115 resultados para SAX


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Since GHB (gamma-hydroxybutyric acid) is naturally produced in the human body, clinical and forensic toxicologists must be able to discriminate between endogenous levels and a concentration resulting from exposure. To suggest an alternative to the use of interpretative concentration cut-offs, the detection of exogenous GHB in urine specimens was investigated by means of gas chromatography/combustion/isotope ratio mass spectrometry (GC/C/IRMS). GHB was isolated from urinary matrix by successive purification on Oasis MCX and Bond Elute SAX solid-phase extraction (SPE) cartridges prior to high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) fractioning using an Atlantis dC18 column eluted with a mixture of formic acid and methanol. Subsequent intramolecular esterification of GHB leading to the formation of gamma-butyrolactone (GBL) was carried out to avoid introduction of additional carbon atoms for carbon isotopic ratio analysis. A precision of 0.3 per thousand was determined using this IRMS method for samples at GHB concentrations of 10 mg/L. The (13)C/(12)C ratios of GHB in samples of subjects exposed to the drug ranged from -32.1 to -42.1 per thousand, whereas the results obtained for samples containing GHB of endogenous origin at concentration levels less than 10 mg/L were in the range -23.5 to -27.0 per thousand. Therefore, these preliminary results show that a possible discrimination between endogenous and exogenous GHB can be made using carbon isotopic ratio analyses.


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Infectious and inflammatory diseases have repeatedly shown strong genetic associations within the major histocompatibility complex (MHC); however, the basis for these associations remains elusive. To define host genetic effects on the outcome of a chronic viral infection, we performed genome-wide association analysis in a multiethnic cohort of HIV-1 controllers and progressors, and we analyzed the effects of individual amino acids within the classical human leukocyte antigen (HLA) proteins. We identified >300 genome-wide significant single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) within the MHC and none elsewhere. Specific amino acids in the HLA-B peptide binding groove, as well as an independent HLA-C effect, explain the SNP associations and reconcile both protective and risk HLA alleles. These results implicate the nature of the HLA-viral peptide interaction as the major factor modulating durable control of HIV infection.


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BACKGROUND: Exposure to urinary catheters is considered the most important risk factor for healthcare-associated urinary tract infection (UTI) and is associated with significant morbidity and substantial extra-costs. In this study, we assessed the impact of urinary catheterisation (UC) on symptomatic healthcare-associated UTI among hospitalized patients. METHODS: A nationwide period prevalence survey of healthcare-associated infections was conducted during 1 May to 30 June 2004 in 49 Swiss hospitals and included 8169 adult patients (4313 female; 52.8%) hospitalised in medical, surgical, intermediate, and intensive care wards. Additional data were collected on exposure to UC to investigate factors associated with UTI among hospitalised adult patients exposed and non-exposed to UC. RESULTS: 1917 (23.5%) patients were exposed to UC within the week prior to survey day; 126 (126/8169; 1.5%) developed UTI. Exposure to UC preceded UTI only in 73 cases (58%). By multivariate logistic regression analysis, UTI was independently associated with exposure to UC (odds ratio [OR], 3.9 [95% CI, 2.6-5.9]), female gender (OR, 2.1 [95% CI, 1.4-3.1]), an American Society of Anesthesiologists' score > 2 points (OR, 3.2 [95% CI, 1.1-9.4], and prolonged hospital stay >20 days (OR, 1.9 [95% CI, 1.4-3.2]. Further analysis showed that the only significant factor for UTI with exposure to UC use was prolonged hospital stay >40 days (OR, 2.9 [95% CI, 1.3-6.1], while female gender only showed a tendency (OR, 1.6 [95% CI, 1.0-2.7]. In the absence of exposure to UC, the only significant risk factor for UTI was female gender (OR, 3.3 [95% CI, 1.7-6.5]). CONCLUSIONS: Exposure to UC was the most important risk factor for symptomatic healthcare-associated UTI, but only concerned about half of all patients with UTI. Further investigation is warranted to improve overall infection control strategies for UTI.


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Primary bloodstream infection (BSI) is a leading, preventable infectious complication in critically ill patients and has a negative impact on patients' outcome. Surveillance definitions for primary BSI distinguish those that are microbiologically documented from those that are not. The latter is known as clinical sepsis, but information on its epidemiologic importance is limited. We analyzed prospective on-site surveillance data of nosocomial infections in a medical intensive care unit. Of the 113 episodes of primary BSI, 33 (29%) were microbiologically documented. The overall BSI infection rate was 19.8 episodes per 1,000 central-line days (confidence interval [CI] 95%, 16.1 to 23.6); the rate fell to 5.8 (CI 3.8 to 7.8) when only microbiologically documented episodes were considered. Exposure to vascular devices was similar in patients with clinical sepsis and patients with microbiologically documented BSI. We conclude that laboratory-based surveillance alone will underestimate the incidence of primary BSI and thus jeopardize benchmarking.


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OBJECTIVE:: To assess the overall burden of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) in patients exposed and nonexposed to surgery. BACKGROUND:: Targeted HAI surveillance is common in healthcare institutions, but may underestimate the overall burden of disease. METHODS:: Prevalence study among patients hospitalized in 50 acute care hospitals participating in the Swiss Nosocomial Infection Prevalence surveillance program. RESULTS:: Of 8273 patients, 3377 (40.8%) had recent surgery. Overall, HAI was present in 358 (10.6%) patients exposed to surgery, but only in 206 (4.2%) of 4896 nonexposed (P < 0.001). Prevalence of surgical site infection (SSI) was 5.4%. Healthcare-associated infections prevalence excluding SSI was 6.5% in patients with surgery and 4.7% in those without (P < 0.0001). Patients exposed to surgery carried less intrinsic risk factors for infection (age >60 years, 55.6% vs 63.0%; American Society of Anesthesiologists score >3, 5.9% vs 9.3%; McCabe for rapidly fatal disease, 3.9% vs 6.6%; Charlson comorbidity index >2, 12.3% vs 20.9%, respectively; all P < 0.001) than those nonexposed, but more extrinsic risk factors (urinary catheters, 39.6% vs 14.1%; central venous catheters, 17.8% vs 7.1%; mechanical ventilation, 4.7% vs 1.3%; intensive care stay, 18.3% vs 8.8%, respectively; all P < 0.001). Exposure to surgery independently predicted an increased risk of HAI (odds ratio 2.43; 95% CI 2.0-3.0). CONCLUSIONS:: Despite a lower intrinsic risk, patients exposed to surgery carried more than twice the overall HAI burden than those nonexposed; almost half was accountable to SSI. Extending infection control efforts beyond SSI prevention in these patients might be rewarding, especially because of the extrinsic nature of risk factors.


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In this note we report high time resolution V Johnson photometry of the microquasar V4641 Sgr (SAX J1819.3-2525 - XTE J1819-254). This source was discovered as an X-ray transient by BeppoSAX and RossiXTE satellites (In't Zand et al. 1999; Markwardt et al. 1999). On 1999 September, a very fast transient optical and X-ray outburst was observed, reaching up to ...


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Das hier frei verfügbare Skript und die Sammlung an Klausuren mit Musterlösungen aus den Jahren 2006 bis 2015 geht auf die gleichnamige Vorlesung im Bachelorstudiengang Informatik an der Universität Kassel zurück, die von Prof. Dr. Wegner und ab 2012 von Dr. Schweinsberg angeboten wurde. Behandelt werden die Grundlagen der eXtensible Markup Language, die sich als Datenaustauschsprache etabliert hat. Im Gegensatz zu HTML erlaubt sie die semantische Anreicherung von Dokumenten. In der Vorlesung wird die Entwicklung von XML-basierten Sprachen sowie die Transformierung von XML-Dokumenten mittels Stylesheets (eXtensible Stylesheet Language XSL) behandelt. Ebenfalls werden die DOM-Schnittstelle (Document Object Model) und SAX (Simple API for XML) vorgestellt.


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Resumen basado en el de la publicación


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Resumen en inglés


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Gel diagrams based on tube inversion and oscillatory rheometry are reported for Pluronic copolymers F127 (E98P67E98) and P123 (E21P67E21) in mixtures with anionic surfactant sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS). Total concentrations (e, SDS+copolymer) were as high as 50 wt% with mole ratios SDS/copolymer (mr) in the ranges 1-5 (F127) a lid 1-7 (PI 23). Temperatures were its high as 90 degrees C. Determination of the temperature dependences of the dynamic moduli served to confirm the gel boundaries from tube inversion and to reveal the high elastic moduli of the gels, e.g., compared at corn parable positions in the gel phase, a 50 wt% SDS/P123 wit h mr = 7 had G' three times that of a corresponding gel of P123 alone. Sin all-angle X-ray scattering (SAX S) was used to show that the structures of all the SDS/F127 gels were bee and that the structures of the SDS/P123 gels with mr = I were either fcc(c = 30 wt%) or hex (c = 40 wt%). Assignment of structures to SDS/P123 gels with values of mr in the range 3-7 was more difficult, as high-order scattering peaks Could be very weak, and at the higher values of c and mr, the SAXS peaks included multiple reflections.


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In metazoans, bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPS) direct a myriad of developmental and adult homeostatic evens through their heterotetrameric type I and type II receptor complexes. We examined 3 existing and 12 newly generated mutations in the Drosophila type I receptor gene, saxophone (sax), the ortholog of the human Activin Receptor-Like. Kinasel and -2 (ALK1/ACVR1 and ALK2/ACVR1) genes. Our genetic analyses identified two distinct classes of sax alleles. The first class consists of homozygous viable gain-of-function (GOF) alleles that exhibit (1) synthetic lethality in combination with mutations in BMP pathway components, and (2) significant maternal effect lethality that can be rescued by an increased dosage of the BMP encoding gene, dpp(+). In contrast, the second class consists of alleles that are recessive lethal and do not exhibit lethality in combination with mutations in other BMP pathway components. The alleles in this second class are clearly loss-of-function (LOF) with both complete and partial loss-of-function mutations represented. We find that one allele in the second class of recessive lethals exhibits dominant-negative behavior, albeit distinct from the GOF activity of the first class of viable alleles. On the basis of the fact that the first class of viable alleles can be reverted to lethality and on our ability to independently generate recessive lethal sat mutations, our analysis demonstrates that sax is an essential gene. Consistent with this conclusion, we find that a normal sax transcript is produced by sax(P), a viable allele previously reported to be mill, and that this allele can be reverted to lethality. Interestingly, we determine that two mutations in the first: class of sax alleles show the same amino acid substitutions as mutations in the human receptors ALK1/ACVR1-1 and ACVR1/ALK2, responsible for cases of hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia type 2 (HHT2) and fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP), respectively. Finally, the data presented here identify different functional requirements for the Sax receptor, support the proposal that Sax participates in a heteromeric receptor complex, and provide a mechanistic framework for future investigations into disease states that arise from defects in BMP/TGF-beta signaling.


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Med de premisser att det endast är priset som avgör materialvalet i plåten till väggskenorna såverkar inte höghållfast plåt vara något konkurrenskraftigt alternativ till det befintliga ochmjukare stålet som används i väggskenorna i den befintliga utrustningen.Förslaget på en layout av produktionsutrustning för tillverkning av hyllskenor är en komplett ocheffektiv rullformningslinje som tillverkar väggskenor, hålade U-profiler, som sedan är klara förlackering. Förslaget på produktionslayout innebär utrustningsmässigt ett flöde frånutgångsmaterialet, en haspel för plåtband, en slinga går till inledare, stansning av hålbild,rullformningsdel, riktverktyg och slutligen en sax som kan klippa väggskenorna till önskadlängd. Detta skulle innebära en förbättring i form av en mer resurssnål tillverkning (lean) för SalsAB. Sals skulle då i stället för som med dagens befintliga system som bygger på inköp avtillverkade U-profiler då på ett kontrollerat och mer effektivt sätt själva kunna styra och utförahela produktionen av hyllskenor. Produktionen skulle då ske genom att tillverka väggskenornahelt på egen hand från hasplad plåt. Produktionen kan då utföras mot kundorder, ”just in time”,och därmed undkomma behovet av någon lagerföring av obearbetade profiler vilket annars krävsmed de hittills partivis inköpta U-profiler samt att inte vara längre vara beroende av fungerandeleveranser av dessa.


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Este relatório apresenta uma análise da bibliografia brasileira e da bibliografia internacional (anglo-saxã) sobre redes e empresas com o objetivo de contribuir para o debate teórico e orientar futuras pesquisas empíricas sobre o tema no Brasil, especialmente no campo da teoria das organizações e sociologia econômica. Para tanto, analisamos a bibliografia publicada nos últimos 10 anos (1990 a 2003) que trabalham com a abordagem de redes em três campos específicos: 1) a formação de redes entre empresas e o local onde estão inseridas; 2) o papel das redes na promoção de mudanças organizacionais e inovação; 3) o desenvolvimento de relações de confiança entre empresas e seu impacto na definição de estratégias empresariais.