987 resultados para Sensitivity profile


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No gênero Staphylococcus, o S. aureus com resistência à oxacilina é sem duvida alguma o patógeno de maior importância, quando associado às infecções hospitalares, sendo responsável por elevadas taxas morbidade e mortalidade. Este estudo descreve a epidemiologia e perfil de sensibilidade de linhagens de S. aureus procedentes de hospitais públicos de Macapá-Amapá. Todos os isolados usados neste trabalho foram novamente reisolados através de métodos convencionais da microbiologia e sistemas automatizados. As amostras com resistência à oxacilina foram todas submetidas ao teste screening com a cefoxitina 30 mcg. O tratamento estatístico dos dados revelou que houve predominância de S. aureus no sexo masculino (62,8%), sendo a média de idade dos pacientes de 20 anos, entretanto, a maior ocorrência foi na faixa etária de 0 a 10 anos, o hospital de maior prevalência foi o Hospital da Criança e do Adolescente (54,7%). A prevalência das amostras isoladas nos hospitais foi de 3,8%. Do total de amostras isolada (n=105), 25 (23,8%) foram resistentes à oxacilina. Essas amostras apresentaram resistência cruzada à Gentamicina (80%); Sulfazotrim (72%), Tetraciclina (64%), Eritromicina (60%), Clindamicina (44%), Norfloxacino (44%) e Quinupristina/Dalfopristina (32%). A vancomicina apresentou 100% de sensibilidade. Apesar dos diversos estudos realizados no Brasil e no mundo mostrarem altos índices de resistência do S. aureus à oxacilina, nesta pesquisa os níveis de resistência da bactéria nos hospitais públicos de Macapá ainda podem ser considerados baixos. Contudo, os resultados revelam a necessidade de vigilância sistemática, visando o controle e prevenção da disseminação de linhagens resistentes deste patógeno associado com infecção hospitalar.


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Objetivou-se neste estudo, avaliar a dinâmica da infecção intramamária de ovelhas por meio da avaliação clínica, da contagem de células somáticas e do isolamento de bactérias envolvidas na infecção mamária ao longo de toda a lactação, bem como o perfil de sensibilidade destes isolados frente a antimicrobianos. Foram avaliadas 34 ovelhas da raça Santa Inês criadas em sistema semi-intensivo e submetidas ao mesmo manejo higiênico-sanitário e nutricional acompanhadas antes e durante o período de lactação: aproximadamente 10 dias que precedeu ao parto, 15 dias pós-parto (dpp), 30 dpp, 60 dpp e 90 dpp (secagem). Nestes momentos foi realizado o exame clínico da glândula. A contagem de células somáticas (CCS) e o CMT foram realizados nos momentos seguintes ao parto (15dpp, 30dpp, 60dpp e 90dpp), assim como a análise bacteriológica, realizada além dos momentos citados anteriormente, também no momento que precedeu ao parto. A colheita do leite foi realizada por ordenha manual. Todas as ovelhas foram submetidas à sorologia para lentivírus. Os dados da variável CCS foram submetidos ao teste de normalidade segundo Kolmogorov-Smirnov e por não atender a premissa de normalidade, foram transformados em log de base 10 (Log10). Por conseguinte efetuou-se a análise de variância e contraste de médias pelo teste de Tukey com nível de significância de P<0,05. Foi realizado o estudo descritivo das variáveis empregando-se a distribuição de frequências (%). O valor médio da CCS das glândulas não reagentes ao CMT, ao longo do período de lactação, variou de 387.896,08 células/mL a 620.611,11 células/mL e nas glândulas reagentes, dependendo do escore do CMT, apresentou valores médios que variaram de 2.133.914,19 células/mL a 6.730.514,50 células/mL, sem contudo sofrer influência das diferentes fases da lactação. Os resultados obtidos permitiram concluir que a mastite subclínica representa uma preocupação sanitária na criação de ovelhas Santa Inês, chamando-se atenção para o período que precede o parto devido o alto percentual de isolamento bacteriano em glândulas aparentemente sadias, bem como a elevada frequência de isolamento, particularmente de Staphylococcus coagulase-negativo no primeiro mês de lactação.


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Pós-graduação em Cirurgia Veterinária - FCAV


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The silvopastoral system is characterized by increasing the production of milk with a greater number of cows per hectare due to the higher amount of protein in the diet. In silvopastoral system cows are fed in addition to pasture, small trees and shrubs. The aim of this study was determinate the main indicators of milk quality and mastitis causal agents in cows bred on silvopastoral system. We evaluated the composition (fat, total protein, lactose, solids, dry extract, nonfat dry and urea nitrogen), somatic cell count (SCC), total bacterial count (TBC), occurrence of clinical and subclinical mastitis, microbiological isolation, in vitro antimicrobial sensitivity profile and detection of antimicrobial residues in milk produced by 100 cows raised in silvopastoral systems, as well as the bulk tank and churns in farms of Cauca Valley, Colombia. The concentration of the major constituents of milk were 3.24% fat, 3.27% total protein, 4.40% lactose, 10.62% dry extract, 8.57% nonfat dry and 15.82mg/dL urea nitrogen, while the bulk tank and churns was 3.51% fat, 3.20% total protein, 4.34% lactose, 11.72% dry extract, 8.47% nonfat dry and 14.57mg/dL urea nitrogen. The cell count of the cows and the bulk tank was 141,252.75 CS/mL and 363,078.05 CS/mL respectively. The TBC mean in cows and the bulk tank was 4,466.84 CFU/mL and 24,547.01 CFU/mL respectively. The main microorganisms isolated from the udder cows were Corynebacterium bovis, Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus hyicus, Staphylococcus spp., Streptococcus dysgalatiae, while the bulk tank were identified more often Streptococcus spp., Enterobacter cloacae, Hafnia alveii, hemolytic Streptococcus and Streptococcus spp. Antimicrobial residues in cow milk and bulk or churn were detected in 30% and 86% respectively. The silvopastoral system showed to be good alternative to milk production in cow. However is important the care with antimicrobial residues in milk and the analysis of all quality parameters to ensure a differentiated product.


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Pós-graduação em Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (Biotecnologia Médica) - FMB


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A multirresistência bacteriana tem crescido significativamente nos últimos anos. Entre os gram negativos a P. aeruginosa demonstra facilidade de desenvolvimento de resistência aos antibióticos. O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a frequência de resistência a múltiplos fármacos em isolados de Pseudomonas aeruginosa e detectar cepas multirresistentes em um hospital público de Maceió/AL. De forma retrospectiva, descritiva e transversal, entre janeiro de 2012 a dezembro de 2013, iniciou-se uma ampla análise documental dos registros de atendimento no setor de Microbiologia do Hospital Universitário Professor Alberto Antunes (HUPAA/UFAL) para avaliar o material obtido de pacientes que apresentaram cultura positiva para P. aeruginosa. Vários espécimes clínicos foram obtidos e as cepas identificadas fenotipicamente pelo método automatizado Vitek®, bem como as análises do perfil de susceptibilidade aos antimicrobianos, seguindo os critérios adotados pelo National Committee for Clinical and Laboratory Standards (NCCLS). Foram obtidas 78 culturas com isolados positivos para P. aeruginosa, sendo a maioria procedente de pacientes da UTI geral (47,4%), seguida da Clínica cirúrgica (16,7%). Entre as amostras clínicas analisadas, a secreção traqueal foi a de maior incidência com 25,6%, seguida de secreção de ferida (20,5%) e escarro (18%). O composto mais ativo contra a P. aeruginosa foi a Colistina (100,0%). Detectou-se elevada multirresistência de P. aeruginosa aos betalactâmicos, cefalosporinas e carbapenêmicos. Baseando-se nos dados apresentados, torna-se evidente a necessidade de um monitoramento rotineiro do perfil de sensibilidade desta bactéria em ambiente hospitalar, sendo de extrema utilidade para a escolha adequada na terapêutica empírica, proporcionando conhecimento prévio dos antimicrobianos que apresentam boa eficácia diante deste patógeno, favorecendo o uso racional de antimicrobianos. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Multirresistência; Pseudomonas aeruginosa;Sensibilidade; Antimicrobianos.


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AIMS: The effect of dietary sucrose on insulin resistance and the pathogenesis of diabetes and vascular disease is unclear. We assessed the effect of 5% versus 15% sucrose intakes as part of a weight maintaining, eucaloric diet in overweight/obese subjects.

METHODS: Thirteen subjects took part in a randomised controlled crossover study (M:F 9:4, median age 46 years, range 37-56 years, BMI 31.7±0.9 kg/m(2)). Subjects completed two 6 week dietary periods separated by 4 week washout. Diets were designed to have identical macronutrient profile. Insulin action was assessed using a two-step hyperinsulinaemic euglycaemic clamp; glucose tolerance, vascular compliance, body composition and lipid profiles were also assessed.

RESULTS: There was no change in weight or body composition between diets. There was no difference in peripheral glucose utilization or suppression of endogenous glucose production. Fasting glucose was significantly lower after the 5% diet. There was no demonstrated effect on lipid profiles, blood pressure or vascular compliance.

CONCLUSION: A low-sucrose diet had no beneficial effect on insulin resistance as measured by the euglycaemic glucose clamp. However, reductions in fasting glucose, one hour insulin and insulin area under the curve with the low sucrose diet on glucose tolerance testing may indicate a beneficial effect and further work is required to determine if this is the case. Clinical Trial Registration number ISRCTN50808730.


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Antioxidants probably play an important role in the etiology of type 2 diabetes (DM2). This study evaluated the effects of supplementation with lipoic acid (LA) and alpha-tocopherol on the lipid profile and insulin sensitivity of DM2 patients. A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial involving 102 DM2 patients divided into four groups to receive daily supplementation for 4 months with: 600 mg LA (n = 26); 800 mg alpha-tocopherol (n = 25); 800 mg alpha-tocopherol + 600 mg LA (n = 25); placebo (n = 26). Plasma alpha-tocopherol, lipid profile, glucose, insulin, and the HOMA index were determined before and after supplementation. Differences within and between groups were compared by ANOVA using Bonferroni correction. Student`s t-test was used to compare means of two independent variables. The vitamin E/total cholesterol ratio improved significantly in patients supplemented with vitamin E + LA and vitamin E alone (p <= 0.001). There were improvements of the lipid fractions in the groups receiving LA and vitamin E alone or in combination, and on the HOMA index in the LA group, but not significant. The results suggest that LA and vitamin E supplementation alone or in combination did not affect the lipid profile or insulin sensitivity of DM2 patients. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Oggi sappiamo che la materia ordinaria rappresenta solo una piccola parte dell'intero contenuto in massa dell'Universo. L'ipotesi dell'esistenza della Materia Oscura, un nuovo tipo di materia che interagisce solo gravitazionalmente e, forse, tramite la forza debole, è stata avvalorata da numerose evidenze su scala sia galattica che cosmologica. Gli sforzi rivolti alla ricerca delle cosiddette WIMPs (Weakly Interacting Massive Particles), il generico nome dato alle particelle di Materia Oscura, si sono moltiplicati nel corso degli ultimi anni. L'esperimento XENON1T, attualmente in costruzione presso i Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso (LNGS) e che sarà in presa dati entro la fine del 2015, segnerà un significativo passo in avanti nella ricerca diretta di Materia Oscura, che si basa sulla rivelazione di collisioni elastiche su nuclei bersaglio. XENON1T rappresenta la fase attuale del progetto XENON, che ha già realizzato gli esperimenti XENON10 (2005) e XENON100 (2008 e tuttora in funzione) e che prevede anche un ulteriore sviluppo, chiamato XENONnT. Il rivelatore XENON1T sfrutta circa 3 tonnellate di xeno liquido (LXe) e si basa su una Time Projection Chamber (TPC) a doppia fase. Dettagliate simulazioni Monte Carlo della geometria del rivelatore, assieme a specifiche misure della radioattività dei materiali e stime della purezza dello xeno utilizzato, hanno permesso di predire con accuratezza il fondo atteso. In questo lavoro di tesi, presentiamo lo studio della sensibilità attesa per XENON1T effettuato tramite il metodo statistico chiamato Profile Likelihood (PL) Ratio, il quale nell'ambito di un approccio frequentista permette un'appropriata trattazione delle incertezze sistematiche. In un primo momento è stata stimata la sensibilità usando il metodo semplificato Likelihood Ratio che non tiene conto di alcuna sistematica. In questo modo si è potuto valutare l'impatto della principale incertezza sistematica per XENON1T, ovvero quella sulla emissione di luce di scintillazione dello xeno per rinculi nucleari di bassa energia. I risultati conclusivi ottenuti con il metodo PL indicano che XENON1T sarà in grado di migliorare significativamente gli attuali limiti di esclusione di WIMPs; la massima sensibilità raggiunge una sezione d'urto σ=1.2∙10-47 cm2 per una massa di WIMP di 50 GeV/c2 e per una esposizione nominale di 2 tonnellate∙anno. I risultati ottenuti sono in linea con l'ambizioso obiettivo di XENON1T di abbassare gli attuali limiti sulla sezione d'urto, σ, delle WIMPs di due ordini di grandezza. Con tali prestazioni, e considerando 1 tonnellata di LXe come massa fiduciale, XENON1T sarà in grado di superare gli attuali limiti (esperimento LUX, 2013) dopo soli 5 giorni di acquisizione dati.


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Voltage drop and rise at network peak and off–peak periods along with voltage unbalance are the major power quality problems in low voltage distribution networks. Usually, the utilities try to use adjusting the transformer tap changers as a solution for the voltage drop. They also try to distribute the loads equally as a solution for network voltage unbalance problem. On the other hand, the ever increasing energy demand, along with the necessity of cost reduction and higher reliability requirements, are driving the modern power systems towards Distributed Generation (DG) units. This can be in the form of small rooftop photovoltaic cells (PV), Plug–in Electric Vehicles (PEVs) or Micro Grids (MGs). Rooftop PVs, typically with power levels ranging from 1–5 kW installed by the householders are gaining popularity due to their financial benefits for the householders. Also PEVs will be soon emerged in residential distribution networks which behave as a huge residential load when they are being charged while in their later generation, they are also expected to support the network as small DG units which transfer the energy stored in their battery into grid. Furthermore, the MG which is a cluster of loads and several DG units such as diesel generators, PVs, fuel cells and batteries are recently introduced to distribution networks. The voltage unbalance in the network can be increased due to the uncertainties in the random connection point of the PVs and PEVs to the network, their nominal capacity and time of operation. Therefore, it is of high interest to investigate the voltage unbalance in these networks as the result of MGs, PVs and PEVs integration to low voltage networks. In addition, the network might experience non–standard voltage drop due to high penetration of PEVs, being charged at night periods, or non–standard voltage rise due to high penetration of PVs and PEVs generating electricity back into the grid in the network off–peak periods. In this thesis, a voltage unbalance sensitivity analysis and stochastic evaluation is carried out for PVs installed by the householders versus their installation point, their nominal capacity and penetration level as different uncertainties. A similar analysis is carried out for PEVs penetration in the network working in two different modes: Grid to vehicle and Vehicle to grid. Furthermore, the conventional methods are discussed for improving the voltage unbalance within these networks. This is later continued by proposing new and efficient improvement methods for voltage profile improvement at network peak and off–peak periods and voltage unbalance reduction. In addition, voltage unbalance reduction is investigated for MGs and new improvement methods are proposed and applied for the MG test bed, planned to be established at Queensland University of Technology (QUT). MATLAB and PSCAD/EMTDC simulation softwares are used for verification of the analyses and the proposals.


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BACKGROUND: Melanoma is the most lethal form of skin cancer, but recent advances in molecularly targeted agents against the Ras/Raf/MAPK pathway demonstrate promise as effective therapies. Despite these advances, resistance remains an issue, as illustrated recently by the clinical experience with vemurafenib. Such acquired resistance appears to be the result of parallel pathway activation, such as PI3K, to overcome single-agent inhibition. In this report, we describe the cytotoxicity and anti-tumour activity of the novel MEK inhibitor, E6201, in a broad panel of melanoma cell lines (n = 31) of known mutational profile in vitro and in vivo. We further test the effectiveness of combining E6201 with an inhibitor of PI3K (LY294002) in overcoming resistance in these cell lines. RESULTS: The majority of melanoma cell lines were either sensitive (IC50 < 500 nM, 24/31) or hypersensitive (IC50 < 100 nM, 18/31) to E6201. This sensitivity correlated with wildtype PTEN and mutant BRAF status, whereas mutant RAS and PI3K pathway activation were associated with resistance. Although MEK inhibitors predominantly exert a cytostatic effect, E6201 elicited a potent cytocidal effect on most of the sensitive lines studied, as evidenced by Annexin positivity and cell death ELISA. Conversely, E6201 did not induce cell death in the two resistant melanoma cell lines tested. E6201 inhibited xenograft tumour growth in all four melanoma cell lines studied to varying degrees, but a more pronounced anti-tumour effect was observed for cell lines that previously demonstrated a cytocidal response in vitro. In vitro combination studies of E6201 and LY294002 showed synergism in all six melanoma cell lines tested, as defined by a mean combination index < 1. CONCLUSIONS: Our data demonstrate that E6201 elicits a predominantly cytocidal effect in vitro and in vivo in melanoma cells of diverse mutational background. Resistance to E6201 was associated with disruption of PTEN and activation of downstream PI3K signalling. In keeping with these data we demonstrate that co-inhibition of MAPK and PI3K is effective in overcoming resistance inherent in melanoma.


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The effects of small changes in flight-path parameters (primary and secondary flight paths, detector angles), and of displacement of the sample along the beam axis away from its ideal position, are examined for an inelastic time-of-flight (TOF) neutron spectrometer, emphasising the deep-inelastic regime. The aim was to develop a rational basis for deciding what measured shifts in the positions of spectral peaks could be regarded as reliable in the light of the uncertainties in the calibrated flight-path parameters. Uncertainty in the length of the primary or secondary flight path has the least effect on the positions of the peaks of H, D and He, which are dominated by the accuracy of the calibration of the detector angles. This aspect of the calibration of a TOF spectrometer therefore demands close attention to achieve reliable outcomes where the position of the peaks is of significant scientific interest and is discussed in detail. The corresponding sensitivities of the position of peak of the Compton profile, J(y), to flight-path parameters and sample position are also examined, focusing on the comparability across experiments of results for H, D and He. We show that positioning the sample to within a few mm of the ideal position is required to ensure good comparability between experiments if data from detectors at high forward angles are to be reliably interpreted.


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The appearance of Plasmodium falciparum parasites with decreased in vivo sensitivity but no measurable in vitro resistance to artemisinin has raised the urgent need to characterize the artemisinin resistance phenotype. Changes in the temporary growth arrest (dormancy) profile of parasites may be one aspect of this phenotype. In this study, we investigated the link between dormancy and resistance, using artelinic acid (AL)-resistant parasites. Our results demonstrate that the AL resistance phenotype has (i) decreased sensitivity of mature-stage parasites, (ii) decreased sensitivity of the ring stage to the induction of dormancy, and (iii) a faster recovery from dormancy.