672 resultados para SURF Descriptor


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Gipuzkoako Surf Federazioari helburuak zehaztu eta bideak markatzen lagunduko dion lau urtekorako plan estrategikoa da.


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Part I. The cellular slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum is a simple eukaryote which undergoes a multi-cellular developmental process. Single cell myxamoebae divide vegetatively in the presence of a food source. When the food is depleted or removed, the cells aggregate, forming a migrating pseudoplasmodium which differentiates into a fruiting body containing stalk and spore cells. I have shown that during the developmental cycle glycogen phosphorylase, aminopeptidase, and alanine transaminase are developmentally regulated, that is their specific activities increased at a specific time in the developmental cycle. Phosphorylase activity is undetectable in developing cells until mid-aggregation whereupon it increases and reaches a maximum at mid-culmination. Thereafter the enzyme disappears. Actinomycin D and cycloheximide studies as well as studies with morphologically aberrant and temporally deranged mutants indicate that prior RNA and concomitant protein synthesis are necessary for the rise and decrease in activity and support the view that the appearance of the enzyme is regulated at the transcriptional level. Aminopeptidase and alanine transaminase increase 3 fold starting at starvation and reach maximum activity at 18 and 5 hours respectively.

The cellular DNA s of D. discoideum were characterized by CsC1 buoyant density gradient centrifugation and by renaturation kinetics. Whole cell DNA exhibits three bands in CsCl: ρ = 1.676 g/cc (nuclear main band), 1.687 (nuclear satellite), and 1.682 (mitochondrial). Reassociation kinetics at a criterion of Tm -23°C indicates that the nuclear reiterated sequences make up 30% of the genome (Cot1/2 (pure) 0.28) and the single-copy DNA 70% (Cot1/2(pure) 70). The complexity of the nuclear genome is 30 x 109 daltons and that of the mitochondrial DNA is 35-40 x 106 daltons (Cot1/2 0.15). rRNA cistrons constitute 2.2% of nuclear DNA and have a ρ = 1.682.

RNA extracted from 4 stages during developmental cycle of Dictyostelium was hybridized with purified single-copy nuclear DNA. The hybrids had properties indicative of single-copy DNA-RNA hybrids. These studies indicate that there are, during development, qualitative and quantitative changes in the portion of the single-copy of the genome transcribed. Overall, 56% of the genome is represented by transcripts between the amoeba and mid-culmination stages. Some 19% are sequences which are represented at all stages while 37% of the genome consists of stage specific sequences.

Part II. RNA and protein synthesis and polysome formation were studied during early development of the surf clam Spisula solidissima embryos. The oocyte has a small number of polysomes and a low but measurable rate of protein synthesis (leucine-3H incorporation). After fertilization, there is a continual increase in the percentage of ribosomes sedimenting in the polysome region. Newly synthesized RNA (uridine-5-3H incorporation) was found in polysomes as early as the 2-cell stage. During cleavage, the newly formed RNA is associated mainly with the light polysomes.

RNA extracted from polysomes labeled at the 4-cell stage is polydisperse, nonribosomal, and non-4 S. Actinomycin D causes a reduction of about 30% of the polysomes formed between fertilization and the 16-cell stage.

In the early cleavage stages the light polysomes are mostly affected by actinomycin.


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[EU]Lan honetan, surf oholetan erabiltzen diren gila mota desberdinen analisia egin da. Horretarako, merkatuan garrantzi handiena duten bi enpresek euren katalogoetan eskaintzen dituzten modelo batzuk aztertu dira. Ingeniaritza simulazioak ahalbidetzen dituen ansys softwarea erabiliz egin da aukeratutako modeloen diseinu geometrikoa. Hauen analisiari ekin baino lehenago, gila hauetako bat aztertu da, hau osatzen duen materiala ezagutu eta ezaugarriak zehaztu asmoz. Aztertutakoa modelo guztiek erabiltzen duten ohiko materiala izanik, lortutako emaitzak baliogarriak dira gila guztiak aztertzeko. Materialaren propietateak ezagututa eta aipatutako softwareaz baliatuz, analisi estatikoa egin da. Horretarako, surfean aurkitzen diren ohiko egoera batzuk irudikatu dira, hauetan agertzen diren esfortzuak kalkulatuz. Gila bakoitzaren portaera, jasandako tentsio eta deformazioak aztertuz ondorioztatu da. Horrela, kasu bakoitzean komenigarrienak diren ezaugarriak oinarri hartuz, modelo desberdinen arteko konparaketa egin da.


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El objetivo de este trabajo es diseñar un programa de surf recreativo enfocado a colectivos con Síndrome de Down de 6 a 10 años. El Síndrome de Down se define como una discapacidad intelectual causada por una alteración en el par de cromosomas 21 (OMS, 2011). Resulta de especial relevancia el tratamiento de dicha discapacidad de manera no farmacológica, destacando la actividad física, en este caso el surf, como elemento inclusivo a nivel físico, psicológico y social. Se analizan distintos programas de Actividad Física en el medio acuático con personas con Síndrome de Down y se presenta el Surf como elemento que provoca grandes beneficios. A continuación se presenta el diseño de un programa que podría llevarse a cabo en un entorno cercano a nuestro territorio con un atractivo elevado ya que se trata de un proyecto innovador y beneficioso para personas con Síndrome de Down y sus familiares.


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The study of interrelationships between soil structure and its functional properties is complicated by the fact that the quantitative description of soil structure is challenging. Soil scientists have tackled this challenge by taking advantage of approaches such as fractal geometry, which describes soil architectural complexity through a scaling exponent (D) relating mass and numbers of particles/aggregates to particle/aggregate size. Typically, soil biologists use empirical indices such as mean weight diameters (MWD) and percent of water stable aggregates (WSA), or the entire size distribution, and they have successfully related these indices to key soil features such as C and N dynamics and biological promoters of soil structure. Here, we focused on D, WSA and MWD and we tested whether: D estimated by the exponent of the power law of number-size distributions is a good and consistent correlate of MWD and WSA; D carries information that differs from MWD and WSA; the fraction of variation in D that is uncorrelated with MWD and WSA is related to soil chemical and biological properties that are thought to establish interdependence with soil structure (e.g., organic C, N, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi). We analysed observational data from a broad scale field study and results from a greenhouse experiment where arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and collembola altered soil structure. We were able to develop empirical models that account for a highly significant and large portion of the correlation observed between WSA and MWD but we did not uncover the mechanisms that underlie this correlation. We conclude that most of the covariance between D and soil biotic (AMF, plant roots) and abiotic (C. N) properties can be accounted for by WSA and MWD. This result implies that the ecological effects of the fragmentation properties described by D and generally discussed under the framework of fractal models can be interpreted under the intuitive perspective of simpler indices and we suggest that the biotic components mostly impacted the largest size fractions, which dominate MWD, WSA and the scaling exponent ruling number-size distributions. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Selectivity is a fundamental issue in heterogeneous catalysis. In this study, the CH(4) selectivity in Fischer-Tropsch synthesis is chosen to be investigated: CH4 selectivity on Rh, Co, Ru, Fe, and Re surfaces is computed by first-principles methods. In conjunction with kinetic analyses, we are able to derive the effective barrier difference between methane formation and chain growth (Delta E(eff)) to quantify the CH(4) selectivity. By using this energy descriptor, the ranking of methane selectivity predicted from density functional theory (DFT) calculations is consistent with experimental work. Moreover, a linear correlation between Delta E(eff) and the chemisorption energy of C + 4H (Delta H) is found. This fundamental finding possesses the following significance: (i) it shows that the selectivity, which appears to have kinetic characteristics, is largely determined by thermodynamic properties; and (ii) it suggests that an increase of the binding strength of C + 4H will suppress methane selectivity.