937 resultados para Sarcoma, Ewing
The aberrant transcription factor EWS-FLI1 drives Ewing sarcoma, but its molecular function is not completely understood. We find that EWS-FLI1 reprograms gene regulatory circuits in Ewing sarcoma by directly inducing or repressing enhancers. At GGAA repeat elements, which lack evolutionary conservation and regulatory potential in other cell types, EWS-FLI1 multimers induce chromatin opening and create de novo enhancers that physically interact with target promoters. Conversely, EWS-FLI1 inactivates conserved enhancers containing canonical ETS motifs by displacing wild-type ETS transcription factors. These divergent chromatin-remodeling patterns repress tumor suppressors and mesenchymal lineage regulators while activating oncogenes and potential therapeutic targets, such as the kinase VRK1. Our findings demonstrate how EWS-FLI1 establishes an oncogenic regulatory program governing both tumor survival and differentiation.
Cancer stem cells (CSCs) display plasticity and self-renewal properties reminiscent of normal tissue stem cells, but the events responsible for their emergence remain obscure. We recently identified CSCs in Ewing sarcoma family tumors (ESFTs) and showed that they retain mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) plasticity. In the present study, we addressed the mechanisms that underlie ESFT CSC development. We show that the EWS-FLI-1 fusion gene, associated with 85%-90% of ESFTs and believed to initiate their pathogenesis, induces expression of the embryonic stem cell (ESC) genes OCT4, SOX2, and NANOG in human pediatric MSCs (hpMSCs) but not in their adult counterparts. Moreover, under appropriate culture conditions, hpMSCs expressing EWS-FLI-1 generate a cell subpopulation displaying ESFT CSC features in vitro. We further demonstrate that induction of the ESFT CSC phenotype is the result of the combined effect of EWS-FLI-1 on its target gene expression and repression of microRNA-145 (miRNA145) promoter activity. Finally, we provide evidence that EWS-FLI-1 and miRNA-145 function in a mutually repressive feedback loop and identify their common target gene, SOX2, in addition to miRNA145 itself, as key players in ESFT cell differentiation and tumorigenicity. Our observations provide insight for the first time into the mechanisms whereby a single oncogene can reprogram primary cells to display a CSC phenotype.
Plasticity in cancer stem-like cells (CSC) may provide a key basis for cancer heterogeneity and therapeutic response. In this study, we assessed the effect of combining a drug that abrogates CSC properties with standard-of-care therapy in a Ewing sarcoma family tumor (ESFT). Emergence of CSC in this setting has been shown to arise from a defect in TARBP2-dependent microRNA maturation, which can be corrected by exposure to the fluoroquinolone enoxacin. In the present work, primary ESFT from four patients containing CD133(+) CSC subpopulations ranging from 3% to 17% of total tumor cells were subjected to treatment with enoxacin, doxorubicin, or both drugs. Primary ESFT CSC and bulk tumor cells displayed divergent responses to standard-of-care chemotherapy and enoxacin. Doxorubicin, which targets the tumor bulk, displayed toxicity toward primary adherent ESFT cells in culture but not to CSC-enriched ESFT spheres. Conversely, enoxacin, which enhances miRNA maturation by stimulating TARBP2 function, induced apoptosis but only in ESFT spheres. In combination, the two drugs markedly depleted CSCs and strongly reduced primary ESFTs in xenograft assays. Our results identify a potentially attractive therapeutic strategy for ESFT that combines mechanism-based targeting of CSC using a low-toxicity antibiotic with a standard-of-care cytotoxic drug, offering immediate applications for clinical evaluation.
Introduction: Cancer stem cells (CSC) display plasticity and self renewal properties reminiscent of normal tissue stem cells but the events responsible for their emergence remain obscure. We have recently identified CSC in Ewing sarcoma family tumors (ESFT) and shown that they arise from mesenchymal stem cells from the bone marrow. Objective of the study: To analyze the mechanisms underlying cancer stem cell development in ESFT. Methods: Primary human mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) isolation from adult and pediatric bone marrow. Retroviral delivery of fusion protein (EWS-FLI1) to primary MSC, and transcriptional and phenotypical analysis. Results: We show that the EWS-FLI-1 fusion gene, associated wit 85-90% of ESFT and believed to initiate their pathogenesis, induces expression of the embryonic stem cell (ESC) genes OCT4, SOX2 and NANOG in human pediatric MSC (hpMSC) but not in their adult counterparts. Moreover, under appropriate culture conditions, hpMSC expressing EWS-FLI-1 generate a cell subpopulation displaying ESFT CSC features in vitro. We further demonstrate that induction of the ESFT CSC phenotype is the result of the combined effect of EWSFLI- 1 on its target gene expression and repression of microRNA-145 (miRNA145) promoter activity. Finally, we provide evidence that EWS-FLI-1 and miRNA-145 function in a mutually repressive feedback loop and identify their common target gene SOX2, in addition to miRNA145 itself, as key players in ESFT cell differentiation and tumorigenicity. Conclusion: Our observations provide insight for the first time into the mechanisms whereby a single oncogene can reprogram primary cells to display a cancer stem cell phenotype.
Les tumeurs de la famille du sarcome d'Ewing (ESFTs) sont les deuxièmes plus fréquentes formes de cancer de l'os chez l'enfant et l'adolescent. Le gène de fusion EWS-FLI1 est associé à 85-90% des ESFTs. Ce cancer a probablement pour origine des cellules souches mésenchymateuses (MSCs). Il a en effet été démontré que les MSCs pédiatriques (hpMSCs) sont particulièrement permissives pour le gène de fusion EWS-FLI1 et que celui-ci induit des gènes de cellules souches embryonnaires. Ceci génère une sous-population de cellules présentant des caractéristiques de cellules souches cancéreuses de sarcome d'Ewing (ESFT CSCs) in vitro. Ces cellules reprogrammées n'ont pas de potentiel tumorigénique et un certain nombre de microARN ne sont pas réprimés ou exprimés comme dans un sarcome d'Ewing primaire et sa sous-population de CSCs. Parmi ces microARN on trouve en particulier les membres de la famille let-7 qui jouent un rôle clé dans le contrôle de l'état de différenciation des cellules et régulent de nombreux oncogènes. De plus, leur répression serait capable de favoriser la tumorigénèse. Tous les membres de la famille des microARNs let-7 ont un régulateur commun, la protéine lin-28, qui exerce notamment son action en bloquant la maturation de ces microARNs. Dans ce travail, il s'agira d'évaluer si la co-expression de EWS-FLI1 et de lin-28 dans des hpMSCs permet de créer une sous-population de cellules présentant les caractéristiques de ESFT CSCs. Nous évaluerons l'effet de lin-28 sur les membres de la famille des let7 dans les hpMSCs et apprécierons le potentiel tumorigénique in vivo des hpMSCs exprimant EWS-FLI1 et lin-28. L'outil « Targetscan » est un logiciel qui permet de prédire les cibles des microARN en analysant leur séquence et en la comparant à l'ARN messager 3' non transcrit. Pour les microARN de la famille des let-7, cet outil identifie des gènes cibles potentiels qui jouent un rôle important dans le sarcome d'Ewing. Nous évaluerons si ces protéines sont en effet régulées de façon let-7 dépendante et les conséquences sur la pathogénèse des ESFTs.
Le sarcome d'Ewing (SE) est la 2ème tumeur des os la plus fréquente chez les enfants, et le pronostic est sombre au stade métastatique. La pathogenèse du SE repose sur une translocation, provocant la fusion du domaine activateur du facteur de transcription EWS, avec la partie liant l'ADN de la protéine FLI-1. Les cellules souches cancéreuses (CSC) sont supposées être les moteurs de la croissance tumorale, et représente de ce fait des cibles thérapeutiques préférentielles. Dans ce travail nous nous sommes efforcés de comprendre, ainsi que de cibler les mécanismes liés à l'émergence des CSC dans le sarcome d'Ewing. La formation des CSC du ES est liée à un défaut de maturation des miRNAs provoqué par une sous-expression d'un gène, TARBP2, dans les CSC. Ce défaut de maturation peut être corrigé par un traitement des cellules avec de l'enoxacine, une fluoroquinolone utilisée pour traiter les infections urinaires. L'enoxacine seule n'étant pas suffisante pour éradiquer les tumeurs in vivo, nous avons testé la combinaison d'une thérapie ciblée sur les CSC avec une chimiothérapie classique, la doxorubicine, ciblant les cellules différentiées. In vitro l'enoxacine induit l'apoptose dans les CCS sans affecter les cellules différentiées, alors que à l'inverse, la doxorubicine n'affecte que les cellules de la « masse » tumorale. In vivo la combinaison de ces deux drogues inhibe la croissance de tumeurs provenant de cellules primaires xenotranplantées et éradique les CSCs. Nos résultats mettent en lumière une nouvelle approche thérapeutique directement applicable pour le sarcome d'Ewing, et pourraient ainsi rapidement déboucher sur des essais cliniques. Dans la deuxième partie de ce travail nous avons essayé de comprendre comment EWS-FLI1, la protéine de fusion issue de la translocation chromosomique du sarcome d'Ewing conduit à la génération des CSC. Pour cela nous avons effectué des ChIPseq (immunoprecipitation de la chromatine suivi de séquençage) pour EWS-FLI1 ainsi que pour certaines modifications histoniques. -- Ewing sarcoma family tumors (ESFT) are the second most frequent bone tumors in children and have a high rate of recurrence when metastatic at presentation. The pathogenesis of Ewing sarcoma is underlayed by a translocation, leading to the fusion of the trans-activating domain of EWS with the FLU DNA binding domain. Cancer stem cells (CSCs) are thought to be the driving force of tumor growth. In this work we focused on understanding the mechanisms underlying ESFT CSC emergence as well as defining targeted therapeutic strategies. Emergence of CSCs in ESFT has been shown to arise from a defect in TARBP2-dependent microRNA maturation, which can be corrected by exposure to the fluoroquinolone enoxacin. As enoxacin alone is not sufficient to reverse tumor growth in vivo, we assessed the effect of combining a drug that abrogates CSC properties with doxorubicin, a standard-of-care therapy in ESFT. Primary ESFT CSCs and bulk tumor cells were treated with different concentration of drugs and displayed divergent responses to doxorubicin and enoxacin. Doxorubicin, which targets the tumor bulk, displayed toxicity toward primary adherent ESFT cells in culture but not to CSC-enriched ESFT spheres. Conversely, enoxacin induced apoptosis but only in ESFT spheres and specifically on the CD133+ population. In combination, the two drugs markedly depleted CSC and strongly reduced primary growth in xenograft assays of two primary ESFT. Our results identify a potentially attractive therapeutic strategy for ESFT that combines mechanism-based targeting of CSC using a low toxicity antibiotic with a standard-of-care cytotoxic drug, offering immediate applications for clinical evaluation. In the second part of this work we performed chromatin immunopercipitation on CSCs and bulk cells for EWS-FLI1 binding as well as some chromatin modifications, and concluded that EWS-FLI1 shows cell context dependent binding.
O sarcoma de Ewing e o tumor de Triton representam dois tumores ósseos raros da calota craniana, os quais possuem clínica e aspecto imagenológico inespecíficos. Entretanto, os métodos de imagem são importantes para a detecção das lesões durante a investigação diagnóstica, para a avaliação da extensão das lesões ósseas, do possível acometimento de partes moles e do parênquima encefálico, e avaliação de recorrência local e/ou metástases a distância. A confirmação diagnóstica é determinada pela histologia e auxiliada pela imuno-histoquímica. Os autores relatam dois casos desses tumores e seus achados pelos métodos de imagem.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar os aspectos radiográficos e clínicos presentes em pacientes com o diagnóstico de sarcoma de Ewing confirmado por histopatologia. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram analisados, neste trabalho, os dados clínicos e radiográficos (quando disponíveis) de 226 pacientes com o diagnóstico de sarcoma de Ewing ósseo. RESULTADOS: Dos casos avaliados, 61,5% (139) eram do sexo masculino e 83,7% (189) eram brancos. A mediana de idade dos pacientes foi de 14 anos e a topografia mais freqüente das lesões foi o osso ilíaco, em 13,7% (31) dos casos. O aspecto radiográfico mais comum foi o de lesão lítica com reação periosteal (padrões variados), em 32,7% (74) dos casos. CONCLUSÃO: O sarcoma de Ewing ósseo é uma neoplasia bastante agressiva, ocorrendo mais comumente em indivíduos na segunda década de vida e cujo aspecto radiográfico mais comum é o de lesão lítica com reação periosteal típica de lesão agressiva.
Ewing sarcoma or primitive neuroectodermal tumor (PNET) of bone is the second most common pediatric malignant bone tumor. The median age at diagnosis is 15 years and there is a male predilection of 1.5/1. The authors present the case of a 14-year-old boy with Ewing sarcoma situated on the left ninth rib which was being investigated for respiratory tract infection. Pleurisy is the most common misdiagnosis. Our case illustrates the importance of recognizing exceptional features when interpreting FDG PET or scintigraphy to prevent the misinterpretation of metastases as other etiologies, such as infection.