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Clavulanic acid (CA) is a beta-lactam antibiotic, which has a potent beta-lactamase inhibiting activity. The influence of five variables, namely pH (6.0, 6.4, and 6.8), temperature (28A degrees C, 30A degrees C, and 32A degrees C), agitation intensity (150, 200, and 250 rpm), glycerol concentration (5.0, 7.5, and 10 g/L) and soybean flour concentration (5.0, 12.5, and 20 g/L), on CA production by a new isolate of Streptomyces (DAUFPE 3060) was investigated in 250-mL Erlenmeyer flasks using a fractional factorial design. Temperature and soybean flour concentration were shown to be the two variables that exerted the most important effects on the production of CA at 95% confidence level. The highest CA concentration (494 mg/L) was obtained after 48 h at 150 rpm, 32A degrees C, pH 6.0, 5.0 g/L glycerol, and 20 g/L soybean flour concentrations. Under these conditions, the yields of biomass and product on consumed substrate were 0.26 g(X)/g(S) and 64.3 mg(P)/g(S), respectively. Fermentations performed in 3.0-L bench-scale fermenter allowed increasing the CA production by about 60%.


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Clavulanic acid (CA) is a potent inhibitor of beta-lactamases, produced by some resistant pathogenic microorganisms, which allows efficient treatment of infectious diseases. The kinetic and thermodynamic parameters of CA production by a new isolate of Streptomyces DAUFPE 3060 and its degradation were evaluated. The effect of temperature on the system was investigated in the range 24-40 degrees C adopting an overall model accounting for (a) the Arrhenius-type formation of CA by fermentation, (b) the hypothetical reversible unfolding of the enzyme limiting the overall metabolism, and (c) the irreversible first-order degradation of CA. The higher rates of CA formation (k(CA) = 0,107 h(-1)) and degradation (k(d) = 0.062 h(-1)) were observed at 32 and 40 degrees C, respectively. The main thermodynamic parameters of the three above hypothesized events were estimated. In particular, the activation parameters of degradation (activation energy = 39.0 kJ/mol; Delta H(d)* = 36.5 kJ/mol; Delta S(d)* = -219.7 J/(mol K); Delta G(d)* = 103.5 kJ/mol) compare reasonably well with those reported in the literature for similar system without taking into account the other two events. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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To evaluate the ability of Streptomyces sp. (strain ASBV-1) to restrict aflatoxin accumulation in peanut grains. In the control of many phytopathogenic fungi the Streptomyces sp. ASBV-1 strain showed promise. An inhibitory test using this strain and A. parasiticus was conducted in peanut grains to evaluate the effects of this interaction on spore viability and aflatoxin accumulation. In some treatments the Streptomyces sp ASBV-1 strain reduced the viability of A. parasiticus spores by c. 85%, and inhibited aflatoxin accumulation in peanut grains. The values of these reductions ranged from 63 to 98% and from 67% to 96% for aflatoxins B(1) and G(1), respectively. It was demonstrated that Streptomyces sp. ASBV-1 is able to colonize peanut grains and thus inhibit the spore viability of A. parasiticus, as well as reducing aflatoxin production. The positive finding for aflatoxin accumulation reduction in peanut grains seems promising and suggests a wider use of this actinobacteria in biological control programmes.


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Comparação entre a presença de leveduras de Candida na cavidade bucal de crianças sem e com síndrome de Down mostrou-se estatisticamente significante no caso de crianças afetadas por esta cromossomopatia, tornando-as mais predispostas à candidíase bucal, provavelmente favorecida pelas alterações anátomo-fisiológicas da boca em decorrência da trissomia do cromossomo 21. Recidivas constantes de candidíase bucal em crianças portadoras desta alteração cromossômica levou a busca de prováveis alternativas terapêuticas. Visando determinar a atividade antifúngica de Streptomyces sp isolados de diferentes solos brasileiros, 5 cepas foram testadas frente a Candida albicans, oriundas da cavidade bucal de crianças com síndrome de Down. Observou-se que os isolados apresentaram uma diversidade de tamanho dos halos (9-31mm de diâmetro) de inibição de crescimento das leveduras, sugerindo uma possível utilização em terapêutica antifúngica.


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Streptomyces alboniger ATCC 12461 grown in brain heart infusion (BHI) medium produced two extracellular serine-proteinases, denoted SP I and SP II, which were purified by ammonium sulfate precipitation and aprotinin-agarose affinity chromatography. SP I was purified 88,9-fold and SP II 66,7- fold, with 33.4% and 10.4% yield, respectively. The optimum pH for the proteinases activity, using a-N-p-tosyl-L-arginine-methyl ester (TAME) as substrate, was 9-10 and the optimum temperature was 37ºC. The proteolytic activity of SP I and SP II was inhibited by aprotinin and SP I was partially inhibited by leupeptin, both serine-proteinase inhibitors. S. alboniger growth in BHI-liquid medium decreased when 5 mg/ml, 10 mg/ml of aprotinin was used, being completely inhibited with 20 mg/ml and 40 mg/ml. At the ultrastructural level, aprotinin-treated S. alboniger cells showed swelling of the bacterial body and condensation of the genetic material, probably related to the inhibition of its growth.


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Selostus: Kasvualustan käsittelyajan vaikutus Streptomyces griseoviridis -antagonistin juurten asutuskykyyn


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Members of the bacterial genus Streptomyces are well known for their ability to produce an exceptionally wide selection of diverse secondary metabolites. These include natural bioactive chemical compounds which have potential applications in medicine, agriculture and other fields of commerce. The outstanding biosynthetic capacity derives from the characteristic genetic flexibility of Streptomyces secondary metabolism pathways: i) Clustering of the biosynthetic genes in chromosome regions redundant for vital primary functions, and ii) the presence of numerous genetic elements within these regions which facilitate DNA rearrangement and transfer between non-progeny species. Decades of intensive genetic research on the organization and function of the biosynthetic routes has led to a variety of molecular biology applications, which can be used to expand the diversity of compounds synthesized. These include techniques which, for example, allow modification and artificial construction of novel pathways, and enable gene-level detection of silent secondary metabolite clusters. Over the years the research has expanded to cover molecular-level analysis of the enzymes responsible for the individual catalytic reactions. In vitro studies of the enzymes provide a detailed insight into their catalytic functions, mechanisms, substrate specificities, interactions and stereochemical determinants. These are factors that are essential for the thorough understanding and rational design of novel biosynthetic routes. The current study is a part of a more extensive research project (Antibiotic Biosynthetic Enzymes; www.sci.utu.fi/projects/biokemia/abe), which focuses on the post-PKS tailoring enzymes involved in various type II aromatic polyketide biosynthetic pathways in Streptomyces bacteria. The initiative here was to investigate specific catalytic steps in anthracycline and angucycline biosynthesis through in vitro biochemical enzyme characterization and structural enzymology. The objectives were to elucidate detailed mechanisms and enzyme-level interactions which cannot be resolved by in vivo genetic studies alone. The first part of the experimental work concerns the homologous polyketide cyclases SnoaL and AknH. These catalyze the closure of the last carbon ring of the tetracyclic carbon frame common to all anthracycline-type compounds. The second part of the study primarily deals with tailoring enzymes PgaE (and its homolog CabE) and PgaM, which are responsible for a cascade of sequential modification reactions in angucycline biosynthesis. The results complemented earlier in vivo findings and confirmed the enzyme functions in vitro. Importantly, we were able to identify the amino acid -level determinants that influence AknH and SnoaL stereoselectivity and to determine the complex biosynthetic steps of the angucycline oxygenation cascade of PgaE and PgaM. In addition, the findings revealed interesting cases of enzyme-level adaptation, as some of the catalytic mechanisms did not coincide with those described for characterised homologs or enzymes of known function. Specifically, SnoaL and AknH were shown to employ a novel acid-base mechanism for aldol condenzation, whereas the hydroxylation reaction catalysed by PgaM involved unexpected oxygen chemistry. Owing to a gene-level fusion of two ancestral reading frames, PgaM was also shown to adopt an unusual quaternary sturucture, a non-covalent fusion complex of two alternative forms of the protein. Furthermore, the work highlighted some common themes encountered in polyketide biosynthetic pathways such as enzyme substrate specificity and intermediate reactivity. These are discussed in the final chapters of the work.


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O presente trabalho testou quatro métodos de isolamento de Streptomyces spp. em tubérculos de batata (Solanum tuberosum) com sarna comum, superficial e profunda, caracterizando os isolados quanto a morfologia, serologia e patogenicidade. Para o isolamento foram testados: meio de cultura ágar-água a pH 10; meio contendo antibióticos; meio de asparagina e meio de quitina. O meio ágar-água pH 10 foi o mais eficaz no isolamento de Streptomyces spp. com média de 129 colônias/placa, além de ser de fácil preparo, menor custo e proporcionar melhor visualização das colônias. No meio de antibiótico verificou-se média de 54% dos fragmentos de tubérculos plaqueados com crescimento de Streptomyces spp. Já nos meios de asparagina e quitina a média foi de 36,3 e 2,5 colônias/placa, respectivamente. Para caracterização dos isolados obtidos utilizou-se o meio de extrato de levedura e malte. As colônias originadas apresentaram coloração que variou de cinza a marrom e de branco a creme, com ou sem produção de pigmento, com cadeias de esporos flexuosas ou espiraladas, de tamanho variável e produzindo ou não micélio aéreo em colônias com cadeias espiraladas. Dezenove isolados, representando esses diferentes tipos, foram inoculados na batata cv. Monalisa por infestação de solo autoclavado, antes da semeadura dos tubérculos-sementes. Sintomas típicos da doença foram verificados 14 semanas após a inoculação, para oito isolados. Anti-soros produzidos em coelhos contra três isolados fitopatogênicos apresentaram reação serológica (dupla difusão em gel-ágar de Ouchterlony) para os antígenos homólogos e para poucos antígenos heterólogos, porém os isolados de Streptomyces com patogenicidade confirmada não apresentaram antígenos em comum.


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Este trabalho visou caracterizar quanto a critérios morfológicos e fisiológicos isolados de Streptomyces causadores de sarna comum profunda em batata; avaliar o comportamento de cultivares em relação à doença e a variação na agressividade entre os isolados da bactéria. Os isolados de Streptomyces apresentaram coloração cinza em meio extrato de levedura e malte e cadeias de esporos espiraladas, produzidas sobre um micélio aéreo. Ocorreu produção de melanina em meio de tirosina-ágar e a utilização de oito fontes de carbono recomendadas, propriedades estas que correspondem às descritas para S. scabies. Batatas-semente sadias de seis cultivares foram plantadas em substrato infestado com seis isolados de S. scabies separadamente e as plantas cultivadas em vasos e ambiente aberto. A severidade da doença foi estimada com auxílio de uma escala diagramática e avaliou-se o rendimento de tubérculos (g/planta). As cvs. Mondial e Jaete Bintje foram as mais resistentes à sarna comum com severidade média nos dois experimentos de 10,5% e 14,0%, respectivamente, seguidas por Asterix (17,4%), Ágata (21,8%), Monalisa (23,0%) e Cupido (23,3%). A agressividade dos isolados variou quantitativamente, com severidade maior para o isolado M4 (34,7%) e menor para o isolado M1 (6,2%). Redução da produção de tubérculos foi verificada na cv. Jaete Bintje, no primeiro experimento, e quando as cultivares foram infectadas pelos isolados A1, M2 e M3, no primeiro experimento, e pelo isolado M4, no segundo experimento.


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Two new Streptomyces phages, øBP1 and øBP2, were isolated from tropical soil samples. These phages presented a large host range and developed both lytic and lysogenic responses in different Streptomyces species tested. Variations in the incubation temperature showed to be important in the development of the replication cycle. Increasing incubation temperature from 30oC to 42oC induced the lytic response of øBP2 and lysogenic of øBP1 in the host strain Streptomyces sp. WL6. øBP1 and øBP2 have icosahedral heads with long tails and were characterized in relation to morphology, G + C content, genome size and adsorption curve


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Lactococcus lactis, the model lactic acid bacterium, is a good candidate for heterologous protein production in both foodstuffs and the digestive tract. We attempted to produce Streptomyces tendae antifungal protein 1 (Afp1) in L. lactis with the objective of constructing a strain able to limit fungal growth. Since Afp1 activity requires disulfide bond (DSB) formation and since intracellular redox conditions are reportedly unfavorable for DSB formation in prokaryotes, Afp1 was produced as a secreted form. An inducible expression-secretion system was used to drive Afp1 secretion by L. lactis; Afp1 was fused or not with LEISSTCDA, a synthetic propeptide (LEISS) that has been described to be a secretion enhancer. Production of Afp1 alone was not achieved, but production of LEISS-Afp1 was confirmed by Western blot and immunodetection with anti-Afp1 antibodies. This protein (molecular mass: 9.8 kDa) is the smallest non-bacteriocin heterologous protein ever reported to be secreted in L. lactis via the Sec-dependent pathway. However, no anti-fungal activity was detected, even in concentrated samples of induced supernatant. This could be due to a too low secretion yield of Afp1 in L. lactis, to the absence of DSB formation, or to an improper DSB formation involving the additional cysteine residue included in LEISS propeptide. This raises questions about size limits, conformation problems, and protein secretion yields in L. lactis.


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The present study has identified an actinomycete culture (S. psammoticus) which was capable of producing all the three major ligninolytic enzymes. The study revealed that least explored mangrove regions are potential sources for the isolation of actinomycetes with novel characteristics. The laccase production by the strain in SmF and SSF was found to be much higher than the reported values. The growth of the organism was favoured by alkaline pH and salinity of the medium. The enzyme also exhibited novel characteristics such as activity and stability at alkaline pH and salt tolerance. These two characters are quite significant from the industrial point of view making the enzyme an ideal candidate for industrial applications. Many of the application studies to date are focused on enzymes from fungal sources. However, the fungal laccases, which are mostly acidic in nature, could not be used universally for all application purposes especially, for the treatment of effluents from different industries, largely due to the alkaline nature of the effluents. Under such situations the enzymes from organisms like S. psammoticus with wide pH range could play a better role than the fungal counterparts. In the present study, the ability of the isolated strain and laccase in the degradation of dyes and phenolic compounds was successfully proved. The reusability of the immobilized enzyme system made the entire treatment process inexpensive. Thus it can be concluded from the present study that the laccase from this organism could be hopefully employed for the eco-friendly treatment of dye or phenol containing industrial effluents from various sources.


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The present study is focused on the production, purification and characterization of multiple thermostable α-galactosidases from a novel actinomycete strain Streptomyces griseoloalbus. The Chapter I of the thesis covers the wide literature regarding α-galactosidases from various sources and their potential applications. The Chapter 11 deals with the isolation of α-galactosidase- producing actinomycetes and selection of the best strain. The Chapters III and IV describe the optimization of α-galactosidase production under submerged fermentation and solid-state fermentation respectively. The Chapter V describes the purification and characterization of multiple α-galactosidases and also the obvious existence of a novel galactose-tolerant enzyme. The Chapter VI illustrates the potential applications of α-galactosidases from S. griseoloalbus followed by the Chapter VII summarizing and concluding the results of the present investigation.