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In all biological processes, protein molecules and other small molecules interact to function and form transient macromolecular complexes. This interaction of two or more molecules can be described by a docking event. Docking is an important phase for structure-based drug design strategies, as it can be used as a method to simulate protein-ligand interactions. Various docking programs exist that allow automated docking, but most of them have limited visualization and user interaction. It would be advantageous if scientists could visualize the molecules participating in the docking process, manipulate their structures and manually dock them before submitting the new conformations to an automated docking process in an immersive environment, which can help stimulate the design/docking process. This also could greatly reduce docking time and resources. To achieve this, we propose a new virtual modelling/docking program, whereby the advantages of virtual modelling programs and the efficiency of the algorithms in existing docking programs will be merged.


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Two targets, reverse transcriptase (RT) and protease from HIV-1, were used during the past two decades to the discovery of non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTI) and protease inhibitors (PI) that belong to the arsenal of the antiretroviral therapy. Herein these enzymes were chosen as templates for conducting a computer-aided ligand design. Ligand and structure-based drug designs were the starting points to select compounds from a database bearing more than five million compounds by means of cheminformatic tools. New promising lead structures are retrieved from the database, which are open to acquisition and test. Classes of molecules already described as NNRTI or PI in the literature also came out and were useful to prove the reliability of the workflow, and thus validating the work carried out so far. (c) 2007 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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The hemeprotein myeloperoxidase (MPO) participates in innate immune defense through its ability to generate potent microbicidal oxidants. However, these oxidants are also key mediators of the tissue damage associated with many inflammatory diseases. Thus, there is considerable interest in developing therapeutically useful MPO inhibitors. Here, we used structure-based drug design (SBDD) and ligand-based drug design (LBDD) to select for potentially new and selective MPO inhibitors. A pharmacophore model was developed based on the crystal structure of human MPO in complex with salicylhydroxamic acid (SHA), a known inhibitor of the enzyme. The pharmacophore model was used to screen the ZINC database for potential ligands, which were further filtered on the basis of their physical-chemical properties and docking score. The filtered compounds were visually inspected, and nine were purchased for experimental studies. Surprisingly, almost all of the selected compounds belonged to the aromatic hydrazide class, which had been previously described as MPO inhibitors. The compounds selected by virtual screening were shown to inhibit the chlorinating activity of MPO; the top four compounds displayed IC(50) values ranging from 1.0 to 2.8 mM. MPO inactivation by the most effective compound was shown to be irreversible. Overall, our results show that SBDD and LBDD may be useful for the rational development of new MPO inhibitors.


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Tuberculosis (TB) is one of the most common infectious diseases known to man and responsible for millions of human deaths in the world. The increasing incidence of TB in developing countries, the proliferation of multidrug resistant strains, and the absence of resources for treatment have highlighted the need of developing new drugs against TB. The shikimate pathway leads to the biosynthesis of chorismate, a precursor of aromatic amino acids. This pathway is absent from mammals and shown to be essential for the survival of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the causative agent of TB. Accordingly, enzymes of aromatic amino acid biosynthesis pathway represent promising targets for structure-based drug design. The first reaction in phenylalanine biosynthesis involves the conversion of chorismate to prephenate, catalyzed by chorismate mutase. The second reaction is catalyzed by prephenate dehydratase (PDT) and involves decarboxylation and dehydratation of prephenate to form phenylpyruvate, the precursor of phenylalanine. Here, we describe utilization of different techniques to infer the structure of M. tuberculosis PDT (MtbPDT) in solution. Small angle X-ray scattering and ultracentrifugation analysis showed that the protein oligomeric state is a tetramer and MtbPDT is a flat disk protein. Bioinformatics tools were used to infer the structure of MtbPDT A molecular model for MtbPDT is presented and molecular dynamics simulations indicate that MtbPDT i.s stable. Experimental and molecular modeling results were in agreement and provide evidence for a tetrameric state of MtbPDT in solution.


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Structural characterization of enzymes that belong to microbial metabolic pathways is very important for structure-based drug design since some of these proteins may be present in the bacterial genome, but absent in humans. Thus, metabolic pathways became potential targets for drug design. The motivation of this work is the fact that Mycobacterium tuberculosis is the cause of the deaths of millions of people in the world, so that the structural characterization of protein targets to propose new drugs has become essential. DBMODELING is a relational database, created to highlight the importance of methods of molecular modeling applied to the Mycobacterium tuberculosis genome with the aim of proposing protein-ligand docking analysis. There are currently more than 300 models for proteins from Mycobacterium tuberculosis genome in the database. The database contains a detailed description of the reaction catalyzed by each enzyme and their atomic coordinates. Information about structures, a tool for animated gif image, a table with a specification of the metabolic pathway, modeled protein, inputs used in modeling, and analysis methods used in this project are available in the database for download. The search tool can be used for reseachers to find specific pathways or enzymes.


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Docking simulations have been used to assess protein complexes with some success. Small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) is a well-established technique to investigate protein spatial configuration. This work describes the integration of geometric docking with SAXS to investigate the quaternary structure of recombinant human purine nucleoside phosphorylase (PNP). This enzyme catalyzes the reversible phosphorolysis of N-ribosidic bonds of purine nucleosides and deoxynucleosides. A genetic deficiency due to mutations in the gene encoding for PNP causes gradual decrease in T-cell immunity. Inappropriate activation of T-cells has been implicated in several clinically relevant human conditions such as transplant rejection, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and T-cell lymphomas. PNP is therefore a target for inhibitor development aiming at T-cell immune response modulation and has been submitted to extensive structure-based drug design. The present analysis confirms the trimeric structure observed in the crystal. The potential application of the present procedure to other systems is discussed. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Crystallographic screening has been used to identify new inhibitors for potential target for drug development. Here, we describe the application of the crystallographic screening to assess the structural basis of specificity of ligands against a protein target. The method is efficient and results in detailed crystallographic information. The utility of the method is demonstrated in the study of the structural basis for specificity of ligands for human purine nucleoside phosphorylase (PNP). Purine nucleoside phosphorylase catalyzes the phosphorolysis of the N-ribosidic bonds of purine nucleosides and deoxynucleosides. This enzyme is a target for inhibitor development aiming at T-cell immune response modulation and has been submitted to extensive structure-based drug design. This methodology may help in the future development of a new generation of PNP inhibitors.


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Background: Hepatitis C virus (HCV) currently infects approximately three percent of the world population. In view of the lack of vaccines against HCV, there is an urgent need for an efficient treatment of the disease by an effective antiviral drug. Rational drug design has not been the primary way for discovering major therapeutics. Nevertheless, there are reports of success in the development of inhibitor using a structure-based approach. One of the possible targets for drug development against HCV is the NS3 protease variants. Based on the three-dimensional structure of these variants we expect to identify new NS3 protease inhibitors. In order to speed up the modeling process all NS3 protease variant models were generated in a Beowulf cluster. The potential of the structural bioinformatics for development of new antiviral drugs is discussed.Results: the atomic coordinates of crystallographic structure 1CU1 and 1DY9 were used as starting model for modeling of the NS3 protease variant structures. The NS3 protease variant structures are composed of six subdomains, which occur in sequence along the polypeptide chain. The protease domain exhibits the dual beta-barrel fold that is common among members of the chymotrypsin serine protease family. The helicase domain contains two structurally related beta-alpha-beta subdomains and a third subdomain of seven helices and three short beta strands. The latter domain is usually referred to as the helicase alpha-helical subdomain. The rmsd value of bond lengths and bond angles, the average G-factor and Verify 3D values are presented for NS3 protease variant structures.Conclusions: This project increases the certainty that homology modeling is an useful tool in structural biology and that it can be very valuable in annotating genome sequence information and contributing to structural and functional genomics from virus. The structural models will be used to guide future efforts in the structure-based drug design of a new generation of NS3 protease variants inhibitors. All models in the database are publicly accessible via our interactive website, providing us with large amount of structural models for use in protein-ligand docking analysis.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Tuberculosis remains the leading cause of mortality arising from a bacterial pathogen ( Mycobacterium tuberculosis). There is an urgent need for the development of new antimycobacterial agents. The aromatic amino-acid pathway is essential for the survival of this pathogen and represents a target for structure-based drug design. Accordingly, the M. tuberculosis prephenate dehydratase has been cloned, expressed, purified and crystallized by the hanging-drop vapour-diffusion method using PEG 400 as a precipitant. The crystal belongs to the orthorhombic space group I222 or I2(1)2(1)2(1), with unit-cell parameters a = 98.26, b = 133.22, c = 225.01 angstrom, and contains four molecules in the asymmetric unit. A complete data set was collected to 3.2 angstrom resolution using a synchrotron-radiation source.


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The resumption of tuberculosis led to an increased need to understand the molecular mechanisms of drug action and drug resistance, which should provide significant insight into the development of newer compounds. Isoniazid (INH), the most prescribed drug to treat TB, inhibits an NADH-dependent enoyl-acyl carrier protein reductase (InhA) that provides precursors of mycolic acids, which are components of the mycobacterial cell wall. InhA is the major target of the mode of action of isoniazid. INH is a pro-drug that needs activation to form the inhibitory INH-NAD adduct. Missense mutations in the inhA structural gene have been identified in clinical isolates of Mycobacterium tuberculosis resistant to INH. To understand the mechanism of resistance to INH, we have solved the structure of two InhA mutants (121V and S94A), identified in INH-resistant clinical isolates, and compare them to INH-sensitive WT InhA structure in complex with the INH-NAD adduct. We also solved the structure of unliganded INH-resistant S94A protein, which is the first report on apo form of InhA. The salient features of these structures are discussed and should provide structural information to improve our understanding of the mechanism of action of, and resistance to, INH in M. tuberculosis. The unliganded structure of InhA allows identification of conformational changes upon ligand binding and should help structure-based drug design of more potent antimycobacterial agents. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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EPSP synthase (EPSPS) is an essential enzyme in the shikimate pathway, transferring the enolpyruvyl group of phosphoenolpyruvate to shikimate-3-phosphate to form 5-enolpyruvyl-3-shikimate phosphate and inorganic phosphate. This enzyme is composed of two domains, which are formed by three copies of βαβαββ-folding units; in between there are two crossover chain segments hinging the nearly topologically symmetrical domains together and allowing conformational changes necessary for substrate conversion. The reaction is ordered with shikimate-3-phosphate binding first, followed by phosphoenolpyruvate, and then by the subsequent release of phosphate and EPSP. N-[phosphomethyl]glycine (glyphosate) is the commercial inhibitor of this enzyme. Apparently, the binding of shikimate-3-phosphate is necessary for glyphosate binding, since it induces the closure of the two domains to form the active site in the interdomain cleft. However, it is somehow controversial whether binding of shikimate-3-phosphate alone is enough to induce the complete conversion to the closed state. The phosphoenolpyruvate binding site seems to be located mainly on the C-terminal domain, while the binding site of shikimate-3-phosphate is located primarily in the N-terminal domain residues. However, recent results demonstrate that the active site of the enzyme undergoes structural changes upon inhibitor binding on a scale that cannot be predicted by conventional computational methods. Studies of molecular docking based on the interaction of known EPSPS structures with (R)- phosphonate TI analogue reveal that more experimental data on the structure and dynamics of various EPSPS-ligand complexes are needed to more effectively apply structure-based drug design of this enzyme in the future. © 2007 Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.


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Background: The functional and structural characterisation of enzymes that belong to microbial metabolic pathways is very important for structure-based drug design. The main interest in studying shikimate pathway enzymes involves the fact that they are essential for bacteria but do not occur in humans, making them selective targets for design of drugs that do not directly impact humans.Description: The ShiKimate Pathway DataBase (SKPDB) is a relational database applied to the study of shikimate pathway enzymes in microorganisms and plants. The current database is updated regularly with the addition of new data; there are currently 8902 enzymes of the shikimate pathway from different sources. The database contains extensive information on each enzyme, including detailed descriptions about sequence, references, and structural and functional studies. All files (primary sequence, atomic coordinates and quality scores) are available for downloading. The modeled structures can be viewed using the Jmol program.Conclusions: The SKPDB provides a large number of structural models to be used in docking simulations, virtual screening initiatives and drug design. It is freely accessible at http://lsbzix.rc.unesp.br/skpdb/. © 2010 Arcuri et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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Phosphoglycerate mutases (PGAMs) participate in both the glycolytic and the gluconeogenic pathways in reversible isomerization of 3-phosphoglycerate and 2-phosphoglycerate. PGAMs are members of two distinct protein families: enzymes that are dependent on or independent of the 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate cofactor. We determined the X-ray structure of the monomeric Trypanosoma brucei independent PGAM (TbiPGAM) in its apoenzyme form, and confirmed this observation by small angle X-ray scattering data. Comparing the TbiPGAM structure with the Leishmania mexicana independent PGAM structure, previously reported with a phosphoglycerate molecule bound to the active site, revealed the domain movement resulting from active site occupation. The structure reported here shows the interaction between Asp319 and the metal bound to the active site, and its contribution to the domain movement. Substitution of the metal-binding residue Asp319 by Ala resulted in complete loss of independent PGAM activity, and showed for the first time its involvement in the enzymes function. As TbiPGAM is an attractive molecular target for drug development, the apoenzyme conformation described here provides opportunities for its use in structure-based drug design approaches.


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The peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) are dietary lipid sensors that regulate fatty acid and carbohydrate metabolism. The hypolipidemic effects of the fibrate drugs and the antidiabetic effects of the glitazone drugs in humans are due to activation of the α (NR1C1) and γ (NR1C3) subtypes, respectively. By contrast, the therapeutic potential of the δ (NR1C2) subtype is unknown, due in part to the lack of selective ligands. We have used combinatorial chemistry and structure-based drug design to develop a potent and subtype-selective PPARδ agonist, GW501516. In macrophages, fibroblasts, and intestinal cells, GW501516 increases expression of the reverse cholesterol transporter ATP-binding cassette A1 and induces apolipoprotein A1-specific cholesterol efflux. When dosed to insulin-resistant middle-aged obese rhesus monkeys, GW501516 causes a dramatic dose-dependent rise in serum high density lipoprotein cholesterol while lowering the levels of small-dense low density lipoprotein, fasting triglycerides, and fasting insulin. Our results suggest that PPARδ agonists may be effective drugs to increase reverse cholesterol transport and decrease cardiovascular disease associated with the metabolic syndrome X.