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This study examined the intergenerational effects of parental conviction of a substance-related charge on children's academic performance and, conditional on a conviction, whether completion of an adult drug treatment court (DTC) program was associated with improved school performance. State administrative data from North Carolina courts, birth records, and school records were linked for 2005-2012. Math and reading end-of-grade test scores and absenteeism were examined for 5 groups of children, those with parents who: were not convicted on any criminal charge, were convicted on a substance-related charge and not referred by a court to a DTC, were referred to a DTC but did not enroll, enrolled in a DTC but did not complete, and completed a DTC program. Accounting for demographic and socioeconomic factors, the school performance of children whose parents were convicted of a substance-related offense was worse than that of children whose parents were not convicted on any charge. These differences were statistically significant but substantially reduced after controlling for socioeconomic characteristics; for example, mother's educational attainment. We found no evidence that parent participation in an adult DTC program led to improved school performance of their children. While the children of convicted parents fared worse on average, much--but not all--of this difference was attributed to socioeconomic factors, with the result that parental conviction remained a risk factor for poorer school performance. Even though adult DTCs have been shown to have other benefits, we could detect no intergenerational benefit in improved school performance of their children.


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OBJECTIVE: To analyze drug use trends among college students in 1996, 2001 and 2009. METHODS: A cross-sectional epidemiological study with a multistage stratified cluster sample with 9,974 college students was conducted in the city of São Paulo, southeastern Brazil. An anonymous self-administered questionnaire was used to collect information on drug use assessed in lifetime, the preceding 12 months and the preceding 30 days. The Bonferroni correction was used for multiple comparisons of drug use rates between surveys. RESULTS: There were changes in the lifetime use of tobacco and some other drugs (hallucinogens [6.1% to 8.8%], amphetamines [4.6% to 8.7%], and tranquilizers [5.7% to 8.2%]) from 1996 to 2009. Differences in the use of other drugs over the 12 months preceding the survey were also seen: reduced use of inhalants [9.0% to 4.8%] and increased use of amphetamines [2.4% to 4.8%]. There was a reduction in alcohol [72.9% to 62.1%], tobacco [21.3% to 17.2%] and marijuana [15.0% to 11.5%] use and an increase in amphetamine use [1.9% to 3.3%] in the preceeding 30 days. CONCLUSIONS: Over the 13-year study period, there was an increase in lifetime use of tobacco, hallucinogens, amphetamines, and tranquilizers. There was an increase in amphetamine use and a reduction in alcohol use during the preceding 12 months. There was an increase in amphetamine use during the preceding 30 days.


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L'office fédéral de la santé publique (OFSP) a lancé le Monitorage suisse des addictions en 2011 (en anglais : Addiction Monitoring in Switzerland- AMIS). A intervalles réguliers, des données représentatives de la population suisse sont recensées, notamment en ce qui concerne la consommation d'alcool, de tabac, de drogues illégales et de médicaments ainsi que les risques qui lui sont liés. A cet effet, 11'000 personnes âgées de 15 ans et plus sont contactées annuellement pour répondre à un questionnaire. A ce jour, les données de 2011 et 2012 sont disponibles. Dans le cadre du Programme national migration et santé (2008-2013), l'OFSP désire compléter les données disponibles sur la santé des migrants. Ce rapport présente une analyse secondaire des données portant sur les migrants dans le cadre de l'enquête téléphonique continue mentionnée ci-dessus qui a été effectuée auprès de plus de 22'000 personnes de 15 ans et plus, résidant en Suisse en 2011 et 2012.


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AIM: To assess whether repeating a grade was associated with drug use among adolescents after controlling for personal, family and school-related variables, and whether there were differences between students in mandatory and post-mandatory school. METHODS: Data were drawn from the Catalonia Adolescent Health Survey, a cross-sectional study of in-school adolescents aged 14-19 y. The index group included 366 subjects who were repeating a grade at the time the survey was carried out (old-for-grade, OFG). A control group matched by gender, school and being one grade ahead was randomly chosen among all the subjects who had never repeated a grade. All statistically significant variables in the bivariate analysis were included in a multivariate analysis. In a second step, all analyses were repeated for students in mandatory (14-16 y) and post-mandatory (17-19 y) school. RESULTS: After controlling for background variables, subjects in the index group were more likely to perceive that most of their peers were using synthetic drugs and to have ever used them, to have bad grades and a worse relationship with their teachers. OFG students in mandatory school were more likely to have divorced parents, bad grades and have ever used synthetic drugs, whereas they were less likely to be regular drinkers. OFG students in post-mandatory school were more likely to have below average grades, to be regular smokers and to perceive that most of their peers used synthetic drugs. CONCLUSIONS: When background variables are taken into consideration, the relationship between repeating a grade and drug use is not so clear. By increasing the familial and academic support of adolescents with academic underachievement, we could reduce their drug consumption.


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[Table des matières] 1. Introduction. 1.1. Rappel du mandat. 1.2. Méthode. 2. Résultats. 2.1. Indicateurs du nombre de consommateurs. 2.2. Indicateurs des problèmes en relation (ou non) avec les drogues chez les jeunes. 2.3. Indicateurs en relation avec la consommation problématique de drogues dures en général. 2.4. Indicateurs des conséquences négatives pour les usagers de drogues illégales. 2.5. Indicateurs des conséquences négatives pour la société. 3. Annexe.


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Non-medical use of prescription drugs (NMUPD) is increasing among the general population, particularly among teenagers and young adults. Although prescription drugs are considered safer than illicit street drugs, NMUPD can lead to detrimental consequences. The aim of the present study was to investigate the relationship between drug use (NMUPD on the one side, illicit street drugs on the other side) with mental health issues and then compare these associations. A representative sample of 5719 young Swiss men aged around 20 years filled in a questionnaire as part of the ongoing baseline Cohort Study on Substance Use Risk Factors (C-SURF). Drug use (16 illicit street drugs and 5 NMUPDs, including sleeping pills, sedatives, pain killers, antidepressants, stimulants) and mental health issues (depression, SF12) were assessed. Simple and multiple linear regressions were employed. In simple regressions, all illicit and prescription drugs were associated with poorer mental health. In multiple regressions, most of the NMUPDs, except for stimulants, were significantly associated with poorer mental health and with depression. On the contrary, the only associations that remained significant between illicit street drugs and mental health involved cannabis. NMUPD is of growing concern not only because of its increasing occurrence, but also because of its association with depression and mental health problems, which is stronger than the association observed between these problems and illicit street drug use, excepted for cannabis. Therefore, NMUPD must be considered in screening for substance use prevention purposes.


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[Table des matières] 1. Introduction. 2. Quelques définitions et indicateurs de consommation utilisés au niveau international ( Tabac, alcool, drogues illégales, médicaments, cyberdépendance). 3. Indicateurs sociodémographiques. 4. Tabac. 5. Alcool. 6. Drogues illégales. 7. Médicaments. 8. Cyberdépendance. 9. AMIS (Addiction Monitoring in Switzerland) et l'Enquête CoRoIAR (COntinuous ROlling survey on Addictive behaviours and related Risks). 10. Abréviations. 11. Annexes.


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Le présent rapport décrit les grandes tendances qui se dégagent des résultats de l'Enquête SMASH 2002 et propose quelques hypothèses pour éclairer la compréhension et les enjeux de la situation actuelle ainsi que des pistes de réflexion pour l'avenir. Cette étude repose sur deux approches complémentaires de la santé: l'une donne la primauté aux aspects sociologiques des conduites de santé ("lifestyle"); l'autre, de nature épidémiologique, met l'accent sur la prévalence des comportements et procède à des analyses dans divers sous-groupes ou dans le temps. L'étude SMASH 2002 fournit une photographie de la situation des adolescents et de leur état de santé : besoins et comportements de santé, facteurs associés et évaluation des grands changements intervenus depuis une dizaine d'années. Ces données doivent permettre de réfléchir à une planification optimale des services de soins et des programmes de prévention et de promotion de la santé en faveur des adolescents. [extraits du résumé des auteurs]


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In Switzerland, a two-tier system based on impairment by any psychoactive substances which affect the capacity to drive safely and zero tolerance for certain illicit drugs came into force on 1 January 2005. According to the new legislation, the offender is sanctioned if Delta(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol THC is >or=1.5ng/ml or amphetamine, methamphetamine, 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA), 3,4-methylenedioxyethylamphetamine (MDEA), cocaine, free morphine are >or=15ng/ml in whole blood (confidence interval+/-30%). For all other psychoactive substances, impairment must be proven in applying the so-called "three pillars expertise". At the same time the legal blood alcohol concentration (BAC) limit for driving was lowered from 0.80 to 0.50g/kg. The purpose of this study was to analyze the prevalence of drugs in the first year after the introduction of the revision of the Swiss Traffic Law in the population of drivers suspected of driving under the influence of drugs (DUID). A database was developed to collect the data from all DUID cases submitted by the police or the Justice to the eight Swiss authorized laboratories between January and December 2005. Data collected were anonymous and included the age, gender, date and time of the event, the type of vehicle, the circumstances, the sampling time and the results of all the performed toxicological analyses. The focus was explicitly on DUID; cases of drivers who were suspected to be under the influence of ethanol only were not considered. The final study population included 4794 DUID offenders (4243 males, 543 females). The mean age of all drivers was 31+/-12 years (range 14-92 years). One or more psychoactive drugs were detected in 89% of all analyzed blood samples. In 11% (N=530) of the samples, neither alcohol nor drugs were present. The most frequently encountered drugs in whole blood were cannabinoids (48% of total number of cases), ethanol (35%), cocaine (25%), opiates (10%), amphetamines (7%), benzodiazepines (6%) and methadone (5%). Other medicinal drugs such as antidepressants and benzodiazepine-like were detected less frequently. Poly-drug use was prevalent but it may be underestimated because the laboratories do not always analyze all drugs in a blood sample. This first Swiss study points out that DUID is a serious problem on the roads in Switzerland. Further investigations will show if this situation has changed in the following years.


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Steadily increasing since 1990, the use of psychoactive substances was expanded to new designer drugs (bath salts, spice) with so original still unknown pharmacological effects. At the beginning, the pleasure, first feeling, turns sometimes, in acute medical emergency and then, in some cases, in chronic diseases. Side expected or not desired effects, seen in emergency departments could be necrotizing gangrene among consumers Krokodil or dystonic reactions in consumers of Spice. Moreover, adulterants could increase the dangerosity of the substances. Searching a toxidrome helps to find the incrimining substance.


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Le but de cette étude est d'explorer et de définir, par une analyse des besoins, si l'offre actuelle en services dans le domaine des addictions est encore adaptée à la situation épidémiologique actuelle des addictions, à l'évolution des types de comportements liés à la dépendance et aux besoins des clients. Il s'agit en particulier de répondre aux questions suivantes: Existe-t-il actuellement des besoins en traitement pour lesquels il n'existe aucune offre appropriée ? Quels groupes ne sont pas ou sont insuffisamment atteints par l'offre existante? A quels genres de problèmes liés à la dépendance et à quels nouveaux besoins des clients les structures oeuvrant dans le domaine de la dépendance sont-elles confrontées? Quels sont les besoins d'adaptation du système de prise en charge nécessaires concernant soit les groupes-cibles de services, soit les types d'offres - en particulier le besoin en nouveaux concepts/modèles de prise en charge pour répondre à l'évolution des besoins? Comment ces structures font-elles face à l'accroissement de l'usage de multiples substances (multi-consommation)?


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In Switzerland, 9.1% of the general population accept regular consumption of BZD. In 65-74 years age group, 2% of cases display a high-risk alcohol consumption. Moderate risk consumption is present in 5% of cases. For the BZD, the cognitive difficulties settle in an insidious way; for alcohol, the daily consumption of fairly high quantities may lead to cognitive deterioration. At early stages, alcohol abusers show preserved neuropsychological performances. Gradually, the deficits will affect the remaining cognitive functions and become irreversible. This review indicates that the chronic consumption of alcohol and BZD in old age is at the origin of major clinical difficulties that need ad hoc training both for psychiatrists and general practitioners.