921 resultados para Self Directed Triple P


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The purpose of this correlational study was to investigate the relationship between the degree of self-directed learning readiness and stress for level one nursing students and level two nursing students. One hundred female nursing students participated in the study who were attending an Ontario Community College. Data were collected from the main nursing campus and the satellite nursing campus using the random sample method. Instruments used were said to be valid and reliable for testing self-directed learning readiness and stress respectively. Data were analyzed using frequency response to each item, means and standard deviation, and the Pearson product correlation between selfdirected learning readiness and stress. The results of the study show that there is a difference in the relationship between the degree of self-directed learning readiness and stress between the level one nursing students and the level two nursing students. Such results will be of particular interest to nursing instructors and administrators when planning for delivery of programs to such students.


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~ This study focuses on the process of self-directed learning that individuals go through as they adapt to new work situations. This is a study of how one critical incident, specifically the transition from a traditional office structure to a home office structure, affected employees and what their learning process was as they adapted to the new environment. This study has 3 educational foundations: adult learning, self-directed learning, and the social context from which the learning will occur. Six women and 2 men were interviewed approximately 1 year following the transition. Analysis of the data revealed 5 themes of: impacts of the self-directed environment on participants' personal lives, their roles, skill set, productivity, and the physical environment; support offered by the organization, family, and office administration; personal development, specific learning needs, and personal skills; boundaries as they relate to family and work; and skill set and orientation requirements of new home office employees. The findings revealed the learning processes of the 8 participants. The learning processes of these participants were discussed within a theoretical framework of the learners, their immediate surroundings, and the larger social environment. The results indicated that the transition from a directed work environment to a self directed work environment is a complex, interrelated process. An element found throughout the theoretical framework is that of control. A second critical element is the need for participants to have a clearly defined work role and an opportunity to engage in discussion with peers and the community. Further findings reinforced the importance of climate and found that the physical environment is a key factor in a successful selfdirected work environment. The findings of this study revealed that no one factor makes an individual function successfully in a self-directed work environment, but that it is a complex interplay among the leamer, their immediate surroundings, and the social environment that will have the greatest impact on success. Recommendations are made which can be used to guide organizational leaders in facilitating employees' transition from a directed to a self-directed work environment. Additionally, recommendations are made for further research in the area of self-directed work environments.


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Ontario Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology (CAATs) are currently in the process of restructuring to ensure quality, accountability, and accessibility of college education. References to learner involvement and self-directed learning are prevalent. "Alternative delivery" and "paradigm shift" are current buzzwords within the Ontario CAAT system as an environment is created supportive of change. Instability of funding has also dictated a need for change. Therefore, a focus has become quality of learning with less demand on public resources. This qualitative case study was conducted at an Ontario CAAT to gather descriptive, perceptual data from post-secondary community college educators who were identified as supportive of self-directed learning and from post-secondary, traditional-aged college students who were perceived by their educators to be selfdirected learners. This college was selected because of initiatives to modify its academic paradigm to encourage what was reputed in the Ontario CAAT system to be self-directed learning. The purpose of this study was to investigate how postsecondary, traditional-aged college students and their educators perceive self-directed learning as part of the teaching-learning experience within a community college setting. Educator participants of the study were selected based on the results of a teaching and learning survey intended to identify educators supportive of self-directed learning. A total of 317 surveys were distributed to every full-time educator at the sample college; 192 completed surveys were returned for a return rate of 61 %. Of these, 8% indicated instructional beliefs and values supportive of self-directed learning. A purposive sample of six educators was selected using a maximulp variation sampling strategy. A network selection sampling strategy was used to select a purposive sample of seven post-secondary students who were identified by the sample educators as selfdirected learners. The results of the study show that students and educators have similar perspectives and operating definitions of self-directed learning and all participants believe they either practice or facilitate self-directed learning. However, their perspectives and practices are not consistent with the literature which emphasizes learner autonomy or control in course structure and content. A central characteristic of the participants represented in this study is the service-oriented professions with which each is associated. Experientiallearning opportunities were highly valued for the options provided in increasing learner independence and competencies in reflective practice. Although there were discrepancies between espoused theory and theory in practice in terms of course structure, the process of self-directed learning was being practiced and supported outside the classroom structure in clinical settings, labs and related experiences.


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The concept of self-directed learning was examined from the nurse educators' perspective. One structured interview, lasting between one and one-and-a half hours, was conducted with each of 14 nurse educators in two community college continuing education programs in nursing. One community college program encourages selfdirected learning; the other encourages self-study and active participation in the teaching/learning process. All 14 interviews were tape-recorded and transcribed verbatim. Verbatim transcripts were analyzed for themes, patterns, and relationships utilizing analyst-constructed typologies. six prerequisites or necessary conditions for facilitating self-directed learning in a community college continuing education program in nursing were identified. ~he crucial issue in facilitating self-directed learning was found to be the issue of teacher-control.


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This correlational study was designed to investigate the relationship between self-directed learning and personality type. A sample of 133 graduate and undergraduate education students completed the MBTI and the SDLRS. Two hypotheses were examined: (a) scores on the intuitive scale will account for a significant amount of the variance in the prediction of selfdirected learning readiness and, (b) scores on the introverted scale will account for a significant amount of the variance in self-directed learning readiness. Stepwise multiple regression analyses indicated that psychological type accounts for 28% of the variance in self-directed learning. Support for the first hypothesis was found with 15% of the variance in selfdirected learning accounted for by intuition. The second hypothesis was not supported. Introversion accounted for 13% of the variance but in a negative manner. Results of this study indicate that personality type does influence the ability of the learner to be self-directed in studies. These findings add another dimension for the adult educator to consider when attempting to develop self-directedness in learners.


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The study determined students' perceptions of self-directed learning in their courses. Tests to assess perceptions are not being used in many programs. Assessments such as the Self-Directed Readiness Scale (SDLRS) and the Oddi continuing Learning Inventory (OCLI) have weaknesses that may have affected the use of tests. In this study, the creation of the Self-Directed Learning Test (SDLT) monitored students' perceptions by addressing what students were told before registration, how much input students had in developing the structure of the course, how much input students have in determining the evaluation for the course, what style of learning is taking place, and the characteristics of learning found among students. Fifty-one students in the pre-service program at Brock University completed the SDLT. Results showed that 47.1% of the sample liked self-directed learning. Several students who stated that they did not like selfdirected learning did not know what self-directed learning was. Results supported Brookfield's (1986) claim for more education on what self-directed learning is. The study did not support Knowles' (1980) assumption that adult students know and want to follow self-directed approaches to learning. The SDLT is a good method for monitoring self-directed learning and how students perceive their courses.


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This study examines the connection between leisure group participation and learning activities undertaken by participants in the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA), a medieval recreationist group. The thesis of this connection was developed through the researcher's observations during SCA participation. The intent of this study is to understand adult learning from the self-directed learning, lifelong learning, and -transformative learning components derived from participant's SCA experiences. This qualitative study was conducted by interviewing eight active SCA participants, two in each participation theme of historical research, artistic representation, performance, and martial skills. Informants' responses demonstrated an integration of their leisure activity with learning. The contextualization of learning a s both a primary activity and a necessary support to participation, places learning a t the heart of participants' SCA related activities. The positive descriptions of learning activities, descriptive terms of ownership, and situating learning as an enjoyable activity engaged for the pleasure of the experience, provides adult educators with a fascinating glimpse of willing and engaged adult learners pursuing lifelong learning outside of the traditional educational structure. Two themes emerged during the interviews. First, bonding with others provided the motivation to continue their activities. Secondly, a feeling of commitment and helonging defined their enjoyment and satisfaction with SCA participation. The clear implications are that adult educators can create effective learning communities by developing educational structures that engage adult learners wi th meaningful social interaction.


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Regional Research Laboratory


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Begleitpersonen in der stationären Kinderrehabilitation: Bedarf für psychologische Interventionen und Evaluation eines Betreuungsmodells (am Beispiel „Triple-P-Programm”) Chronisch erkrankte Kinder im Vorschulalter, die eine stationäre Reha-Maßnahme absolvieren, werden üblicherweise von einer Bezugsperson (Elternteil oder nahe Verwandte) begleitet. Da diese sog. Begleitpersonen normalerweise nicht krank sind, sind psychologische Interventionen nicht vorgesehen. Dennoch hebt der VDR in seinem Rahmenkonzept hervor, dass Eltern sowohl über die Behandlung der Erkrankung ihres Kindes als auch über konsequente Erziehung informiert werden sollten. Diese Studie untersucht, ob psychologische Interventionen für Begleitpersonen sinnvoll und effektiv sind. Sie wurde in der Fachklinik Satteldüne der DRV Nord durchgeführt. Die Kinder, die in dieser Einrichtung behandelt werden, leiden an chronischen Erkrankungen wie Asthma, atopischer Dermatitis, Allergien und Infektanfälligkeit. 134 Begleitpersonen (127 Mütter und 7 Väter) nahmen an einer quasiexperimentellen Feldstudie teil. Zu Beginn der Reha-Maßnahme (t1) füllten sie Fragebögen zu ihrer psychischen Belastung und ihrem Erziehungsverhalten sowie zu Problemverhalten ihrer Kinder aus. Vier Wochen später zum Ende der Reha-Maßnahme (t2) beurteilten die Begleitpersonen und das Reha-Team den Reha-Erfolg der Kinder. Zu t1 zeigte diese Stichprobe ein überdurchschnittliches Ausmaß an psychischer Belastung, welches bei einem Drittel der Befragten ein klinisch relevantes Ausmaß erreichte. Die psychische Belastung zu t1 korrelierte negativ mit dem Reha-Erfolg der Kinder zum Ende der Behandlung (in der Einschätzung durch Begleitpersonen und Stationsärzte). Dysfunktionales Erziehungsverhalten zeigten 20 % der Begleitpersonen. Dieses korrelierte negativ mit dem Reha-Erfolg der Kinder (in der Einschätzung durch das Pflegepersonal). Es wurden positive Korrelationen zwischen dysfunktionalem Erziehungsverhalten sowie psychischer Belastung der Begleitpersonen und Verhaltensauffälligkeiten der Kinder gefunden. Das Ausmaß der Verhaltensauffälligkeiten lag bei Kleinkindern (bis drei Jahre, n=29) im durchschnittlichen – und bei Vorschulkindern (4-7 Jahre, n=94) im überdurchschnittlichen Bereich. Es zeigte sich ein starkes Interesse der Befragten, während der Reha-Maßnahme an psychologischen Interventionen teilzunehmen. Für das Entspannungstraining interessierte sich jede zweite Begleitperson und ein Drittel der Befragten hatte Interesse die Erziehungsberatung wahrzunehmen. Dennoch nahm nur ein geringer Anteil der anfänglich Interessierten tatsächlich an diesen Interventionen teil (Entspannungstraining: 23 %, Erziehungsberatung: 16 %, psychologische Einzelgespräche: 11,4 %). Es fanden sich signifikante positive Korrelationen zwischen der Zufriedenheit der Begleitpersonen mit der Reha-Maßnahme und a) dem Ausmaß der Erfüllung der Erwartungen der Begleitperson an die Reha-Maßnahme und b) dem Reha-Erfolg des Kindes (eingeschätzt durch die Begleitperson). Zudem zeigten Begleitpersonen, deren psychische Belastung während der Reha-Maßnahme anstieg, eine geringere Zufriedenheit mit der Reha-Maßnahme als diejenigen, deren psychische Belastung sich verringerte. Darüber hinaus wurden die Effekte von verschiedenen psychologischen Betreuungsmodellen für Begleitpersonen untersucht. In einer quasiexperimentellen Studie wurden 64 Begleitpersonen (63 Mütter, 1 Vater) auf zwei Gruppen aufgeteilt. Beide Gruppen konnten auf freiwilliger Basis am Psychologischen Standardprogramm für Begleitpersonen teilnehmen (Erziehungsberatung, psychologische Einzelgespräche, Entspannungstraining). Die 32 Begleitpersonen der EG nahmen zusätzlich an einer Triple-P-Gruppenintervention teil. Zu Beginn (t1) und zum Ende der vierwöchigen Behandlung (t2) sowie sechs Monate nach der Reha-Maßnahme (t3) wurden die Merkmale psychische Belastung und Erziehungsverhalten der Begleitpersonen sowie Problemverhalten der Kinder erhoben. An der Intervention Triple-P nahmen 64 % der Begleitpersonen teil; am Psychologischen Standardprogramm nur 22,7 %. Die Ergebnisse zu t2 zeigen positive Effekte der Behandlung: beide Gruppen verbesserten ihr Erziehungsverhalten, die psychische Belastung der Begleitpersonen und Verhaltensauffälligkeiten der Kinder verringerten sich. Die Verbesserung des Erziehungsverhaltens fiel zu t2 bei der EG signifikant stärker aus als bei der KG. Die Effekte auf das Erziehungsverhalten der Eltern und auf Verhaltensauffälligkeiten der Kinder hielten ein halbes Jahr an, da sie zu t3 erneut vorgefunden wurden. Ein nachhaltiger Effekt auf die psychische Belastung der Begleitpersonen lag nicht vor. Zu t3 wurden keine signifikanten Unterschiede zwischen EG und KG gefunden. Zusammenfassend betrachtet zeigt diese Studie, dass der Bedarf für psychologische Interventionen für Begleitpersonen in der stationären Kinderrehabilitation gerechtfertigt ist und eine Reduktion von psychischer Belastung und dysfunktionalem Erziehungsverhalten der Begleitperson den Reha-Erfolg des Kindes erhöhen kann. In Zukunft sind weitere Anstrengungen nötig, um die psychische Belastung von Begleitpersonen zu verringern, z.B. über eine stärkere Verpflichtung zur Teilnahme an den psychologischen Interventionen, eine bessere Verzahnung von ambulanten und stationären Interventionen und die kontinuierliche Evaluation von neuen psychologischen Interventionen.


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Objective To introduce a new approach to problem-based learning (PBL) for self-directed learning in renal therapeutics. Design This 5-week course, designed for large student cohorts using minimal teaching resources, was based on a series of case studies and subsequent pharmaceutical care plans, followed by intensive and regular feedback from the instructor. Assessment Assessment of achievement of the learning outcomes was based on weekly-graded care plans and peer review assessment, allowing each student to judge the contributions of each group member and their own, along with a written case-study based examination. The pharmaceutical care plan template, designed using a “tick-box” system, significantly reduced staff time for feedback and scoring. Conclusion The proposed instructional model achieved the desired learning outcomes with appropriate student feedback, while promoting skills that are essential for the students' future careers as health care professionals.


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To date, only little is known about the self-directed perception and processing of subtle gaze cues in social anxiety that might however contribute to excessive feelings of being looked at by others. Using a web-based approach, participants (n=174) were asked whether or not briefly (300 ms) presented facial expressions modulated in gaze direction (0°, 2°, 4°, 6°, 8°) and valence (angry, fearful, happy, neutral) were directed at them. The results demonstrate a positive, linear relationship between self-reported social anxiety and stronger self-directed perception of others' gaze directions, particularly for negative (angry, fearful) and neutral expressions. Furthermore, faster responding was found for gaze more clearly directed at socially anxious individuals (0°, 2°, and 4°) suggesting a tendency to avoid direct gaze. In sum, the results illustrate an altered self-directed perception of subtle gaze cues. The possibly amplifying effects of social stress on biased self-directed perception of eye gaze are discussed.