1000 resultados para Seminari de Nobles de Sant Ignasi (València)-Ensenyança cristià
Los autores constan en final de cada parte
Contiene: Carta de un noble valenciano al Doctor Agustin Sales deseando saber su dictamen sobre la antigüedad de una moneda y una inscripción del tiempo de los romanos
Fecha de aprobacion es 1720
Sign.: *8, **4, A-I8, K7
Fecha 1744 tomada de la licencia, p.32
Fortunato Januseni, es el anagrama de Juan Antonio Fuster.
Marca tip. en port
Saint Vicent Ferrer’s personality (1350-1419) has been tackled by researchers in different points of view, and this has meant a proliferation of very diverse studies. There isn’t much, however, the works which has done analysis relating to popular piety and devotion. In this sense, the different hagiographic sources puts us faced with a saint with a very widespread cult in some areas, for instance, the Crown of Aragon and Castille, but also in other european places. As for the last, we detect an import focus of devotion in Brittany, where the saint arrived to preach after being called by Jean V. He died at Vannes (1419), the political capital of the duchy of Brittany, and he was buried in Saint Pierre’s cathedral. Previously to his canonization, his fame as a miracle worker during his life was the reason for his tomb became a real locus sanctus, a place where pilgrims arrived to venerate his relics. These relics had healing and prophylactic properties. Apart from these ones, we have many references of “contact relics” with properties of this kind.
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Hay un ejemplar encuadernado con: Carta del Doctor D. Matheo de la Vega y Xea a un amigo en que le da noticia de las fiestas que la juventud valenciana ... consagró a la reyna del cielo en su concepcion en Gracia, y ...
Las fiestas de la llegada de la reliquia de san Pedro Pascual fueron en octubre de 1743