994 resultados para SM-140


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Background Mucosal leishmaniasis is caused mainly by Leishmania braziliensis and it occurs months or years after cutaneous lesions. This progressive disease destroys cartilages and osseous structures from face, pharynx and larynx. Objective and methods The aim of this study was to analyse the significance of clinical and epidemiological findings, diagnosis and treatment with the outcome and recurrence of mucosal leishmaniasis through binary logistic regression model from 140 patients with mucosal leishmaniasis from a Brazilian centre. Results The median age of patients was 57.5 and systemic arterial hypertension was the most prevalent secondary disease found in patients with mucosal leishmaniasis (43%). Diabetes, chronic nephropathy and viral hepatitis, allergy and coagulopathy were found in less than 10% of patients. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection was found in 7 of 140 patients (5%). Rhinorrhea (47%) and epistaxis (75%) were the most common symptoms. N-methyl-glucamine showed a cure rate of 91% and recurrence of 22%. Pentamidine showed a similar rate of cure (91%) and recurrence (25%). Fifteen patients received itraconazole with a cure rate of 73% and recurrence of 18%. Amphotericin B was the drug used in 30 patients with 82% of response with a recurrence rate of 7%. The binary logistic regression analysis demonstrated that systemic arterial hypertension and HIV infection were associated with failure of the treatment (P < 0.05). Conclusion The current first-line mucosal leishmaniasis therapy shows an adequate cure but later recurrence. HIV infection and systemic arterial hypertension should be investigated before start the treatment of mucosal leishmaniasis. Conflicts of interest The authors are not part of any associations or commercial relationships that might represent conflicts of interest in the writing of this study (e.g. pharmaceutical stock ownership, consultancy, advisory board membership, relevant patents, or research funding).


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Electrical conductivity versus dopant ionic radius studies in zirconia- and ceria-based, solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) electrolyte systems have shown that oxygen-ion conductivity is highest when the host and dopant ions are similar in size [J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 48 (1965) 286; Solid State Ionics 37 (1989) 67; Solid State Ionics 5 (1981) 547]. Under these conditions, it is thought that the conduction paths within the crystal lattice become less distorted [Solid State Ionics 8 (1983) 201]. In this study, binary ZrO2-M2O3 unit cells were expanded, via the partial substitution of Ce+4 for Zr+4 into the lattice, in an attempt to identify new, ternary, zirconia/ceria-based electrolyte systems with enhanced electrical conductivity. The compositions Zr0.75Ce0.08M0.17O1.92 (M = Nd, Sm, Gd, Dy, Ho, Y, Yb, Sc) were prepared using traditional solid state techniques. Bulk phase characterisation and precise lattice parameter measurements were performed with X-ray diffraction techniques. Four-probe DC conductivity measurements between 400 and 900 degreesC showed that the dopant-ion radius influenced electrical conductivity. The conductivity versus dopant-ion radius trends previously observed in zirconia-based, binary systems are clearly apparent in the ternary systems investigated in this study. The addition of ceria was found to have a negative influence on the electrical conductivity over the temperature range 400-900 degreesC. It is suggested that distortion of the oxygen-ion conduction path by the presence of the larger M+3 and Ce+4 species (relative to Zr+4) is the reason for the decreasing electrical conductivity as a function of increasing dopant size and ceria addition, respectively. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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A combined procedure for separating Lu, Hf, Sm, Nd, and rare earth elements (REEs) from a single sample digest is presented. The procedure consists of the following five steps: (1) sample dissolution via sodium peroxide sintering; (2) separation of the high field strength elements from the REEs and other matrix elements by a HF-free anion-exchange column procedure; (3) purification of Hf on a cation-exchange resin; (4) separation of REEs from other matrix elements by cation exchange; (5) Lu, Sm, and Nd separation from the other REEs by reversed-phase ion chromatography. Analytical reproducibilities of Sm-Nd and Lu-Hf isotope systematics are demonstrated for standard solutions and international rock reference materials. Results show overall good reproducibilities for Sm-Nd systematics independent of the rock type analyzed. For the Lu-Hf systematics, the reproducibility of the parent/daughter ratio is much better for JB-1 (basalt) than for two analyzed felsic crustal rocks (DR-N and an Archaean granitoid). It is demonstrated that this poorer reproducibility of the Lu/Hf ratio is truly caused by sample heterogeneity; thus, results are geologically reasonable.


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The concept of crystallographic index termed the effective index is suggested and applied to the design of ceria (CeO2)-based electrolytes to maximize oxide ionic conductivity. The suggested index considers the fluorite structure, and combines the expected oxygen vacancy level with the ionic radius mismatch between host and dopant cations. Using this approach, oxide ionic conductivity of Sm- or La-doped CeO2-based system has been optimized and tested under operating conditions of a solid oxide fuel cell. In the observation of microstructure in atomic scale, both Sm-doped CeO2 and La-doped CeO2 electrolytes had large micro-domains over 10 nm in the lattice. On the other hand, Sm or La and alkaline earth co-doped CeO2-based electrolytes with high effective index had small micro-domains around 1-3 nm in the microstructure. The large micro-domain would prevent oxide ion from passing through the lattice. Therefore, it is concluded that the improvement of ionic conductivity is reflected in changes of microstructure in atomic scale. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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A lei n?? 8.140, de 28 de dezembro de 1990 altera a denomina????o da Funda????o Centro de Forma????o do Servidor P??blico - FUNCEP e d?? outras provid??ncias.


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A ultra-estrutura e a composição química da madeira, bem como suas propriedades físicas e mecânicas, variam significativamente entre espécies, entre árvores de uma mesma espécie e, mesmo, entre diferentes partes de uma mesma árvore. Com este trabalho objetivou-se o estudo dos parâmetros de retratibilidade e de densidade básica da madeira Eucalyptus saligna, com idade de 16 anos, proveniente de talhões experimentais da EMBRAPA Florestas, de Colombo, Paraná. As amostras foram retiradas à altura do DAP de quatro posições eqüidistantes a partir da medula em direção à periferia, correspondendo a 0, 33, 66 e 100%, com dimensões nominais de 1,0 x 2,0 x 3,0 cm, sendo a última dimensão no sentido longitudinal. Elas foram mantidas em câmara fechada com ventilação, próximo de soluções salinas supersaturadas, com o objetivo de proporcionar diferentes condições de umidade relativa. Uma vez atingidas as distintas condições de umidade de equilíbrio, as amostras foram secas em estufa a 105 ºC e obtidos os dados de retratibilidade e densidade básica da madeira nas posições mencionadas. Constataram-se valores de contração volumétrica mais baixos na região medular, apresentando um acréscimo para as demais posições. Comportamento semelhante foi observado para os coeficientes das contrações lineares nas direções tangencial e radial. O fator anisotrópico foi consideravelmente mais elevado na região medular, decrescendo substancialmente em direção ao alburno. A densidade básica não mostrou sinais efetivos de estabilidade, apesar de mostrar tendência de aumento em direção à periferia do tronco.


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O estudo da higroscopicidade é indispensável para o entendimento da trabalhabilidade, estabilidade dimensional, resistência mecânica e durabilidade natural da madeira. Neste trabalho objetivou-se a avaliação do teor de equilíbrio higroscópico para diversas condições de umidade relativa do ar, bem como da retratibilidade linear e volumétrica e da densidade básica da madeira de Eucalyptus saligna Sm. A madeira utilizada foi proveniente de árvores com 16 anos de idade, procedentes de talhões experimentais da EMBRAPA Florestas de Colombo, Paraná. Amostras com dimensões de 1,0x2,0x3,0 cm, sendo a última na direção longitudinal, foram colocadas em uma câmara fechada, sob ventilação, próximas de recipientes com soluções salinas supersaturadas, a fim de atingir determinada condição preestabelecida de teor de equilíbrio higroscópico. Após o equilíbrio da umidade da madeira nas distintas condições de umidade relativa, as amostras foram secas em estufa, para posterior avaliação. Os dados relativos à umidade de equilíbrio ajustaram-se muito bem às condições de umidade relativa adotadas neste estudo, tendo sido possível estimar com grande precisão o teor de equilíbrio higroscópico, para a faixa de aproximadamente 20 até 100% de umidade relativa. A madeira em estudo apresentou dados de retratibilidade bastante elevados, se comparados aos de outras da mesma faixa de densidade. Apesar dos elevados coeficientes de contração, o fator anisotrópico ou relação T/R mostrou-se próximo daquele encontrado na grande maioria das madeiras comerciais brasileiras. Verificaram-se ainda coeficientes de contrações mais suaves nos teores de umidade abaixo de 17%.


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Biologia (Biotecnologia Vegetal), 22 de Janeiro de 2014, Universidade dos Açores.


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Consider global fixed-priority preemptive multiprocessor scheduling of implicit-deadline sporadic tasks. I conjecture that the utilization bound of SM-US(√2−1) is √2-1.


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Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Gestão do Território e Sistema de informações Geográficas,


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Bees visiting flowers of Bertholletia excelsa. (Brazil Nut tree) and Couratari tenuicarpa were collected, their behavior described and the pollen found clinging to their dorsal thorax and stored on their legs was identified. Female bees of Xylocopa frontalis(Olivier) and males of Eulaema mocsaryi (Friese) are apparently effective pollinators of Couratari in igapó near Manaus. Female bees of Euplusia seabrai Moure in litt., Epicharis umbraculata (Fabricius), Epicharis rustica (Olivier) and Eulaema nigrita(Lepeletier), as well as male bees of Eulaema cingulata(Fabricius) and Eulaema nigrita are apparently effective pollinators of adult Brazil Nut trees in the Aleixo plantation near Manaus. Only large bees capable of uncurling the floral androecium can effectively pollinate Couratari or Bertholletia.Pollen analysis indicated that all bees captured carried pollen of the host tree in question and had been foraging on flowers of plant species common in secondary growth. Secondary growth near the Aleixo plantation supports a bee guild which appeared to effectively pollinate almost every flower on the Brazil Nut tree studied. Proximity to primary forest (and to those Euglossine bee species which occur only in primary forest) therefore does not appear to be necessary for pollination of Brazil Nut trees.In the Aleixo plantation chronic low fruit set is probably due to some factor other than pollination. Since natural occurrences of Brazil Nut trees to the north and south of Manaus are associated with a higher soil fertility, low production at the Aleixo plantation may be due to deficiencies of the soil.


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Aechmea subgênero Chevaliera (Gaudich. ex Beer) Baker está representado na Amazônia brasileira pelas espécies A. fernandae (E. Morren) Baker e A. rodriguesiana (L. B. Sm.) L. B. Sm., sendo a última restrita para esta região. A. rodriguesiana se caracteriza pelas flores dispostas em racemo de espigas, com brácteas florais ovais, margens inteiras, envolvendo o ovário e pelas pétalas alvas e cuculadas. O presente trabalho apresenta a complementação da descrição e ilustrações desta espécie. São apresentados dados de distribuição geográfica, hábitats e fenológicos.


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Num ensaio de adubação com N, P, K e estêrco (E) de mudas de eucalipto (Eucalyptus saligna Sm.) em "torrão paulista" nos viveiros da Cia. Paulista de Estrada de Ferro, em Rio Claro, SP, foi usado um delineamento fatorial de 3x3x3x2, com resultados estatisticamente significativos para N, P e estêrco. As alturas médias das mudas, em centímetros, 3(1/2) meses após a repicagem para os torrões, foram as seguintes. N0 42,4 ± 1,5 P0 56,4 ± 1,5 E0 54,9 ± 1,2 N1 62,8 ± 1,5 P1 58,4 ± 1,5 E1 64,0 ± 1,2 N2 73,2 ± 1,5 P2 63,6 ± 1,5 As médias de algumas combinações interessantes de tratamentos são dadas a seguir, em centímetros. N0PoK0Eo 41,3 ± 6,2 N2P2K0E1 83,0 ± 6,2 N2P0K0E0 59,6 ± 6,2 N2P2K2E1 87,4 ± 6,2 N2P2K0E0 64,0 ± 6,2