530 resultados para Sacrifice.


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La musique est étroitement liée à la pratique liturgique des Grecs de l’Antiquité. Un scrupuleux examen des sources confirme l’omniprésence de l’aulos au sein du sacrifice sanglant, un fait qui semble ne pas s’accorder avec certains propos anciens dépréciateurs de l’instrument. Grâce aux sources textuelles et surtout iconographiques, on constate que l’importance attribuée au rôle de la musique, et plus spécialement de l’aulos, dans le sacrifice varie d’une étape rituelle à l’autre. Certaines actions cérémonielles, comme la procession, s’accomplissent au son de la musique, alors que d’autres, comme l’immolation, semblent en être dépourvues. Puis, en observant quelques représentations de sacrifices humains, on remarque que la musique est abordée différemment en fonction du contexte et de la nature du rituel sacrificiel dans lequel elle s’insère. Ainsi, la façon dont on traite la musique dans les sources peut fournir des indices quant aux principes idéologiques relatifs aux différents rituels.


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Pour respecter les droits d’auteur, la version électronique de ce mémoire a été dépouillée de documents visuels. La version intégrale du mémoire a été déposée à la Division de la gestion des documents et des archives.


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In bargaining, players may adopt different prominence structures when making demands: (i) each player might use (1/N)th of his maximum monetary payoff as the prominence level or (ii) players might use a common prominence level. This paper considers a scheme in which players alternate making demands. It turns out that if the prominence levels described by (i) are used and if players have utilities linear in money, the outcome of this scheme converges to that of the Kalai-Smorodinsky solution as players' prominence levels get smaller. If the common prominence level of (ii) is used and if players have identical constant marginal utilities of money, the outcome of this scheme converges to that of the equal sacrifice solution as that prominence level gets smaller.


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In romantic love, the link with transgression is made very frequently indeed, so frequently that we cannot simply be dealing with a way of construing as real an obstacle that is imagined because the actual satisfaction is prohibited. Rather, the fact that access to the object is seen as transgressive must be due to the fact that the object itself has something that prevents the relationship from occurring. That is, it is not the case that the object is merely imagined to be inaccessible when in actual fact there is no obstacle to satisfaction by means of it. Rather, the relationship to the object as source of love is also and at the same time a perverse relationship that, at least for a neurotic, causes anxiety.


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We investigate the efficiency of equal sacrifice tax schedules in an economy which primitives are exactly those in Mirrlees (1971): a continuum of individuals with identical preferences defined over consumption and leisure who differ with respect to their labor market productivity. Using a separable specification for preferences we derive the minimum equal sacrifice allocation and recover the tax schedule that implements it. The separable specification allows us to use the methodology developed by Werning (2007b) to check whether the schedule is efficient, that is, whether there is no alternative tax schedule that raises more revenue while delivering less utility to no one. We find that inefficiency does not arise for most parametrizations we use to approximate the US economy. For the few cases for which inefficiency does arise, it does so only for very high levels of income and marginal tax rates.


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In an economy which primitives are exactly those in Mirrlees (1971), we investigate the efficiency of labor income tax schedules derived under the equal sacrifice principle. Starting from a given government revenue level, we use Werning’s (2007b) approach to assess whether there is an alternative tax schedule to the one derived under the equal sacrifice principle that raises more revenue while delivering less utility to no one. For our preferred parametrizations of the problem we find that inefficiency only arises at very high levels of income. We also show how the multipliers of the Pareto problem may be extracted from the data and used to find the implicit marginal social weights associated with each level of income.


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In this paper, we focus on the model for two types of tumors. Tumor development can be described by four types of death rates and four tumor transition rates. We present a general semi-parametric model to estimate the tumor transition rates based on data from survival/sacrifice experiments. In the model, we make a proportional assumption of tumor transition rates on a common parametric function but no assumption of the death rates from any states. We derived the likelihood function of the data observed in such an experiment, and an EM algorithm that simplified estimating procedures. This article extends work on semi-parametric models for one type of tumor (see Portier and Dinse and Dinse) to two types of tumors.


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by Hermann L. Strack. The English transl. by Henry Blanchamp


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[by Stephen John Smith, late 5th (Wellington) Regiment, secretary Samoa administration in military occupation, 1915-1918]