75 resultados para Salinization


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The effect of aquaculture, especially shrimp farming, on agriculture has caused heated debate among aquaculturists, agriculturists, and non-governmental organizations. As data on the negative impact of shrimp farming on adjacent rice fields are not available, a study was undertaken in rice fields skirting three shrimp farms: a semi-intensive farm; an extensive farm; and a semi-intensive farm with a buffer zone. The buffer zone was found to be helpful in preventing salinization of the adjacent agricultural fields and the Electrical Conductivity (EC) values (less than 1) reported were found to be harmless to the rice crop. Thus, aquaculture and agriculture can coexist in coastal areas if there are buffer zones in between.


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本文对沈阳市郊大民屯镇不同年限蔬菜温室土壤化学性质进行研究与分析。得到主要结论如下: 蔬菜温室0~20 cm表层土壤有机质、全氮、速效磷、速效钾、铵态氮、硝态氮均处于较高的养分水平,并且随温室使用年限的延长,呈增加的趋势。土壤有酸化的趋势,土壤电导率呈升高态势。土壤有效态Fe、Mn、Cu、Zn含量分别为8.57~60.30 mg kg-1、2.69~22.43 mg kg-1、0.64~7.52 mg kg-1和0.56~9.29 mg kg-1,变异系数为50%左右;随着温室使用年限的增加,土壤有效态Fe、Mn、Cu、Zn含量总体上呈增加的趋势。土壤Ni、Cd的有效含量随种植年限的延长趋于增加,有效Pb呈现出下降的趋势,土壤重金属Cr的有效态含量与种植年限之间没有明显的相关性。 不同年限蔬菜温室土壤剖面有机质、全氮、速效磷及速效钾含量高于相邻的露地菜田土壤,并随种植年限的延长而增加,随土层深度的增加而下降。温室土壤中铵态氮的含量随温室种植年限的变化相对较小,在土壤剖面不同层次中变化也没有明显的规律性。与露地菜田土壤相比,温室土壤中有效态铁、锰含量下降,有效态铜、锌、铅、镍含量增加。0~30 cm土层土壤交换性Ca呈下降的趋势,交换性Mg呈上升的趋势,土壤Ca/Mg比值呈下降的趋势。


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Three soil spots were found in Grove Mountains, east Antarctica during 1999-2000, when the Chinare 16th Antarctic expedition teams entered the inland Antarctica. The characteristics of soils in Grove Mountains are desert pavement coating the surface, abundant water soluble salt, negligible organ matter, and severe rubification and salinization, scarces of liquid water, partly with dry permafrost, corresponding with the soils of McMurdo, Transantarctic. The soils age of Grove Mountains is 0.5-3.5Ma. Podzolization and redoximorphism are the main features in coastal Wilks region, in addition, there is strong enrichment of organic matter in many soils of this region. The main soil processes of Fildes Peninsula of King George Island include the intense physical weathering, decalcification and weakly biochemical processes. Peat accumulation is the main processes in Arctic because of humid and cold environment.Based on synthesis of heavy minerals, particle size, quartz grain surface textures, as well as pollen in soils, the soils parent materials of Grove Mountains derived from alluvial sediment of the weathering bedrocks around soils, and formed during the warm period of Pliocene. The detailed information is followed .l)The results of heavy minerals particle size showed the parent minerals derived form the weathering bedrocks around soils. 2)The quartz sand surface textures include glacial crushing and abrasion such as abrasive conchoidal fractures and grain edges, abrasive subparallel linear fractures and angularity, subaqueous environments produce V-shaped and irregular impact pits, polished surface, and chemical textures, such as beehive solution pits, which showed the water is the main force during the sediment of the soil parent minerals. 3)The pollen consist of 40 plant species, of which at least 5 species including Ranunculaceae, Chenopodiaceae, Artemisia, Gramineae, Podocarpus belong to the Neogene vegetation except the species from the old continent. Compared with Neogene vegetation of Transantarctic Mountains, Antarctic, we concluded that they grow in warm Pliocene.


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We investigated groundwater salinity as a key element in both the short and long-term evolution of the island of Grande Glorieuse. Firstly, we demonstrated that its evolution involved the integration of the whole range of variables forcing climate change. Piezometric surveys designed to sample the salinity of the subsoil waters of Grande Glorieuse could therefore provide an objective indicator of the environment’s evolution. Then, based on information from geoelectrical investigations, we proved that the spatial distribution of salinity is strongly dependent on the geological structure of the island. Structural heterogeneities can influence vulnerability of the island environment to salinization of the freshwater lens. Thus, characterization and monitoring of the freshwater lens will provide a reliable means of observing and managing anticipated climate changes on small islands. [Join J.-L., Banton O., Comte J.-C., Leze J., Massin F., Nicolini E. (2011), Assessing spatio-temporal patterns of groundwater salinity in small coral islands in the Western Indian Ocean, Western Indian Ocean Journal of Marine Science, 10(1), 1-12]


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Soil salinization is a problem in the Mediterranean region. This paper reports a research on the response to salt in two year-old olive trees (Olea europaea L.) of three Iberian varieties: Arbequina, Cobrançosa and Galega Vulgar. Plants were grown in plastic pots containing approximately 9 Kg of a sandy granitic soil, on a greenhouse at the University of Évora since February 2010. The experiment went from February to April 2012. As a rule, plants were watered every other day alternating salt solution (0 mM, 80 mM or 200 mM NaCl) or tap water. After three months irrigation with the different NaCl solutions, soil electric conductivity and soil water content were significantly higher on salt-irrigated pots. Salt also decreased significantly stomatal conductance (gs) and mid-day leaf water potential (), Cobrançosa having in general higher gs and but lower SLA than the two other varieties. Chlorophyll content of leaves was not affected by salt after this three months exposure to NaCl but was significantly higher on Arbequina and lower on Cobrançosa. In general, hyperspectral reflectance indexes did not show significant correlations with salt irrigation, except for the Photochemical Reflectance Index (PRI) which was clearly lower on plants of all three varieties irrigated with salt. Interestingly, Cobrançosa showed frequently vegetation indexes different from the other two varieties.


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A ilha de Santiago é a maior do arquipélago de Cabo Verde, apresenta uma área de 991 km2, com um comprimento e largura máximos de 54,9 km e 29 km, respectivamente, e 1392 m de maior altitude. As condições climáticas e a erosão são alguns dos problemas naturais do arquipélago de Cabo Verde. Além disso, a intervenção humana no ambiente superficial revela-se muitas vezes inadequada e com forte impacto. A construção em solos com aptidão agrícola ou florestal, as actividades industriais, a deposição de materiais sólidos ou líquidos de forma inadequada, as práticas agrícolas incorrectas e intensivas, o uso abusivo de pesticidas e fertilizantes, a rega com água contaminada, a sobreexploração de aquíferos que levam muitas vezes à salinização, etc. têm enorme impacto em termos de contaminação de solos, águas superficiais e subterrâneas nas áreas envolventes. Por conseguinte, o conhecimento da variabilidade geoquímica natural é fundamental para a resolução de questões de índole económica, ambiental e de ordenamento do território, médica, e jurídica. A necessidade de construir uma base de dados de geoquímica georeferenciada que caracterize o ambiente superficial da ilha de Santiago foi a principal motivação para a realização deste estudo. Realizou-se um levantamento geoquímico de 337 amostras de sedimentos de corrente e 249 amostras de solos na ilha de Santiago, tendo sido seguidas as recomendações do Projecto Internacional IGCP 259 não só na fase de amostragem, mas também nas fases seguintes de preparação, análise, tratamento dos dados e elaboração de mapas. Determinaram-se os teores, na fracção < 2 mm, para 36 elementos – 9 elementos maiores (Al, Ca, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, P, Ti) e 27 elementos vestigiais (Ag, As, Au, B, Ba, Bi, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Ga, Hg, La, Mo, Ni, Pb, S, Sb, Sc, Se, Sr, Th, Tl, U, V, W, Zn). Efectuou-se ainda a análise textural e estudou-se a composição mineralógica de cerca de 25% das amostras. Analisaram-se, também, 103 amostras de rochas, colhidas nas várias formações da ilha de Santiago, tendo sido determinados os teores de K2O, Na2O, Fe2O3(T), MnO, Sc, Cr, Co, Zn, Ga, As, Br, Rb, Zr, Sb, Cs, Ba, Hf, Ta, W, Th e U e REE, a fim de se fazer uma comparação com os teores destes elementos encontrados nos solos e sedimentos de corrente, averiguando se a sua variação é ou não essencialmente condicionada pela geoquímica da rocha-mãe. Os padrões geoquímicos obtidos através dos mapas de distribuição espacial foram correlacionados com a natureza da rocha mãe, o tipo de solo, e ainda com algumas fontes de contaminação. A interpretação dos resultados foi realizada não só pela observação dos mapas geoquímicos, mas também após análise estatística dos conjuntos de dados obtidos, e apoiada em informação diversa disponível. A utilização da Análise de Componentes Principais permitiu distinguir associações entre elementos químicos, quer de origem geogénica quer antropogénica. Foram ainda elaborados mapas de distribuição espacial de vários índices multielementares de importância ambiental, como o Índice de Acidificação Al/(Ca+Mg+K), Índice de Combi, Índice de Avaliação de Risco Ambiental e Índices de Enriquecimento/Contaminação para vários grupos de elementos considerados como “primary pollutant metals”.


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One-year-old carob (Ceratonia siliqua L.) rootstock was grown in fertilised substrate to evaluate the effects of NaCl salinity stress. The experiment consisted of seven treatments with different concentrations of NaCl in the irrigation water: 0 (control), 15, 30, 40, 80, 120 and 240 (mmol L(-1)), equivalent to electrical conductivities of 0.0, 1.5, 2.9, 3.9, 7.5, 10.9 and 20.6 dS m(-1), respectively. Several growth parameters were measured throughout the experimental period. At the end of the experiment, pH, extractable P and K, and the electrical conductivity of the substrate were assessed in each salinity level. On the same date, the mineral composition of the leaves was compared. The carob rootstock tolerated 13.4 dS m(-1) for a period of 30 days but after 60 days the limit of tolerance was only 6.8 dS m(-1). Salt tolerance indexes were 12.8 and 4.5 for 30 and 60 days, respectively. This tolerance to salinity resulted from the ability to function with concentrations of Cl(-) and Na(+) in leaves up to 24.0 and 8.5 g kg(-1), respectively. Biomass allocation to shoots and roots was similar in all treatments, but after 40 days the number of leaves was reduced, particularly at the larger concentrations (120 and 240 mmol NaCl L(-1)). Leaves of plants irrigated with 240 mmol NaCl L(-1) became chlorotic after 30 days exposure. However, concentrations of N, P. Mg and Zn in leaves were not affected significantly (P > 0.05) by salinity. Apparently, K(+) and Ca(2+) were the key nutrients affected in the response of carob rootstocks to salinity. Plants grown with 80 and 120 mmol L(-1) of NaCl contained the greatest K. concentration. Na(+)/K(+) increased with salinity, due to an elevated Na(+) content but K(+) uptake was also enhanced, which alleviated some Na. stress. Ca(2+) concentration in leaves was not reduced under salinity. Salinization of irrigation water and subsequent impacts on agricultural soils are now common problems in the Mediterranean region. Under such conditions, carob seems to be a salt as well as a drought tolerant species. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Little is known about the sustainability of irrigated oasis agriculture in northern Oman. The objective of this study therefore was to examine which factors allowed agricultural productivity to be apparently maintained during the two millenia of a mountain oasis’ existence. Soil moisture and physico-chemical properties were measured in a typical flood-irrigated field sown to alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.). Particle size, organic (C_org) and inorganic carbon content, pH and electrical conductivity (EC)of the soil profile were analyzed at 0.15, 0.45 and 1.00 m. Saturated hydraulic conductivity and the soil’s apparent bulk density and water potential were determined from undisturbed samples at 0.05, 0.25 and 0.60 m. During irrigation cycles of 6–9 days, volumetric water contents ranged from 30% to 13%. A tracer experiment with potassium bromide revealed that 52–56% of the irrigation water was stored in the upper 0.4 m of the soil. The rest of the water moved further down the profile, thus providing the necessary drainage to avoid the build-up of toxic salt concentrations. Due to differences in pore size, plant-available water in the topsoil amounted to 18.7% compared to 13% and 13.5% at 0.25- and 0.60-m depth, respectively. The aggregate structure in the upper 1.0 m of the profile is likely preserved by concentrations of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) from 379 to 434 mg kg^-1 and C_org from 157 to 368 mg kg^-1 soil. The data indicate that the sustainability of this irrigated landuse system is due to high water quality with low sodium but high CaCO3 concentration, the elaborate terrace structure and water management which allows adequate drainage.


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The fertiliser value of human urine has been examined on several crops, yet little is known about its effects on key soil properties of agronomic significance. This study investigated temporal soil salinization potential of human urine fertiliser (HUF). It further looked at combined effects of human urine and wood ash (WA) on soil pH, urine-NH_3 volatilisation, soil electrical conductivity (EC), and basic cation contents of two Acrisols (Adenta and Toje series) from the coastal savannah zone of Ghana. The experiment was a factorial design conducted in the laboratory for 12 weeks. The results indicated an increase in soil pH by 1.2 units for Adenta series and 1 unit for Toje series after one week of HUF application followed by a decline by about 2 pH units for both soil types after twelve weeks. This was attributed to nitrification of ammonium to nitrate leading to acidification. The EC otherwise increased with HUF application creating slightly saline conditions in Toje series and non-saline conditions in Adenta series. When WA was applied with HUF, both soil pH and EC increased. In contrast, the HUF alone slightly salinized Toje series, but both soils remained non-saline whenWA and HUF were applied together. The application ofWA resulted in two-fold increase in Ca, Mg, K, and Na content compared to HUF alone. Hence, WA is a promising amendment of acid soils and could reduce the effect of soluble salts in human urine fertilizer, which is likely to cause soil salinity.


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A positive salinity anomaly of 0.2 PSU was observed between 50 and 200 m over the years 2000–2001 across the Mozambique Channel at a section at 17°S which was repeated in 2003, 2005, 2006, and 2008. Meanwhile, a moored array is continued from 2003 to 2008. This anomaly was most distinct showing an interannual but nonseasonal variation. The possible origin of the anomaly is investigated using output from three ocean general circulation models (Estimating the Circulation and Climate of the Ocean, Ocean Circulation and Climate Advanced Modeling, and Parallel Ocean Program). The most probable mechanism for the salinity anomaly is the anomalous inflow of subtropical waters caused by a weakening of the northern part of the South Equatorial Current by weaker trade winds. This mechanism was found in all three numerical models. In addition, the numerical models indicate a possible salinization of one of the source water masses to the Mozambique Channel as an additional cause of the anomaly. The anomaly propagated southward into the Agulhas Current and northward along the African coast.


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Reclaimed water provides an important contribution to the water balance in water-scarce Jordan, but the quality of this water presents both benefits and challenges. Careful management of reclaimed water is required to maximize the nutrient benefits while minimizing the salinity risks. This work uses a multi-disciplinary research approach to show that soil response to irrigation with reclaimed water is a function of the management strategies adopted on the farm by the water user. The adoption of management methods to maintain soil productivity can be seen to be a result of farmers’ awareness to potentially plant-toxic ions in the irrigation water (70% of Jordan Valley farmers identified salinization as a hazard from irrigation with reclaimed water). However, the work also suggests that farmers’ management capacity is affected by the institutional management of water. About a third (35%) of farmers in the Jordan Valley claimed that their ability to manage salinization was limited by water shortages. Organizational interviews revealed that institutional awareness of soil management challenges was quite high (34% of interviewees described salinization as a risk from water reuse), but strategies to address this challenge at the institutional level require greater development.


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Soils are subject to varying degrees of direct or indirect human disturbance, constituting a major global change driver. Factoring out natural from direct and indirect human influence is not always straightforward, but some human activities have clear impacts. These include land use change, land management, and land degradation (erosion, compaction, sealing and salinization). The intensity of land use also exerts a great impact on soils, and soils are also subject to indirect impacts arising from human activity, such as acid deposition (sulphur and nitrogen) and heavy metal pollution. In this critical review, we report the state-of-the-art understanding of these global change pressures on soils, identify knowledge gaps and research challenges, and highlight actions and policies to minimise adverse environmental impacts arising from these global change drivers. Soils are central to considerations of what constitutes sustainable intensification. Therefore, ensuring that vulnerable and high environmental value soils are considered when protecting important habitats and ecosystems, will help to reduce the pressure on land from global change drivers. To ensure that soils are protected as part of wider environmental efforts, a global soil resilience programme should be considered, to monitor, recover or sustain soil fertility and function, and to enhance the ecosystem services provided by soils. Soils cannot, and should not, be considered in isolation of the ecosystems that they underpin and vice versa. The role of soils in supporting ecosystems and natural capital needs greater recognition. The lasting legacy of the International Year of Soils in 2015 should be to put soils at the centre of policy supporting environmental protection and sustainable development.


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The movement toward a sustainable future has begun in many parts of the world, as the seriousness of the environmental problems faced by the planet become more widely recognised. Waste reduction, improved efficiency of energy use, water saving devices and changes in modes of transport are the first steps in the transition to a sustainable future. The students of today will be the decision makers of tomorrow and, thus, can have a significant effect on future development and the environmental
impacts of that development. If students today are to become active participants in the environmental decision-making process, education for sustainability becomes a key component in ensuring sustainable futures. There is a need to establish data describing students’ attitudes toward environmental and resource sustainability issues so that challenges to implementing sustainable development policy can be better recognised. The aims of this study were to identify the perceptions of students in
the south west region of Victoria regarding environment and resource sustainability, and to identify their level of participation in sustainable behaviours. A survey of students has found that global environmental issues perceived by students as being in urgent need of attention were access to freshwater, loss of tropical rainforest and exhaustion of natural resources. At the local level the most urgent issues identified were water pollution, salinization and soil degradation, and clearing of native vegetation. Students perceive that Australians are overusing natural resources. They indicated particular concern for the sustainability of fossil fuels, water, coastal environments and fisheries resources. The results of this study indicate that students are responding to concerns for the environment and resource sustainability by embracing some forms of sustainable behaviour. However, as educators we need to ensure that
the link is made between environment and resource sustainability and the implementation of policies that will further encourage sustainable behaviour.


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The aim of this study was to identify whether environmental flows released into two lowland rivers (the Glenelg and Wimmera Rivers, western Victoria, Australia) during the spring to autumn period had successfully ameliorated the negative effects of multiple human impacts. Macroinvertebrates and a range of physico-chemical variables were sampled from three reaches in each river. Both rivers were sampled during three environmental release seasons with average-sized releases (1997-1998, 1998-1999 and 2001-2002) and two drought seasons with limited releases (1999-2000 and 2000-2001). The effects of releasing average-sized environmental flows on macroinvertebrates and physico-chemical variables were assessed by comparison with data from the two drought seasons. For the Glenelg River, data from a reference season prior to the release of environmental flows (1995-1996) was also compared to data from the five environmental flow seasons. Multivariate analyses revealed four pieces of evidence indicating that the release of environmental flows effectively slowed the process of environmental degradation in the Glenelg River but not in the Wimmera River: (1) the magnitude of the river discharge was dependent on the size of environmental flow releases; (2) in the Wimmera River, water quality deteriorated markedly during the two drought seasons and correlated strongly with macroinvertebrate assemblage structure, but this was not observed in the Glenelg River; (3) the taxonomic composition of the macroinvertebrate assemblages among contrasting flow release seasons reflected the severe deterioration in water quality of the Wimmera River; (4) despite two drought seasons with minimal environmental flow releases, the macroinvertebrate assemblage in the Glenelg River did not differ from the average-release seasons, nor did it return to a pre-environmental flows condition. Therefore, it appears that environmental flow releases did sustain the macroinvertebrate assemblage and maintain reasonable water quality in the Glenelg River. However, in the Wimmera River, release volumes were too small to maintain low salinities and were associated with marked changes in the macroinvertebrate assemblage. Therefore, there are multiple lines of evidence that environmental flow releases of sufficient magnitude may slow the process of degradation in a regulated lowland river.