sn, Tl and V; however, the EFs were higher (>1.5), particularly for Sb, Te and Bi, revealing moderate contamination. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Riley, M. C., Clare, A., King, R. D. (2007). Locational distribution of gene functional classes in Arabidopsis thaliana. BMC Bioinformatics 8, Article No: 112 Sponsorship: EPSRC / RAEng


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This paper describes a methodology for detecting anomalies from sequentially observed and potentially noisy data. The proposed approach consists of two main elements: 1) filtering, or assigning a belief or likelihood to each successive measurement based upon our ability to predict it from previous noisy observations and 2) hedging, or flagging potential anomalies by comparing the current belief against a time-varying and data-adaptive threshold. The threshold is adjusted based on the available feedback from an end user. Our algorithms, which combine universal prediction with recent work on online convex programming, do not require computing posterior distributions given all current observations and involve simple primal-dual parameter updates. At the heart of the proposed approach lie exponential-family models which can be used in a wide variety of contexts and applications, and which yield methods that achieve sublinear per-round regret against both static and slowly varying product distributions with marginals drawn from the same exponential family. Moreover, the regret against static distributions coincides with the minimax value of the corresponding online strongly convex game. We also prove bounds on the number of mistakes made during the hedging step relative to the best offline choice of the threshold with access to all estimated beliefs and feedback signals. We validate the theory on synthetic data drawn from a time-varying distribution over binary vectors of high dimensionality, as well as on the Enron email dataset. © 1963-2012 IEEE.


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A popular way to account for unobserved heterogeneity is to assume that the data are drawn from a finite mixture distribution. A barrier to using finite mixture models is that parameters that could previously be estimated in stages must now be estimated jointly: using mixture distributions destroys any additive separability of the log-likelihood function. We show, however, that an extension of the EM algorithm reintroduces additive separability, thus allowing one to estimate parameters sequentially during each maximization step. In establishing this result, we develop a broad class of estimators for mixture models. Returning to the likelihood problem, we show that, relative to full information maximum likelihood, our sequential estimator can generate large computational savings with little loss of efficiency.


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In April 1998, a holding lagoon containing pyrite ore processing waste, failed and released an estimated 5-6 million m(3) of metal rich sludge and acidic waters into the Rio Guadiamar, SW Spain. Over 2700 ha of the internationally important Doñana National and Natural Parks were contaminated. The sludge component of the waste contained up to 0.6% arsenic. This paper presents an extensive set of 0-5 cm soil analyses results from samples taken 6-8 months after the spill. Data are presented on pseudo-total arsenic levels in these samples, and on arsenic removed by both single batch and sequential extraction techniques. Pseudo-total levels of arsenic in the sludge ranged from 1521 to 3510 mg kg(-1), and a mean 4.4% of this was found to be extractable using 2.5% acetic acid. Soils in the Guadiamar Valley and Entremuros areas (those worst affected by the spill) were found to contain 85.4-782 mg kg(-1) and 7.1-196 mg kg(-1) pseudo-total arsenic, respectively. The mean acetic acid extractable component in these areas was 2.5% and 4.9%, respectively. Background pseudo-total arsenic levels in the soils of the area have been found to be 4.2-13.6 mg kg(-1). Rapid input of acidic waters, and the acidic nature of the sludge itself, may have caused depletion of Mg, Na and K, and to a lesser extent Mn, Ca and PO(4) in the upper 5 cm of the worst affected soils. Sequential extraction results suggest clear As-Fe associations, and possible As-Mn associations within the more soluble phases.