983 resultados para SEED-PLANT PHYLOGENY
In many species translocation of sucrose from the mesophyll to the phloem is carrier mediated. A sucrose/H+-symporter cDNA, NtSUT1, was isolated from tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) and shown to be highly expressed in mature leaves and at low levels in other tissues, including floral organs. To study the in vivo function of NtSUT1, tobacco plants were transformed with a SUT1 antisense construct under control of the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter. Upon maturation, leaves of transformants expressing reduced amounts of SUT1 mRNA curled downward, and strongly affected plants developed chloroses and necroses that led to death. The leaves exhibited impaired ability to export recently fixed 14CO2 and were unable to export transient starch during extended periods of darkness. As a consequence, soluble carbohydrates accumulated and photosynthesis was reduced. Autoradiographs of leaves show a heterogenous pattern of CO2 fixation even after a 24-h chase. The 14C pattern does not change with time, suggesting that movement of photosynthate between mesophyll cells may also be impaired. The affected lines show a reduction in the development of the root system and delayed or impaired flowering. Taken together, the effects observed in a seed plant (tobacco) demonstrate the importance of SUT1 for sucrose loading into the phloem via an apoplastic route and possibly for intermesophyll transport as well.
Complementary field and laboratory tests confirmed and quantified the pollination abilities of Tranes sp. weevils and Cycadothrips chadwicki thrips, specialist insects of their respective cycad hosts, Macrozamia machinii and M. lucida. No agamospermous seeds were produced when both wind and insects were excluded from female cones; and the exclusion of wind-vectored pollen alone did not eliminate seed set, because insects were able to reach the cone. Based on enclosure pollination tests, each weevil pollinates an average 26.2 ovules per cone and each thrips 2.4 ovules per cone. These pollinators visited similar numbers of ovules per cone in fluorescent dye tests that traced insect movement through cones. Fluorescent dye granules deposited by Cycadothrips were concentrated around the micropyle of each visited ovule, the site of pollen droplet release, where pollen must be deposited to achieve pollination. In contrast, Tranes weevils left dye scattered on different areas of each visited ovule, indicating that chance plays a greater role in this system. Each weevil and 25 thrips delivered 6.2 and 5.2 pollen grains, respectively, on average, to each visited ovule per cone, based on examination of dissected pollen canals. In sum, the pollination potential of 25 Cycadothrips approximates that of one Tranes weevil.
Botanically, green composites belong to an economically important seed plant family that includes maize, wheat, rice, and sorghum known as Saccharum offi cinarum. There are so many natural fibers available in the environment such as rice husk, hemp fibers, flax fibers, bamboo fibers, coconut fiber, coconut coir, grawia optiva and many others also. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a process to estimate the environmental feature and potential impacts related to a product, by organizing a directory of pertinent inputs and outputs of a product system, assessing the potential environmental impacts related with the said inputs and outputs, explaining the results of the inventory analysis and impact evaluation phases in connection to the objectives of the study. Particularly Bagasse, an agricultural residue not only becomes a problem from the environmental point of view, but also affects the profitability of the sugarcane industries. This chapter discusses the properties, processing methods and various other aspects including economic and environmental aspects related to green composites.
The use of inputs containing phosphites have been presenting results in many studies, taking on importance to the control of diseases in some cultures and demonstrating the resistance induction in seedlings, with ability to activate defense mechanisms, conferring protection to plants against microorganisms. The soybean crop is recognized for its importance in providing grains and derivatives for human consumption, animal, production of biofuels, pharmaceuticals, among others. Positive results obtained through studies based on resistance inducers in some cultures arouse the interest for further study. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of potassium phosphites on the resistance induction and treatment of soybean seeds. Therefore were conducted four laboratory studies at the Federal Technological University of Paraná, Campus of Dois Vizinhos. In the first study it was evaluated the quality attributes of the seeds and the resistance induction as seed treatment. Then it was verified that phosphites have action upon the seedlings metabolism in due to seed treatment, having the phosphite Reforce® contributed to seed quality attributes and phosphites FitofosK® and Fitofos K Plus® induced the resistance increasing the activity of β-1,3-glucanase. In the second study it was evaluated the the resistance induction in soybean cotyledons, in which the phosphites demonstrated induction potential of phytoalexin gliceolin. In the third study It was evaluated the soybean seed health treated with potassium phosphites.. it was observed that the phosphites reduced the incidence of many fungi on seeds, especially of storage fungi like Aspergillus sp. and Fusarium semitectum. In the fourth study it was evaluated the in vitro effect of potassium phosphites on pathogenic fungi of the culture. And it was found direct action of phosphites on the mycelial growth of Fusarium semitectum, Pythium sp. and Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. Based on these results, we concluded that potassium phosphites have potential in seeds treatment, as resistance inducer and on in vitro control of phytopathogens.
The entire internal transcribed spacer ( ITS) region, including the 5.8S subunit of the nuclear ribosomal DNA ( rDNA), was sequenced by direct double-stranded sequencing of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplified fragments. The study included 40 Sporobolus ( Family Poaceae, subfamily Chloridoideae) seed collections from 14 putative species ( all 11 species from the S. indicus complex and three Australian native species). These sequences, along with those from two out-group species [ Pennisetum alopecuroides ( L.) Spreng. and Heteropogon contortus ( L.) P. Beauv. ex Roemer & Schultes, Poaceae, subfamily Panicoideae], were analysed by the parsimony method (PAUP; version 4.0b4a) to infer phylogenetic relationships among these species. The length of the ITS1, 5.8S subunit and ITS2 region were 222, 164 and 218 base pairs ( bp), respectively, in all species of the S. indicus complex, except for the ITS2 region of S. diandrus P. Beauv. individuals, which was 217 bp long. Of the 624 characters included in the analysis, 245 ( 39.3%) of the 330 variable sites contained potential phylogenetic information. Differences in sequences among the members of the S. pyramidalis P. Beauv., S. natalensis (Steud.) Dur & Schinz and S. jacquemontii Kunth. collections were 0%, while differences ranged from 0 to 2% between these and other species of the complex. Similarly, differences in sequences among collections of S. laxus B. K. Simon, S. sessilis B. K. Simon, S. elongatus R. Br. and S. creber De Nardi were 0%, compared with differences of 1-2% between these four species and the rest of the complex. When comparing S. fertilis ( Steud.) Clayton and S. africanus (Poir.) Robyns & Tourney, differences between collections ranged from 0 to 1%. Parsimony analysis grouped all 11 species of the S. indicus complex together, indicating a monophyletic origin. For the entire data set, pair-wise distances among members of the S. indicus complex varied from 0.00 to 1.58%, compared with a range of 20.08-21.44% among species in the complex and the Australian native species studied. A strict consensus phylogenetic tree separated 11 species of the S. indicus complex into five major clades. The phylogeny, based on ITS sequences, was found to be congruent with an earlier study on the taxonomic relationship of the weedy Sporobolus grasses revealed from random amplified polymorphic DNA ( RAPD). However, this cladistic analysis of the complex was not in agreement with that created on past morphological analyses and therefore gives a new insight into the phylogeny of the S. indicus complex.
Differences in levels of lignin in the plant between conventional and transgenic cultivars RR has been reported by several authors, however, there are few studies evaluating the influence of spraying of glyphosate on the lignin in the plant and RR soybean seeds. The aim of this study was to evaluate the physiological quality of RR transgenic soybean seeds and the lignin contents of plants sprayed with the herbicide glyphosate. The assays were conducted both in greenhouse and field in the municipality of Lavras, MG, in the agricultural year 2007/08. The experiment was arranged in a splitplot design with four replicates, considering the treatments hand weeding and herbicide glyphosate as plots, and five RR soybean cultivars (BRS 245 RR, BRS 247 RR, Valiosa RR, Silvânia RR and Baliza RR) as splitplots. In the greenhouse, the cultivars tested were BRS 245 RR and Valiosa RR in a randomized block design with four replicates. The sprayings were carried out at stages V3, V7 and early R5 (3L/ha). The 1000 seed weight, mechanical injury, germination and germination velocity index, emergence velocity index, accelerated aging, electrical conductivity and water soaking seed test, lignin content in the seed coat, in the stem and legumes were determined. The spraying of glyphosate herbicide, in greenhouse and field, did not alter the physiological quality of seeds and the lignin contents in the plant.
Résumé de la thèseBien que le mutualisme puisse être considéré comme une relation harmonieuse entre différentes espèces, son étude révèle plutôt une exploitation réciproque où chaque partenaire tente de maximiser ses bénéfices tout en réduisant ses coûts. Dans ce contexte, l'identification des facteurs qui favorisent ou contrarient, au cours de l'évolution, une issue mutualiste est une étape majeure pour pouvoir reconstruire les étapes clés menant à l'apparition et au maintien des interactions mutualistes. Le but de ce doctorat était l'identification des traits phénotypiques qui permettent à la plante Silene latofolia (Caryophyllacée)et à son pollinisateur - prédateur de graines, la phalène Hadena bicruris (Noctuidé), d'augmenter les bénéfices nets que chacun retire de l'interaction. Ce système d'étude est particulièrement bien approprié à l'étude de ces traits, car on peut assez facilement estimer la qualité et la quantité des descendants (fitness) des deux partenaires. En effet, la femelle papillon pond un oeuf dans la fleur qu'elle pollinise et sa larve se développe dans le fruit, consommant les graines de la plante. Ainsi, sur une même plante, il est possible d'estimer les succès respectifs de la plante et du papillon à obtenir une descendance. De plus, le conflit d'intérêt autour des graines qui sont indispensables, à la fois à la plante et au papillon, peut stimuler l'évolution de traits qui limitent la surexploitation réciproque des partenaires. Dans une première étude, j'ai montré que le papillon mâle était un pollinisateur efficace de S. latifolia et qu'ainsi, il permettait à la plante d'augmenter le nombre de graines produites (i.e.bénéfice) sans pour autant augmenter la quantité de larves sur la plante. Dans ce système, les papillons pondent un seul oeuf par fleur, déposé soit à l'intérieur de la fleur, dans le tube de corolle, soit sur le pétale. Ma seconde étude montre que les plantes répondent différemment à la présence des oeufs suivant leur position. Aussi, quand l'oeuf est placé dans la fleur, la plante a davantage tendance à ne pas développer le fruit de la fleur infesté ou bien à produire des fruits plus petits que lorsque l'oeuf est placé sur le pétale. Enfin, j'ai montré que la femelle du papillon pond plus souvent sur le pétale lorsque elle visite des fleurs dotées d'un long tube de corolle, et que les larves issues de ces oeufs ont moins de chances de réussir à pénétrer dans le fruit que les larves issues des oeufs placés à l'intérieur de la fleur. Aussi, la variation observée du site de ponte pourrait être causé par la morphologie de la fleur qui contraint le papillon à pondre sur le pétale. Vu dans leur ensemble, les résultats obtenus pendant ce doctorat suggèrent que la participation des mâles à la pollination, l'absence de développement des fruits et la profondeur du tube de corolle pourraient réduire les coûts que S. latifolia subit dans son interaction avec H. bicruris. Par ailleurs, je n'ai pas détecté de mécanismes qui permettraient au papillon de réduire les coûts que la plante pourrait lui imposer. La prochaine étape serait de déterminer l'effet des traits identifiés dans ce doctorat sur la fitness globale de la plante et du papillon pour estimer pleinement leur efficacité à réduire les coûts et à favoriser une issue mutualiste. De même, il faudrait évaluer l'effet de ces traits en populations naturelles pour identifier le rôle des facteurs environnementaux sur leur efficacité.AbstractAlthough mutualisms can be regarded as harmonious relationships between the interacting partners, they are best conceptualized as reciprocal exploitations in which each partner attempts to increase its own benefits and decrease its costs. To date, identifying the factors which promote or discourage mutualistic outcomes remains a major goal to reconstruct the ecological conditions leading to mutualisms. The aim of this PhD thesis was to identify phenotypic traits that may increase the net benefits of each partner in the interaction between the plant Silene latifolia (Caryophyllaceae) and its pollinator / seed predator, the moth Hadena bicruris (Noctuidae). This study system is particularly well suited because the fitness of both interacting species can be assessed. The female moth lays its egg in the flower it pollinated, and its offspring grows in the fruit, feeding on the seeds of the plant, which allows for the follow-up of both larva and fruit fates. Furthermore, the inherent conflict of interest over the seeds as plant progeny vs. larval resource may stimulate the evolution of traits that reduce overexploitation in both the moth and plant. In a first study, I show that male moths are efficient pollinators, hence increasing seed production without increasing oviposition. The contribution of male moths to pollination might thus improve the net benefits of the interaction for the host plant. Females of the H. bicruris moth lay a single egg per flower, and place it either inside the corolla tube or on the petal. My second study shows that plants are more likely to abort the infested flower or to produce a smaller fruit when the egg was experimentally placed inside the flower compared to plants that received an egg on the petal. Finally, female moths were found to lay their eggs more frequently on the petal when visiting a flower with a deep corolla tube, and larvae hatching from these eggs less likely to successfully attack the fruit. Variation in egg position on the flower may thus be the result of a constraint imposed by floral morphology. Overall, this PhD work suggests that the pollination by male moths, flower abortion, and deep corolla tube may efficiently reduce the costs experienced by S. latifolia in its interaction with H. bicruris. Interestingly, no apparent mechanism of costs reduction was detected for the moth. Further studies should focus on the effects of these traits (i) in the long term fitness of both the plant and the insect and (ii) their interactions with environmental factors (biotic and abiotic) that may affect their efficiency in natural populations.
A major challenge in community ecology is a thorough understanding of the processes that govern the assembly and composition of communities in time and space. The growing threat of climate change to the vascular plant biodiversity of fragile ecosystems such as mountains has made it equally imperative to develop comprehensive methodologies to provide insights into how communities are assembled. In this perspective, the primary objective of this PhD thesis is to contribute to the theoretical and methodological development of community ecology, by proposing new solutions to better detect the ecological and evolutionary processes that govern community assembly. As phylogenetic trees provide by far, the most advanced tools to integrate the spatial, ecological and evolutionary dynamics of plant communities, they represent the cornerstone on which this work was based. In this thesis, I proposed new solutions to: (i) reveal trends in community assembly on phylogenies, depicted by the transition of signals at the nodes of the different species and lineages responsible for community assembly, (ii) contribute to evidence the importance of evolutionarily labile traits in the distribution of mountain plant species. More precisely, I demonstrated that phylogenetic and functional compositional turnover in plant communities was driven by climate and human land use gradients mostly influenced by evolutionarily labile traits, (iii) predict and spatially project the phylogenetic structure of communities using species distribution models, to identify the potential distribution of phylogenetic diversity, as well as areas of high evolutionary potential along elevation. The altitudinal setting of the Diablerets mountains (Switzerland) provided an appropriate model for this study. The elevation gradient served as a compression of large latitudinal variations similar to a collection of islands within a single area, and allowed investigations on a large number of plant communities. Overall, this thesis highlights that stochastic and deterministic environmental filtering processes mainly influence the phylogenetic structure of plant communities in mountainous areas. Negative density-dependent processes implied through patterns of phylogenetic overdispersion were only detected at the local scale, whereas environmental filtering implied through phylogenetic clustering was observed at both the regional and local scale. Finally, the integration of indices of phylogenetic community ecology with species distribution models revealed the prospects of providing novel and insightful explanations on the potential distribution of phylogenetic biodiversity in high mountain areas. These results generally demonstrate the usefulness of phylogenies in inferring assembly processes, and are worth considering in the theoretical and methodological development of tools to better understand phylogenetic community structure.
Mutualism often involves reciprocal exploitation due to individual selection for increased benefits even at the expense of the partner. Therefore, stability and outcomes of such interactions crucially depend on cost limitation mechanisms. In the plant, pollinator /seed predator interaction between Silene latifolia (Caryophyllaceae) and Hadena bicruris (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), moths generate pollination benefits as adults but impose seed predation costs as larvae. We examined whether floral morphology limits over-exploitation by constraining oviposition site. Oviposition site varies naturally inside vs. outside the corolla tube, but neither its determinants nor its effect on the interaction have been investigated. In a common garden with plants originating from eight populations, corolla tube length predicted oviposition site, but not egg presence or pollination efficiency, suggesting that long corolla tubes constrain the moth to lay eggs on petals. Egg position was also predicted by the combined effect of corolla tube and moth ovipositor lengths, with shorter ovipositor than corolla tube resulting in higher probability for eggs outside. Egg position on a given plant was repeatable over different exposure nights. When egg position was experimentally manipulated, eggs placed on the petal resulted in significantly fewer successful fruit attacks compared with eggs placed inside the corolla tube, suggesting differences in egg/larval mortality. Egg position also differently affected larval mass, fruit mass and fruit development. Our results indicate that constraining oviposition site through a long corolla tube reduces seed predation costs suffered by the plant without negatively affecting pollination efficiency and, hence may act to limit over-exploitation. However, the net effects of corolla tube depth variation on this interaction may fluctuate with extrinsic factors affecting egg mortality, and with patterns of gene flow affecting trait matching between the interacting species. The intermediate fitness costs incurred by both plant and insect associated with the different egg positions may reduce selective pressures for this interaction to evolve towards antagonism, favouring instead a mutualistic outcome. While a role for oviposition site variation in cost limitation is a novel finding in this system, it may apply more generally also to other mutualisms involving pollinating seed predators.
The objective of this study was to assess genotype by environment interaction for seed yield per plant in rapeseed cultivars grown in Northern Serbia by the AMMI (additive main effects and multiplicative interaction) model. The study comprised 19 rapeseed genotypes, analyzed in seven years through field trials arranged in a randomized complete block design, with three replicates. Seed yield per plant of the tested cultivars varied from 1.82 to 19.47 g throughout the seven seasons, with an average of 7.41 g. In the variance analysis, 72.49% of the total yield variation was explained by environment, 7.71% by differences between genotypes, and 19.09% by genotype by environment interaction. On the biplot, cultivars with high yield genetic potential had positive correlation with the seasons with optimal growing conditions, while the cultivars with lower yield potential were correlated to the years with unfavorable conditions. Seed yield per plant is highly influenced by environmental factors, which indicates the adaptability of specific genotypes to specific seasons.
Comparative analyses of spatial genetic structure of populations of plants and the insects they interact with provide an indication of how gene flow, natural selection and genetic drift may jointly influence the distribution of genetic variation and potential for local co-adaptation for interacting species. Here, we analysed the spatial scale of genetic structure within and among nine populations of an interacting species pair, the white campion Silene latifolia and the moth Hadena bicruris, along a latitudinal gradient across Northern/Central Europe. This dioecious, short-lived perennial plant inhabits patchy, often disturbed environments. The moth H. bicruris acts both as its pollinator and specialist seed predator that reproduces by laying eggs in S. latifolia flowers. We used nine microsatellite markers for S. latifolia and eight newly developed markers for H. bicruris. We found high levels of inbreeding in most populations of both plant and pollinator/seed predator. Among populations, significant genetic structure was observed for S. latifolia but not for its pollinator/seed predator, suggesting that despite migration among populations of H. bicruris, pollen is not, or only rarely, carried over between populations, thus maintaining genetic structure among plant populations. There was a weak positive correlation between genetic distances of S. latifolia and H. bicruris. These results indicate that while significant structure of S. latifolia populations creates the potential for differentiation at traits relevant for the interaction with the pollinator/seed predator, substantial gene flow in H. bicruris may counteract this process in at least some populations.
One signature of adaptive radiation is a high level of trait change early during the diversification process and a plateau toward the end of the radiation. Although the study of the tempo of evolution has historically been the domain of paleontologists, recently developed phylogenetic tools allow for the rigorous examination of trait evolution in a tremendous diversity of organisms. Enemy-driven adaptive radiation was a key prediction of Ehrlich and Raven's coevolutionary hypothesis [Ehrlich PR, Raven PH (1964) Evolution 18:586-608], yet has remained largely untested. Here we examine patterns of trait evolution in 51 North American milkweed species (Asclepias), using maximum likelihood methods. We study 7 traits of the milkweeds, ranging from seed size and foliar physiological traits to defense traits (cardenolides, latex, and trichomes) previously shown to impact herbivores, including the monarch butterfly. We compare the fit of simple random-walk models of trait evolution to models that incorporate stabilizing selection (Ornstein-Ulenbeck process), as well as time-varying rates of trait evolution. Early bursts of trait evolution were implicated for 2 traits, while stabilizing selection was implicated for several others. We further modeled the relationship between trait change and species diversification while allowing rates of trait evolution to vary during the radiation. Species-rich lineages underwent a proportionately greater decline in latex and cardenolides relative to species-poor lineages, and the rate of trait change was most rapid early in the radiation. An interpretation of this result is that reduced investment in defensive traits accelerated diversification, and disproportionately so, early in the adaptive radiation of milkweeds.
The objective was to evaluate the percentage of emergency plantlets and lipid peroxidation in seeds of 29 half-sib progenies of yellow passion fruit (Passiflora edulis Sims.) after 24 months under storage. The experimental design was completely randomized, with four replications of 50 seeds each, from which the treatments were the progenies (1-29). The evaluation of the percent plantlet emergency was accomplished at 14 and 28 days after sowing. The lipid peroxidation of the seeds was expressed as malondialdehyde (MDA) content that was determined by the TBARS method. Approximately 21% of those half-sib progenies maintained the viability of their seeds for twenty-four months under storage. The results point out a remarkable genetic variability for vigor and emergency of the yellow passion fruit plantlets, with occurrence of individuals with high and other ones with low capacity to maintaining the physiologic quality of their seeds after storage.
BACKGROUND: The historical orogenesis and associated climatic changes of mountain areas have been suggested to partly account for the occurrence of high levels of biodiversity and endemism. However, their effects on dispersal, differentiation and evolution of many groups of plants are still unknown. In this study, we examined the detailed diversification history of Primula sect. Armerina, and used biogeographic analysis and macro-evolutionary modeling to investigate a series of different questions concerning the evolution of the geographical and ecological distribution of the species in this section. RESULTS: We sequenced five chloroplast and one nuclear genes for species of Primula sect. Armerina. Neither chloroplast nor nuclear trees support the monophyly of the section. The major incongruences between the two trees occur among closely related species and may be explained by hybridization. Our dating analyses based on the chloroplast dataset suggest that this section began to diverge from its relatives around 3.55 million years ago, largely coinciding with the last major uplift of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (QTP). Biogeographic analysis supports the origin of the section in the Himalayan Mountains and dispersal from the Himalayas to Northeastern QTP, Western QTP and Hengduan Mountains. Furthermore, evolutionary models of ecological niches show that the two P. fasciculata clades have significantly different climatic niche optima and rates of niche evolution, indicating niche evolution under climatic changes and further providing evidence for explaining their biogeographic patterns. CONCLUSION: Our results support the hypothesis that geologic and climatic events play important roles in driving biological diversification of organisms in the QTP area. The Pliocene uplift of the QTP and following climatic changes most likely promoted both the inter- and intraspecific divergence of Primula sect. Armerina. This study also illustrates how niche evolution under climatic changes influences biogeographic patterns.
This study aimed at assessing the level of weed infestation indifferent areas that were submitted to different soil management for 16 years. Four management systems were studied: (1) agriculture only under conventional tillage system; (2) agriculture only under no-till system; (3) crop-livestock integrationcrop-livestock integration; (4) livestock only. These areas were sampled at three soil depths (0-5, 5-10 and 10-15 cm), and soil was stored in plastic pots and taken to a greenhouse, where soil moisture and weight were standardized. Soil was kept near 70% moisture field capacity, being revolved every 20 days when all seedling emerged from soil were counted, identified and collected for dry mass assessment. The soil coverage by weeds, number of weed seedlings and dry mass of the weedy community were assessed. A phytoecological analysis was conducted. Weed composition is differentdifferent among management systems after 16 years. Areas with livestock showed much smaller number of weed species in comparison to systems where only grain crops are grown. The presence of livestock affects the potential of germination of soil seed bank. Agriculture systems are similar in terms of weed composition along soil profile, while systems involving livestock show little relation in what regards such sampled depths. Conservationist models of land exploration contribute to reduce severity of weed species occurrence in the long term.