980 resultados para Semi-Open


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Tese de doutoramento, Educação (Psicologia da Educação), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2015


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La présente recherche a pour objet la pratique orthophonique en suppléance à la communication (SC) auprès de personnes qui ont une déficience intellectuelle (DI). Des recherches ont montré que les aides à la communication à sortie vocale (ACSV) pouvaient améliorer la communication des personnes ayant une DI. Cependant, la plupart de ces recherches ont été menées dans des conditions idéales qui ne reflètent pas nécessairement celles que l’on retrouve dans les milieux cliniques typiques. On connaît peu de choses sur les pratiques professionnelles en SC auprès des personnes ayant une DI. Le but de cette recherche est de décrire la pratique orthophonique, de documenter les perspectives des utilisateurs sur les résultats des interventions et de décrire l’implication des parents et leurs habiletés à soutenir leur enfant dans l’utilisation d’une ACSV afin de proposer un modèle d’intervention en SC auprès de cette clientèle qui tienne compte de ces différentes perspectives. Une méthode qualitative a été choisie pour réaliser la recherche. Des entrevues individuelles semi-structurées ont été réalisées avec onze orthophonistes francophones et avec des parents ou familles d’accueil de dix utilisateurs d’ACSV et des entrevues structurées ont été menées avec huit utilisateurs d’ACSV. Un outil d’entrevue a été conçu à l’aide de pictogrammes pour permettre aux utilisateurs d’ACSV de répondre à des questions portant sur leur appréciation et utilisation de leur ACSV, leur satisfaction et priorités de communication. Un cadre conceptuel a été conçu à partir des guides de pratique clinique et un codage semi-ouvert a été utilisé pour réaliser les analyses thématiques des données provenant des orthophonistes. Un codage ouvert a servi à analyser les données provenant des parents. Des analyses descriptives ont servi à examiner les réponses des utilisateurs. Diverses procédures ont assuré la crédibilité des analyses. Entre autres, les analyses des entrevues des orthophonistes ont été validées lors d’un groupe de discussion avec sept participantes orthophonistes. Les résultats montrent que les ACSV sont utilisées surtout dans le milieu scolaire. Elles sont parfois utilisées lors des loisirs et dans la communauté, mais ces contextes sont ceux où les utilisateurs ont exprimé le plus d’insatisfaction et où se situe la majeure partie des priorités qu’ils ont identifiées. Les analyses ont permis d’identifier les facteurs qui rendent compte de ces résultats. Les orthophonistes manquent d’outils pour réaliser des évaluations exhaustives des capacités des clients et elles manquent de procédures pour impliquer les parents et obtenir d’eux une description complète des besoins de communication de leur enfant. Conséquemment, l’ACSV attribuée et le vocabulaire programmé ne répondent pas à l’ensemble des besoins de communication. Certaines orthophonistes manquent de connaissances sur les ACSV ou n’ont pas le matériel pour faire des essais avec les clients. Il en résulte un appariement entre la personne et l’ACSV qui n’est pas toujours parfait. À cause d’un manque de ressources en orthophonie, les parents sont parfois laissés sans soutien pour apporter les changements à la programmation lors des transitions dans la vie de leur enfant et certains ne reçoivent pas d’entraînement visant à soutenir l’utilisation de l’ACSV. Un modèle d’intervention en SC est proposé afin d’améliorer la pratique orthophonique auprès de cette population.


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Cette étude qui s’inscrit dans la perspective de l’action située, vise à comprendre le phénomène de (re)construction des communautés de pratique (CoPs) en contexte de fusion hospitalière. La recherche repose sur un devis d’étude de cas longitudinale qui combine plusieurs sources de données : documentaires, d’entretiens semi-directifs et d’observations de terrain. La stratégie d’analyse combine deux méthodes : l’une processuelle, permettant un ordonnancement temporel de récits d’événements et d'activités qui ont contribué à situer l’action dans le temps; l’autre selon l’approche de la théorisation ancrée, a permis la comparaison des données par leur regroupement systématique en catégories et sous catégories, tout au long de la collecte des données. La démarche de recherche processuelle adoptée, nous a conduit à révéler la dynamique de construction d’une communauté de pratique (CoP) à partir des caractéristiques inter reliées, identifiées dans la littérature et qui font référence à un engagement mutuel, une entreprise commune et un répertoire partagé. Ainsi, nos analyses montrent que le domaine d’action qui vient délimiter les points de convergence des participants, constitue le dénominateur commun de la pratique de la communauté qui met à jour des savoirs tacites et explicites qui s’échangent et se développent dans le temps. Cette pratique partagée, éminemment sociale, génère des connaissances et des règles négociées et entretenues par les membres dans le cadre de leurs rencontres. Nos analyses révèlent également que le processus d’évolution d’une communauté de pratique, s’inscrit dans une trajectoire d’apprentissages continue où se combinent de façon dynamique, des temps de participation intense, propices à la construction progressive d’une compréhension commune et négociée du domaine d’action (participation) et des temps de mise en forme de ces représentations (réification). Ici, la dialectique participation/réification qui se donne à voir, révèle un véritable travail d’organisation où la construction du sens à donner à l’action s’instruit à l’aune d’une régulation sociale omniprésente. Toutefois, le résultat de la régulation sociale, n’implique pas de facto, la rencontre d’une régulation conjointe. Plutôt, nos résultats mettent à jour un ensemble de régulations, tantôt concurrentes, tantôt en équilibre en regard du contexte dans lequel sont placés les acteurs. Enfin, nos résultats sur la dynamique de (re)construction des communautés de pratique en contexte de fusion, permettent d’appréhender le changement organisationnel non plus sous ses seuls aspects stratégiques et en direction des équipes dirigeantes, mais également sous l’angle des capacités d’acteurs « ordinaires » à l’initier dans une perspective continue et située.


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Abstract: This dissertation generally concentrates on the relationships between “gender” and “space” in the present time of urban life in capital city of Tehran. “Gender” as a changing social construct, differentiated within societies and through time, studied this time by investigation on “gender attitude” or “gender identity” means attitudes towards “gender” issues regarding Tehran residences. “Space” as a concept integrated from physical and social constituents investigated through focus on “spatial attitude” means attitudes towards using “living spaces” including private space of “house”, semi private semi public space of neighborhood and finally public spaces of the city. “Activities and practices” in space concentrated instead of “physical” space; this perspective to “space” discussed as the most justified implication of “space” in this debate regarding current situations in city of Tehran. Under a systematic approach, the interactions and interconnections between “gender” and “space” as two constituent variables of social organization investigated by focus on the different associations presented between different “gender identities” and their different “spatial identities”; in fact, “spatial identity” manifests “gender identity” and in opposite direction, “spatial identity” influences to construction of “gender identity”. The hypotheses of case study in Tehran defined as followed: • “Gender identity” is reflected on “spatial identity”. Various “gender identities” in Tehran present different perspectives of “space” or they identify “space” by different values. • As “gender identity” internalizes patriarchal oppression, it internalizes associated “spatial” oppression too. • Within the same social class, different “gender identities” related to men and women, present interconnected qualities, compared with “gender identities” related to men or women of different social classes. This situation could be found in the “spatial” perspectives of different groups of men and women too. • Following the upper hypotheses, “spatial” oppression differs among social classes of Tehran living in different parts of this city. This research undertook a qualitative study in Tehran by interviewing with different parents of both young daughter and son regarding their attitudes towards gender issues from one side and activities and behaviors of their children in different spaces from the other side. Results of case study indicated the parallel changes of parents’ attitudes towards “gender” and “spatial” issues; it means strong connection between “gender” and “space”. It revealed association of “equal” spatial attitudes with “open, neutral” gender attitudes, and also the association of “biased, unequal” spatial identities with “conservative patriarchal” gender identities. It was cleared too that this variable concept – gender space - changes by “sex”; mothers comparing fathers presented more equitable notions towards “gender spatial” issues. It changes too by “social class” and “educational level”, that means “gender spatial” identity getting more open equitable among more educated people of middle and upper classes. “Breadwinning status in the family” also presents its effect on the changes of “gender spatial” identity so participant breadwinners in the family expressed relatively more equitable notions comparing householders and housekeepers. And finally, “gender spatial” identity changes through “place” in the city and regarding South – North line of the city. The illustration of changes of “gender spatial” identity from “open” to “conservative” among society indicated not only vertical variation across social classes, furthermore the horizontal changing among each social class. These results also confirmed hypotheses while made precision on the third one regarding variable of sex. More investigations pointed to some inclusive spatial attitudes throughout society penetrated to different groups of “gender identities”, to “opens” as to “conservatives”, also to groups between them, by two opposite features; first kind, conservative biased spatial practices in favor of patriarchal gender relations and the second, progressive neutral actions in favor of equal gender relations. While the major reason for the inclusive conservative practices was referred to the social insecurity for women, the second neutral ones associated to more formal & safer spaces of the city. In conclusion, while both trends are associated deeply with the important issues of “sex” & “body” in patriarchal thoughts, still strong, they are the consequences of the transitional period of social change in macro level, and the challenges involved regarding interactions between social orders, between old system of patriarchy, the traditional biased “gender spatial” relations and the new one of equal relations. The case study drew an inhomogeneous illustration regarding gender spatial aspects of life in Tehran, the opposite groups of “open” and “conservative”, and the large group of “semi open semi conservative” between them. In macro perspective it presents contradicted social groups according their general life styles; they are the manifestations of challenging trends towards tradition and modernity in Iranian society. This illustration while presents unstable social situations, necessitates probing solutions for social integration; exploring the directions could make heterogeneous social groups close in the way they think and the form they live in spaces. Democratic approaches like participatory development planning might be helpful for the city in its way to more solidarity and sustainability regarding its social spatial – gender as well – development, in macro levels of social spatial planning and in micro levels of physical planning, in private space of house and in public spaces of the city.


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O presente estudo de caso teve por objetivo identificar como a implantação da Unidade de Polícia Pacificadora na favela Santa Marta, na Zona Sul do Rio de Janeiro, alterou a interação do mercado com esta comunidade e como isso afetou as relações sociais na favela a partir da percepção dos moradores. O intuito era perceber como o mercado interno, seja ele formal ou informal, tem respondido à nova conjuntura e como atores do mercado externo, como Firjan, Light, entre outros, vêm atuando no local. Ademais, buscou-se analisar como essa nova dinâmica do mercado, viabilizada pela maior presença do estado no Santa Marta, influenciou a sociabilidade local. Para tal, por meio de pesquisa de campo, foram realizadas observações participantes e entrevistas semi-abertas com representantes de empresas que atuam na comunidade, empreendedores locais, moradores e lideranças. Concluiu-se que a expansão do mercado interno e da atuação do mercado externo na comunidade, permite que alguns benefícios cheguem; contudo, essa nova conjuntura tem gerado inseguranças nos moradores que sentem que tiveram espaços de lazer restringidos com o aumento do turismo e eventos festivos para o público externo, receiam não ter condições de arcar com o aumento do custo de vida e conseqüente empobrecimento e temem que venham a sofrer um processo de remoção branca causada pela pressão do mercado. Assim, alguns terão condições de aproveitar e até se desenvolver com as oportunidades que têm surgido com a expansão do mercado, enquanto outros, provavelmente, não terão capacidade e sofrerão uma nova exclusão.


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O perito criminal é o profissional que se utiliza de conhecimentos técnicos e específicos na análise dos vestígios de um crime, a fim de descobrir a forma como este se deu e, também, sua autoria. O trabalho pericial pode contribuir com a absolvição ou a condenação de um acusado e, assim, atender aos anseios de justiça da sociedade. Apesar da importância dessa atividade, os métodos e instrumentos de trabalho disponíveis para os peritos pouco evoluíram desde a criação da carreira no estado de Minas Gerais, que convivem, ainda, com locais de trabalho inadequados e, também, com a escassez de recursos materiais e humanos, somados à carência de comunicação e de autonomia na tomada de decisões das chefias; os resultados também apontaram para a interferência de outros agentes públicos, no local do crime, antes do início do trabalho pericial e, ainda, que a comunicação ineficiente traz problemas às relações interpessoais no trabalho. A nova gestão pública determinou metas que devem ser cumpridas, pressionando o profissional a otimizar os resultados do trabalho, sem ter, em contrapartida, melhorias nas suas condições. Além do exposto, o contato direto e frequente com vítimas de violência, ou com o material a elas relacionado, possibilita impacto negativo sobre as emoções do perito criminal, na falta de apoio especializado para lidar com tais situações. Esse contexto alerta para a necessidade da preservação da integridade emocional do perito criminal e, também, para emprego de estímulo à motivação da categoria. A fim de compreender as condições emocionais do perito criminal de Minas Gerais, de como impactam sua qualidade da vida e de trabalho, foi utilizado o método qualitativo de pesquisa, iniciando-se com uma etapa de pesquisa exploratória, na qual vinte e dois profissionais responderam a um questionário semiestruturado. Posteriormente, duzentos e quarenta e oito peritos criminais responderam a questionários semiestruturados; conversas e entrevistas semiabertas foram gravadas com outros dez peritos aposentados ou aguardando a publicação oficial da aposentadoria. As questões foram descritivas, aproximando-se da atitude fenomenológica, buscando compreensão, quando, diante de depoimentos e questionários, a análise de conteúdo e do discurso desempenharam o papel de apoio metodológico. Os sentimentos recorrentes entre os peritos são os negativos, relacionados a medo, apreensão, humilhação, frustração, injustiça, angústia e revolta. Porém, sentimentos positivos também apareceram, esses relacionados à esperança de melhoria de condições laborais, ao entendimento da necessidade da cooperação e da confiança nos pares e, também, do empenho na contribuição social. As conclusões indicam que é necessário a promoção sistemática da comunicação interna e externa, além da intensificação da interação e da cooperação, a fim de favorecer a liderança e o reconhecimento do trabalho pericial, apoiando o envolvimento do profissional com a carreira. A complexidade encontrada nas questões relacionais apreendidas, e os indícios de implicações com a problemática da autonomia na Perícia Criminal, sugere retomada investigativa futura.


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Este trabalho teve como objetivo, abordar o perfil dos homens que conseguiram alcançar cargo de executivo, as trajetórias percorridas no mercado de trabalho e a percepção destes homens em relação à existência de diferenças entre características femininas e masculinas no mundo corporativo e na vida pessoal. Para coleta das percepções, foram realizadas entrevistas individuais de estrutura semi-aberta com executivos (Diretores e Gerentes) de empresas de diversos segmentos. Foi utilizado um roteiro de entrevistas que abrange toda a trajetória do executivo, sua formação acadêmica e suas experiências profissionais até ocupar um cargo de executivo. O roteiro passa por questões do dia a dia, por questionamentos sobre características pessoais ou de gênero que facilitam o trabalho do executivo e à ascensão na carreira, e finaliza com aspectos da vida pessoal, sempre abordando as questões do gênero. Com base em bibliografias e através das declarações coletadas nas entrevistas conclui-se que: com a diversidade de culturas, crenças e a pluralidade de identidades psicológicas, sociais, de gênero e sexuais na contemporaneidade, é simplesmente impossível conceber uma hegemonia frente às nossas identidades, porque elas não são fixas, imutáveis, pelo contrário, elas estão constantemente sofrendo mudanças, e a cada década, podemos perceber que cada vez mais a cultura, os modos de vida, de se comportar, de ser e de estar, vão se alterando, adequando-se às exigências do próprio tempo.


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O estudo teve por objetivo identificar quais os fatores que provocam a motivação dos Peritos Criminais Federais das Unidades Técnico-Científicas da Polícia Federal na Bahia no desenvolvimento de suas atividades. Para isso, efetuou-se uma pesquisa descritiva, explicativa, bibliográfica e de campo. Foram realizadas entrevistas individuais e semiabertas, assim como aplicada a técnica de construção de desenhos, com todos os Peritos Criminais Federais lotados na Bahia, o que totaliza 35 servidores. Utilizando-se o método de análise de conteúdo, foram identificados 20 fatores que influenciam a motivação dos servidores pesquisados, sendo o “salário” o que mais incentivou na escolha do concurso para ingresso na instituição. Além do “salário”, o “trabalho em si”, o “desafio”, o “ambiente de trabalho” e o “aperfeiçoamento profissional” são os fatores que mais afetam positivamente a motivação desses Peritos Criminais na Polícia Federal. O “reconhecimento / valorização”, o “feedback / resultado do trabalho”, a “autonomia” e o “crescimento na carreira” foram considerados importantes para a motivação, porém, são fatores que para muitos dos entrevistados não estão presentes ou precisam melhorar na Polícia Federal. Os fatores que mais exercem influência negativa na motivação dos Peritos Criminais no órgão são a falta de “planejamento, organização”, a “burocracia, hierarquia rígida, estrutura fechada, excesso de controle”, a falta de “justiça” e a falta de “integração com outros componentes da Polícia Federal”. Completando a lista dos 20 fatores que se destacaram no estudo estão “meios e condições de trabalho”, “objetivos / metas a atingir”, “benefícios”, “prestígio / status / importância do órgão Polícia Federal”, “senso de responsabilidade”, “relacionamento com chefia” e “questões pessoais / família”. Sugere-se que pesquisa semelhante seja realizada com Peritos Criminais Federais lotados em outros estados e também com as demais categorias de servidores do órgão.


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The puppet theater is the theme of this dissertation, with a particular treatment of Memory, Toy and Jokes, focused especially on a Calungueira, maker of dolls, Ieda Maria Medeiros da Silva, known by Dadi. Currently with 71 years old, Dadi resides in Carnauba dos Dantas / RN and not only restricted to "get" the dolls to play, to enact stories by various characters. Build the dolls, dresses, give life, movement. In Rio Grande do Norte, the Puppet Theater, named "João Redondo," is measured by a historically male character of tradition, represented by some masters who have died or by their pupils, or even by the players who have no lineage of masters in their families but learned from several of them and, gradually, were included in this playful universe. Dadi passes this potiguar genealogy and going to suggesting a variety of transgressions, beyond, with its inventiveness, both in their presentations and in her life, which I did elect her and choose as a singular object in the course of my inquiries. In this study, I use the theoretical and methodological framework of social sciences, in particular the references coming from studies of culture, such as approaches of memory and tradition of authors such as Maurice Halbwachs and Paul Zumthor, among others. The field work was systematized, prioritizing the observation participant and permanent dialogue. I used different strategies for registration, as semi-open interviews, documentary video, audio narratives, photographic and videographic record, giving the work a current relevance to the dialogue with various elements, expanding the initial project, which turned into research for the dissertation


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Cancer goes on to be a frightening disease by humanity, simetimes,it is considered as death, suffering and stigma synonym. Occurring at childhood, this meaning seems to acquire a more intense conotation, having in view of the perplexity and godliness feeling in the presence of the precocity of events, nearly always associated to the death. A psychologist co-existence with the cancer children is going acquiring, thus, a permeated sense by incognitas , fears and fantasy, which raised us the following question: how does the psychologist that answers children with cancer lives this experience? Therefore, the aim this research was to understand this co-existence experience. Our theoretical perspective comes from an existencial fenomenology and, more specifically, the Humanistic Approach and Martin Heidegger Existencial Ontology. The metodology is qualitative of phenomenological character. The access instrument to the experience was the narrative, such as purpose by Walter Benjamin. They were carried out nine semi-open interviews with psychologists who work on pediatric oncology services of Natal-RN city. Such interviews were recorded in cassette, transcripted and later, re-educated. These interviews were recorded, transcribed and later on edited with the help of the interviewee and turned into a text. The narrative comprehension was carried out on Heidegger Existencial Ontology, on dada exaustive reading and the clipping of indicative passages of experience sense of being psychologist on this area. The research suggests that the experience is oriented of clinic kowing-doing, being crossed by implications of key thematics which indicate the care as central ontologic element that orientates the way as these professionals come being in the world in association with the clientèle. Besides, the caring experience of these children acquire the sense of true living experience, since the cancer undoes the immortality illusion, launching the psychologist to his/her condition of being to the death and with that, calling him/her the authenticity. Is is only not dealt with to experience the anguish and the death imminence, but above all, re-meaning them in favour of a continual learning, of quality answering , besides other possibilities. Working with child cancer brings news perspectives and world views, making the psychologist a more human people and sensitive to the distracted needs. And we believe that, regardless of area which actuates, being psychologist is a particular way which choose to be citizen. Is is a project that will be delimited by society, history and culture and after all, by us like human being. Therefore, we understand that the results this research suggest the discussed thematic deepening on this intervention field in order to new sense possibilities can arise giving origin to other reflections about the clinical practice, the professional formation in Psychology and other possible developments


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Numerous studies discuss the issue of adolescent in conflict with the law from the adolescent that committed infraction or from his perceptions. Taking into account the importance of the family in the life of all subject in development, this study sought the look of the families about the infraction of their adolescents under socio-educative measures. For this purpose, semi-open interviews were conducted with 20 families, ten of the boys and equal number of the girls. The institutions where the measures are applied in Natal / RN gave space for most family members to be interviewed. The data collected were arranged in tables and analyzed qualitatively following the socio-historical perspective. The survey revealed that the meanings attributed to the time of conflict with the law of the adolescents differ between the boys families and the girls . Most of the boys families see the infraction as a consequence of the influence of bad company, as a minor provocative of changes in the family s relations, left justified in a context marked by violence. Now for most part of the girls families, the infraction is seen as their responsibility, as generator of transformations within the family both emotional and economic , and inaugurates a search movement for conflicts resolutions. Through the testimonies of these families, it became evident that there was a family reality structured also by a conflicting social, economic and community context. Thus, before there is an infraction that demarcates the conflict in adolescence, there is a family in conflict.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FCT