152 resultados para SPH
The implementation of boundary conditions is one of the points where the SPH methodology still has some work to do. The aim of the present work is to provide an in-depth analysis of the most representative mirroring techniques used in SPH to enforce boundary conditions (BC) along solid profiles. We specifically refer to dummy particles, ghost particles, and Takeda et al. [1] boundary integrals. A Pouseuille flow has been used as a example to gradually evaluate the accuracy of the different implementations. Our goal is to test the behavior of the second-order differential operator with the proposed boundary extensions when the smoothing length h and other dicretization parameters as dx/h tend simultaneously to zero. First, using a smoothed continuous approximation of the unidirectional Pouseuille problem, the evolution of the velocity profile has been studied focusing on the values of the velocity and the viscous shear at the boundaries, where the exact solution should be approximated as h decreases. Second, to evaluate the impact of the discretization of the problem, an Eulerian SPH discrete version of the former problem has been implemented and similar results have been monitored. Finally, for the sake of completeness, a 2D Lagrangian SPH implementation of the problem has been also studied to compare the consequences of the particle movement
El estudio desarrollado en este trabajo de tesis se centra en la modelización numérica de la fase de propagación de los deslizamientos rápidos de ladera a través del método sin malla Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH). Este método tiene la gran ventaja de permitir el análisis de problemas de grandes deformaciones evitando operaciones costosas de remallado como en el caso de métodos numéricos con mallas tal como el método de los Elementos Finitos. En esta tesis, particular atención viene dada al rol que la reología y la presión de poros desempeñan durante estos eventos. El modelo matemático utilizado se basa en la formulación de Biot-Zienkiewicz v - pw, que representa el comportamiento, expresado en términos de velocidad del esqueleto sólido y presiones de poros, de la mezcla de partículas sólidas en un medio saturado. Las ecuaciones que gobiernan el problema son: • la ecuación de balance de masa de la fase del fluido intersticial, • la ecuación de balance de momento de la fase del fluido intersticial y de la mezcla, • la ecuación constitutiva y • una ecuación cinemática. Debido a sus propiedades geométricas, los deslizamientos de ladera se caracterizan por tener una profundidad muy pequeña frente a su longitud y a su anchura, y, consecuentemente, el modelo matemático mencionado anteriormente se puede simplificar integrando en profundidad las ecuaciones, pasando de un modelo 3D a 2D, el cual presenta una combinación excelente de precisión, sencillez y costes computacionales. El modelo propuesto en este trabajo se diferencia de los modelos integrados en profundidad existentes por incorporar un ulterior modelo capaz de proveer información sobre la presión del fluido intersticial a cada paso computacional de la propagación del deslizamiento. En una manera muy eficaz, la evolución de los perfiles de la presión de poros está numéricamente resuelta a través de un esquema explicito de Diferencias Finitas a cada nodo SPH. Este nuevo enfoque es capaz de tener en cuenta la variación de presión de poros debida a cambios de altura, de consolidación vertical o de cambios en las tensiones totales. Con respecto al comportamiento constitutivo, uno de los problemas principales al modelizar numéricamente deslizamientos rápidos de ladera está en la dificultad de simular con la misma ley constitutiva o reológica la transición de la fase de iniciación, donde el material se comporta como un sólido, a la fase de propagación donde el material se comporta como un fluido. En este trabajo de tesis, se propone un nuevo modelo reológico basado en el modelo viscoplástico de Perzyna, pensando a la viscoplasticidad como a la llave para poder simular tanto la fase de iniciación como la de propagación con el mismo modelo constitutivo. Con el fin de validar el modelo matemático y numérico se reproducen tanto ejemplos de referencia con solución analítica como experimentos de laboratorio. Finalmente, el modelo se aplica a casos reales, con especial atención al caso del deslizamiento de 1966 en Aberfan, mostrando como los resultados obtenidos simulan con éxito estos tipos de riesgos naturales. The study developed in this thesis focuses on the modelling of landslides propagation with the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) meshless method which has the great advantage of allowing to deal with large deformation problems by avoiding expensive remeshing operations as happens for mesh methods such as, for example, the Finite Element Method. In this thesis, special attention is given to the role played by rheology and pore water pressure during these natural hazards. The mathematical framework used is based on the v - pw Biot-Zienkiewicz formulation, which represents the behaviour, formulated in terms of soil skeleton velocity and pore water pressure, of the mixture of solid particles and pore water in a saturated media. The governing equations are: • the mass balance equation for the pore water phase, • the momentum balance equation for the pore water phase and the mixture, • the constitutive equation and • a kinematic equation. Landslides, due to their shape and geometrical properties, have small depths in comparison with their length or width, therefore, the mathematical model aforementioned can then be simplified by depth integrating the equations, switching from a 3D to a 2D model, which presents an excellent combination of accuracy, computational costs and simplicity. The proposed model differs from previous depth integrated models by including a sub-model able to provide information on pore water pressure profiles at each computational step of the landslide's propagation. In an effective way, the evolution of the pore water pressure profiles is numerically solved through a set of 1D Finite Differences explicit scheme at each SPH node. This new approach is able to take into account the variation of the pore water pressure due to changes of height, vertical consolidation or changes of total stress. Concerning the constitutive behaviour, one of the main issues when modelling fast landslides is the difficulty to simulate with the same constitutive or rheological model the transition from the triggering phase, where the landslide behaves like a solid, to the propagation phase, where the landslide behaves in a fluid-like manner. In this work thesis, a new rheological model is proposed, based on the Perzyna viscoplastic model, thinking of viscoplasticity as the key to close the gap between the triggering and the propagation phase. In order to validate the mathematical model and the numerical approach, benchmarks and laboratory experiments are reproduced and compared to analytical solutions when possible. Finally, applications to real cases are studied, with particular attention paid to the Aberfan flowslide of 1966, showing how the mathematical model accurately and successfully simulate these kind of natural hazards.
Hazard and risk assessment of landslides with potentially long run-out is becoming more and more important. Numerical tools exploiting different constitutive models, initial data and numerical solution techniques are important for making the expert’s assessment more objective, even though they cannot substitute for the expert’s understanding of the site-specific conditions and the involved processes. This paper presents a depth-integrated model accounting for pore water pressure dissipation and applications both to real events and problems for which analytical solutions exist. The main ingredients are: (i) The mathematical model, which includes pore pressure dissipation as an additional equation. This makes possible to model flowslide problems with a high mobility at the beginning, the landslide mass coming to rest once pore water pressures dissipate. (ii) The rheological models describing basal friction: Bingham, frictional, Voellmy and cohesive-frictional viscous models. (iii) We have implemented simple erosion laws, providing a comparison between the approaches of Egashira, Hungr and Blanc. (iv) We propose a Lagrangian SPH model to discretize the equations, including pore water pressure information associated to the moving SPH nodes
"Aristophanic literature": p. [lxxxv]-xciv.
Most parasitic wasps inject maternal factors into the host hemocoel to suppress the host immune system and ensure successful development of their progeny. Melanization is one of the insect defence mechanisms against intruding pathogens or parasites. We previously isolated from the venom of Cotesia rubecula a 50 kDa protein that blocked melanization in the hemolymph of its host, Pieris rapae [Insect Biochem. Mol. Biol. 33 (2003) 1017]. This protein, designated Vn50, is a serine proteinase homolog (SPH) containing an amino-terminal clip domain. In this work, we demonstrated that recombinant Vn50 bound P. rapae hemolymph components that were recognized by antisera to Tenebrio molitor prophenoloxidase (proPO) and Manduca sexta proPO-activating proteinase (PAP). Vn50 is stable in the host hemolymph-it remained intact for at least 72 It after parasitization. Using M. sexta as a model system, we found that Vn50 efficiently down-regulated proPO activation mediated by M. sexta PAP-1, SPH-1, and SPH-2. Vn50 did not inhibit active phenoloxidase (PO) or PAP-1, but it significantly reduced the proteolysis of proPO. If recombinant Vn50 binds P. rapae proPO and PAP (as suggested by the antibody reactions), it is likely that the molecular interactions among M. sexta proPO, PAP-1, and SPHs were impaired by this venom protein. A similar strategy might be employed by C rubecula to negatively impact the proPO activation reaction in its natural host. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Prediction of slurry transport in SAG mills using SPH fluid flow in a dynamic DEM based porous media
DEM modelling of the motion of coarse fractions of the charge inside SAG mills has now been well established for more than a decade. In these models the effect of slurry has broadly been ignored due to its complexity. Smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) provides a particle based method for modelling complex free surface fluid flows and is well suited to modelling fluid flow in mills. Previous modelling has demonstrated the powerful ability of SPH to capture dynamic fluid flow effects such as lifters crashing into slurry pools, fluid draining from lifters, flow through grates and pulp lifter discharge. However, all these examples were limited by the ability to model only the slurry in the mill without the charge. In this paper, we represent the charge as a dynamic porous media through which the SPH fluid is then able to flow. The porous media properties (specifically the spatial distribution of porosity and velocity) are predicted by time averaging the mill charge predicted using a large scale DEM model. This allows prediction of transient and steady state slurry distributions in the mill and allows its variation with operating parameters, slurry viscosity and slurry volume, to be explored. (C) 2006 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Acknowledgment The first two authors wish to express their sincerest thanks to Iran National Science Foundation (INSF) for supporting this work under Contract Number 92021291.
In this paper we consider two sources of enhancement for the meshfree Lagrangian particle method smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) by improving the accuracy of the particle approximation. Namely, we will consider shape functions constructed using: moving least-squares approximation (MLS); radial basis functions (RBF). Using MLS approximation is appealing because polynomial consistency of the particle approximation can be enforced. RBFs further appeal as they allow one to dispense with the smoothing-length - the parameter in the SPH method which governs the number of particles within the support of the shape function. Currently, only ad hoc methods for choosing the smoothing-length exist. We ensure that any enhancement retains the conservative and meshfree nature of SPH. In doing so, we derive a new set of variationally-consistent hydrodynamic equations. Finally, we demonstrate the performance of the new equations on the Sod shock tube problem.
Activation of prophenoloxidase (proPO) in insects is a defense mechanism against intruding microorganisms and parasites. Pattern recognition molecules induce activation of an enzymatic cascade involving serine proteinases, which leads to the conversion of proPO to active phenoloxidase (PO). Phenolic compounds produced by pPO-activation are toxic to invaders. Here, we describe the isolation of a venom protein from the parasitoid, Cotesia rubecula, injected into the host, Pieris rapae, which is homologous to serine proteinase homologs (SPH). The data presented here indicate that the protein interferes with the proteolytic cascade, which under normal circumstances leads to the activation of proPO and melanin formation. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica
Sete espécies da tribo bolboderini, pertencentes aos gêneros Bolbodera, Belminus, Microtriatoma e Parabelminus, duas das quais já encontradas naturalmente infectadas com Trypanosoma cruzi, foram analisadas e comparadas tendo como enfoque oito estruturas da genitália externa dos machos: Processo mediano do pigóforo (PrP), Processo da conjuntiva (PrCj), Extensão mediana da placa basal (EPIb), Processo do endosoma (PrEn), Suporte do falosoma (SPh), Falosoma (Ph), Processo do gonoporo (PrG) e a Vesica (V). Microtriatoma trinidadensis (lent, 1951) e M. borbai Lent & Wygodzinsky, 1979 mostraram um plano estrutural morfológico semelhante a Parabelminus yurupucu Lent & Wygodzinsky, 1979 e P. carioca Lent, 1943 e deferindo nitidamente de Belminus peruvianus Herrer, Lent & Wygodzinsky, 1954 e B. herreri Lent & Wygodzinsky, 1979 e de Bolbodera scabrosa, Valdés, 1910, não só pela ausência como pela forma de determinadas estruturas. Estas observações comparativas confirmam as afinidades entre Microtriatoma e Parabelminus e suas relações com belminus e Bolbodera.
Sete espécies da região neártica: Triatoma barberi Usinger, 1939; T. rubida (Uhler, 1894); T. gertaeckeri (Stal, 1859); T. lecticularia (Stal, 1859); T. protracta (Uhler, 1894); T. recurva (Stal, 1868) e T. sanguisuga (Leconte, 1855) foram analisadas comparativamente, tendo como enfoque as estruturas da genitália do macho: falosoma (Ph), suporte do falosoma (SPh), processo do endosoma (PrEn), vesica (V) e aparelho articular (Apb). As estruturas fálicas se mostraram capazes de serem usadas como critério morfológico suplementar aos padrões atualmente usados, em taxonomia. Estas espécies silvestres são encontradas nos Estados Unidos e México, naturalmente infectadas pelo T. cruzi; algumas vivem no perdomicílio e outras eventualmente no domicílio, sem contudo colonizá-lo.
Dans cette thèse, nous présentons une nouvelle méthode smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) pour la résolution des équations de Navier-Stokes incompressibles, même en présence des forces singulières. Les termes de sources singulières sont traités d'une manière similaire à celle que l'on retrouve dans la méthode Immersed Boundary (IB) de Peskin (2002) ou de la méthode régularisée de Stokeslets (Cortez, 2001). Dans notre schéma numérique, nous mettons en oeuvre une méthode de projection sans pression de second ordre inspirée de Kim et Moin (1985). Ce schéma évite complètement les difficultés qui peuvent être rencontrées avec la prescription des conditions aux frontières de Neumann sur la pression. Nous présentons deux variantes de cette approche: l'une, Lagrangienne, qui est communément utilisée et l'autre, Eulerienne, car nous considérons simplement que les particules SPH sont des points de quadrature où les propriétés du fluide sont calculées, donc, ces points peuvent être laissés fixes dans le temps. Notre méthode SPH est d'abord testée à la résolution du problème de Poiseuille bidimensionnel entre deux plaques infinies et nous effectuons une analyse détaillée de l'erreur des calculs. Pour ce problème, les résultats sont similaires autant lorsque les particules SPH sont libres de se déplacer que lorsqu'elles sont fixes. Nous traitons, par ailleurs, du problème de la dynamique d'une membrane immergée dans un fluide visqueux et incompressible avec notre méthode SPH. La membrane est représentée par une spline cubique le long de laquelle la tension présente dans la membrane est calculée et transmise au fluide environnant. Les équations de Navier-Stokes, avec une force singulière issue de la membrane sont ensuite résolues pour déterminer la vitesse du fluide dans lequel est immergée la membrane. La vitesse du fluide, ainsi obtenue, est interpolée sur l'interface, afin de déterminer son déplacement. Nous discutons des avantages à maintenir les particules SPH fixes au lieu de les laisser libres de se déplacer. Nous appliquons ensuite notre méthode SPH à la simulation des écoulements confinés des solutions de polymères non dilués avec une interaction hydrodynamique et des forces d'exclusion de volume. Le point de départ de l'algorithme est le système couplé des équations de Langevin pour les polymères et le solvant (CLEPS) (voir par exemple Oono et Freed (1981) et Öttinger et Rabin (1989)) décrivant, dans le cas présent, les dynamiques microscopiques d'une solution de polymère en écoulement avec une représentation bille-ressort des macromolécules. Des tests numériques de certains écoulements dans des canaux bidimensionnels révèlent que l'utilisation de la méthode de projection d'ordre deux couplée à des points de quadrature SPH fixes conduit à un ordre de convergence de la vitesse qui est de deux et à une convergence d'ordre sensiblement égale à deux pour la pression, pourvu que la solution soit suffisamment lisse. Dans le cas des calculs à grandes échelles pour les altères et pour les chaînes de bille-ressort, un choix approprié du nombre de particules SPH en fonction du nombre des billes N permet, en l'absence des forces d'exclusion de volume, de montrer que le coût de notre algorithme est d'ordre O(N). Enfin, nous amorçons des calculs tridimensionnels avec notre modèle SPH. Dans cette optique, nous résolvons le problème de l'écoulement de Poiseuille tridimensionnel entre deux plaques parallèles infinies et le problème de l'écoulement de Poiseuille dans une conduite rectangulaire infiniment longue. De plus, nous simulons en dimension trois des écoulements confinés entre deux plaques infinies des solutions de polymères non diluées avec une interaction hydrodynamique et des forces d'exclusion de volume.
Materials belonging to the family of manganites are technologically important since they exhibit colossal magneto resistance. A proper understanding of the transport properties is very vital in tailoring the properties. A heavy rare earth doped manganite like Gd0·7Sr0·3MnO3 is purported to be exhibiting unusual properties because of smaller ionic radius of Gd. Gd0·7Sr0·3MnO3 is prepared by a wet solid state reaction method. The conduction mechanism in such a compound has been elucidated by subjecting the material to low temperature d.c. conductivity measurement. It has been found that the low band width material follows a variable range hopping (VRH) model followed by a small polaron hopping (SPH) model. The results are presented here
Dry and mature tree fruits are a potential source of protein for goats in the semi-arid areas of southern Africa, but their chemical composition and feeding value is largely unknown. This study presents the chemical composition and in vitro fermentation of indehiscent whole fruits and separated seed and hull fractions from Acacia nilotica, Acacia erubescens, Acacia sieberiana, Acacia erioloba, Piliostigma thonningii and Dichrostachys cinerea trees. Results indicate that the N contents of whole fruits ranged between 13.5 g/kg DM (A. nilotica) and 27.1 g/kg DM (A. erubescens). Seeds had a higher N content than hulls for all tree species. A. nilotica, D. cinerea and P thonningii fruits had high levels of extractable phenolics (758, 458 and 299 g/kg DM, respectively). Soluble phenolics (SPh) and ytterbium precipitable phenolics (YbPh) levels were negatively correlated to in vitro gas production but positively correlated to in vitro organic matter degradability (iOMD). Partition factors for whole fruits at 48 h ranged between 3.6 mg/ml for A. erioloba and 7.8 mg/ml for A. nilotica. Seeds of A. erioloba, A. erubescens and P thonningii were consistently fermented more efficiently throughout the incubation period compared to their whole fruits or hulls. Estimating in vitro degradability of phenolic-rich substrates through filtration procedures can give erroneous results due to the loss of soluble phenolics, which are not necessarily degradable. The feeding value of fruits from D. cinerea and A. nilotica tree species may be reduced due to the presence of high levels of phenolics. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.