208 resultados para SEABREAM SPARUS-AURATA


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Dissertação de mestrado, Aquacultura e Pescas, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2014


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The feeding habits of Sparus aurata L., Diplodus annularis L. and Spondyliosoma cantharus L. in the Ria Formosa (southern Portugal) lagoon system were studied using three simple methods (frequency of occurrence, numeric percentage and percentage weight) and a composite index [index of relative importance (IRI)]. The Ivlev index was used to evaluate diet selectivity, while the Schoener overlap index was used to compare diets, and diet diversity was characterized by the Simpson index. The diets of the three species consist of a wide variety of food organisms, nevertheless S. aurata seems to be the most specialized. No significant dietary overlap was found, with S. aurata preferentially selecting gastropods and bivalves. while S. cantharus preferentially selected a wide variety of crustaceans and D. sargus a wider array, including crustaceans, gastropods and bivalves.


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In the European Union the turn towards renewable energy sources has increased the production of biodiesel from rapeseed oil, leaving glycerol (also known as glycerin) as a valuable by-product. For every litre of biodiesel produced, approximately 79 g of crude glycerol are generated. As the biodiesel production grows, the quantity of crude glycerol generated will be considerable and its utilization will become an urgent topic. One possibility is the use of crude glycerol on animal feeds. Glycerol has been evaluated as a dietary energy source for several farm animals, including fish. A study was undertaken to assess the effect of dietary biodiesel-derived glycerol (from rapeseed oil) on the overall growth performance, digestive capacity and metabolic nutrient utilization in juvenile gilthead seabream fed a low fishmeal level diet. Two practical diets were formulated to be isonitrogenous (crude protein, 45.4% DM), isolipidic (18.5% DM) and isoenergetic (gross energy, 21.3 kJ/g DM). The control diet (CTRL) was formulated with intermediate levels of marine-derived proteins (19%). In the same basal formulation, 5% glycerol (GLY) was incorporated at the expenses of wheat. Each dietary treatment was tested in triplicate tanks over 63 days, with 20 gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata), with a mean initial body weight (IBW) of 27.9  0.12 g. At the end of the trial, fish fed the CTRL diet reached a final body weight of 84.3  2.2 g (more than 3-fold increase of initial body weight). Fish fed the GLY diet showed a significantly higher (P<0.05) growth, expressed in terms of final body weight and specific growth rate. Voluntary feed intake was similar between the two treatments, but both feed efficiency and protein efficiency ratio were significantly improved (P<0.05) in fish fed the GLY diet. Dietary glycerol had no effect (P>0.05) on the apparent digestibility of protein. In comparison to the control treatment, dietary glycerol significantly improved (P<0.05) protein and fat retention. Activities of digestive enzymes were significantly affected by the various dietary treatments. Fish fed the GLY diet showed an enhanced activity of alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and pepsin, while activities of lipase and leucine-alanine peptidase (LAP) were little affected by dietary glycerol. Fish show the ability to use crude glycerol as a dietary energy substrate.


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Biologia Marinha, Especialização em Aquacultura e Pescas, Faculdade de Ciências do Mar e do Ambiente, Universidade do Algarve, 2008


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The purpose of this study was to compare xenobiotic CYP1A induction in liver, gills, and excretory kidney of gilthead seabream, Sparus aurata. Fishes were exposed via water for 20 days to different concentrations of benzo(a)pyrene (B(a)P) or 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD). CYP1A was measured at the enzyme activity level as 7-ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (EROD) activity, and at the protein level by means of ELISA. The liver displayed the highest absolute levels of EROD activity, both under non-exposed and exposed conditions. Organ- or inducer-related differences in the time course of CYP1A induction were moderate; however, the magnitude of the induction response varied between the organs and between B(a)P and TCDD. In the case of TCDD, liver, and kidney yielded a comparable induction response, whereas in the case of B(a)P, the kidney showed a substantially higher maximum induction factor than the liver. In the gills, the two xenobiotics resulted in similar maximum induction factors. In B(a)P-exposed seabream, EROD activities and CYP1A protein levels showed a good correlation in all three organs, whereas with TCDD as inducer the correlation was poor, what was mainly due to a decrease of EROD activities at the higher concentrations of TCDD, while CYP1A protein levels showed no concomitant decline. Overall, the study revealed both similarities and differences in the time-, concentration-, and inducer-dependent CYP1A responses of the three target organs, liver, kidney, and gills. Although, the findings of this study principally confirm the notion of the liver as the major metabolic organ in fish, they also provide evidence for substantial metabolic potential in gills and particularly in the kidney.


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Tese de Doutoramento, Biologia Molecular, Faculdade de Ciências do Mar e do Ambiente, Universidade do Algarve, 2001


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Watanabe et al. (1991 a,b) state that, vitamin E and carotenoids perform an essential role on the quality of egg spawning. Vitamin E is one of the main nutrients for the reproduction of fish (Izquierdo et al., 2001), and it has been proved that its inclusion in diets for broodstocks favors the quality of egg spawning in several species of fish (Watanabe and Takashima,1977; Takeuchi et al., 1981; Watanabe et al., 1985, 1991 a,b; Sutjaritvongsanon, 1987; Watanabe, 1990; Schimittou, 1993; Mushiake et al., 1993; Dube, 1996; Shiranee and Natarajan, 1996; Izquierdo et al., 2001; Morehead et al., 2001; Fernández- Palacios et al., 2005). On the other hand, the carotenoids which also perform an antioxidizing function (including the protection of lipids from oxidation), have been involved in the reproductive processes of marine organisms: crustaceans (Liñan-Cabello et al., 2002), marine fish (Watanabe y Kiron, 1995; Verakunpiriya et al., 1997 a,b; Vassallo-Agius et al., 2001 a,b,c, 2002; Watanabe and Vassallo-Agius 2003) and fresh water fish (Ahmadi et al., 2006). The results of this study suggest that the recommended levels of n-3 HUFA in diets for gilthead sea bream broodstocks could be increased up to 3,5 % when supplemented jointly with carotenoids from paprika oleoresin and vitamin E, thus favoring the quality of spawning.


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Dissesrtação de Mestrado, Biologia Marinha, Especialização em Pescas e Aquacultura, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2009


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Aquacultura, Unidade de Ciências e Tecnologias dos Recursos Aquáticos, Universidade do Algarve, 1997


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[ES] Se estudia la utilización nutritiva de niveles crecientes de cuatro fuentes proteicas, harina de soja, de altramuz, harina de gluten de maíz y harina de carne y huesos, alternativas a la harina de pescado en dietas de engorde para dorada, especie que junto con la lubina ha experimentado uno de los mayores índices de crecimiento en el terreno de la acuicultura en los últimos 20 años en Europa


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Since sudden mortalities and increased skeletal deformities in gilthead seabream juveniles are currently found in production hatcheries, this study aimed to evaluate the contribution of essential fatty acids, particularly DHA over early feed quality, larval growth, survival and the apparition of skeleton abnormalities in highly commercial interest specie such as Sparus aurata. Sea bream larvae were reared under intensive conditions and fed rotifers enriched with two different enrichment emulsions differing in DHA content. Thus, essential fatty acid composition of rotifers, showed fatty acid profile of enrichment emulsions. The increase in rotifers DHA (10.0 to 25.4% TFA) were also reflected in a higher DHA content in the FA composition of larval fed this rotifers (13.0 to 20.4% TFA) when these preys were the main source of food (14dah). Survival at 50 days after hatching (13.9±4.3) and growth evolution from 3dah until day 50, were similar in both treatments, whereas bone malformations, particularly opercula reduction, and jaw deformities were higher in higher DHA rotifers fed larvae.


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The effects of dietary lipid levels in the spawning quality has been studied in several cultured fish species. Works like those of Watanabe et al. (1984 a); Mourente et al. (1989); Dhert et al. (1991); Bruce et al. (1993); Navas et al. (1997); Rodriguez et al. (1998); Lavens et al. (1999); Furuita et al. (2002, 2003 b); Mazorra et al. (2003); Fernandez- Palacios (2005) and Aijun et al. (2005) show that lipids and fatty acids are the dietetic components that have more influence in the spawning quality, specially in those species with continuous spawning which display short vitellogenesis periods and are able to incorporate these dietetic components in eggs during the spawning period. Diets for gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) broodstock with dietary levels of 2.84% n-3 HUFA, combined with levels of 250 mg/kg vitamine E rasure good spawning quality. Putting so indicative the importance for an effective utilization of essential fatty acids the use of adequate levels of antioxidants.


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La presenza di residui dei farmaci ad uso umano e veterinario nelle acque superficiali è in costante aumento a causa del loro elevato consumo. L’impatto ambientale dei prodotti farmaceutici è riconosciuto in tutto il mondo ma attualmente ancora non sono presenti degli Standard di qualità ambientale per queste sostanze in ambiente acquatico. L’agenzia europea per i farmaci (EMEA) ha introdotto delle linee guida per la valutazione del rischio ambientale per tutti i nuovi farmaci prima di provvedere alla registrazione, ma in nessun caso la loro autorizzazione in commercio è vietata. Una volta assunti, i farmaci sono escreti dagli organismi in forma nativa o come metaboliti, e attraverso gli scarichi urbani raggiungono i depuratori che li rimuovono solo in parte. Di conseguenza, i residui dei farmaci vengono ritrovati nei fiumi, nei laghi, fino alle acque marine costiere. Anche se presenti a basse concentrazioni (ng-μg/L) nelle acque superficiali, i farmaci possono provocare effetti avversi negli organismi acquatici. Queste specie rappresentano involontari bersagli. Tuttavia molti di essi possiedono molecole target simili a quelle dell’uomo, con i quali i farmaci interagiscono per indurre gli effetti terapeutici; in questo caso i farmaci ambientali possono causare effetti specifici ma indesiderati sulla fisiologia degli animali acquatici. Le interazioni possono essere anche non specifiche perché dovute agli effetti collaterali dei farmaci, ad esempio effetti ossidativi, con potenziali conseguenze negative su vertebrati ed invertebrati. In questo lavoro sono stati valutati i potenziali effetti indotti nelle larve di orata da quattro classi di farmaci ovvero: carbamazepina (antiepilettico), ibuprofene (antinfiammatorio non steroideo), caffeina (stimolante) e novobiocina (antibiotico). In particolare, in questo lavoro si è valutato inizialmente il tasso di sopravvivenza delle larve di orata esposte ai farmaci, per verificare se l’esposizione determinasse effetti di tossicità acuta; successivamente si è passati alla valutazione di due biomarker : il danno al DNA e la perossidazione lipidica per verificare la presenza di effetti tossici sub-letali. Le larve sono state esposte per 96 ore alle concentrazioni di 0.1, 1 (MEC), 10 e 50 µg/L (>MEC) di carbamazepina e novobiocina, a 0.1, 5 (MEC),10 e 50 µg/L (> MEC) di ibuprofene ed a 0.1, 5 (MEC),15 e 50 µg/L (> MEC) di caffeina, rappresentative delle concentrazioni riscontrate in ambiente acquatico e al di sopra di quest’ultimo. L’analisi dei dati sulla sopravvivenza ha dimostrato che la carbamazepina, l’ibuprofene, la novobiocina e la caffeina non hanno effetti significativi alle concentrazioni testate. La valutazione dei biomarker ha evidenziato un generale decremento significativo dei livelli di danno primario al DNA e per la perossidazione lipidica è stato generalmente osservato un decremento alle dosi dei farmaci più basse, seguito da un aumento a quelle più elevate. Nell’insieme i dati indicano che alle concentrazioni testate, i farmaci carbamazepina, caffeina, ibuprofene e novobiocina non hanno prodotto alterazioni attribuibili alla comparsa di effetti avversi nelle larve di S. aurata dopo 96 ore di esposizione.


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A growth trial was conducted to estimate the optimum requirement of dietary available phosphorus (P) for black seabream (Sparus macrocephalus) in indoor net cages (1.5x1.0x1.0 m). Triplicate groups of black seabream (11.45 +/- 0.02 g) were fed diets containing graded levels (0.18, 0.36, 0.54, 0.72, 0.89 and 1.07%) of available P to satiation for 8 weeks. The basal diet (diet 1), containing 0.18% available P, was supplemented with graded levels of monosodium phosphate (NaH2PO4 2H(2)O) to formulate five experimental diets. The fish were fed twice daily (08:00 h and 16:00 h) and reared in seawater (salinity, 26-29 g l(-1)) at a temperature of 28 +/- 1 degrees C. Dissolved oxygen during the experiment was above 5 mg l(-1). The specific growth rate (SGR), weight gain (WG), feed efficiency (FE) and protein efficiency ratio (PER) were all significantly improved by dietary phosphorus up to 0.54% (P<0.05) and then leveled off beyond this level. Hepatosomatic index (HSI) was inversely correlated with dietary phosphorus levels (P< 0.05). Efficiency of P utilization stabled in fish fed diets containing 0.18%-0.54% available P and then decreased dramatically with further supplementation of dietary phosphorus. Body composition analysis showed that the whole-body lipid, ash, calcium and phosphorus contents were all significantly affected by dietary available P concentration (P<0.05), however, no significance were found in whole-body calcium/phosphorus (Ca/P) ratios among all the treatments (P>0.05). Dietary phosphorus levels also affected the mineralization of vertebrae, skin and scale (P<0.05). Ca/P ratios in vertebrae and scale were not influenced by dietary P supplementation, while skin Ca/P ratio increased statistically with dietary available P levels (quadratic effect, P<0.001). The blood chemistry analysis showed that dietary available P had distinct effects on enzyme activities of alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and plasma lysozyme (LSZ), as well as contents of triacyglycerol (TG) and total cholesterol (T-CHO) (P<0.05). Broken-line analysis showed maximum weight gain (WG) was obtained at dietary available P concentrations of 0.55%. Quadratic analysis based on P contents in whole fish, vertebrae or scale indicated that the requirements were 0.81, 0.87 and 0.88%, respectively. Signs of phosphorus deficiency were characterized by poor growth, slightly reduced mineralization and an increase in body lipid content. (C) 2008 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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The substitution of dietary docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) with eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) reduces larval growth in gilthead sea bream. However, the value of EPA when dietary DHA is able to meet the requirements of the larvae has not been sufficiently studied. Dietary phosphoacylgliceride levels also affect fish growth and it has been suggested that they enhance lipid transport in developing larvae. The present experiment was carried out to further study the effect of dietary lecithin and eicosapentaenoic acid on growth, survival, stress resistance,. larval fatty acid composition and lipid transport, when DHA is present in the microdiets of gilthead:sea bream. Eighteen thousand gilt-head sea bream larvae of 4.99+/-0.53 mm total length were fed three microdiets tested by triplicate: a control diet [2% soybean lecithin (SBL) and 2.89% EPA], a low EPA diet,(2% SBL and 1.63% EPA) and a no SBL diet (0% SBL and 2.71% EPA). Handling, temperature and salinity tests determined larval resistance to stress. The results show that when dietary DHA levels are high, but dietary arachidonic acid (ARA) levels are about 0.2%, EPA is necessary to improve larval growth, and survival. Larval EPA content, but not DHA or ARA, was affected by dietary EPA levels. Increased dietary EPA improved larval stress resistance to handling and temperature tests, which could be related to its possible role as a regulator of cortisol production whereas it did not affect stress resistance after salinity shock. Larvae fed the no SBL diet showed a lower lipid content characterized by a low proportion of saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids, together with a significant reduction in the appearance of lipoprotein particles in the lamina propria and in the size of such particles, denoting a critical reduction in dietary lipid transport and utilization, and lower larval growth and survival rates.