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La present tesi, tot i que emmarcada dins de la teoria de les Mesures Semblança Molecular Quántica (MQSM), es deriva en tres àmbits clarament definits: - La creació de Contorns Moleculars de IsoDensitat Electrònica (MIDCOs, de l'anglès Molecular IsoDensity COntours) a partir de densitats electròniques ajustades. - El desenvolupament d'un mètode de sobreposició molecular, alternatiu a la regla de la màxima semblança. - Relacions Quantitatives Estructura-Activitat (QSAR, de l'anglès Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships). L'objectiu en el camp dels MIDCOs és l'aplicació de funcions densitat ajustades, ideades inicialment per a abaratir els càlculs de MQSM, per a l'obtenció de MIDCOs. Així, es realitza un estudi gràfic comparatiu entre diferents funcions densitat ajustades a diferents bases amb densitats obtingudes de càlculs duts a terme a nivells ab initio. D'aquesta manera, l'analogia visual entre les funcions ajustades i les ab initio obtinguda en el ventall de representacions de densitat obtingudes, i juntament amb els valors de les mesures de semblança obtinguts prèviament, totalment comparables, fonamenta l'ús d'aquestes funcions ajustades. Més enllà del propòsit inicial, es van realitzar dos estudis complementaris a la simple representació de densitats, i són l'anàlisi de curvatura i l'extensió a macromolècules. La primera observació correspon a comprovar no només la semblança dels MIDCOs, sinó la coherència del seu comportament a nivell de curvatura, podent-se així observar punts d'inflexió en la representació de densitats i veure gràficament aquelles zones on la densitat és còncava o convexa. Aquest primer estudi revela que tant les densitats ajustades com les calculades a nivell ab initio es comporten de manera totalment anàloga. En la segona part d'aquest treball es va poder estendre el mètode a molècules més grans, de fins uns 2500 àtoms. Finalment, s'aplica part de la filosofia del MEDLA. Sabent que la densitat electrònica decau ràpidament al allunyar-se dels nuclis, el càlcul d'aquesta pot ser obviat a distàncies grans d'aquests. D'aquesta manera es va proposar particionar l'espai, i calcular tan sols les funcions ajustades de cada àtom tan sols en una regió petita, envoltant l'àtom en qüestió. Duent a terme aquest procés, es disminueix el temps de càlcul i el procés esdevé lineal amb nombre d'àtoms presents en la molècula tractada. En el tema dedicat a la sobreposició molecular es tracta la creació d'un algorisme, així com la seva implementació en forma de programa, batejat Topo-Geometrical Superposition Algorithm (TGSA), d'un mètode que proporcionés aquells alineaments que coincideixen amb la intuïció química. El resultat és un programa informàtic, codificat en Fortran 90, el qual alinea les molècules per parelles considerant tan sols nombres i distàncies atòmiques. La total absència de paràmetres teòrics permet desenvolupar un mètode de sobreposició molecular general, que proporcioni una sobreposició intuïtiva, i també de forma rellevant, de manera ràpida i amb poca intervenció de l'usuari. L'ús màxim del TGSA s'ha dedicat a calcular semblances per al seu ús posterior en QSAR, les quals majoritàriament no corresponen al valor que s'obtindria d'emprar la regla de la màxima semblança, sobretot si hi ha àtoms pesats en joc. Finalment, en l'últim tema, dedicat a la Semblança Quàntica en el marc del QSAR, es tracten tres aspectes diferents: - Ús de matrius de semblança. Aquí intervé l'anomenada matriu de semblança, calculada a partir de les semblances per parelles d'entre un conjunt de molècules. Aquesta matriu és emprada posteriorment, degudament tractada, com a font de descriptors moleculars per a estudis QSAR. Dins d'aquest àmbit s'han fet diversos estudis de correlació d'interès farmacològic, toxicològic, així com de diverses propietats físiques. - Aplicació de l'energia d'interacció electró-electró, assimilat com a una forma d'autosemblança. Aquesta modesta contribució consisteix breument en prendre el valor d'aquesta magnitud, i per analogia amb la notació de l'autosemblança molecular quàntica, assimilar-la com a cas particular de d'aquesta mesura. Aquesta energia d'interacció s'obté fàcilment a partir de programari mecanoquàntic, i esdevé ideal per a fer un primer estudi preliminar de correlació, on s'utilitza aquesta magnitud com a únic descriptor. - Càlcul d'autosemblances, on la densitat ha estat modificada per a augmentar el paper d'un substituent. Treballs previs amb densitats de fragments, tot i donar molt bons resultats, manquen de cert rigor conceptual en aïllar un fragment, suposadament responsable de l'activitat molecular, de la totalitat de l'estructura molecular, tot i que les densitats associades a aquest fragment ja difereixen degut a pertànyer a esquelets amb diferents substitucions. Un procediment per a omplir aquest buit que deixa la simple separació del fragment, considerant així la totalitat de la molècula (calcular-ne l'autosemblança), però evitant al mateix temps valors d'autosemblança no desitjats provocats per àtoms pesats, és l'ús de densitats de Forats de fermi, els quals es troben definits al voltant del fragment d'interès. Aquest procediment modifica la densitat de manera que es troba majoritàriament concentrada a la regió d'interès, però alhora permet obtenir una funció densitat, la qual es comporta matemàticament igual que la densitat electrònica regular, podent-se així incorporar dins del marc de la semblança molecular. Les autosemblances calculades amb aquesta metodologia han portat a bones correlacions amb àcids aromàtics substituïts, podent així donar una explicació al seu comportament. Des d'un altre punt de vista, també s'han fet contribucions conceptuals. S'ha implementat una nova mesura de semblança, la d'energia cinètica, la qual consisteix en prendre la recentment desenvolupada funció densitat d'energia cinètica, la qual al comportar-se matemàticament igual a les densitats electròniques regulars, s'ha incorporat en el marc de la semblança. A partir d'aquesta mesura s'han obtingut models QSAR satisfactoris per diferents conjunts moleculars. Dins de l'aspecte del tractament de les matrius de semblança s'ha implementat l'anomenada transformació estocàstica com a alternativa a l'ús de l'índex Carbó. Aquesta transformació de la matriu de semblança permet obtenir una nova matriu no simètrica, la qual pot ser posteriorment tractada per a construir models QSAR.


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A focused library of potential hydrogelators each containing two substituted aromatic residues separated by a urea or thiourea linkage have been synthesised and characterized. Six of these novel compounds are highly efficient hydrogelators, forming gels in aqueous solution at low concentrations (0.03–0.60 wt %). Gels were formed through a pH switching methodology, by acidification of a basic solution (pH 14 to ≈4) either by addition of HCl or via the slow hydrolysis of glucono-δ-lactone. Frequently, gelation was accompanied by a dramatic switch in the absorption spectra of the gelators, resulting in a significant change in colour, typically from a vibrant orange to pale yellow. Each of the gels was capable of sequestering significant quantities of the aromatic cationic dye, methylene blue, from aqueous solution (up to 1.02 g of dye per gram of dry gelator). Cryo-transmission electron microscopy of two of the gels revealed an extensive network of high aspect ratio fibers. The structure of the fibers altered dramatically upon addition of 20 wt % of the dye, resulting in aggregation and significant shortening of the fibrils. This study demonstrates the feasibility for these novel gels finding application as inexpensive and effective water purification platforms.


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An empirical nucleophilicity index based on the gas-phase ionization potentials has been recently shown to be useful categorizing and settling the nucleophilicity power of a series of captodative ethylenes reacting in cycloaddition reactions (L.R. Domingo, E. Chamorro, P. Perez, Journal of Organic Chemistry 73 (2008) 4615-4624). In the present work, the applicability of such model is tested within a broader series of substituted alkenes, substituted aromatic compounds and simple nucleophilic molecules. This index obtained within a Koopman`s theorem framework has been evaluated here in both gas and solution phases for several well-known nucleophiles. These results are found to be linearly correlated. Finally, the feasibility of the predictive character of this index has been discussed in comparison to the available experimental nucleophilicities of some amines in water. These results further support and validate the usefulness of such approximation in the modeling of the global nucleophilicity. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In the present study, the main focus was the characterization and application of the by-product lignin isolated through an industrial organosolv acid hydrolysis process from sugarcane bagasse, aiming at the production of bioethanol. The sugarcane lignin was characterized and used to prepare phenolic-type resins. The analysis confirmed that the industrial sugarcane lignin is of HGS type, with a high proportion of the less substituted aromatic ring p-hydroxyphenyl units, which favors further reaction with formaldehyde. The lignin-formaldehyde resins were used to produce biobased composites reinforced with different proportions of randomly distributed sisal fibers. The presence of lignin moieties in both the fiber and matrix increases their mutual affinity, as confirmed by SEM images, which showed good adhesion at the biocomposite fiber/matrix interface. This in turn allowed good load transference from the matrix to the fiber, leading to biobased composites with good impact strength (near 500 J m(-1) for a 40 wt% sisal fiber-reinforced composite). The study demonstrates that sugarcane bagasse lignin obtained from a bioethanol plant can be used without excessive purification in the preparation of lignocellulosic fiber-reinforced biobased composites displaying high mechanical properties. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2010;107: 612-621. (C) 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Space-charge-limited currents measurements have been carried out on undoped amorphous poly p-phenylene sulfide. The scaling law is checked for different samples with varying thickness, and J-V data analyzed. The position of the quasi-Fermi level and the density of states was obtained.


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Tumor is a lesion that may be formed by an abnormal growth of neoplastic cells. Many factors increase the risk of cancer and different targets are involved in tumor progression. Within this thesis, we have addressed two different biological targets, independently connected with tumor formation, e.g. Hsp90 and androgen receptor. The ATP-dependent chaperone Hsp90 is responsible for the conformational maturation and the renaturation of proteins. “Client” proteins are associated with the cancer hallmarks, as cell proliferation and tumor progression. Consequently, Hsp90 has evolved into promising anticancer target. Over the past decade, radicicol has been identified as potential anticancer agent targeting Hsp90, but it is not active in vivo. With that aim of obtaining radicicol-related derivatives, we developed the design and synthesis of new chalcones analogs. Chalcones, which are abundant in edible plants, own a diverse array of pharmacological activities and are considered a versatile scaffold for drug design. Antiproliferative assays and western blot analysis on the new compounds showed that some of those display an interesting cytotoxic effect and the ability to modulate Hsp90 client proteins expression. Androgen Receptor (AR) hypersensitivity plays crucial role in prostate cancer, which progression is stimulated by androgens. The therapy consists in a combination of surgical or chemical castration, along with antiandrogens treatment. Casodex® (bicalutamide), is the most widespread antiandrogen used in clinic. However, hormonal therapy is time-limited since many patients develop resistance. Commercially available antiandrogens show a common scaffold, e.g. two substituted aromatic rings linked by a linear or a cyclic spacer. With the aim of obtaining novel pure AR antagonists, we developed a new synthetic methodology, which allowed us to introduce, as linker between two suitably chosen aromatic rings, a triazole moiety. Preliminary data suggest that the herein reported new molecules generally decrease PSA expression, thus confirming their potential AR antagonistic activity.


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Arctic soils contain a large fraction of Earth's stored carbon. Temperature increases in the Arctic may enhance decomposition of this stored carbon, shifting the role of Arctic soils from a net sink to a new source of atmospheric CO2. Predicting the impact of Arctic warming on soil carbon reserves requires knowledge of the composition of the stored organic matter. Here, we employ solid state 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and Fourier transform infrared-photoacoustic spectroscopy (FTIR-PAS) to investigate the chemical composition of soil organic matter collected from drained thaw-lake basins ranging in age from 0 to 5500 years before present (y BP). The 13C NMR and FTIR-PAS data were largely congruent. Surface horizons contain relatively large amounts of O-alkyl carbon, suggesting that the soil organic matter is rich in labile constituents. Soil organic matter decreases with depth with the relative amounts of O-alkyl carbon decreasing and aromatic carbon increasing. These data indicate that lower horizons are in a more advanced stage of decomposition than upper horizons. Nonetheless, a substantial fraction of carbon in lower horizons, even for ancient thaw-lake basins (2000-5500 y BP), is present as O-alkyl carbon reflecting the preservation of intrinsically labile organic matter constituents. Climate change-induced increases in the depth of the soil active layer are expected to accelerate the depletion of this carbon.


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A range of polyimides have been subjected to electron beam radiolysis at different temperatures. These polyimides were chemically designed to suit space applications, being either transparent or having groups which provide oxidation resistance. The structural changes that occur in the polyimides, when subjected to electron beam irradiation doses up to 18.5 MGy and up to temperatures close to their glass transition temperatures, were studied using FT-Raman spectroscopy. The range of polyimides studied included a series of perfluoropolyimides, a silicon-modified polyimide, and Ultem. The changes in the Raman peak intensities of the different groups indicated scission reactions involving the imide rings and ether linkages. (c) 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Cyclothialidine, a natural product isolated from Streptomyces .filipinensis NR0484, has been proven to be a potent and selective inhibitor of the bacterial enzyme DNA gyrase. Gyrase inhibition results in cell death, the enzyme being the target of several currently used antibiotics. Cyclothialidine showed poor activity against whole bacterial cells, highlighting scope for improvement regarding cell membrane pemeability in order for the full potential of this new class of antibiotics to be realised, Structurally, cyclothialidine contains a 12-membered lactone ring which is partly integrated into a pentapeptide chain, with a substituted aromatic moiety bordering the lactone, Retrosynthetically it can be traced back to cis-3-hydroxyproline, 3,5-dihydroxy-2,6-dimethylbenzoic acid and four commercially available amino acids; two serine, one cysteine and one alanine. In this work, a model of cyclothialidine was synthesised in order to establish the methodology for more complex compounds. Analogues with hydroxy, dihydroxy and dihydroxymethyl substituted aromatic moieties were then prepared to ensure successful protection methods could be performed and the pharmacophore synthesised. The key aromatic moiety, 2,6-dimethyl-3,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid was produced via two successive Mannich reaction/reduction steps. Acid protection using 4-nitrobenzyl bromide and TBDMS hydroxyl protection followed by bromination of one methyl afforded the desired intermediate. Reaction with a serine/cysteine dipeptide, followed by deprotection and cyclisation under Mitsunobu conditions lead to the 12-membered lactone. An amine substituted aromatic analogue and also replacement of the cysteine sulphur by oxygen were attempted but without success. In an effort to improve cell permeability, a conjugate was synthesised between the pharmacophore and a cholesterol moiety. It was hoped the steroid fragment would serve to increase potency by escorting the molecule through the lipid environment of the cell membrane. The pharmacophore and conjugate were tested against a variety of bacterial strains but the conjugate failed to improve activity.


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Aberrant tyrosine protein kinase activity has been implicated in the formation and maintenance of malignancy and so presents a potential target for cancer chemotherapy. Quercetin, a naturally occuring flavonoid, inhibits the tyrosine protein kinase encoded by the Rous sarcoma virus but also exhibits many other effects. Analogues of this compound were synthesised by the acylation of suitable 2-hydroxyacetophenones with appropriately substituted aromatic (or alicyclic) acid chlorides, followed by base catalysed rearrangement to the 1-(2-hydroxyphenyl)-3-phenylpropan-1,3-diones. Acid catalysed ring closure furnished flavones. The majority of the 1-(2-hydroxyphenyl)-3-phenylpropan-1,3-diones were shown by NMR to exist in the enol form. This was supported by the crystal structure of 1-(2-hydroxy-4-methoxyphenyl)-3-phenylpropan-1,3-dione. In contrast, 1.(4,6-dimethoxy-2-hydroxyphenyl)-3-phenylpropan-1,3-dione did not exhibit keto-enol tautomerism in the NMR spectrum and was shown in its crystal structure to assume a twisted conformation. Assessment of the biological activity of the analogues of quercetin was carried out using whole cells and the kinase domain of the tyrosine protein kinase encoded by the Abelson murine leukaemia virus, ptab150 kinase. Single cell suspension cultures and clonogenic potential of murine fibroblasts transformed by the Abelson Murine leukaemia virus (ANN-1 cells) did not indicate the existence of any structure activity relationship required for cytotoxicity or cytostasis. No selective toxicity was apparent when the `normal' parent cell line, (3T3), was used to assess the cytotoxic potential of quercetin. The ICS50 for these compounds were generally in the region of 1-100M. The potential for these compounds to inhibit ptab150 kinase was determined. A definite substitution requirement emerged from these experiments indicating a necessity for substituents in the A ring or in the 3-position of the flavone nucleus. Kinetic data showed these inhibitors to be competitive for ATP.


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As biguanidas são um grupo de compostos com diversas atividades biológicas. Recentemente, esta família de compostos tem sido estudada não só pela sua atividade hipoglicemiante, mas também pela sua atividade anti-proliferativa. Um dos objetivos deste estudo foi a síntese de biguanidas, com cadeias laterais com diferentes estruturas e grupos funcionais. O trabalho desenvolvido permitiu a síntese de diversas biguanidas, tendo sido isolados quatro compostos. Outro dos objetivos deste estudo foi avaliar a atividade anti-proliferativa de biguanidas, na linha celular MDST8. Para esse efeito, foi desenvolvido inicialmente um método de quantificação celular com base na atividade ATPásica, testado nas linhas celulares MDST8, MCF7 e BRIN-BD11, tendo sido utilizado como referência a quantificação pelo método das desidrogenases. Os compostos estudados com melhor atividade anti-proliferativa apresentaram IC50 da ordem de 2,5 – 2,9 x10-3 M. Estes valores foram observados em biguanidas cujos grupos substituintes possuíam cadeias hidrocarbonadas cíclicas, alifáticas ou aromáticas p-substituídas, na sua estrutura; Abstract: Synthesis of biguanides and evaluation of their biologic activity in tumor cell lines Biguanides are a group of compounds which have diverse biological activities. Recently, this family of compounds has been studied not only for its hypoglycemic activity, but also for its anti-proliferative activity. One purpose of this study was the synthesis of biguanides, with side chains with different structures and functional groups. The work led to the synthesis of several biguanides, with the isolation of four compounds. Another objective of this study was the evaluation of the anti-proliferative activity of biguanides, in the cell line MDST8. To this aim, it was initially developed a cell quantification method based on the ATPase activity, tested in MDST8, MCF7 and BRIN-BD11 cell lines, with the dehydrogenases method used as reference. The studied compounds with better anti-proliferative activity had IC50 in the range from 2.5 to 2.9 x10-3 M for biguanides whose substituent groups had cyclic hydrocarbon, aliphatic or p-substituted aromatic chains in their structure.


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Novel, linear, soluble, high-molecular-weight, film-forming polymers and copolymers in which main-chain crown ether units alternate with aliphatic (C-10-C-16) units have been obtained for the first time from aromatic electrophilic substitution reactions of crown ethers by aliphatic dicarboxylic acids followed by reduction of the carbonyl groups. The crown ether unit is dibenzo-18-crown-6, dibenzo-21-crown-7, dibenzo-24-crown-8, or dibenzo-30-crown-10; the aliphatic spacer is derived from a dicarboxylic acid (sebacic, 1,12-dodecanedicarboxylic, hexadecanedioic or 1,4-phenylenediacetic acids). The reactions were performed at 35 degrees C in a mixture of methanesulfonic acid (MSA) with phosphorus pentoxide, 12:1 (w/w), (Eaton's reagent). The carbonyl groups in the polyketones obtained were completely reduced to methylene linkages by treatment at room temperature with triethylsilane in a mixture of trifluoroacetic acid and dichloromethane. Polymers containing in the main chain crown ethers alternating with oxyindole fragments were prepared by one-pot condensation of crown ethers with isatin in a medium of Eaton's reagent. A possible reaction mechanism is suggested. According to IR and NMR analyses, the polyacylation reactions lead to the formation of isomeric (syn/anti-substituted) crown ether units in the main chain. The polymers obtained were soluble in the common organic solvents, and flexible transparent films could be cast from the solutions. DSC and X-ray studies of the polymers with "symmetrical" crown ethers reveal the presence of the endotherms corresponding to the supramolecular assemblies.


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The first hyperpolarizabilities of some symmetrically substituted triazines have been measured and compared with those of the corresponding symmetrically substituted benzenes. The octupolar triazines have higher quadratic polarizabilities than the corresponding octupolar benzenes. The triazine ring seems to be a better central acceptor than the benzene ring, but if it acts as a donor as in sym-triphenyl triazine, the nonlinearity improves further.


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In order to explore new highly organic electroluminescent materials, six symmetrical aromatic oxide-oxadiazoles containing pyridine ring 4a similar to 4f were synthesized through cyclization of substituted benzoic acid (2) with 2,6-dihydrazide pyridine (3) by "one-pot" method in POCl3. Their structures were confirmed by MS, IR, H-1 NMR techniques and elemental analysis. The fluorescence spectra of the target compounds showed that the A,m ranged from 347 to 507 nm, and the maximum A,m were close to 384 nm, which showed that these compounds have good fluorescence with strong fluorescence intensity. When the 5-Br group was introduced into the aromatic ring (4e and 4f), the fluorescent emission wavelength took place Einstein shift, and the fluorescent intensity decreased a little. Using quinine bisulphate as a reference, the fluorescence quantum yields were all tested, and the introduction of 5-Br group had no visible effect on fluorescence quantum yield.


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A series of new PPV oligomers containing 8-substituted quinoline, 2,2'-(arylenedivinylene) bis-8-quinoline derivatives, were designed and synthesized via a Knoevenagel condensation reaction of quinaldine, 8-hydroxy-or 8-methoxy-quinaldine with aromatic dialdehydes. These PPV oligomers were characterized by H-1 and C-13-NMR, X-ray diffraction, elemental analysis, UV-visible and fluorescence spectroscopies. The X-ray diffraction investigation showed that there are intermolecular pi...pi interactions in the solid state in 1 and 3. The optical and photoluminescent properties study demonstrated that the emission color of the resulting materials varies from blue to yellow and is dependent on the substituents (pi-donor and pi-acceptor groups) on both sides of the conjugated molecules and the aromatic core in the middle of the conjugated backbones. The electroluminescent devices using compounds 1-4 as the emitters and electron-transporting layers were fabricated with the structure ITO/NPB/emitter/LiF/Al. The best device performance with the maximum brightness of 5530 cd m(-2) and the luminous efficiency of 2.4 cd A(-1) is achieved by using compound 4, with intramolecular charge transfer character, as the emitter; these values represent a more than 5-fold improvement in brightness and efficiency compared to compound 3 without methoxy groups on the phenyl rings.