34 resultados para Seaport


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Turbine inlet pressures of similar to 300 bar in case of CO2 based cycles call for redesigning the cycle in such a way that the optimum high side pressures are restricted to the discharge pressure limits imposed by currently available commercial compressors (similar to 150 bar) for distributed power generation. This leads to a cycle which is a combination of a transcritical condensing and a subcritical cycle with an intercooler and a bifurcation system in it. Using a realistic thermodynamic model, it is predicted that the cycle with the working fluid as a non-flammable mixture of 48.5 % propane and rest CO2 delivers similar to 37.2 % efficiency at 873 K with a high and a low side pressure of 150 and 26 bar respectively. This is in contrast to the best efficiency of similar to 36.1 % offered by a transcritical condensing cycle with the same working fluid at a high side pressure of similar to 300 bar


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The distributions of different forms of nitrogen in the surface sediments of the southern Huanghai Sea are different and affected by various factors. The contents of IEF-N, SOEF-N and TN gradually decrease eastward, and those of SAEF-N northward, while those of WAEF-N westward. Around the seaport of the old Huanghe (Yellow) River, the contents of both SOEF-N and TN are the highest. Among all the factors, the content of fine sediment is the predominant factor to affect the distributions of different forms of nitrogen. The contents of IEF-N, SOEF-N, and TN have visibly positive correlation with the content of fine sediments, and the correlative coefficient is 0.68, 0.58 and 0.71 respectively, showing that the contents of the three forms of nitrogen increase with those of fine sediments. The content of WAEF-N is related to that of fine sediments to a certain extent, with a correlative coefficient of 0.35; while the content of SAEF-N is not related to that of fine sediments, showing that the content of SAEF-N is not controlled by fine grain-size fractions of sediments. In addition, the distributions of different forms of nitrogen are also interacted one another, and the contents of IEF-N and SOEF-N are obviously affected by TN, while those of inorganic nitrogen (WAEF-N, SAEF-N and IEF-N) are not affected by SOEF-N and TN obviously, although they are interacted each other.


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The Antrim Coast Road stretching from the seaport of Larne in the East of Northern Ireland to the famous Giant’s Causeway in the North has a well-deserved reputation for being one of the most spectacular roads in Europe (Day, 2006). At various locations along the route, fluid interactions between the problematic geology, Jurassic Lias Clay and Triassic Mudstone overlain by Cretaceous Limestone and Tertiary Basalt, and environmental variables result in frequent instances of slope instability within the vadose zone. During such instances of instability, debris flows and composite mudflows encroach on the carriageway posing a hazard to road users. This paper examines the site investigative, geotechnical and spatial analysis techniques currently being implemented to monitor slope stability for one site at Straidkilly Point, Glenarm, Northern Ireland. An in-depth understanding of the geology was obtained via boreholes, resistivity surveys and laboratory testing. Environmental variables recorded by an on-site weather station were correlated with measured pore water pressure and soil moisture infiltration dynamic data.
Terrestrial LiDAR (TLS) was applied to the slope for the monitoring of failures, with surveys carried out on a bi-monthly basis. TLS monitoring allowed for the generation of Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) of difference, highlighting areas of recent movement, erosion and deposition. Morphology parameters were generated from the DEMs and include slope, curvature and multiple measures of roughness. Changes in the structure of the slope coupled with morphological parameters are characterised and linked to progressive failures from the temporal monitoring. In addition to TLS monitoring, Aerial LiDARi datasets were used for the spatio-morphological characterisation of the slope on a macro scale. Results from the geotechnical and environmental monitoring were compared with spatial data obtained through Terrestrial and Airborne LiDAR, providing a multi-faceted approach to slope stability characterization, which facilitates more informed management of geotechnical risk by the Northern Ireland Roads Service.


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The Antrim Coast Road stretching from the seaport of Larne in the East of Northern Ireland has a well-deserved reputation for being one of the most spectacular roads in Europe (Day, 2006). However the problematic geology; Jurassic Lias Clay and Triassic Mudstone overlain by Cretaceous Limestone and Tertiary Basalt, and environmental variables result in frequent instances of slope instability manifested in both shallow debris flows and occasional massive rotational movements, creating a geotechnical risk to this highway. This paper describes how a variety of techniques are being used to both assess instability and monitor movement of these active slopes near one site at Straidkilly Point, Glenarm. An in-depth understanding of the geology was obtained via boreholes, resistivity surveys and laboratory testing. Environmental variables recorded by an on-site weather station were correlated with measured pore water pressure and soil moisture infiltration data. Terrestrial LiDAR (TLS), with surveys carried out on a bi-monthly basis allowed for the generation of Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) of difference, highlighting areas of recent movement, accumulation and depletion. Morphology parameters were generated from the DEMs and include slope, curvature and multiple measures of roughness. Changes in the structure of the slope coupled with morphological parameters were characterised and linked to progressive failures from the temporal monitoring. In addition to TLS monitoring, Aerial LiDAR datasets were used for the spatio-morphological characterisation of the slope on a macro scale. A Differential Global Positioning System (dGPS) was also deployed on site to provide a real-time warning system for gross movements, which were also correlated with environmental conditions. Frequent electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) surveys were also implemented to provide a better understanding of long-term changes in soil moisture and help to define the complex geology. The paper describes how the data obtained via a diverse range of methods has been combined to facilitate a more informed management regime of geotechnical risk by the Northern Ireland Roads Service.


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This paper examines road freight transport activity and its relationship with facility location, logistics management and urban form through an analysis of 14 selected urban areas in the UK. Improved understanding of this relationship will assist planners when making transport and land use decisions. The findings suggest that several geographical, spatial and land use factors have important influences on freight activity in urban areas. Commercial and industrial land use patterns affect the types and quantities of goods produced, consumed, and hence the total quantity of freight transport handled. This also influences the distances over which goods are moved and by what specific mode. There has been relatively low growth in warehousing in many of the selected areas over the last decade compared to the national average as well suburbanisation of warehousing in some locations. This affects the origin and destination of journeys visiting these facilities and typically increases the distance of such journeys. A greater proportion of road freight has been shown to be lifted on internal journeys in large urban areas than in smaller ones. Journeys within urban areas have been shown to be less efficient than journeys to and from the urban area in the 14 locations studied due to the much smaller average vehicle carrying capacities and lower lading factors for journeys within urban areas. The length of haul on journeys to and from urban areas studied was found to be greatest for those areas with a major seaport and/or which were geographically remote. This affects the road freight transport intensity of goods transport journeys.


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This paper addresses a gap in the literature concerning the management of Intellectual Capital (IC) in a port, which is a network of independent organizations that act together in the provision of a set of services. As far as the authors are aware, this type of empirical context has been unexplored when regarding knowledge management or IC creation/destruction. Indeed, most research in IC still focus on individual firms, despite the more recent interest placed on the analysis of macro-level units such as regions or nations. In this study, we conceptualise the port as meta-organisation, which has the generic goal of economic development, both for itself and for the region where it is located. It provides us with a unique environment due to its complexity as an “organisation” composed by several organisations, connected by interdependency relationships and, typically, with no formal hierarchy. Accordingly, actors’ interests are not always aligned and in some situations their individual interests can be misaligned with the collective goals of the port. Moreover, besides having their own interests, port actors also have different sources of influence and different levels of power, which can impact on the port’s Collective Intellectual Capital (CIC). Consequently, the management of the port’s CIC can be crucial in order for its goals to be met. With this paper we intend to discuss how the network coordinator (the port authority) manages those complex relations of interest and power in order to develop collaboration and mitigate conflict, thus creating collective intellectual assets or avoiding intellectual liabilities that may emerge for the whole port. The fact that we are studying complex and dynamic processes, about which there is a lack of understanding, in a complex and atypical organisation, leads us to consider the case study as an appropriate method of research. Evidence presented in this study results from preliminary interviews and also from document analysis. Findings suggest that alignment of interests and actions, at both dyadic and networking levels, is critical to develop a context of collaboration/cooperation within the port community and, accordingly, the port coordinator should make use of different types of power in order to ensure that port’s goals are achieved.


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Este trabajo se centra en las oportunidades que representan para Colombia en términos de infraestructura y competitividad portuaria frente a los pares latinoamericanos con puertos en el Pacífico. Así, el análisis se centra en la situación actual del puerto más representativo del país en esta costa, Puerto de Buenaventura, con respecto a la situación que presentan los terminales más avanzados de este litoral como son los Puertos del Callao en Perú y de Valparaíso en Chile. De la misma forma, se aborda el contexto económico de cada país identificando claramente las características mercantiles e industriales, que de la mano con sus políticas comerciales, dan como resultado el avance o retroceso de sus puertos. Estas terminales son las que finalmente determinaran si un país está en condición de participar activamente el comercio internacional y el nivel de preparación para afrontar el mundo globalizado. Por último, se busca determinar los puntos a favor y las deficiencias de los puertos colombianos frente a los otros 2 en cuestión para determinar qué tan lejos está el país de los puertos más grandes, eficientes y modernos del mundo, y las recomendaciones a seguir para convertirse en puertos dinámicos y productivos que solo traigan beneficios a Colombia.


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Port authorities increasingly need to communicate with a variety of external stakeholders in order to maintain and strengthen the societal acceptance of seaport activities. The availability of socio-economic impact studies on port authority and regional development agency websites has often made this information accessible to the public at large. However, the differences in methodologies adopted, in terms of selecting, defining and measuring various types of socio-economic impacts, sometimes lead to misconceptions as well as misleading comparisons across ports within and between regions. In this paper, we suggest guidelines for the design and application of a potential best practice from an interregional perspective (UK, France and Belgium), based on research in the framework of a European Commission co-funded project, ‘IMPACTE’. The paper also aims to develop guidelines for comparing the socio-economic impacts of ports across regional and national borders and discusses the development of a European port economic impact measurement toolkit. We analyse a sample of 33 recent socio-economic impact assessment reports in terms of methodologies adopted and types of impacts measured. The review shows a great diversity among these studies, leading to important differences between the impacts of port activity communicated to stakeholders.


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1. Role of multi-criteria decision making in natural resource management /​ Gamini Herath and Tony Prato
2. Analysis of forest policy using multi-attribute value theory /​ Jayanath Ananda and Gamini Herath
3. Comparing Riparian revegetation policy options using the analytic hierarchy process /​ M. E. Qureshi and S. R. Harrison
4. Managing environmental and health risks from a lead and zinc smelter : an application of deliberative multi-criteria evaluation /​ Wendy Proctor, Chris McQuade and Anne Dekker
5. Multiple attribute evaluation of management alternatives for the Missouri River System /​ Tony Prato
6. Multi-criteria decision analysis for integrated watershed management /​ Zeyuan Qiu
7. Fuzzy multiple attribute evaluation of agricultural systems /​ Leonie A. Marks and Elizabeth G. Dunn
8. Multi-criteria decision support for energy supply assessment /​ Bram Noble
9. Seaport development in Vietnam : evaluation using the analytic hierarchy process /​ Tran Phuong Dong and David M. Chapman
10. Valuing wetland aquatic resources using the analytic hierarchy process /​ Premachandra Wattage and Simon Mardle
11. Multiple attribute evaluation for national park management /​ Tony Prato
12. The future of MCDA in natural resource management : some generalizations /​ Gamini Herath and Tony Prato.


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Ao longo da última década muitos estudos apontaram que a economia brasileira não desempenhou de acordo com o seu potencial. Muitos defendem que a falta de qualidade do sistema portuário brasileiro interfere de forma significativa nesse contexto. Com o uso da metodologia Strategic Options Development and Analysis foi possível identificar principais fatores que resultam na deficiência do setor no Brasil, assim como propor opções estratégicas para mitigar ou solucionar os problemas. Oito entrevistas foram conduzidas com empresas que conjuntamente pudessem representar uma perspectiva holística da cadeia de comércio exterior. Como resultado, um modelo baseado nos mapas cognitivos dos entrevistados foi criado e sete fatores foram apontados como os mais relevantes entraves do setor. During the last decade, several studies indicated that the Brazilian economy was not performing as expected or according to its potential. Many argue that the lack of quality in the seaport system acts as a determinant driver in this context. The usage of Strategic Options Development and Analysis methodology permits identifying the main factors that result in this sector lagging behind in Brazil, as well as suggests strategic options to mitigate or solve the problems permanently. Eight in-depth interviews were conducted with companies that together represent a holistic perspective of the international trade process. As a result, a framework based on the interviewees´ individual cognitive maps was created and seven factors were pointed as the sector´s most relevant issues.


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Investing in transport infrastructures such as roadways, airports and seaports has proven to improve a country's trade performance through reduction of transportation costs and providing access to production and market. This research investigates the diminishing return of infrastructure investment and also the rate of return of two types of infrastructure investment strategies on trade. An augmented gravity model is used with econometric analysis methods in this study. The results have shown that as roadway and airport densities increase, the marginal returns on trade decrease. Empirical evidence from the United States and China with all their trading partners from the past twenty years has also suggested existence of diminishing return of infrastructure investment on roadways and airports. Infrastructure investment strategy that focuses on increasing roadway and airport density experiences smaller diminishing return on trade. In contrast, seaport investment that focuses on port quality and efficiency generates higher return on trade. A trade benefiting infrastructure investment strategy that best utilizes financial resources must balance between quality and quantity based on a country's current level of infrastructure asset.


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The first part of this paper will give a brief introduction to maritime missiology, the second section will trace the beginnings of the Boston Seaman’s Friend Society in the nineteenth century and the third will focus on the Vineyard Haven branch of that work well into the twentieth century. Using source material from the American Seamen’s Friend Society - there is a 5,000 document collection of the ASFS papers in the G.W. Blunt White Library at Mystic Seaport, the Boston Seaman’s Friend Society - whose papers are mostly in the Congregational House on Beacon Hill in Boston, and other secondary works from the nineteenth and twentieth century. I am especially indebted to George Wiseman’s book, They Kept the Lower Lights Burning, Wiseman was the pastor of Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church in Oak Bluff during WWII and the son-in-law of Austin Tower. This presentation will look at the many facets that made up religious work among seafarers.


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Species composition, phytoplankton abundance, and relative yield of variable fluorescence (F_v/F_m) were determined in the mesotrophic Nhatrang Bay in October-November 2004. Species diversity (250 taxonomic units) and heterogeneity of the phytoplankton structure were high. With respect to number of species and their abundance, diatoms prevailed. In selected parts of the bay, dinoflagellates dominated. Average biomass in the water column under 1 m**2 (Bt) varied from 2.3 to 64.4 mg C/m**3 (av. 31.0 mg C/m**3). Bt values were the lowest at stations nearest to the river mouth. Seaward, Bt increased. Bt values increased with depth at some stations and decreased at others. In surface layers biomass was lower than that in the underlying waters. F_v/F_m values ranged from 0.10 to 0.64 (av. 0.49). The lowest F_v/F_m values were observed in the area close to the seaport. Over greater part of the bay, F_v/F_m values were higher than 0.47. Such values are indicative of relatively high potential of photosynthetic activity of phytoplankton. Abundance and species diversity were higher than those in the dry season (March-April).