990 resultados para Scientific discourses


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This work discusses the ontology of the visible at the thought of Maurice Merleau-Ponty (1908-1961), which points to a depth and opacity of the perceived world that oppose transparency of geometric world thought by René Descartes (1596-1650). At first we approached the Cartesian discourse developed in Dioptrics Descartes, the first of three scientific discourses published in 1637, being introduced by the famous Discourse method. In this sense, this research discusses the mechanistic explanation that the modern philosopher has the vision, process comprising the formation of images on the retina and its communication to the brain, and the subsequent reading performed by an immaterial mind. Discusses the notion of image as a result of the interpretation of the spirit because, for Descartes, is not the eye that sees, but the spirit that reads and decodes the signals that the body receives the world. At another point, reflected on the criticism of the philosopher Maurice Merleau-Ponty at the thought of overflight present in Dioptrics Descartes. Therefore, it takes as its reference the third part of the book The Eye and the Spirit (1961), in which the intellectualist approach of vision is considered a failed attempt to move away from the visible to rebuild it from anywhere . In this sense, it reflects on a new ontology proposed by Merleau-Ponty thinking being without departing from the puzzles of the body and vision. Puzzles that show a promiscuity between the seer and the seen, between sentient and sensitive. Thus, this paper discusses how visibility was treated by the contemporary philosopher, not as something to be judged by the spirit to get a real nature of things, but as a manifestation of the same things. Finally, this research explores the ontology of the visible in merleaupontiano thought, an ontology that does not rebuild or appropriates visible by a thought of overflight, but what you do from your own visibility as compared original and constant with depth in the world.


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This work discusses the ontology of the visible at the thought of Maurice Merleau-Ponty (1908-1961), which points to a depth and opacity of the perceived world that oppose transparency of geometric world thought by René Descartes (1596-1650). At first we approached the Cartesian discourse developed in Dioptrics Descartes, the first of three scientific discourses published in 1637, being introduced by the famous Discourse method. In this sense, this research discusses the mechanistic explanation that the modern philosopher has the vision, process comprising the formation of images on the retina and its communication to the brain, and the subsequent reading performed by an immaterial mind. Discusses the notion of image as a result of the interpretation of the spirit because, for Descartes, is not the eye that sees, but the spirit that reads and decodes the signals that the body receives the world. At another point, reflected on the criticism of the philosopher Maurice Merleau-Ponty at the thought of overflight present in Dioptrics Descartes. Therefore, it takes as its reference the third part of the book The Eye and the Spirit (1961), in which the intellectualist approach of vision is considered a failed attempt to move away from the visible to rebuild it from anywhere . In this sense, it reflects on a new ontology proposed by Merleau-Ponty thinking being without departing from the puzzles of the body and vision. Puzzles that show a promiscuity between the seer and the seen, between sentient and sensitive. Thus, this paper discusses how visibility was treated by the contemporary philosopher, not as something to be judged by the spirit to get a real nature of things, but as a manifestation of the same things. Finally, this research explores the ontology of the visible in merleaupontiano thought, an ontology that does not rebuild or appropriates visible by a thought of overflight, but what you do from your own visibility as compared original and constant with depth in the world.


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Objetivos: Este estudo tem como objetivo analisar as representações da Mulher no discurso científico, em particular nas Ciências Sociais e do Comportamento. Metodologia: Optámos por um estudo de caso com uma abordagem metodológica de análise de conteúdo qualitativa, com recursos a informações quantitativas utilizando o software informático MAXQDA 12. A análise foi desenvolvida a partir de uma grelha de categorização que delineámos. Amostra: A nossa amostra é composta por um conjunto de 122 artigos publicados em 9 revistas científicas portuguesas na área da Psicologia no ano de 2015. Resultados: Atráves da análise dos 122 artigos, no conjunto das 9 revistas, obtivemos uma predominência da categoria “Família”, seguida do “Género” e por posteriormente da “Agressão”. Em comparação com o número de artigos em que as categorias estão presentes, obtivemos algumas diferenças. A categoria “Família” é a mais frequente, depois “Feminino” e por fim a “Agressão”, sendo estas também as que tiveram em destaque em maior parte das revistas analisadas. Verificámos que em algumas revistas havia mais que uma categoria prevalecente. Destacamos também que mais de metade das categorias não revelaram predominância nem relevância ao longo do estudo. Conclusão: O dicurso em relação à Mulher nos estudo científicos das Ciências Sociais e do Comportamento continua a manter-se ligado às representações sociais tradicionais, associadas à família e ao feminino. Não verificámos uma verdadeira transformação nos Estudo da Mulher, mas antes um eco de outros discursos e representações societariamente aceites. / Objectives: This study aimed to analyse the representations of Women in scientific discourse, particularly in Social and Behavioural Sciences. Methodology: We developed a case study using a methodological approach with qualitative content analysis, with resources to quantitative information using computer software MAXQDA 12. The analysis was developed from a grid of categorization that we outlined. Sample: Our sample is composed of a set of 122 articles published in 9 Portuguese scientific journals in Psychology in 2015. Results: Through the analysis of 122 articles in the nine journals, we obtained a relevance of the "Family" category, followed by "Gender" and "Aggression". Comparing the number of articles in which the categories are present, we found some differences. "Family" is the most frequent, followed by "Female" and "Aggression", which are also the categories that were highlighted in most of the journals analysed. We found that in some journals had more than a prevailing category. We also note that more than half of the categories did not show dominance or relevance throughout the study. Conclusions: The discourse on women in scientific studies of Social and Behavioural Sciences continues to remain linked to traditional social representations associated with the family and the female. We not noticed a real change in the Women's Study, but an echo of other speeches and corporate aspects accepted representations.


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This chapter reflects on several forthcoming key topics on environmental social conflits in historical perspective, namely, the relationship between the expansion of extractivism and the reactive and preemptive conflicts, the role of scientists and scientific discourses on social mobilization, the environmental movements and the empowerment of the poor, the strategic response behavior of large mining corporations. The conclusive analysis looks for continuities and contrasts between contemporary environmental conflicts and the conflicts of the past, often identified as 'peasant conflicts' over industrial polution.


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El agua junto a las variaciones climáticas, encabezan discursos políticos y científicos globales en los que resurgen los debates sobre los conflictos acerca de este recurso, la geopolítica del agua, la gestión, la contaminación y la polución. Ante este panorama el IPCC (Panel Intergubernamental del Cambio Climático), la Organización Mundial de Meteorología (OMM),el Programa de la Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente (PNUMA) y distintas organizaciones medioambientales hanenfocado sus intereses científicos en estudios en los cuales se utilicen indicadores hidroclimáticos. En este contexto, este artículo analiza la evolución hidroclimática reciente en dos cuencas principales de la isla de Puerto Rico, utilizando como indicadores las temperaturas, las precipitaciones y los caudales de distintas estaciones de NOAA y el USGS. Inicialmente analizamos cada estación individualmente y luego se hizo un análisis conjunto de la cuenca. Con los resultados obtenidos,en ninguna de las cuencas se pudo establecer tendencias claras en cuanto a la precipitación total anual. Aunque algunas estaciones mostraron tendencias positivas y otras regresivas, ninguna alcanzó valores estadísticamente significativos que permita rechazar la hipótesis nula de no tendencia. Nuestro análisis indica también que en una cuenca la temperatura media anual mostró un ligero aumento, mientras que en la otra la temperatura manifestó descendió. Por otro lado, el volumen de agua anual que discurre por las cuencas ha disminuido en ambos ríos donde se pudo rechazar la hipótesis nula de no tendencia con el análisis de Mann-Kendall. No obstante, existen otros factores que no fueron objeto de estudio en este análisis y que tienen impactos sobre los recursos hídricos, así como los distintos mosaicos paisajísticos que componen una cuenca hidrográfica.Palabras Claves: recursos hídricos, tendencias hidroclimáticas, cambio climático.ABSTRACTToday, water resources and climatic oscillations dominate all political and scientific discourses where the principal debate is focused on water management, water pollution and the geopolitics of this resource. Against this background, the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change), WMO(World Meteorology Organization), the United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP) and other environmental organizations have focused their scientific research on hydro-climatic evolution. In this context, this article examines recent developments in hydro-climatic evolution on two mainrivers in Puerto Rico, using temperature, rainfall, stream-flow and discharge data from NOAA climatic stations and USGS hydrological stations. Initially, we analyze data from each individual station and then make an integrated analysis of the basins. With the obtained results, in none of the basins was it possible to establish clear trends as to total annual precipitation. Though some stations showed positive trends and others regressive, none reached statistically significant values.Our analysis also indicates that in one basin the annual average temperature showed a slight increase, whereas in the other basin a temperature decrease was confirmed. On the other hand, the volume of annual discharge from both rivers showed a decrease. However, there are other factors that were not considered in this analysis, such as land use, that impact water resources and the various landscape mosaics comprising a watershed.Key Words: water resources, hydro-climatic evolution, climate change


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This paper examines discourses of male prostitution through an analysis of scientific texts. A contrast is drawn between nineteenth-century understandings of male prostitution and twentieth-century accounts of male prostitution. In contrast to female prostitution, male prostitution was not regarded as a significant social problem throughout the nineteenth century, despite its close association with gender deviation and social disorder. Changing conceptions of sexuality, linked with the emergence of the ‘adolescent’, drew scientific attention to male prostitution during the 1940s and 1950s. Research suggested that male prostitution was a problem associated with the development of sexual identity. Through the application of scientific techniques, which tagged and differentiated male prostitute populations, a language developed about male prostitution that allowed for normative assessments and judgements to be made concerning particular classes of male prostitute. The paper highlights how a broad distinction emerged between public prostitutes, regarded as heterosexual/masculine, and private prostitutes, regarded as homosexual/effeminate. This distinction altered the way in which male prostitution was understood and governed, allowing for male prostitution to be constituted as a public health concern.


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The discipline of education in Anglophone-dominant contexts has always grappled with a kind of status anxiety relative to other disciplines. This is in part due to the ways in which evidence has been thought about in the theoretico-experimental sciences relative to the ethico-redemptive ones. By examining that which was considered to fall to the side of science, even of social science, this paper complexifies contemporary debates over educational science and research, including debates over evidence-based education or assumed divisions between the quantitative/qualitative and empirical/conceptual. It reapproaches historical vagaries in discourses of vision that underscore the arbitrariness of approaches to social scientific research and its objects. A less-considered set of spatializations and regionalisms in social scientific conceptions of rationality especially are exposed through a close reading of the Harvard University philosopher William James' more marginalized texts.


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The subject and methodology of biblical scholarship has expanded immense-ly during the last few decades. The traditional text-, literary-, source- and form-critical approaches, labeled historical-critical scholarship , have faced the challenge of social sciences. Various new literary, synchronic readings, sometimes characterized with the vague term postmodernism, have in turn challenged historicalcritical, and social-scientific approaches. Widened limits and diverging methodologies have caused a sense of crisis in biblical criticism. This metatheoretical thesis attempts to bridge the gap between philosophical discussion about the basis of biblical criticism and practical academic biblical scholarship. The study attempts to trace those epistemological changes that have produced the wealth of methods and results within biblical criticism. The account of the cult reform of King Josiah of Judah as reported in 2 Kings 22:1 23:30 serves as the case study because of its importance for critical study of the Hebrew Bible. Various scholarly approaches embracing 2 Kings 22:1 23:30 are experimentally arranged around four methodological positions: text, author, reader, and context. The heuristic model is a tentative application of Oliver Jahraus s model of four paradigms in literary theory. The study argues for six theses: 1) Our knowledge of the world is con-structed, fallible and theory-laden. 2) Methodological plurality is the neces-sary result of changes in epistemology and culture in general. 3) Oliver Jahraus s four methodological positions in regard to literature are also an applicable model within biblical criticism to comprehend the methodological plurality embracing the study of the Hebrew Bible. 4) Underlying the methodological discourse embracing biblical criticism is the epistemological ten-sion between the natural sciences and the humanities. 5) Biblical scholars should reconsider and analyze in detail concepts such as author and editor to overcome the dichotomy between the Göttingen and Cross schools. 6) To say something about the historicity of 2 Kings 22:1 23:30 one must bring together disparate elements from various disciplines and, finally, admit that though it may be possible to draw some permanent results, our conclusions often remain provisional.


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This article offers a fresh consideration of Elizabeth Gaskell's unfinished Wives and Daughters (1864–6), in terms of what this metropolitan novelist knew about contemporary scientific debates and imperial exploration of Africa, and how her familiarity with these discourses was incorporated into her imaginative work. Her focus for these two related themes is the naturalist Roger Hamley, whose character and exploits are meant to parallel those of the young Charles Darwin. Roger's direct involvement in the historical Geoffroy–Cuvier debate allows Gaskell to offer a sophisticated examination of how discussions about evolutionary biology (about which she learned from personal acquaintances and printed sources) contributed to political and social change in the era of the first Reform Bill. Roger's subsequent journey to Abyssinia to gather specimens allows Gaskell to form a link between science and imperial exploration, which demonstrates how, when carried to its conclusion, the development of classificatory knowledge systems was never innocent; rather, it facilitated colonial exploitation and intervention, which allowed for the ‘opening up of Africa’. Gaskell's pronouncements about science in the novel are far more explicit than her brief references to empire; the article ponders why this should be so, and offers some suggestions about how her reliance on imaginative and discursive constructs concerning the ‘Dark Continent’ may be interpreted as tacit complicity with the imperial project, or at least an interest in its more imaginative aspects.


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This article looks at the difference between scientists’ written reports and their oral accounts, explanations and stories. The subject of these discourses is the eruption of Mount Chance on Montserrat, a British Overseas Territory in the Eastern Caribbean, and its continued monitoring and reporting. Scientific notions of risk and uncertainty which feature in these texts and tales will subsequently be examined and critiqued. Further to this, this article will end by pointing out that, ironically, the latter - the tale – can in some cases be a more effective and approximate mode of communication with the public than the former – the text.


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Cette thèse examine la circulation et l'intégration des informations scientifiques dans la pensée quotidienne d'après la théorie des représentations sociales (TRS). En tant qu'alternative aux approches traditionnelles de la communication de la science, les transformations survenant entre le discours scientifique et le discours de sens commun sont considérées comme adaptatives. Deux études sur la circulation des informations dans les media (études 1 et 2) montrent des variations dans les thèmes de discours exposés aux profanes, et parmi les discours de ceux-ci, en fonction de différentes sources. Ensuite, le processus d'ancrage dans le positionnement préalable envers la science est étudié, pour l'explication qu'il fournit de la réception et de la transmission d'informations scientifiques dans le sens commun. Les effets d'ancrage dans les attitudes et croyances préexistants sont reportés dans différents contextes de circulation des informations scientifiques (études 3 à 7), incluant des études de type corrélationnel, experimental et de terrain. Globalement, cette thèse procure des arguments en faveur de la pertinence de la TRS pour la recherche sur la communication de la science, et suggère des développements théoriques et méthodologiques pour ces deux domaines de recherche. Drawing on the social representations theory (SRT), this thesis examines the circulation and integration of scientific information into everyday thinking. As an alternative to the traditional approaches of science communication, it considers transformations between scientific and common-sense discourses as adaptive. Two studies, focused on the spreading of information into the media (Studies 1 and 2), show variations in the themes of discourses introduced to laypersons and in the themes among laypersons' discourses, according to different sources. Anchoring in prior positioning toward science is then studied for the explanation it provides on the reception and transmission of scientific information into common sense. Anchoring effects in prior attitudes and beliefs are reported in different contexts of circulation of scientific information (Studies 3 to 7) by using results from correlational, field, and experimental studies. Overall, this thesis provides arguments for the relevance of SRT in science communication research and suggests theoretical and methodological developments for both domains of research.


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L’émergence de l’utilisation du méthylphénidate (MPH; Ritalin) par des étudiants universitaires afin d’améliorer leur concentration et leurs performances universitaires suscite l’intérêt du public et soulève d’importants débats éthiques auprès des spécialistes. Les différentes perspectives sur l’amélioration des performances cognitives représentent une dimension importante des défis sociaux et éthiques autour d’un tel phénomène et méritent d’être élucidées. Ce mémoire vise à examiner les discours présents dans les reportages internationaux de presse populaire, les discours en bioéthique et en en santé publique sur le thème de l’utilisation non médicale du méthylphénidate. Cette recherche a permis d’identifier et d’analyser des « lacunes » dans les perspectives éthiques, sociales et scientifiques de l’utilisation non médicale du méthylphénidate pour accroître la performance cognitive d’individus en santé. Une analyse systématique du contenu des discours sur l’utilisation non médicale du méthylphénidate pour accroître la performance cognitive a identifié des paradigmes divergents employés pour décrire l’utilisation non médicale du méthylphénidate et discuter ses conséquences éthiques. Les paradigmes « choix de mode de vie », « abus de médicament » et « amélioration de la cognition » sont présents dans les discours de la presse populaire, de la bioéthique et de la santé publique respectivement. Parmi les principales différences entre ces paradigmes, on retrouve : la description de l’utilisation non médicale d’agents neuropharmacologiques pour l’amélioration des performances, les risques et bénéfices qui y sont associés, la discussion d’enjeux éthiques et sociaux et des stratégies de prévention et les défis associés à l’augmentation de la prévalence de ce phénomène. La divergence de ces paradigmes reflète le pluralisme des perceptions de l’utilisation non médicale d’agents neuropharmacologiques Nos résultats suggèrent la nécessité de débats autour de l’amélioration neuropharmacologique afin de poursuivre l’identification des enjeux et de développer des approches de santé publique cohérentes.


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Various cultural mediums portrayed Jews in Britain in the late Victorian and Edwardian periods. Scientific romance harnessed past communicative 'discourses' such as history, folklore, theology, and mythology and was an innovative form of literature that heralded a new era in the construction of Jewish identity between 1880 to 1914.