548 resultados para Scatter


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We have carried out an optical Thomson scatter study of a KrF laser-ablated Mg plume. The evolution of the electron temperature and density at distances 2-5 mm from the target surface has been studied. We have observed that the electron density falls more rapidly than the atomic density and believe that this is a result of rapid dielectronic recombination. A comparison of the electron density profile and evolution with simple hydrodynamic modeling indicates that there is a strong absorption of the laser in the plasma vapor above the target, probably due to photoionization. We also conclude that an isothermal model of expansion better fits the data than an isentropic expansion model. Finally, we compared data obtained from Thomson scatter with those obtained by emission spectroscopy under similar conditions. The two sets of data have differences but are broadly consistent.


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Contrastar empíricamente una definición de deficiencia mental desarrollada en términos de un perfil psicométrico concreto. 1027 sujetos de edades comprendidas entre los cinco y los treinta años, con coeficientes intelectuales que oscilan entre 30 y 135, provenientes de diversas consultas y centros terapéuticos. Plantea un marco teórico y una investigación empírica consistente en la comprobación de 6 hipótesis refererentes a los perfiles psicométricos caraterísticos de los deficientes mentales. Obtiene los datos a partir de la aplicación de una batería de tests sobre actividad mental superior y mecánica, percepción y motricidad fina de la mano. Valida la batería en su conjunto. Pondera los datos y obtiene una puntuación normativa. Divide la muestra en 16 grupos según la edad y el CI. Calcula los índices estadísticos de cada subtest para cada grupo y los compara con la puntuación normativa. Historiales médicos de los sujetos y una batería compuesta por subtests del WISC, L de Bender, test Rey, punteado, torres y recortable de Ozeretski. Índices de tendencia central y de variabilidad, índices de fiabilidad y validez, índices de correlación, análisis factorial y representaciones gráficas. Los deficientes son inferiores en peso y talla a los patrones normales de la población de referencia. El ritmo de desarrollo mental es más lento y se para cuanto más grave es la deficiencia. La actividad escolar se basa en formas de pensamiento concreto, sensomotor e intuitivo. El perfil psicométrico de los deficientes es significativamente diferente del perfil patrón. Las diferencias mayores se dan en las pruebas de percepción y en las de velocidad. La dispersión de las puntuaciones es más amplia cuanto más bajo es el CI global. Quedan confirmadas las hipótesis planteadas y validada la definición de deficiencia mental propuesta.


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The objective of this study was to investigate a novel light backscatter sensor, with a large field of view relative to curd size, for continuous on-line monitoring of coagulation and syneresis to improve curd moisture content control. A three-level, central composite design was employed to study the effects of temperature, cutting time, and CaCl2 addition on cheese making parameters. The sensor signal was recorded and analyzed. The light backscatter ratio followed a sigmoid increase during coagulation and decreased asymptotically after gel cutting. Curd yield and curd moisture content were predicted from the time to the maximum slope of the first derivative of the light backscatter ratio during coagulation and the decrease in the sensor response during syneresis. Whey fat was affected by coagulation kinetics and cutting time, suggesting curd rheological properties at cutting are dominant factors determining fat losses. The proposed technology shows potential for on-line monitoring of coagulation and syneresis. 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved..


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Over the past decade incoherent scatter radars have provided fundamental observations of velocities and plasma parameters in the high-latitude ionosphere which relate to the dynamical processes responsible for the excitation of flow in the coupled solar wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere system. These observations have played a central role in inspiring a change of paradigm from a picture of quasi-steady flows parameterised by the direction of the interplanetary magnetic field to a picture of inherently time-dependent flows driven by coupling processes at the magnetopause and in the tail. Flows and particle precipitation in the dayside ionosphere are reasonably well understood in principle in terms of the effects of time-dependent reconnection at the magnetopause, though coordinated high- and low-altitude observations are lacking. Related phenomena also appear to occur in the tail, forming the “equatorward-drifting arcs” which are present during quiet times, as well as during the growth and early expansion phases of substorms. At expansion onset, the substorm bulge forms well equatorward of the arc formation region, and may take ∼ 10 min or more to reach it in its poleward expansion. Nightside ionospheric flows are then considerably perturbed by the effects of strong precipitation-induced conductivity gradients.


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We present an analysis of a cusp ion step, observed by the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) F10 spacecraft, between two poleward moving events of enhanced ionospheric electron temperature, observed by the European Incoherent Scatter (EISCAT) radar. From the ions detected by the satellite, the variation of the reconnection rate is computed for assumed distances along the open-closed field line separatrix from the satellite to the X line, do. Comparison with the onset times of the associated ionospheric events allows this distance to be estimated, but with an uncertainty due to the determination of the low-energy cutoff of the ion velocity distribution function, ƒ(ν). Nevertheless, the reconnection site is shown to be on the dayside magnetopause, consistent with the reconnection model of the cusp during southward interplanetary magnetic field (IMF). Analysis of the time series of distribution function at constant energies, ƒ(ts), shows that the best estimate of the distance do is 14.5±2 RE. This is consistent with various magnetopause observations of the signatures of reconnection for southward IMF. The ion precipitation is used to reconstruct the field-parallel part of the Cowley D ion distribution function injected into the open low-latitude boundary layer in the vicinity of the X line. From this reconstruction, the field-aligned component of the magnetosheath flow is found to be only −55±65 km s−1 near the X line, which means either that the reconnection X line is near the stagnation region at the nose of the magnetosphere, or that it is closely aligned with the magnetosheath flow streamline which is orthogonal to the magnetosheath field, or both. In addition, the sheath Alfvén speed at the X line is found to be 220±45 km s−1, and the speed with which newly opened field lines are ejected from the X line is 165±30 km s−1. We show that the inferred magnetic field, plasma density, and temperature of the sheath near the X line are consistent with a near-subsolar reconnection site and confirm that the magnetosheath field makes a large angle (>58°) with the X line.


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A procedure is presented for fitting incoherent scatter radar data from non-thermal F-region ionospheric plasma, using theoretical spectra previously predicted. It is found that values of the shape distortion factor D∗, associated with deviations of the ion velocity distribution from a Maxwellian distribution, and ion temperatures can be deduced (the results being independent of the path of iteration) if the angle between the line-of-sight and the geomagnetic field is larger than about 15–20°. The procedure can be used with one or both of two sets of assumptions. These concern the validity of the adopted model for the line-of-sight ion velocity distribution in the one case or for the full three-dimensional ion velocity distribution function in the other. The distribution function employed was developed to describe the line-of-sight velocity distribution for large aspect angles, but both experimental data and Monte Carlo simulations indicate that the form of the field-perpendicular distribution can also describe the distribution at more general aspect angles. The assumption of this form for the line-of-sight velocity distribution at a general aspect angle enables rigorous derivation of values of the one-dimensional, line-of-sight ion temperature. With some additional assumptions (principally that the field-parallel distribution is always Maxwellian and there is a simple relationship between the ion temperature anisotropy and the distortion of the field-perpendicular distribution from a Maxwellian), fits to data for large aspect angles enable determination of line-of-sight temperatures at all aspect angles and hence, of the average ion temperature and the ion temperature anisotropy. For small aspect angles, the analysis is restricted to the determination of the line-of-sight ion temperature because the theoretical spectrum is insensitive to non-thermal effects when the plasma is viewed along directions almost parallel to the magnetic field. This limitation is expected to apply to any realistic model of the ion velocity distribution function and its consequences are discussed. Fit strategies which allow for mixed ion composition are also considered. Examples of fits to data from various EISCAT observing programmes are presented.


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Observations by the EISCAT experiments “POLAR” and Common Programme CP-3 reveal non-Maxwellian ion velocity distributions in the auroral F-region ionosphere. Analysis of data from three periods is presented. During the first period, convection velocities are large (≈2 km s-1) and constant over part of a CP-3 latitude scan; the second period is one of POLAR data containing a short-lived (<1 min.) burst of rapid (>1.5 km s-1) flow. We concentrate on these two periods as they allow the study of a great many features of the ion-neutral interactions which drive the plasma non-thermal and provide the best available experimental test for models of the 3-dimensional ion velocity distribution function. The third period is included to illustrate the fact that non-thermal plasma frequently exists in the auroral ionosphere: the data, also from the POLAR experiment, cover a three-hour period of typical auroral zone flow and analysis reveals that the ion distribution varies from Maxwellian to the threshold of a toroidal form.


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Incoherent scatter data from non-thermal F-region ionospheric plasma are analysed, using theoretical spectra predicted by Raman et al. It is found that values of the semi-empirical drift parameter D∗, associated with deviations of the ion velocity distribution from a Maxwellian, and the plasma temperatures can be rigorously deduced (the results being independent of the path of iteration) if the angle between the line-of-sight and the geomagnetic field is larger than about 15–20 degrees. For small aspect angles, the deduced value of the average (or 3-D) ion temperature remains ambiguous and the analysis is restricted to the determination of the line-of-sight temperature because the theoretical spectrum is insensitive to non-thermal effects when the plasma is viewed along directions almost parallel to the magnetic field. This limitation is expected to apply to any realistic model of the ion velocity distribution, and its consequences are discussed. Fit strategies which allow for mixed ion composition are also considered. Examples of fits to data from various EISCAT observing programmes are presented.


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In this paper, under a proportional model, two families of robust estimates for the proportionality constants, the common principal axes and their size are discussed. The first approach is obtained by plugging robust scatter matrices on the maximum likelihood equations for normal data. A projection- pursuit and a modified projection-pursuit approach, adapted to the proportional setting, are also considered. For all families of estimates, partial influence functions are obtained and asymptotic variances are derived from them. The performance of the estimates is compared through a Monte Carlo study. © 2006 Springer-Verlag.


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We address the problem of estimating the principal axes and their size in the case of several populations under the assumption of a proportional model. We propose robust estimators for the common principal axes and their size. The robust estimators are based on asymptotically normal and equivariant robust scatter estimators. The asymptotic distribution of the robust estimators including the proportionality constants are derived. © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)