965 resultados para Seeds - Vigour


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A fixed bed pyrolysis has been designed and fabricated for obtaining liquid fuel from Mahogany seeds. The major components of the system are fixed bed pyrolysis reactor, liquid condenser and liquid collectors. The Mahogany seed in particle form is pyrolysed in an externally heated 10 cm diameter and 36 cm high fixed bed reactor with nitrogen as the carrier gas. The reactor is heated by means of a biomass source cylindrical heater from 450oC to 600oC. The products are oil, char and gas. The reactor bed temperature, running time and feed particle size are considered as process parameters. A maximum liquid yield of 54wt% of biomass feed is obtained with particle size of 1.18 mm at a reactor bed temperature of 5500C with a running time of 90 minutes. The oil is found to possess favorable flash point and reasonable density and viscosity. The higher calorific value is found to be 39.9 MJ/kg which is higher than other biomass derived pyrolysis oils.


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Mobility across space is an exemplary characteristic of the global era and an important aspect of the cultural experience of many people in advanced industrialised nations. Mobility evokes powerful images that effectively counter any illusion of stationary life and provide a break from the insularity of the local and parochial. High levels of mobility are simultaneously a fact, a necessity and a cultural aspiration. In recent times, debates about mobility in social theory have considered the relationship between mobility and cosmopolitan culture and identities (Hannerz, 1990, Urry, 1990, 2000, Beck, 2006). Against this backdrop, this paper also draws on some of the more recent discussions about the emergence of globalised and cosmopolitan identities among young people (Beck and Beck-Gernsheim, 2009). Using data from a longitudinal study of young people in Queensland, this paper provides an insight into young people’s aspirations about future mobility. The data affirm Skeggs’ (2004) comment that mobility is an unequal resource, and demonstrate that aspirations of future mobility reflect numerous social, economic and cultural realities of young people’s lives. This inevitably leads us to problematise the established, and often abstract, nexus between cosmopolitanism and mobility in contemporary debates about cosmopolitanism.


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Myceugenia rufa is a rare and endemic species from the coast of central Chile. There are no published studies describing flower, fruit or seed anatomy. Forty-two accessions were collected from across the geographic range of the species. Reproductive structures were fixed, dehydrated, embedded in paraffin, sectioned and stained with Safranin O and Fast green. Anatomy of floral buds, mature flowers, fruits and seeds was described. Reproductive anatomy matches that of other Myrtaceae, such as presence of druses, internal phloem and schizogenous secretory cavities in buds, flowers, fruits and seeds. The anatomy and development of reproductive structures of M. rufa might enhance the understanding for future studies regarding natural reproduction and conservation programs.


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Jacalin and artocarpin, the two lectins from jackfruit (Artocarpus integrifolia) seeds, have different physicochemical properties and carbohydrate-binding specificities. However, comparison of the partial amino-acid sequence of artocarpin with the known sequence of jacalin indicates close to 50% sequence identity. Artocarpin crystallizes in two forms, both monoclinic P2(1), with one and two tetramic molecules, respectively, in the asymmetric units of form I (a = 69.9, b = 73.7, c = 60.6 Angstrom and beta = 95.1 degrees) and form II (a = 87.6, b = 72.2, c = 92.6 Angstrom and beta = 101.1 degrees). Both the crystal structures have been solved by the molecular replacement method using the known structure of jacalin as the search model and ope of them partially refined, confirming that the two lectins are indeed homologous.


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A 100,000 x g supernatant fraction prepared from developing groundnut seeds (30-35 days after flowering) catalyzed the synthesis of fatty acids from [l-14C]acetate at a rate of 120nmoles of acetate incorporated per hr per gram fresh weight of tissue. 90% of this incorporated label was associated with fatty acids. The major fatty acids formed were stearic- (77%) and palmitic acids (14%) with 4% of oleic acid. The fatty acid synthetase activity was stable when stored at 0-4 degrees C for at least fifteen days. It is concluded from these results that acetyl-coA carboxylase and all the enzymes of fatty acid synthetase from developing groundnut seeds are soluble.


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To investigate the effects of soil type on seed persistence in a manner that controlled for location and climate variables, three weed species—Gomphocarpus physocarpus (swan plant), Avena sterilis ssp. ludoviciana (wild oat) and Ligustrum lucidum (broadleaf privet)—were buried for 21 months in three contrasting soils at a single location. Soil type had a significant effect on seed persistence and seedling vigour, but soil water content and temperature varied between soils due to differences in physical and chemical properties. Warmer, wetter conditions favoured shorter persistence. A laboratory-based test was developed to accelerate the rate of seed ageing within soils, using controlled superoptimal temperature and moisture conditions (the soil-specific accelerated ageing test, SSAAT). The SSAAT demonstrated that soil type per se did not influence seed longevity. Moreover, the order in which seeds aged was the same whether aged in the field or SSAAT, with L. lucidum being shortest-lived and A. sterilis being longest-lived of the three species.


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Glucosinolates are sulphur-containing glycosides found in brassicaceous plants that can be hydrolysed enzymatically by plant myrosinase or non-enzymatically to form primarily isothiocyanates and/or simple nitriles. From a human health perspective, isothiocyanates are quite important because they are major inducers of carcinogen-detoxifying enzymes. Two of the most potent inducers are benzyl isothiocyanate (BITC) present in garden cress (Lepidium sativum), and phenylethyl isothiocyanate (PEITC) present in watercress (Nasturtium officinale). Previous studies on these salad crops have indicated that significant amounts of simple nitriles are produced at the expense of the isothiocyanates. These studies also suggested that nitrile formation may occur by different pathways: (1) under the control of specifier protein in garden cress and (2) by an unspecified, non-enzymatic path in watercress. In an effort to understand more about the mechanisms involved in simple nitrile formation in these species, we analysed their seeds for specifier protein and myrosinase activities, endogenous iron content and glucosinolate degradation products after addition of different iron species, specific chelators and various heat treatments. We confirmed that simple nitrile formation was predominantly under specifier protein control (thiocyanate-forming protein) in garden cress seeds. Limited thermal degradation of the major glucosinolate, glucotropaeolin (benzyl glucosinolate), occurred when seed material was heated to >120 degrees C. In the watercress seeds, however, we show for the first time that gluconasturtiin (phenylethyl glucosinolate) undergoes a non-enzymatic, iron-dependent degradation to a simple nitrile. On heating the seeds to 120 degrees C or greater, thermal degradation of this heat-labile glucosinolate increased simple nitrile levels many fold.


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This paper reports a field study undertaken to determine if the foliar application of herbicides fluroxypyr (150 mL 100 L-1 a.i.) and metsulfuron-methyl (12 g 100 L-1 a.i.) were capable of reducing the germination and viability of Chromolaena odorata (L.) R.M.King & H.Rob. (Siam weed) seeds at three different stages of maturity. After foliar application of fluroxypyr germination of mature seeds was reduced by 88% and intermediate and immature seeds were reduced by 100%, compared to the control. Fluroxypyr also reduced the viability of mature, intermediate and immature seeds by 79, 89 and 67% respectively, compared to the control. Metsulfuron-methyl reduced germination of intermediate and immature seeds by 53 and 99% respectively compared to the control. Viability was also reduced by 74 and 96% respectively, compared to the control. Mature seeds were not affected by metsulfuron-methyl as germination and viability increased by 2% and 1% respectively, as compared to the control. These results show that these herbicides are capable of reducing the amount of viable seed entering the seed bank. However depending on the treatment and stage of seed development a percentage of seeds on the plants will remain viable and contribute to the seed bank. This information is of value to Siam weed eradication teams as plants are most easily located and subsequently treated at the time of flowering. Knowledge of the impact of control methods on seeds at various stages of development will help determine the most suitable chemical control option for a given situation.


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Vertebrates play a major role in dispersing seeds of fleshy-fruited alien plants. However, we know little of how the traits of alien fleshy fruits compare with indigenous fleshy fruits, and how these differences might contribute to invasion success. In this study, we characterised up to 38 fruit morphology, pulp nutrient and phenology traits of an assemblage of 34 vertebrate-dispersed alien species in south-eastern Queensland, Australia. Most alien fruits were small (81%\15 mm in mean width), and had watery fruit pulps that were high in sugars and low in nitrogen and lipids. When compared to indigenous species, alien fruits had significantly smaller seeds. Further, alien fruit pulps contained more sugar and more variable (and probably greater) nitrogen per pulp wet weight, and species tended to have longer fruiting seasons than indigenous species. Our analyses suggest that fruit traits could be important in determining invasiveness and could be used to improve pre- and post-border weed risk assessment.


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Seeds in the field experience wet-dry cycling that is akin to the well-studied commercial process of seed priming in which seeds are hydrated and then re-dried to standardise their germination characteristics. To investigate whether the persistence (defined as in situ longevity) and antioxidant capacity of seeds are influenced by wet-dry cycling, seeds of the global agronomic weed Avena sterilis ssp. ludoviciana were subjected to (1) controlled ageing at 60% relative humidity and 53.5°C for 31 days, (2) controlled ageing then priming, or (3) ageing in the field in three soils for 21 months. Changes in seed viability (total germination), mean germination time, seedling vigour (mean seedling length), and the concentrations of the glutathione (GSH) / glutathione disulphide (GSSG) redox couple were recorded over time. As controlled-aged seeds lost viability, GSH levels declined and the relative proportion of GSSG contributing to total glutathione increased, indicative of a failing antioxidant capacity. Subjecting seeds that were aged under controlled conditions to a wet-dry cycle (to −1 MPa) prevented viability loss and increased GSH levels. Field-aged seeds that underwent numerous wet-dry cycles due to natural rainfall maintained high viability and high GSH levels. Thus wet-dry cycles in the field may enhance seed longevity and persistence coincident with re-synthesis of protective compounds such as GSH.


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In subtropical Australia, many native and invasive plant species rely on a shared suite of frugivores, largely birds, for seed dispersal. Many native plants fruit during summer in this region, whereas most invasive plants fruit during winter, thus providing the opportunity for contagious dispersal of seeds beneath synchronously fruiting species. We sampled invasive and native seed rain beneath the canopy of a native summer-fruiting tree Guioa semiglauca and an invasive winter-fruiting tree Cinnamomum camphora, in three study sites over the course of a year. In July, during peak fruiting season for C. camphora and other invasive species, seed rain of invasive species was higher beneath C. camphora than G. semiglauca. This was partly due to the invasive tree Ligustrum lucidum, whose seed rain was three times higher beneath C. camphora than beneath the native tree. In February, seed rain of native species was more abundant beneath the canopy of G. semiglauca than beneath C. camphora, despite the fact that C. camphora was also fruiting at this time. This was probably due to the larger fruit crop produced by G. semiglauca at this time of year. Our study provides evidence that the presence of invasive bird-dispersed plants may facilitate contagious seed dispersal of other invaders, and likewise native species may facilitate seed spread of other native plants.


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THE use of NMR to investigate the quality of the oil as a function of maturity of the seeds is demonstrated for sunflower seeds. The percentages of the saturated and individual unsaturated aids are determined as a function of time after flowering of the seeds. The percentage of saturated fatty acids is found to decrease with maturity of seeds whereas the extent of the unsaturated acids increases.


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We tested, in an olfactometer, whether or not Tribolium castaneum Herbst (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) responds preferentially to the volatiles that emanate from the fungi associated with cotton [Gossypium hirsutum L. (Malvaceae)] seed over those that emanate from cereals, because cereals are usually portrayed as the primary resources of these beetles. Pairwise comparisons were conducted between cotton seed, wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), and sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] (both Poaceae); volatiles were tested from intact seeds and from both water and ethanol extracts. The results demonstrate that T. castaneum is attracted more strongly to cotton seeds with its lint contaminated with fungi, than to the conventional resources of this species (i.e., wheat and sorghum). Further tests prove that it is the fungus on the lint that produces the active volatiles, because the beetles did not respond to sterilized cotton lint (i.e., without the fungi typically associated with it when cotton seed is stored). Tests with five fungal cultures (each representing an unidentified species that was isolated from the field-collected cotton lint) were variable across the cultures, with only one of them being significantly attractive to the beetles. The others were not attractive and one may even have repulsed the beetles. The results are consistent with the beetles having a strong ecological association with fungi and suggest it would be worth investigating the ecology of T. castaneum from this perspective. © 2012 The Netherlands Entomological Society.