456 resultados para SUPERCONDUCTORS


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The condition for the observability of CESR in superconducting thin films is analysed taking into account the finiteness of the flux penetration depth. We have explicitly evaluated the path-dependent phase mixing factor occuring in the expression for power absorption. The calculated line width turns out to be of the order of, or larger than, the nominal resonance frequency for the experimentally realisable choice of parameters.


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We study the vortex matter phase diagram of a layered superconductor in the presence of columnar pinning defects, tilted with respect to the normal to the layers. We use numerical minimization of the free energy written as a functional of the time-averaged vortex density of the Ramakrishnan-Yussouff form, supplemented by the appropriate pinning potential. We study the case where the pin density is smaller than the areal vortex density. At lower pin concentrations, we find, for temperatures of the order of the melting temperature of the unpinned lattice, a Bose glass type phase which at lower temperatures converts, via a first-order transition, to a Bragg glass, while, at higher temperatures, it crosses over to an interstitial liquid. At somewhat higher concentrations, no transition to a Bragg glass is found even at the lowest temperatures studied. While qualitatively the behavior we find is similar to that obtained using the same procedures for columnar pins normal to the layers, there are important and observable quantitative differences, which we discuss.


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X-ray Raman scattering and x-ray emission spectroscopies were used to study the electronic properties and phase transitions in several condensed matter systems. The experimental work, carried out at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, was complemented by theoretical calculations of the x-ray spectra and of the electronic structure. The electronic structure of MgB2 at the Fermi level is dominated by the boron σ and π bands. The high density of states provided by these bands is the key feature of the electronic structure contributing to the high critical temperature of superconductivity in MgB2. The electronic structure of MgB2 can be modified by atomic substitutions, which introduce extra electrons or holes into the bands. X ray Raman scattering was used to probe the interesting σ and π band hole states in pure and aluminum substituted MgB2. A method for determining the final state density of electron states from experimental x-ray Raman scattering spectra was examined and applied to the experimental data on both pure MgB2 and on Mg(0.83)Al(0.17)B2. The extracted final state density of electron states for the pure and aluminum substituted samples revealed clear substitution induced changes in the σ and π bands. The experimental work was supported by theoretical calculations of the electronic structure and x-ray Raman spectra. X-ray emission at the metal Kβ line was applied to the studies of pressure and temperature induced spin state transitions in transition metal oxides. The experimental studies were complemented by cluster multiplet calculations of the electronic structure and emission spectra. In LaCoO3 evidence for the appearance of an intermediate spin state was found and the presence of a pressure induced spin transition was confirmed. Pressure induced changes in the electronic structure of transition metal monoxides were studied experimentally and were analyzed using the cluster multiplet approach. The effects of hybridization, bandwidth and crystal field splitting in stabilizing the high pressure spin state were discussed. Emission spectroscopy at the Kβ line was also applied to FeCO3 and a pressure induced iron spin state transition was discovered.


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Effect of disorder on the electrical resistance near the superconducting transition temperature in the paracoherence region of high temperature YBa2CU3O7-delta (YBCO) thin film superconductor is reported. For this, c-axis oriented YBa2Cu3O7-delta thin films having superconducting transition width varying between 0.27 K and 6 K were deposited using laser ablation and high pressure oxygen sputtering techniques. Disorder in these films was further created by using 100 MeV oxygen and 200 MeV silver ions with varying fluences. It is observed that the critical exponent in the paracoherence region for films with high transition temperature and small transition width is in agreement with the theoretically predicted value (gamma = 1.33) and is not affected by disorder, while for films with lower transition temperature and larger transition width the value of exponent is much larger as compared to that theoretically predicted and it varies from sample to sample and usually changes with disorder induced by radiation. This difference in the behaviour of the exponent has been explained on the basis of differences in the strength of weak links and the transition between temperatures T. and T, is interpreted as a percolation like transition with disorder. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The r.f. absorption experiment performed on YBa2Cu3O7-x ceramic pellets using a CW NMR spectrometer shows some novel observed in the microwave range.


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The first two members of the new TlSrn+1−xLnxCunO2n+3+δ (Ln=La, Pr, or Nd) series of superconducting cuprates possessing 1021 and 1122 type structures are described. The n=1 (1021) members with Tcs around 40 K have electrons or holes as the majority charge carriers depending on x. The n=2 (1122) cuprate (Ln=Pr or Nd) shows a Tc in the 80–90 K range.


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X-ray absorption spectra, X-ray photoelectron spectra and Auger spectra of cuprate superconductors are discussed. The studies establish the absence of Cu3+ for all practical purposes, but point out the importance of oxygen holes. X-ray photoelectron spectra of BaBi0.25Pb0.75O3 and related compounds are also examined.


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Energy loss spectra of superconducting YBa2Cu3O6.9' Bi1.5Pb0.5Ca2.5Sr1.5Cu3O10+δ and Tl2CaBa2Cu3O8 obtained at primary electron energies in the 170–310 eV range show features reflecting the commonalities in their electronic structures. The relative intensity of the plasmon peak shows a marked drop across the transition temperature. Secondary electron emission spectra of the cuprates also reveal some features of the electronic structure.


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In the superconducting state of high Tc oxides, it is possible to conceive that the mobility of the charge carrier pairs is a consequence of the absence of a net chemical force on them. On this assumption, we have examined a heuristic relation between Tc and a simple function of electronegativities of constituent atoms. We find that Tc varies approximately linearly with the fractional electronegativity of all cations considered together.


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A comparative neutron diffraction study of Bi2CaSr2Cu2O8+δ, Bi2Ca2SrCu2O8+δ and Bi2Ca1.5Y0.5SrCu2O8+δ has not only shown the presence of considerable oxygen excess in the Bi layers, but also evidence for oxygen pairing giving rise to O1−2 or O2−2 type species, probably the latter. The proportion of the paired species increases when Y partly replaces Ca. Furthermore, the Tc decreases with an increase in paired species.


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Based on Cu K-edge absorption spectroscopy as well as Cu(2p3/2) and Cu(LVV) Auger spectroscopies it is shown that the recently discovered Pb2Sr2Ca1-xLxCu3O8+δ (L=Y or Lu) superconductors contain well-defined Cu1+ species in admixture with Cu2+. The proportion of Cu1+ is small in the nonsuperconducting samples with x=1, a feature which is uniquely different from that in YBa2Cu3O7-δ.


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Superconducting oxides of the Bi1.5Pb0.5(Ca, Sr)n+1CunO2n+4+δ series with n = 1, 2, 3 and 4 have been characterized. The superconducting transition temperature increases markedly with n up to n = 3, but the Tc of the n = 4 member is not much higher than that of the n = 3 member. The Tc does not change significantly in Bi2−xPbxCaSr2Cu2O8+δ with x (0.1 < x ≤ 0.5).


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High-temperature superconductivity constitutes the most sensational discovery of recent times. Since these new superconductors are complex metal oxides, chemistry has had a big role to play in the investigations. For the first time, stoichiometry, structure, bonding, and such chemical factors have formed central themes in superconductivity, an area traditionally dominated by physicists. These oxide superconductors have given a big boost to solid-state chemistry.


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Using the configuration-interaction approach, we show that various core-level spectroscopic observations on the high-Tc superconducting oxides can be consistently described in terms of mixing between d9 and d10 configurations, with a negligible amount of the d8 (Cu3+) state. From our analysis of the existing experimental data, we provide evidence of a wide and continuous valence transition in these systems as a function of temperature. The changes in the hybridization strengths deduced here are indicative of structural modifications of the square-planar CuO4 clusters with decreasing temperature.