808 resultados para Segurança do trabalho : Canteiro de obras


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This work provides great contribution to the documental study of the Work Safety courses offered by CEFETs in Brazil, under the perspective of safety management and occupational health, using as a referential the specification OHSAS 18001 (BSI, 1999), as well as directions provided by OIT (ILO, 2001). The theoretical research compares technical and managing competences of the projects of Work Safety courses at CEFETs with the international legislation mentioned above. For field research, questionnaires containing open and close questions were answered by teachers and students aiming at identifying the importance of technical and managing competences for the formation of Work Safety technicians, besides trying to identify which level of minimal formal knowledge should be required to perform managing activities in the area of Work Safety Management Systems and Occupational Health (SGSSO, in Portuguese). The results of the theoretical research point out differences between the projects of the Work Safety technical courses at CEFETs under the perspective of SGSSO. The field research shows that students and teachers opinions converge about most technical and managing competences. In relation to academic formation, the research suggests divergences to the criterion stated by the norm ISO 19011(ABNT, 2002)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The purpose of this study envisaged the quantification of skin and respiratory exposures occasioned by work conditions during pesticide spraying of citrus fruits using hand gun sprayers; the evaluation of the efficiency of individual and group protection measures for the workers; the determination of workers' most exposed body regions; and the classification of work conditions, with and without the tested work-safety protection measures as recommended for the registered pesticides used to control the main pests and diseases that attack these types of trees and fruits. The AZR protection equipment proved to be the most efficient for the tractor driver, when spraying using pistol sprayers. The two sets of individual protection equipment that were checked also proved to be efficient. The most exposed regions of the tractor driver's body were the thighs, the front of the legs, the feet and hands. The most exposed regions of the individual sprayer working on foot were the hands and feet.


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The objectives of this study were: a) to quantify dermal and respiratory exposure resulting from work conditions in the application of pesticides on citrus crops using a air-assisted sprayer and by preparing the spray in a tank with a capacity of2.000 L; b) to evaluate the measures of individual protection for these workers; c) to determine the areas of the worker's body most exposed; and d) to classify the work conditions with and without the protective measures tested, with regard to the occupational safety of the recommendations for the pesticides used in controlling the main pests and diseases of this crop. It was shown that for the tractor driver and sprayer operator applyng pesticides on citrus trees, the most efficient protective measures were the AZR ensemble and the Real cabin. The AZR ensemble was effective in controlling exposure of the spray preparer, because it was sufficient to turn work conditions from unsafe to safe. The area of the body most exposed under the two work conditions studied was the hands of the workers.


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The theme of African-Brazilian culture is still little explored in the school environment, in spite of the 10.639/03 law which prescribes its mandatory teaching as well as that of African-Brazilian history and African culture in all schools, public and private, from the Elementary School level to High School. Moreover, this law emphasizes the importance that these cultures had in the formation of Brazilian society. Considering this issue, this paper aims to analyze the work Três anjos mulatos do Brasil (2011), by Rui de Oliveira, which brings together three sensitive and touching biographies, followed by beautiful and artistic pictures. hese narratives address the genius of three great artists –Aleijadinho, Mestre Valentim and Father José Maurício–, their styles, their creations and struggle for recognition, as well as the sufering they experienced, primarily caused by racial discrimination. Also, we intend to present in this text a suggested pedagogical use of the work by Oliveira, by applying the “Recepcional” method, as it was deined by Bordini and Aguiar (1993).


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Nossa dissertação tem como objetivo estudar a Educação e a Segurança do Trabalho em Eletricidade frente à Norma Regulamentadora NR-10 (Segurança em Instalações e Serviços em Eletricidade). Segundo os aspectos aparentes da própria NR-10 em seus noventa e nove (99) itens e nos dois anexos de treinamento: curso básico (NR-10) e complementar (Sistema Elétrico de Potência – SEP), sua finalidade consiste na garantia da segurança do trabalho em eletricidade, todavia, a partir de nossa análise (da NR-10) e de nossa experiência no trabalho em eletricidade surgiu à demanda representada na hipótese de que: os trabalhadores em eletricidade percebem que as medidas preconizadas na NR-10 e em seus treinamentos não correspondem integralmente as suas necessidades. Nossa estratégia é testar a NR-10 ao examinarmos: a) sua formatação e aplicação baseada do modelo tripartite; b) seus conceitos de segurança do trabalho; c) as consolidações de seus artigos jurídicos; d) as programações, carga horária, as estratégias didáticas e educacionais de seus treinamentos. Isto é, examinaremos a NR-10 frente aos conteúdos dos processos de Educação, Luta por Saúde e Condições de Vida da Classe Trabalhadora, excepcionalmente do trabalhador em eletricidade.(AU)


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Nossa dissertação tem como objetivo estudar a Educação e a Segurança do Trabalho em Eletricidade frente à Norma Regulamentadora NR-10 (Segurança em Instalações e Serviços em Eletricidade). Segundo os aspectos aparentes da própria NR-10 em seus noventa e nove (99) itens e nos dois anexos de treinamento: curso básico (NR-10) e complementar (Sistema Elétrico de Potência – SEP), sua finalidade consiste na garantia da segurança do trabalho em eletricidade, todavia, a partir de nossa análise (da NR-10) e de nossa experiência no trabalho em eletricidade surgiu à demanda representada na hipótese de que: os trabalhadores em eletricidade percebem que as medidas preconizadas na NR-10 e em seus treinamentos não correspondem integralmente as suas necessidades. Nossa estratégia é testar a NR-10 ao examinarmos: a) sua formatação e aplicação baseada do modelo tripartite; b) seus conceitos de segurança do trabalho; c) as consolidações de seus artigos jurídicos; d) as programações, carga horária, as estratégias didáticas e educacionais de seus treinamentos. Isto é, examinaremos a NR-10 frente aos conteúdos dos processos de Educação, Luta por Saúde e Condições de Vida da Classe Trabalhadora, excepcionalmente do trabalhador em eletricidade.(AU)


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