888 resultados para SINGLE-SEX SCHOOL
The overall rate of omission of items for 28,331 17 year old Australian students on a high stakes test of achievement in the common elements or cognitive skills of the senior school curriculum is reported for a subtest in multiple choice format and a subtest in short response format. For the former, the omit rates were minuscule and there was no significant difference by gender or by type of school attended. For the latter, where an item can be 'worth' up to five times that of a single multiple choice item, the omit rates were between 10 and 20 times that for multiple choice and the difference between male and female omit rate was significant as was the difference between students from government and non-government schools. For both formats, females from single sex schools omitted significantly fewer items than did females from co-educational schools. Some possible explanations of omit behaviour are alluded to.
A repeated measures design, with randomly assigned intervention and control groups and multiple sources of information on each participant, was used to examine whether changing the method of delivery of a school’s homework program in order to better meet the students’ needs for autonomy, relatedness and competence would lead to more positive student attitudes to homework and whether there would also be a positive change in overall motivation. The participants were 104 male students aged 10 to 12 years who attended a single sex high school. There was no overall intervention effect on motivation; however, the intervention appeared to have a protective effect on the quality of motivation.
We investigated sex allocation in a Mediterranean population of the facultatively polygynous (multiple queen per colony) ant Pheidole pallidula. This species shows a strong split sex ratio, with most colonies producing almost exclusively a single-sex brood. Our genetic (microsatellite) analyses reveal that P. pallidula has an unusual breeding system, with colonies being headed by a single or a few unrelated queens. As expected in such a breeding system, our results show no variation in relatedness asymmetry between monogynous (single queen per colony) and polygynous colonies. Nevertheless, sex allocation was tightly associated with the breeding structure, with monogynous colonies producing a male-biased brood and polygynous colonies almost only females. In addition, sex allocation was closely correlated with colony total sexual productivity. Overall, our data show that when colonies become more productive (and presumably larger) they shift from monogyny to polygyny and from male production to female production, a pattern that has never been reported in social insects.
This paper presents a research protocol for a randomised controlled efficacy trial of the ‘Dead Cool’ smoking prevention programme. Dead Cool is a three to four-hour programme designed to be used by teachers with Year 9 students in Northern Ireland. The main outcome of the programme is to prevent students from starting to smoke. The protocol reports a research design intended to test the efficacy of the programme in 20 post-primary school settings. Selected schools included those from secondary /grammar/integrated/single sex/coeducational, rural and urban schools from both the maintained and controlled state sector and independent sector schools. Outcome measures include self-reported behaviours, monitoring of carbon monoxide (CO) in exhaled breath and focus groups designed to assess implementation fidelity and opinions on efficacy in intervention schools and explore the ‘counterfactual’ potential treatments in control schools.
In many sport associations, regardless of level, women and men rarely practice together. Previous studies indicate that work groups are generally more efficient when there is an even distribution between the sexes. Could that also be the case in sports? This study aims to investigate whether the sex composition of a training group affects the effort and performance of the participants. Eleven volunteers participated in the crossover study consisting of three different 150-meter sprint conditions; individually, single-sex group and mixed-sex group. Sprint times, heart rate and RPE were recorded during all three trials. The result of this study suggests that there might be practical benefits in regards to physical performance and effort to exercise in a training group consisting of both sexes instead of training only with the same-sex or individually. The understanding could be useful in areas such as; training optimisation for both athletes and in patient- and rehabilitation groups, increasing efficiency in work environments, in schools and sports clubs striving for both athletic success and gender equality.
Der Beitrag beschäftigt sich mit pädagogischen Institutionen, die aufgrund ihrer Organisationsform von vornherein geschlechtlich markiert sind. Die empirische Studie über elterliche Schulwahlmotive bei Jungenschulen zeigt, dass Eltern durchaus auf unterschiedliche Begründungsmuster rekurrieren. Während für einige Eltern wichtig ist, dass die Interessen der Jungen in monoedukativen Institutionen besser berücksichtigt werden, betonen andere, dass sich die Interessenförderung von Jungen in Jungenschulen unabhängig von stereotypen Geschlechterzuschreibungen entfalten kann. Geschlechtertrennung wird von den Jungenschulen in diesem Fall als Entlastung von geschlechtsbezogenen Stereotypen präsentiert. Folglich liegt hier ein Paradox vor: Die Unterscheidung zwischen Jungen und Mädchen wird als Voraussetzung dafür angesehen, dass Schüler von geschlechtlichen Unterscheidungspraktiken entlastet werden. Die empirischen Ergebnisse der Autoren machen darüber hinaus deutlich, dass Geschlechtertrennung in Jungenschulen für Eltern keineswegs das wichtigste Kriterium bei der Schulwahl sein muss. Als ausschlaggebend für die Schulwahl werden vielmehr das Erziehungskonzept der Schule, ihre Atmosphäre sowie eine Erziehungsgemeinschaft zwischen Schule und Elternhaus genannt. Dennoch wird Geschlechtertrennung mit der Gründung von Jungenschulen, so die Autor_innen, dauerhaft institutionalisiert. Die Autor_innen problematisieren deshalb, ob mit der Dramatisierung von Geschlecht etwas zementiert wird, was eigentlich überwunden werden will. (DIPF/Orig.)
Sexual segregation is best known in sexually dimorphic ungulates. Many hypotheses have been proposed to explain the evolution of sexual segregation in ungulates, but all are reducible to the influence of two factors: body size and sex-specific reproductive strategy. Definitive tests of these hypotheses are lacking in ungulates because these factors are confounded, all males being somewhat larger than females. Kangaroos represent a parallel radiation of terrestrial herbivores, but their populations are composed of a spectrum of adult body sizes, ranging from small males the same size as females to large males more than twice the size. We exploited this heteromorphism to assess the independent influences of size and sex in these ungulate analogues. We conducted a preliminary study of western grey kangaroos (Macropus fuliginosus) in north-western Victoria, Australia. Adult males predominately occupied grassland habitat, whereas females occurred mostly in lakebed, woodland and shrubland. Single-sex groups occurred more often than expected during the non-mating season. The diet of large males had the highest proportion of grass, and females had the least. These initial results indicate that both size and sex influence segregation in this species, confirming the worth of kangaroos as marsupial models for research into the evolution of sexual segregation.
The involvement of teachers in any process which seeks to enhance classroom pedagogy is vital. In this area, professional development (PD) for teachers can be effective in developing and broadening classroom practices, but the process takes time. Teachers need time to reflect on their practice and be confident in implementing new programs and strategies by taking risks and employing different approaches in their pedagogy. There are various ways of initiating professional development which also take into account time for reflection. One is by the use of professional development to improve knowledge and skills. Another way is by teachers observing the practice of their colleagues before reflecting and modifying their own practice. This study discusses the findings of a case study where two different PD programs in a single secondary school were implemented with the assistance of two University Lecturers. The study revealed that although there were positive reflections on the development of knowledge and skills from the PD, factors such as collegiality and time and infrastructure constraints impacted the teachers involved in both the Reflective Practice and the technology PD programs. The school was part of the Brisbane Catholic Education Office (BCE) in Queensland, Australia and the researchers were both Senior Lecturers at the Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane.
Esta pesquisa tem como problema de investigação o sentido de vida na adolescência. E os objetivos a alcançar foram: discutir questões atuais relativas à adolescência; analisar questões centrais da Logoterapia, propostas por Viktor Frankl; e investigar empiricamente o sentido de vida na adolescência. Na pesquisa ex post facto realizada, foram submetidas à corroboração cinco conjecturas, relacionando adolescência, sexo, orientação confessional da escola e sentido de vida. Os participantes foram 230 alunos, cuja idade variou de 16 a 18 anos, sendo 91 do sexo masculino e 139 do sexo feminino, todos eles matriculados em escolas públicas e privadas do Ensino Médio da cidade de Petrópolis, Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Foram selecionadas duas escolas públicas, uma estadual e uma municipal, além de quatro escolas privadas, sendo duas leigas e duas confessionais, que atendem alunos de classe sócio-econômica diferenciada. Utilizamos o Logo-Teste, originalmente elaborado por Elizabeth Lukas, como instrumento de medida do sentido de vida dos participantes. Das cinco conjecturas testadas, duas foram corroboradas: a de que não há diferença significativa no sentido de vida entre adolescentes do sexo masculino e do sexo feminino e a de que não há diferença significativa no sentido de vida entre adolescentes de escolas públicas e particulares leigas. Além disso, observou-se que as médias obtidas por todos os grupos de participantes situam-se na faixa da estabilidade psíquica, sem riscos de ocorrência de neurose noógena ou depressão noógena.
Several technological advances have been made in tropical freshwater aquaculture during the last three decades. Hatchery production of carp seed was achieved in India and China towards the late 1950's. Channel catfish farming in the U.S. has grown phenomenally. Development of the technology of high density culture using artificial aeration and nutritionally balanced diets has revolutionized freshwater aquaculture, particularly in Israel. Culture of fishes in cages, pens and running water have helped to achieve very high production levels. Considerable research work has been done on fish nutrition during recent years. Investigations on sex control reveal that it is possible to produce a single sex progeny which is more desirable for culture.
A previous paper showed that young children performed better when working as individuals rather than in pairs on a drill and practice program. This paper reports an analysis of behaviour and talk for individuals and single sex pairs using a computer-based drill and practice activity to explain differences in performance. Results indicated that individuals were more likely to be task-focused and to complete tasks successfully than children working in pairs. Differences were found in off-task activity, behaviours and type of talk. Grouping and verbal interaction are discussed in relation to the type of task/program that children are asked to undertake, and how both task and peer presence may constrain the child's task focus and performance when reinforcing pre-existing knowledge.
Twenty-eight young women who were members of the Girl Guides of Canada as Rangers and Cadets from a convenience sample chose to participate in this case study. They were from four separate locations in Southern Ontario. The interviews and observations at unit meetings allowed an indepth look into the perceptions of leadership of these young women. The amount of time observing and interacting with each participant provided a snapshot of what they thought and how they responded to the questions asked at that particular time. Each girl responded to the question, "Are you a leader?" They then gave examples of their own leadership and described leaders they knew. Their responses are reported in relation to their definitions. Their identifications of effective and ineffective leaders were examined, as well as their views of the best and worst things a leader can do. This information is reported by unit, as some patterns in their responses emerged which were unique to each group. The responses of all of the girls to the leadership of Guiders, Rangers and Cadets and the hypothetical effect of male leaders and male Rangers in Guiding are reported. For these, the participants' views were sorted based on the common themes/ and regardless of their group affiliation, since many of the same themes emerged when examining these questions. The information collected was extensive and allowed for trends and parallels to become evident 0 All of the participants identified themselves as leaders. A diversity of views exists in their perceptions of leadership. For many, age makes a difference in leadership. The majority identified the single-sex aspect of the organization as comfortable and stated that it should remain so. Gender profoundly affects who is listened to and what opportunities are available.
Le ministère de l’Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport (MELS) publie tous les ans des indicateurs (MELS, 2007) qui traitent de plusieurs aspects du système scolaire québécois. Quoique le MELS insiste sur l’obligation pour les écoles primaires et secondaires d’obtenir des résultats probants en termes d’« efficacité », les indicateurs utilisés pour apprécier la performance des écoles ne sont pas nécessairement conçus à cette fin. Une étude du MELS rapporte que les élèves de 5e secondaire éprouvent de la difficulté à obtenir de bons résultats à deux critères de correction (syntaxe et ponctuation, orthographe), parmi les six de l’épreuve unique de français écrit (MELS, 2008). Ce fait nous amène à nous intéresser à l’étude de la modélisation des liens entre des facteurs associés à l’environnement scolaire et les résultats des élèves de la région métropolitaine de Montréal, en ce qui a trait à ces deux critères pour les cohortes des années 2006, 2007 et 2008. Nous procédons d’abord à des analyses descriptives des variables pour chacune des trois populations. Nous poursuivons l’analyse en effectuant plusieurs modélisations multiniveaux multivariées des deux critères en fonction de variables indépendantes, caractéristiques de l’élève et de l’école. Les résultats de la présente recherche indiquent une relative stabilité dans la performance des élèves pour les trois années, avec une légère amélioration de la performance pour la cohorte de 2007, et qui se maintient pour la cohorte de 2008. Les élèves du secteur privé obtiennent de meilleurs résultats que ceux du public. Le résultat des filles est supérieur à celui des garçons et les élèves de langue maternelle française obtiennent de meilleurs résultats que ceux de langues maternelles différentes du français. Il importe cependant d’apporter quelques nuances dans l’interprétation de ces résultats. En outre, la part de variance dans la performance des élèves attribuable à l’élève est de l’ordre de 75,0 % et de l’ordre de 25,0 % à l’école. On note un effet différentiel des facteurs d’élève et d’école selon le critère considéré. Les variables caractéristiques de l’élève comptent pour 13,9 % de la variance totale de la performance des élèves en syntaxe et ponctuation et pour 9,8 % en orthographe. Les variables caractéristiques de l’école comptent pour 3,7 % de la variance totale de la performance des élèves en syntaxe et ponctuation et pour 6,4 % en orthographe. Certains facteurs d’école, comme la taille, la mixité ne semblent pas présenter un lien significatif avec la performance des élèves.
This paper studies oligopolistic competition in education markets when schools can be private and public and when the quality of education depends on ìpeer groupî e§ects. In the Örst stage of our game schools set their quality and in the second stage they Öx their tuition fees. We examine how the (subgame perfect Nash) equilibrium allocation (qualities, tuition fees and welfare) is a§ected by the presence of public schools and by their relative position in the quality range. When there are no peer group e§ects, e¢ ciency is achieved when (at least) all but one school are public. In particular in the two school case, the impact of a public school is spectacular as we go from a setting of extreme di§erentiation to an e¢ cient allocation. However, in the three school case, a single public school will lower welfare compared to the private equilibrium. We then introduce a peer group e§ect which, for any given school is determined by its student with the highest ability. These PGE do have a signiÖcant impact on the results. The mixed equilibrium is now never e¢ cient. However, welfare continues to be improved if all but one school are public. Overall, the presence of PGE reduces the e§ectiveness of public schools as regulatory tool in an otherwise private education sector.
Aim: The aim of the study was to evaluate the association between Helicobacter pylori infection and iron deficiency (ID) in adolescents attending a public school. Patients and Methods: From March to June 2001, a cross-sectional study was conducted among adolescents (10-16 years) enrolled in a single public school in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Of 400 eligible students, 195 agreed to participate, but 1 was excluded due to sickle cell disease. A blood sample was collected from each subject to measure hemoglobin and ferritin. H pylori status was investigated with the 13 C-urea breath test. All of the subjects with either anemia or ID were given iron therapy. Results: H pylori prevalence was 40.7% (79/194), being higher in male subjects (45/90 vs 34/104, P = 0.014). There was no relation between infection and nutritional status. Abnormally low serum ferritin was observed in 12 subjects, half of whom were positive for H pylori (odds ratio [OR] 1.49, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.38-5.81). The median serum ferritin was 33.6 ng/mL (interquartile range 23.9-50.9) in infected subjects and 35.1 ng/mL (interquartile range 23.7-53.9) in uninfected subjects. Anemia was detected in 2% (4/194) of the students, half of whom were infected (OR 1.47, 95% CI 0.1-20.6). The mean hemoglobin value in infected subjects was 13.83 g/dL +/- 1.02 versus 14 g/dL +/- 1.06 in uninfected subjects. Conclusions: The study was not able to find a relation between H pylori infection and ID or anemia.